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Good hove sn @ ean, + dig into a problans E W4de. + rate th clown mt ser all Hh fers ~_ male easton slowly DIGGERS 5 Diggers are good to have on a team because they thnk abot sane teat Toy want tog” aprtleard rst ‘Foun so théy can see all ofthe facts. When they have them fi then they can make their final decision. Consequently, they {sualy oclyery confident about thelr choices. However, they fb can wed out making decisions, and they may.nataffer their ‘7. opinions to others unti the very ond. This can make other people 7 wrongly assume that they arent really working on the problem. 4 solve gmblem quéclely DOERS: » — iran sy = foal incl fin Complere elt For Doers, getting toa solution qulcky Is very important ‘Tey don't spond as much tie asking questions or igang Inte proBlome. They pretertofogus.on the present because {hoyiont want to waato time thinking about the pat They ty to koop things moving along inthe ight cretion, Sometimes, ree ont oven walt find the complet sluton. Fr then, it's OK to just sob fom and move on. 5, Doers re excont at alvng things quick but sometimes oer ‘people see them as too impatient. ‘Reasoners are the people who ike to Keep things smal hen they deal with a complex problem, they prefer tofoove cn ont. They don't want to worry about jeans they solve ral "Mito, for Reasoners, thd best” solution s Panera they came up with Unforunately, hey also Hae i seideas. AS a result, people 8 ae os see Reasoners as too confident or raga ial tall, whic ue out wat kind of problen-soher Use, you can understand how you ink, Perhaps more epertanty you wil also begin to see how oer people Wow 0 “Thatis very important because moe importa. ost point klle people ree suoaadin Saas Were col ‘students aan cmhod to workin grou and eam poe, Wom yout be & pat of many teams, arn need to come to sobtons tage: When You kN he strengths and your weaknesses of your ‘Tink you lb ao to werk wh thers ove proves ven TO successful. ‘8 When you fig READING? 141 Scanned with CamScanner B, VOCABULARY Here are some words from Readiig 2. Read the definitions. ‘Then complete each sentence with the correct word. “eveagant (ad) behaving in a proud or unpleasant way, showing little thought for other people ‘come up with (v.phr) to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc, Unit 6 > Activity 7 42 UNITE Are you a good decision maker? Scanned with CamScanner $4 dour © Boden 3/6715 Dour 44st Poon 1, 415 15 G. IDENTIFY What is the main id@@ of the article? Circe the answer. a. People are always solving problems in their lives, but some people take more time to solve problems than other people. = Understanding the personalities of different kinds of problem-solvers can help People be more successful when working with others. cham . Teamwork has become one of the mast important skills in the workplace and at school because people always workin groups. chun & 4. Reasoners and Doers prefer to solve problems slowly, but Diggers, Ideators, and Questionérs take more time making decisions. fat D. CATEGORIZE Read each set of positive and negative characteristics, Then write the type of problem-soiver they describe, Se DOERS ‘They solvepzoblemsuery "| They can be impatient. suk ° Gtuacpaople | They solvenrablems 2 QUESIONERS | Time | tonerthnaties They are able toseealthe | They are slow to give their * DIGGERS detasofa problem. | opinion abouta solution. Theyare abletosole | Theycanbeseen as © REASONERS — | Protemsfasterthan | arrogant. others They comedpwithdeas | They can annoy people 5 ppRATORS — | thatroaneese thinks | whowanta rea! solution. about. . EVALUATE Look at the positive and negative characteristics of the five ‘categories of people in Activity D, How are the types similar and different? With a partner, use the phrases below to state the similarities and differences. (Questioners) and (Ideators) are: (Questioners) and (Ideators) are diferent because... lar because -. READING? 143 Scanned with CamScanner F. IDENTIFY Read these sentences from Reading 2. Then answer the ‘questions. Find the sentences in the reading to help you. 11. (Paragraph 1) You might want to fix it quickly, but others want to take theirtime, What does it referto?__Problem . (Paragraph 3) They want to make sure they have thought about everything + before making a decision. i Who does they referto? __ Question ex: * Paragraph 4) They can easly influence people because their ideas are so unique, Who doestheyreferto?__tdemturs (Paragraph 4) They thinkof lots of solutions, and some of them may never work Whaedoesthemieferee_Adtahyng 5. Paragraph 5) When th rey have them all, then they can make their final decision, What does them refer to? __qtl 4 & Paragraph 6) For them, i's OX just solve pare ‘ofthe problem and move on. ee eRe a aE CRITICAL THINKIN When ou last information you ange dea inn é . into seats nerdlag how hy ares gens Sess the autor clatiied people ine fe dite Po ADL, in pesto stow wh sei abouachone a ee Deters sindaeand itech Jou are 1Q iRemCE| Go online to watch the Critical Thin your comprehension. Practice > Unit king Vide 6» Activity g 2 “4° aNd check 144 UNIT6 Are youa good decison maker? Scanned with CamScanner G. CATEGORIZE Read about the different problem-sotvers, Classify them according to the type.of problem-solver they are. Go back to Reading 2 to help you. : Tdeodors 1. Everybody loves Rodolfo! He has the mast interesting ideas, and he's always thinking of new ways to do something. The only problem is sometimes he doesn't stay focused on the real problem. Di'ggers 2. Maryam is eally good to have on our team because she helps us break down a problem Then each of usean ‘work on a different detail ata time. Unfortunately, sometimes she can take a Tong time to gure out what those detail are. Door 3. Norbertis the guy you wanton yauteam if you want something done on time In fact, he's fast that he usually fnishes his protects ceailyl Norbertis good for me because sometimes L am just way too slow at completing a project. Quzstoner 4. Rushlissuch patent pexsnt He wil so veranda and ‘over something until he finds she answer he's looking for. Sometimes say f0 him, "Well, what do you think?” His response? “Tknow what! shin but what doyouthink?” Kooga ner <5. Bridget isan interesting person. She's verysmart, and she ‘can deal with all kinds of problems, from simple to complex. However, she often doesnt sealy hear what other people ae trying to say, and that can upset them. -E What kind of problem-solver do you think like the most? Write a H, COMPOS! paragraph of 5-8 sentences in response. READING? 145 re Scanned with CamScanner ‘A, INTERPRET Match each phrasal verb with its definition below. Loo! k back a the readings to help you, ay cs ONE Cab OPS aah C_ 1. runinto (Reading 1, Paragraph) 7 1M 1 Ps -b. 2 end up (Reading Paragraphs) lei! “Mey A. 3 chinkelttgh Reading 1, Paragraph) + to shel ©. 4. break down (Reading 2, Paragraph 5) as, ‘move along (Reading 2, Paragraph 6) + 415% hu -D 6. figure out (Reading 2, Paragraph 8) + Wis y MHL vg © to think about something until you understand it -b- tofind yourself in a place or situation that: ‘© tocxperience problems 4 tokeep something going ‘you did not intend or expect to be in “Srp seParate things into par inorder to analyze itor make iteasier todo F toconsidera problem or a possible course. ofaction fully 5. APPLY Complete each sentence with the ‘ottect phrasal verb from Activity A. 1. Twant to compl ‘hs Potty the endof che ay but Lehink wit rove alans ‘having to bring it homme to finish it Nee inet i Ais acute uestion because she didn’t und stand lot of the vocabulary inthe text, 3. My algebra teacher has the ability to complex math ‘Problem into smaller pieces so students can und, lerstand ic better. 4. Some people in thin troub Mewhen they make the wrong Judgment about someone new they meet. ‘S ee ane cabaret ng = Sa Wickly so that can find a solution and not wast time, Las 6. The! ease sN_shnuah_ allot be cnsegnen og actions. Asa result he made a big mistake and got into trouble with his Parents, 1Q PRACTICE’ Go online for more practice with phrasal verbs, Practice > Unit 6 > Activity 9 148 UNIT Are you a good decision maker? Se Scanned with CamScanner

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