Affidavite For Date of Birth Correction in My Policy

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Affidavite for Date of Birth correction in my Policy

I, Bahadur Singh Bisht Son of Sh. Dhan Singh Bisht Resident of Saur, Nainital, Uttrakhand -
263159, Do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:
1. That I am the citizen of India.
2. That I have policy with Life Insurance Corporatioin Of India Life bearing no. 333603694.
3. That by mistake my Birth date has been wrongly mentioned as 01/07/1983 instead of
16/09/1984 in the above mentioned Policy.
4. That in the all document my name and date of birth is mentioned as Bahadur Singh Bisht
dated 16/09/1984 including my Aadhaar card bearing Aadhaar no. 2990 7609 1110.
5. That this is also to categorically state that my DOB is 16/09/1984.
6. That I therefore request the concerned authorities to may please update and rectify my
date of birth as 16/09/1984.
7. That I am enclosing a self-attested copy of Aadhaar card as a proof of my correct name.
8. That above mentioned all the details are true and correct.
(Bahadur Singh Bisht)
Verified at Gurgaon on this 16th Januarry 2024 that the contents of the above affidavit
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that nothing material has been
concealed there from.
(Bahadur Singh Bisht)

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