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Republic of the Philippines


Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuse
Calauan, Laguna Campus



Postre, Frances Jayla B.

Doc. Elmer Escala
A.Y 2023 | 2024
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuse
Calauan, Laguna Campus


Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.In "Ecological
Literacy among Secondary School Students," Adawiah and Norizan (2013) identified essential ecological
concepts that students need to understand. Let us see how well you know and understand these concepts
by writing on the corresponding column key ideas.

The Ecosystem A community of living organisms interacting with

each other and their nonliving environment.
Succession The gradual sequence of changes in an ecosystem
leading to a mature community.
Energy Flow The transfer of energy through a food chain or web,
often starting with sunlight.
Conservation of Resources The wise use and protection of natural resources
for future generations.
Competition The struggle between organisms for the same
limited resources, like food, space, or mates.
Niche The specific role and ecological space occupied by
an organism within an ecosystem.
Materials Cycling The continuous movement of nutrients and
elements between living and nonliving parts of an
The Community A group of interacting populations of different
species living in the same area.
Life History Strategies The reproductive and survival traits an organism
uses to maximize its success in a particular
Ecosystem Fragility The vulnerability of an ecosystem to disturbances
and its ability to recover.
Food Webs A complex network of interconnected feeding
relationships between organisms in an ecosystem.
Ecological Adaptation The features or behaviors that allow an organism
to survive and reproduce in its environment.
Environmental Heterogeneity The variation in conditions within an ecosystem,
providing diverse habitats for different species.
Species Diversity The variety of different species within an
ecosystem, contributing to its stability and health.
Density Dependent Regulation Factors that affect the population size based on its
own density, like competition and predation.
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuse
Calauan, Laguna Campus

Limiting Factors Any environmental factor that restricts the growth

or survival of a population
Carrying Capacity The maximum number of individuals an ecosystem
can support sustainably.
Maximum Sustainable Yield The largest amount of a resource that can be
harvested from an ecosystem without harming its
long-term productivity.
Population Cycles The regular fluctuations in the size of a population
over time.
Predator-Prey Interactions The complex relationship between predators and
their prey, influencing each other's populations.

2. There are so many environmental problems that are needed to be tackled about, but as for me, i want to
elaborate more on climate change, since it is the bigges ecological problem that we have as of now. Simply
taking trash into trash bags and put it into their designated trash bins can be a great help to lessen the
effect of climate change. Because garbage cause soil pollution taht can lead to a weak soil that can lead to
the losses of trees and may lead to a much wprse problems like typhons.

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.

1. Develop a personal definition of sustainability.

 Sustainability for me is the ability to sustain every resources that we have in order to prolong the
process of consuming it, also meeting all the needs without sacrificing our natural resources.

2. What are greening initiatives done by your department or college?

 There was one time in our CWTS subject that requires us to plant atleast one tree per person, we
also did cleaning in some remote areas where garbage are literally everywhere, by that, we did not
just help planting trees or greens, but we also helped by cleaning out garbage that causes
disturbance in every water way possible.
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuse
Calauan, Laguna Campus


Questions to Ponder
Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers in the space provided.

1. What is your personal definition of creativity?

 My personal definition of creativity is that, it uses imaginations and that incorporates in the original
context of the ideas, by that, people who uses imaginations makes a more creative output and

2. Recall some of the creative classroom activities you had in school. What made them creative?

 Last 2022, December, our first year as a college, we decorated our classroom with the theme of
PASKONG PINOY, we did a lot of creative works, including; Banderitas, Christmas design using
coconut husk, a Christmas Tree using "Baging", we did Kubo na attached to the wall, we weaved,
and we made parol out of plastic spoon, coconut leaves and boxes. By doing that, we expressed our
creativity in a most creative way that made us won two prizes.

3. Is creativity the same with innovativeness? Read various definitions on these two concepts and organize
your notes using a Venn diagram.

4. Refer to the characteristics of artistically literate students. Examine yourself and tell whether you
possess any of the characteristics mentioned.
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuse
Calauan, Laguna Campus

 Honestly, I am not a creative person, but i am working to be one. I seek for my own forte of being

5. Explain this quote from Picasso: All children are born artists. The problem is to remain as an artist as we
grow up.

 The saying, "The problem is to remain as an artist as we grow up" perfectly captures the difficulty of
clinging to an artistic and creative attitude in the face of adult duties and expectations. It addresses
the conflict that arises between the creative, free-spirited spirit of being an artist and the practical
requirements and conformity that are frequently demanded of people as they get older. In essence,
it draws attention to the challenge of finding a balance between the demands of maintaining one's
natural creativity and the regimented features of adulthood.

React the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. How should arts leaming be structured so that students can begin to think like an artist?

 Arts learning should be structured to foster creativity, critical thinking, and self-expression.
Incorporating open-ended projects, encouraging experimentation with different mediums, and
providing opportunities for self-reflection can help students develop their artistic thinking. Exposure
to diverse artistic styles and cultural influences should be integrated to broaden perspectives.
Additionally, collaborative projects and critiques can enhance communication and analytical skills

2. What are some best practices in teaching that create an active or student- centered learning environment?

Effective teaching practices in creating an active, student-centered environment include:

 Encouraging discussions and group activities.
 Allowing students to choose topics or projects of personal interest.
 Providing hands-on experiences and real-world applications.
 Offering constructive feedback and fostering a supportive learning community.
 Integrating technology and multimedia for varied learning experiences.

3. Why are 21st century skills or personal dispositions important goals for students in arts education?

 21st-century skills, such as creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking, are crucial
in arts education. These skills prepare students for an ever-evolving global landscape, encouraging
adaptability and innovation. Personal dispositions like perseverance, curiosity, and empathy are
equally important, shaping students into well-rounded individuals capable of navigating the
complexities of the modern world.
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Branches and Campuse
Calauan, Laguna Campus

4. Guided by the characteristics mentioned, can you name artists from your 4. family, school, and
community? Make a profile of these artists.

 I only know Mr. Khalid Cañubas, he is one of our classmates. I don't know what forte he is good, but
i will guarantee you that he is artistic.

5. Choose a grade level and topic. Design instructional plan showing creative classroom activities that will
engage learners.

 Grade Level: 6th Grade Topic: Exploring Cultural Diversity through Visual Arts:**
Week 1: Introduction to Cultural Art
- Activity: Research and present a visual artist from a different culture.
- Goal: Encourage appreciation for diverse artistic expressions.

Week 2: Collaborative Mural Project

- Activity: Create a mural reflecting various cultural elements.
- Goal: Foster teamwork, creativity, and understanding of cultural symbols.

Week 3: Personal Cultural Artifacts

- Activity: Develop art pieces inspired by students' cultural backgrounds.
- Goal: Promote self-expression and cultural pride.

Week 4: Gallery Walk and Reflection

- Activity: Exhibit and discuss individual and collaborative artworks.
- Goal: Enhance communication skills and critical thinking through reflection.

This instructional plan aims to engage learners in exploring cultural diversity while developing
artistic skills and 21st-century competencies.

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