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Again, area of the parallelogram region ECGF is 2 (area of the triangular region
AEC) [since both lie on the same base and EC ll AG ).
? area of the parallelogram region ECGF = area of the triangular region ABC.
Again ‘CEF = ‘x [since EF|| CB by construction].
o the parallelogram C
G is the required parallelogram.
Construction 2
Construct a triangle with area of the triangular region equal to that of a
quadrilateral region.

Let ABCD be a quadrilateral region. To construct a triangle such that area of the is
triangular region equal to that of a rectangular region ABCD.
Construction :
Join D, B. Through C, construct CE parallel to DB which intersects the side AB
extended at E. Join D, E. Then, 'DAE is the required triangle.
Proof: The triangles BDC and BDE lie on the same base BD and DB ll CE (by
? area of the triangular region BDC = area of the triangular region BDE.
? area of the triangular region BDC + area of the triangular region ABD = area of
the triangular region BDE +area of the triangular region ABD
?area of the quadrilateral region ABCD = area of the triangular region ADE .
Therefore, 'ADE is the required triangle.
N.B. Applying the above mentioned method innumerable numbers of triangles can
be drawn whose area is equal to the area of a given quadrilateral region.
Construction 3
Construct a parallelogram, with a given an angle and the area of the bounded
region equal to that of a quadrilateral region.

Let ABCD be a quadrilateral region and ‘x be a definite angle. It is required to

construct a parallelogram with angle ‘x and the area equal to area of the
quadrilateral region ABCD.
M 24

Join B, D. Through C construct CF parallel to DB which intersects the side AB
extended at F. Find the midpoint G of the line segment AF. At A of the line segment
AG, construct ‘GAK equal to ‘x and draw GH ll AK through G. Again draw
KDH||AG through D which intersects AK and GH at K and H respectively.
Hence AGHK is the required parallelogram.
Proof: Join D, E. B
y construction AGHK is a parallelogram.
where ‘GAK ‘x . Again, area of the triangular region DAF = area of the
rectangular region ABCD and area of the parallelogram AGHK = area of the
triangular region DAF. Therefore, AGHK is the required parallelogram.

Exercise 15

1. The lengths of three sides of a triangle are given, in which case below the
construction of the right angled triangle is not possible ?
(a) 3cm, 4cm, 5 cm (b) 6cm, 8cm, 10cm
(c) 5 cm, 7cm, 9cm (d) 5 cm, 12 cm, 13cm
2. Observe the following information :
i. aEch of the bounded plane has definite area.
ii. If the area of two triangles is equal, the two angles are congruent.
iii. If the two angles are congruent, their area is equal.
hich one of the following is correct ?
(a) i and ii (b) i and iii (c) ii and iii (d) i, ii and iii
Answer question no. 3and 4on the basis of the information in the figure below,
'ABC is equilateral, ADABC and AB = 2 :

3. BD = W hat ?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 2 (d) 4
.4 W
hat is the height of the triangle ?
4 2
(a) sq. unit (b) 3 sq. unit (c) sq. unit (d) 2 3 sq. unit.
3 3
5. P
rove that the diagonals of a parallelo gram divide the parallelogram into four
equal triangular regions.
.6 rPove that the area of a square is half the area of the square drawn on its

250 ath

.7 rPove that any median of a triangle divides the triangular region into two regions
of equal area.
.8 A parallelogram and a rectangular region of equal area lie on the same side of the
bases. hSow that the perimeter of the pa rallelogram is greater than that of the
.9 X and Y are the mid points of the sides AB and AC of the triangle ABC. rPove tha t
the area of the triangular region AXY = (area of the triangular region ABC)
10. In the figure, ABCD is a trapezium with sides AB and CD parallel. Find the area
of the region bounded by the trapezium ABCD.
11. P is any point interior to the parallelogram ABCD. P rove that the area of the
triangular region PAB +the area of the triangular region PCD = (area of the
parallelogram ABCD).
12. A line parallel to BC of the triangle ABC intersects AB and AC at D and E
respectively. P rove that the area of the triangular region DBC = area of the
triangular region EBC and area of the triangular region DBF = area of the
triangular region CDE.
13. ‘A 1 right angle of the triangle ABC. D is a point on AC. rPove tha t
BC 2  AD 2 BD 2  AC 2 .
14. ABC is an equilateral triangle and AD is perpendicular to BC. rPove tha t
4 AD 2  3 AB 2 .
15. ABC is an isosceles triangle. BC is its hypotenuse and P is any point on BC.
rPove that PB 2  PC 2 2PA 2 .
16. C is an obtuse angle of 'ABC; AD is a perpendicular to BC. S how that.
AB2 = AC2 +C B 2 +2B C
17. C is an acute angle of 'ABC ; AD is a perpendicular to BC. S how that
AB 2 AC 2  BC 2  2 BC.CD .
18. AD is a median of 'ABC. S how that, AB 2  AC 2 2( BD 2  AD 2 ) .
Chapter Sixteen
The length of a line, the area of a place, the volume of a solid etc. are determined for
practical purposes. In the case of measuring any such quantity, another quantity of the
same kind having some definite magnitude is taken as unit. The ratio of the quantity
measured and the unit defined in the above process is the amount of the quantity.
Quantity measured
i.e. magnitude = Unit quantity
In the case of a fixed unit, every magnitude is a number which denotes how many
times of the unit of the magnitude is the magnitude of the quantity measured. For
example, the bench is 5 metre long. Here metre is a definite length which is taken as
a unit and in comparison to that the bench is 5 times in length.

At the end of the Chapter, the students will be able to −

¾ Determine the area of polygonal region by applying the laws of area of triangle
and quadrilateral and solve allied problems.
¾ Determine the circumference of the circle and a length of the chord of a circle.
¾ Determine the area of circle.
¾ Determie the area of circle. Determining the area of a circle and its part, solve
the alied problems.
¾ Determine the area of solid rectangles, cubes and cylinder and solve the allied
¾ Determine the area of uniform and non uniform polygonal regions.

16⋅1 Area of Triangular region

In the previous class, we learned that area of triagular region = base u height.
(1) Right Angled Triangle :
Let in the right angled triangle ABC , BC a and AB b are
the adjacent sides of the right angle. Here if we consider BC the
base and AB the height,
Area of 'ABC = base u height
= ab
(2) Two sides of a triangular region and the angle included between them are
252 Math

eLt in 'ABC the sides are :

BC a , CA b , AB c .
AD is drawn perpendicular from A to BC .
eLt altitude h( eight) AD h .
onsidering the angle C
C , we get, sin C
or, sin C or, h b sin C
Area of ' ABC = BC u AD
= a u b sin C
= absin C
imilarly, area of ' ABC = bc sin A
= ca sin B
(3) Three sides of a triangle are given.
eLt in 'ABC , BC a , CA b and AB c .
? ePrimeter of the triangle 2 s a  b  c
e draw AD A BC
eLt, BD x , so CD a  x
In right angled 'ABD and 'ACD
? AD2 AB2  BD2 and AD2 AC 2  CD2
? AB2  BD2 AC 2  CD2
or, c2  x2 b2  (a  x)2
or, c 2  x 2 b 2  a 2  2ax  x 2
or, 2ax c2  a2  b2
c 2  a 2  b2
? x
Again, AD2 c2  x2
2 § c 2  a 2  b2 ·
= c  ¨¨ ¸
© 2a ¹
2 2 2
§ c a b ·§ c 2  a 2  b2 ·
= ¨¨ c  ¸ ¨c 
© 2a ¹© 2a ¹
Math 253

2ac  c2  a2  b2 2ac  c2  a2  b2
= ˜
2a 2a
{( c  a)2  b2}{ b2  (c  a)2}
(a  b  c() a  b  c  2b() a  b  c  2a() a  b  c  2c)
2s(2s  2b() 2s  2a() 2s  2c)
4s(s  a() s  b() s  c)
? AD s(s  a() s  b() s  c)
Area of ' ABC = BC ˜ AD
1 2
= ˜a˜ s ( s  a() s  b() b  c)
2 a
= s ( s  a )( s  b)( b  c)
(4) Equilateral Triangle :
eLt the length of each side of the equilateral triangular region ABC be a .
Draw AD A BC ? BD CD
In right angled 'ABD
BD2  AD2 AB2
§a· a2 3a 2
or, AD2 AB2  BD2 a2  ¨ ¸ a2 
© 2¹ 4 4
? AD
Area of ' ABC = ˜ BC ˜ AD
1 3a 3 2
= ˜a˜ or, a
2 2 4
(5) Isosceles triangle :
eLt ABC be an isosceles triangle in which AB AC a
and BC b

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