Cns Experiece

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Ref : C NS/H R / 2021,/ Software Department

Date: l4-Jan-2022

To Whom It May Concern

This is to certifiz that Mohammad Hasan

uddin Rokan was appointed as,,Software
in Software & Systems Depa.trnent for
computer Network Systems Limited forrn
2019 to lltLJan 2022'During the
tenure of his service in this organization,
we fbund him
Honest, Sincere and Dutifur & He
bears a good morar conduct.

This certification is being issued upon

request of the above employee for whatever
purpose it
may serve his best.

I wish his every success in rife and ruck

in his future endeavors.


Best Regards,

Major (Retd) Md. Ziaul Ahsan Sarwar

Senior Executiye Director
(Human Resource Department)

PIot No. 1098. Road No. 6/D, Avenue. 08, DOHS Mirpur, Dhaka-l216

+BB 0961 099099s info@cnsbd"com

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