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Student’s full name: Nguyen Thanh Tam

Student code: A38240

Class: NE33a5

Supervisor: Hoang Mai Phuong

Period: 5/2023 - 6/2023

Position: Assistant Director

Ha Noi, October 2023

Table of Contents
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The phenomenon of working remotely has led to major changes within organizations across
the world. These changes can be seen everywhere; from the way colleagues interact on a
daily basis, to the manner in which companies recruit their workforce.

What is cross culture?

Cross-culture refers to interactions and exchanges between people from different cultural
backgrounds. Main features of cross-culture include diverse communication styles,
varying social norms, traditions, and values, as well as potential misunderstandings
due to cultural differences. It often requires sensitivity, adaptability, and open-mindedness
to navigate effectively. Cross-culture, also known as intercultural or cross-cultural
communication, refers to the interaction and exchange of ideas, customs, beliefs, values,
and practices between individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds. It involves
understanding and navigating the differences and similarities that exist among people from
various societies, languages, and traditions. Cross-cultural interactions can occur in various
settings, such as work, travel, or social situations, and require a degree of cultural
awareness, empathy, and effective communication to bridge the gap between diverse
Cross-cultural communication allows people to avoid miscommunication and
misinterpretation, instead opening up the possibility of fruitful relationships across previously
daunting cultural barriers. This form of multicultural communication enables the free
exchange of information among people of vastly different backgrounds, empowering
everyone to profit from the flow of valuable data.
Knowing how to converse across cultures is useful in both your personal life and within the
business communication process. Have tools ready to learn how to communicate across
cultures with anyone in your near proximity.
Cultural differences might present themselves even within a specific country or territory, not
just internationally—for example, people from New York might approach work and life
differently than people from Los Angeles, despite sharing the same language and nation.

In a multicultural environment, developing solid cross-cultural communication skills is vital.

This will enable you to create a positive work culture, bringing out the best in all team
The main features of cross-culture include:
Diversity in Communication Styles: Different cultures have distinct ways of communicating,
including verbal and nonverbal cues, body language, and tone. Understanding these
nuances is crucial to effective cross-cultural interactions.
Varying Social Norms and Values: Societal norms and values differ across cultures,
influencing behaviors, etiquette, and relationships. Awareness of these differences helps
prevent misunderstandings and promotes respectful interactions.
Cultural Traditions and Practices: Each culture has its own set of traditions, rituals, and
practices that shape daily life, celebrations, and customs. Recognizing and respecting these
practices is essential for meaningful engagement.

Perception of Time: Not all cultures view time in the same way. Some prioritize punctuality,
while others emphasize a more relaxed approach. Understanding these perspectives can
prevent miscommunication and frustration.
Conflict Resolution Styles: Different cultures approach conflict and disagreement differently.
Some prefer direct confrontation, while others value harmony and indirect communication.
Adapting to these styles promotes effective conflict resolution.
Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness: Being aware of one's own cultural biases and having an
open mindset are essential for successful cross-cultural interactions. Cultural sensitivity
enables individuals to appreciate diversity and avoid unintentional offense.
Adaptability and Flexibility: Navigating cross-cultural situations requires adaptability to
unfamiliar situations and a willingness to adjust one's behavior and communication style to
ensure mutual understanding.
Language Barriers: Language differences can pose challenges to effective communication.
Overcoming language barriers often involves using clear and simple language, active
listening, and employing visual aids if necessary.
Empathy and Respect: Recognizing and valuing the experiences, beliefs, and viewpoints of
individuals from diverse backgrounds fosters mutual respect and positive relationships.
Global Mindset: Developing a global mindset involves staying curious about other cultures,
seeking opportunities to learn, and fostering a willingness to collaborate with people from
different backgrounds.
Overall, the key to successful cross-cultural interactions lies in cultivating awareness,
empathy, and open-mindedness to build connections and bridge gaps between diverse

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