Mammography Sas 12

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Lesson title: Patient Communication and Preparation Materials:

(Part 2) Book, pen and notebook, index card/class
Learning Targets:
At the end of the module, students will be able to: References:
Arnold, L. (2016)., “Patient Care,
Communication and Safety in the
1. How to communicate with patient? Mammography suite”., Retrieved from
2. What are things to prepare before Mammography
examination? uploads/1/3/0/8/13084909/patient_car

Schapira, M & et. Al., “Communication

Practices of Mammography Facilities
and Timely Follow-up..” retrieved from


Let’s review our previous lesson! You are going to identify what is the key of successful patient in

1. ________________________________________________________________________________


This chapter aims to know how to communicate with the patient and what are the important things to
prepare before taking the mammography procedure.

One resource that health care facilities might incorporate into their employee education is the
Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank you (AIDET) tool from the Studer Group.

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

These 5 aspects of communication include :

Acknowledgement – this includes greeting and welcoming the patient and acknowledging the patient’s
health concerns. Mammography patients often are nervous and seeking acknowledgement from the
technologist to feel valued and not just another examination in the schedule. Patients want to be greeted
in a friendly manner, and this initial encounter can set the tone for the examination. Addressing patients
in a professional manner and asking them how they would like to be addressed often is an opportunity
for a positive beginning to the examination.

Introduction – mammographers should introduce themselves and inform patients about their role in the
patient’s health care. Patients want to know who is performing the examination and whether the
technologist is qualified. Mammographers should exhibit confidence by responding to the patient’s
questions regarding the mammographer’s qualifications for performing the examination. This also
includes wearing a name badge or other identifier.

Duration – mammographers should inform the patient approximately how long acquiring the

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

mammogram will take and attempt to meet the stated timeline, being realistic enough to account for the
possibility of additional images. Patients are busy and want to know upfront how long they will be at the
imaging facility. Patients who are given a general time frame for reference often are more cooperative
in helping complete the examination successfully.

Explanation – the mammographer should explain the procedure in terms the patient can understand
so the patient knows what to expect. A patient who is having her first mammogram understandably
might be curious about the examination. A mammographer who takes the time to demonstrate how the
equipment and compression paddle work likely will gain more cooperation.

Thank you – mammographers should thank patients for their cooperation and participation in the
examination and for choosing the facility. Patients increasingly have a say in health care decisions and


Mammographers must have good written and oral communication skills to acquire quality images in the
necessary projections and communicate with the patient and radiologist. The technologist acts as the
patient’s advocate and must provide precise communication when relaying medical information to the

Barriers to communication can affect the quality of the examination; these barriers are defined as
anything that interferes with understanding and that can lead to misinterpretation of the message. Some
common communication barriers are psychological attitudes or prejudices, cultural differences, and
sensory disabilities, such as impaired sight or hearing. Mammographers should never assume that
patients understand all requests made during examination positioning.

Patients with visual impairments require a description of their surroundings and actions as they occur.
For example, the mammographer should explain normal sounds made by the equipment. They also
should remain patient with individuals who have speech loss or aphasia and encourage patients to take
all the time needed to complete their statements. Repeating the statement back to the patient can help
confirm understanding. Patients sometimes benefit from a demonstration of the position requested.
Other techniques include written instructions or use of electronic devices, such as a tablet or computer,
as an alternative form of communication. If the patient has hearing impairment, mammographers should
face the individual directly, speak clearly, and if necessary, write the message or information down for
the patient to read

Cultural boundaries can create barriers to communication or adherence with screening mammography.
Cultural competence is the practice of recognizing beliefs and practices of individual cultural groups
regarding well-being, health, and modesty. Respecting cultural boundaries is an integral part of

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

providing patient care; mammographers should remain aware that common symbols and terms can
have different meanings for some patients.

The quality of communication can affect patient safety positively or negatively. Communicating
effectively provides clear instructions for patients and helps mammographers gather information that
might affect patient safety or examination results. Initial patient encounters offer the opportunity for
technologists to establish a dialogue by performing an initial patient assessment. This assessment
includes proper identification of the patient, whether the patient is at risk for falls, and the patient’s
mental and physical state

Mammographers can learn a great deal about patients’ physical states while escorting them from the
waiting area to the mammography suite, including whether the patient is at risk for falls or needs any
physical assistance getting to the examination room or completing the examination. Observing the
patient closely helps the mammographer determine the safest approach to the examination that will
yield optimal images.

Proper patient identification is a priority before beginning the patient’s examination. Health care workers
should take patient identification seriously because of the potential to conduct the wrong imaging
examination on a patient. The most common practice to confirm patient identification in the outpatient
setting is to state the patient’s name and ask the patient to state his or her name back, along with date
of birth.

Check for Understanding

You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will
be given to correct answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures
in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You are given 25 minutes for this activity.

Multiple Choice:

(For 1-10 items, please refer to the questions in the Rationalization Activity)

The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students and will encourage them to ask questions and to discuss
among their classmates for 20 minutes.

1. The mammographer should describe procedure in terms the patient can understand so the
patient knows what to expect

a. Thank You
b. Explanation
c. Duration

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

d. Introduction


2. Mammographers should inform the patient approximately how long acquiring the
mammogram will take and attempt to meet the stated timeline.
a. Thank You
b. Explanation
c. Duration
d. Introduction


3. Mammographers should express their gratitude to patients for their cooperation and
participation in the examination and for choosing the facility
a. Thank You
b. Explanation
c. Duration
d. Introduction


4. This includes greeting and welcoming the patient and recognize the patient’s health
a. Introduction
b. Barriers
c. Duration

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

d. Acknowledgement


5.What AIDET stands for?

a. Acquire, Information, Diagnosis, Examination, Treatment
b. Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank you
c. Assessment, Introduction, Detection, Examination, Treatment
d. Acknowledge, Information, Detection, Examination, Treatment


6. _________ can create barriers to communication or adherence with screening

a. Cultural Boundaries
b. Barriers
c. Understanding
d. Knowledge


7. _________ is a priority before beginning the patient’s examination.

a. Patient Rights
b. Proper Patient Identification
c. Patient Consent
d. Patient Rights

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________


8. ____________ closely helps the mammographer determine the safest approach to the
examination that will yield optimal images.
a. Observing the patient
b. Proper Patient Identification
c. Patient Consent
d. Patient Rights


9. Which is not an aspect of communication in Mammography?

a. Acknowledgement
b. Duration
c. Patient Rights
d. Explanation


10. Which statement is correct?

a. Communicating effectively provides unclear instructions for patients and helps
mammographers gather information that might not affect patient safety or examination
b. The quality of communication can affect patient safety purely negatively.
c. Health care workers should take patient identification seriously because of the potential
to conduct the wrong imaging examination on a patient.

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

d. Patients want to be greeted in a unfriendly manner, and this initial encounter can set
the tone for the examination.



After the instructor give a brief overview on Patient Communication and Preparation (Part 2), it`s time
to assess the student`s understanding through answering the following questions:

1. What is AIDET?

2. What are the aspect of communication in successful patient care in Mammography?


LESSON WRAP-UP (5 minutes)

Teacher directs the student to mark (encircle) their place in the work tracker which is simply a visual
to help students track how much work they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
This tracker will be part of the student activity sheet.

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Module #12 Student Activity Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.

AL Strategy: CAT 3-2-1

Three things you learned:

1) ____________________________________________________________________________

2) ____________________________________________________________________________

3) ____________________________________________________________________________

Two things that you’d like to learn more about:

1) ____________________________________________________________________________

2) ____________________________________________________________________________

One question you still have:

1) ____________________________________________________________________________

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