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NAME Prashant Chaubey ROLL

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Time in Weeks Cost (INR)

Total Crash
Cost for Crash cost
Q1 Activities Normal Crash* Normal activity per week
1-2 8 4 3000 6000 750 Min Cost Slope=
1-3 5 3 4000 8000 2000
2-4 9 6 4000 5500 500
3-5 7 5 2000 3900 950
2-5 5 1 8000 12000 1000
4-6 3 2.5 10000 11200 2400
5-6 6 2 4000 6800 700
6-7 10 7 6000 8700 900
5-7 9 5 4200 9000 1200
Total 45200 71100 10400
Crash time 4 means 8 weeks of work can be shrunk to 4 weeks

1 The AOA network is created from the above table. Fill in the blanks and identify the critical path. (10)
(Yellow for Early occurrence, green for late occurrence)
Critical Path = 1-2-4-6-7 Project Duration = 30 weeks
2 From the given diagram, complete the table for Q2. (10)

3 Answer the following:

i What is the first job to crash?(5)
Ans 2-4 will be crashed first as it has minimum cost slope. It has the clashing potential of 3 weeks and the
500 which is minimum of all the cost slopes
ii Identify the new critical path if the activity in i is crashed completely. Write the path in the form 1-2-
Ans After crashing activity 2-4 by 1 week there are two critical paths in the network diagram now. The ol
critical path is=
And the new project duration is = 29 weeks
iii. What is the new total cost after part i and ii? (5)
Ans New total cost of project = 45200 + 1

iv. If the project duration is needed to be reduced by 6 weeks, mention all the steps needed to be taken
Your answer must include the acitivities crashed, duration of crashing and new critical paths that are
Ans. Activity crashed Time crashed
2-4 1 week
2-4 and 5-6 2 weeks
1-2 1 week
1-2 and 3-5 2 weeks

New project duration = 24 weeks

New project cost = Rs 52250
Scroll down the sheets to find all the questions.
Earliest Latest
Occurrenc Occurrenc
Q2 Activities e Time e time Total Float Free Float Safety Float
500 1-2 0,8 0,8 0 0 0
1-3 0,5 0,7 2 0 2
2-4 8,17 8,17 0 0 0
3-5 5,13 7,14 1 0 -1
2-5 8,13 8,14 1 0 1
4-6 17,20 17,20 0 0 0
5-6 13,20 14,20 0 0 0
6-7 20,30 20,30 0 0 0
5-7 13,30 14,30 0 0 0

the critical path. (10)

ng potential of 3 weeks and the cost increase per week will be Rs

Write the path in the form 1-2-3-4-5-6. (5) 5

e network diagram now. The old critical path is 1-2-4-6-7 is prevaling and the new

x 500 = Rs 45700

ll the steps needed to be taken and the final cost (10)

and new critical paths that are identified on the way.
17 10

5 7


4 What is difference between resource allocation and resource levelling ? (5)
Ans. Resource Allocation is carried out when fixed resources are allocated for the job. This constraint leads in postponin
we have to decide upon which activity is to push ahead or postpone to bring the resource requirement under availa
Resource levelling is a way to reduce the peak of the resource schedule by utilising the available slack available with
remain unchanged.

5 Mention 2 main criteria for creating work packages for project monitoring. (5)
Ans. Responsibility should be clearly defined - It bring in the dedication towards the project. In case of an issue the respo
Division of into small activities - It provides the facility of detailed planning and scheduling. It helps in monitori
they make the handling of the project combursome.

6 A part of the project is completed in 2 weeks, with an actual cost of INR 500. The budget allocated for the part was
If the project were on schedule, the budget allocated for the tasks that are supposed to be completed in 2 weeks is
The entire project is supposed to be completed in 10 weeks, with an allocated budget of INR 3000
Mention the following values (15)
BCWS (1) 600.0000 for 2 weeks
BCWP (1) 400.0000 for 2 weeks
ACWP 500.0000 for 2 weeks

CPI (2) 0.8000

SPI (2) 0.6667
SV (2) -200.0000
CV (2) -100.0000

ETC (2) 3250

Comment on the progress of the project (1)

The project is over budget and it will be delayed from its scheduled time.
s constraint leads in postponing some activities resulting in increase in the completion time of the project. In resource allocation
ource requirement under availability.
he available slack available with the jobs by shifting the available slack jobs. Here a care to be taken is the project duration should

ct. In case of an issue the responsible person can directly be contacted. It reduces redundancy of the work in the project.
cheduling. It helps in monitoring and exection of activities in a more efficient manner. The packages should not be too small that

dget allocated for the part was INR 400.

to be completed in 2 weeks is INR 600.
t of INR 3000
resource allocation

oject duration should

n the project.
not be too small that

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