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Yllana Bay View College

Theme: “Inspiring a Legacy of Genuine Camaraderie and Resilient Solidarity in Team


October 17, 2019

9:00 am
Enerio Street, Balangasan District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines
“The Builder of Future Leaders”

Jez:  Ladies and gentlemen, the arrivals of the different

clusters. Starting with, the red mavens! Red maven
is composed of all grade 11 students.
 Give your enthusiastic shout Green Marshalls!
Green Marshall is composed of all grade 12
Jez:  Still on the spotlight, the arrivals of the Yellow
Stalwarts! Give your best cheer Yellow Stalwarts!
 And now, the arrival of the Fuchsia Fighters! May
Rafe: we hear a great shout from the fighters!
 Next in line we have the Blue Cavaliers! May we
hear a great cheer from the Cavaliers!
Rafe:  Ladies and Gentlemen, our Black Defenders! May
we hear a blasting shout from the Defenders’ team.
Jez:  And now ladies and gentlemen, the arrival of the
school officials and the faculty and staff.
Rafe:  Ladies and Gentlemen, let us witnessed the
exhibition of YBVC Drum Corps. A round of
Rafe: applause!
 A moment of silenced as we witnessed the entrance
of Yllana Bay View College Colors.
 To our school officials, honored guests, faculty and
staff, students, ladies and gentlemen welcome to
Rafe: YBVC Intramurals 2019 with the theme:
 “Inspiring a Legacy of Genuine Camaraderie and
Resilient Solidarity in team competition.” This is
Jez: Jezreel A. Vicedo and I am Rafe G. Sison, and we
are your hosts for today’s event.
 Today marks our great legacy of building a genuine
friendship, love and unity as one body of this
Rafe: institution.
 It is a day to finally showcase our talents and skills
after several days of practices and trainings. This is
it! And I’m sure that all of you are really well-
prepared for this big day. Right sir?
 That’s right ma’am. I can really feel the excitement
and fire in this arena. So, let’s not take this any
longer, let the excitement begin!

Jez:  To formally start with, may we request everyone to

please stand for the invocation to be led by the BA
Theology students to be followed by an opening
prayer by our very own Guidance Counselor, Pastor
Honorio B. Jaguit, the singing of the Philippine
National Anthem and Yllana Bay View College
Rafe:  Please be seated! Intramurals are the perfect
opportunity to highlight camaraderie,
sportsmanship, teamwork and talents.
Jez:  It is a great break from the pressure of academics
wherein students can have fun and enjoy the three
day activities.
Rafe:  Now ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome our ever
enthusiastic and versatile Academic Head, sir
Ruben S. Cabardo in his words of welcome. A big
hand please.
 Thank you sir!
Jez:  It has been a great opportunity to hear a word of
wisdom from a notable person who has a great
mind to make this event successful and inevitable.
Rafe:  Ladies and Gentlemen, our ever magnificent and
active President and Chief Executive Officer of
Yllana Bay View College, Madam Grace
Balladares Talpis, LLB., MPA. A warm round of
Jez:  Thank you for that inspiring message Madam
Rafe:  Torch-lighting ceremony is a traditional part of the
opening ceremonies of intramurals.
 The torch-lighting ceremony is a modern-day
invention that was introduced in the 1936 games in
Jez: Berlin. The flame and ceremony symbolize many
things in the spirit of the games.
 Ladies and Gentlemen let us witnessed the lighting
of urn by selected students.

Jez:  To continue the fire in this arena, let us hear the

loud and enthusiastic cheers of the different teams.
Beginning with the Red Mavens! Red Mavens is
composed of grade 11 students headed by Ma’am
Wella Mae Dialel together with Maam Marissa Joy
Dagondong and sir Joel Lacay. Once again Ladies
and Gentlemen the Red Mavens!
Rafe:  That was indeed a grand opening right ma’am?
Jez:  That’s right sir! I guess every team has prepared
much in this event.
Rafe:  Now ladies and gentlemen, they are also ready to
give their blasting cheer, the Yellow Stalwarts.
Yellow Stalwarts is composed of all IT students,
BA English Language, BTVTEd, BA Theology and
BS Entrep students headed by maam Tanis Leigh
A. Paradiang together with sir Milan Rey Bucol and
Zoilo Mahumoc. A round of applause for the
Yellow Stalwarts!
Jez:  I can really feel the pressure that filled in this place
sir. Each team really shows spectacular
Rafe:  And now let us give the floor to the Green
Marshalls! Green Marshalls is composed of all
Grade 12 students headed by maam Mariel Andrea
Marcos together with Jeanille Kate Eguia and Ann
Margaret Dela Fuente. A round of applause!
Jez:  Indeed, it is undeniably true that Yllanista is
blessed with great talents!
Rafe:  That’s right ma’am. Our next contenders are really
excited to give their loud cheers. Let us welcome
the Blue Cavaliers! Blue Cavaliers is composed of
1st year criminology students, block
__________________ . headed by ma’am
Criseljosa Lacapag together with sir John Mark
Rabe and Glen Mansalinog.
Jez:  Ladies and Gentlemen, let us give the floor to the
Fuchsia Fighters. Fuchsia Fighters is composed of
1st year criminology students from block
____________, headed by ma’m Kenneth Diodos
together with ____________________.
Rafe:  After hearing with so much cheers from the
different teams and to break their agony of waiting,
ladies and gentlemen the Black Defenders! Black
Defenders is composed of all 2nd year, 3rd year and
4th year Criminology students, headed by ma’am
Marizelle Jover together with
Jez: __________________.
 Thank you so much for that great performances

Rafe:  At this juncture, let us welcome the Vice President

for Review Affairs, sir Ronilo L. Asilo and one of
the Board of Trustees and a registrar consultant sir
Daniel D. Quiapo, Jr for the hoisting of YBVC
Jez:  At this juncture, may we call in atleast two
representatives in each team for the banner raising.
3!2!1! Go! A round of applause.
Rafe:  At this point in time, let us welcome the ever active
Supreme Student Council adviser, sir Jessrel S.
Fuentevilla to lead the oath of sportsmanship. A
hand please!
Jez:  Thank you sir! And now ladies and gentlemen, to
formally open the YBVC Intramurals 2019, let us
welcome our President and Chief Executive Officer
of Yllana Bay View College, Madam Grace
Balladares Talpis, LLB. MPA. A hand please!
Rafe:  And now, to continue the excitement of this event,
let us give the floor to our Dance Sports
Participants in their Opening Salvo! A warm round
Jez: of applause!
 Ladies and gentlemen our Dance Sports
Participants, beginning with:
 Pair Number 1 from the Red Mavens,
 Pair Number 2 form the Yellow Stalwarts
 Pair Number 3 from the Green Marshalls
 Pair Number 4 form the Blue Cavaliers
 Pair Number 5 from the Fuchsia Fighters
 Pair Number 6 from the Black Defenders
 Pair Number 7 from the Red Mavens
 Pair Number 8 form the Yellow Stalwarts
 Pair Number 9 from the Green Marshalls
 Pair Number 10 form the Blue Cavaliers
 Pair Number 11 from the Fuchsia Fighters
 Pair Number 12 from the Black Defenders
 _____________________________

Raffe:  At this juncture let us now meet our board of judges
(Reading of Background Information of the Judges)

Jez: Ladies and Gentlemen, let us give a round of

applause to our first judge ________.
(Reading of Background Information of the Judges)

Rafe: Everyone, let us all give it up for ___________.

(Reading of Background Information of the Judges)

Friends, let us all give a big hand to _________.

Jez:  As much our judges would undertake the difficult
task of deliberating who will win in today’s
competition, our judges will be guided by a set of
criteria. With that, our criteria for judging for the
dance sport and cheer dance competition are as
Rafe:  Ladies and Gentlemen, our second set of
competition, the Cheerdance Competition! Are you
all ready to witnessed the performances of our
Jez:  Again, are you all ready to witnessed our
cheerdancers as they will hit the dance floor?
Rafe:  All right! At this time, let us give it up for the Red
Jez:  That was indeed a great performance Red Mavens!
Rafe:  And now, hit the dance floor Yellow Stalwarts.
Jez:  Around of applause for the Green Marshalls!
Rafe:  Ladies and gentlemen, the Blue Cavaliers are also
ready to give their spectacular performances. A
hand please!
Jez:  And now, let us give the floor to the Fuchsia
Rafe:  Let us be amazed again by the performances of the
Black Defenders! A round of applause.

Jez:  I felt truly blessed to be part of this family because

I was able to witnessed the astonishing talents of
Rafe:  That’s right! It was just a beginning of showcasing
their talents and skills. We will be witnessing more
of these in the preceding activities.
Jez:  Once again congratulations everyone! Let us enjoy
and create strong bonds as part of one family.
Rafe:  This is Rafe G. Sison and Jezreel A. Vicedo, finally
signing off. Have a great day!

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