Composition I - MaxhaCabrales

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Maxha Cabrales

Professor Wilkins
English Composition I
January 17th, 2024

Analyzing prompts:
Explain why Modernism is so pessimistic. (Philosophy)

By analyzing this prompt I can determine that my purpose would be to firstly explain
what modernism is and why it is considered pessimistic. Secondly, expose my position
towards modernism and demonstrate with evidence if indeed it is true. As a writer, I would
research about modernism such as general concepts, context of the movement, characteristics
and influential people that contribute to this belief. In this way, I will be able to deliberate a
good assignment. In addition, I suppose this is a question from a philosophy course in high
school or college. The prompt implies that there have been some lectures about the topic
before. Since it requires a lot of research, I think it is a research paper, in which I would need
sufficient time to investigate the topic well and prepare it. Furthermore, I would structure the
research in the following way; first an introduction that sets well what modernism is and how
it is perceived. Secondly, state the thesis statement about my position regarding the prompt.
Thirdly, give arguments defending my position and explain the main points that justify my
statements. Finally, I would write a conclusion that sums up key points and reinforces the
thesis statement answering the prompt. Moreover, for this type of assignment that requires
you to demonstrate that you understand the topic, it is better to use scholarly books, or
research from other authors that have done it before. Once I have investigated enough
information to write my arguments, I would look for statistics in the government official page
that could reinforce the statements made before. Given the fact that this is an assignment of a
topic that people do not understand completely, I would explain the terminology which also
could help me prove my point of view and moreover that people understand the topic well.
Finally, it is important to have in mind that this type of assignment requires a formal language
which means that you should avoid contractions and figurative language.

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