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What is Specific Gravity?

The specific gravity is normally defined as the ratio between the weight of a given volume of material
and weight of an equal volume of water. The portland cement have a specific gravity of value around
3.15. When it comes to portland pozzolan cements and portland blast furnace cements the value will
come near to 2.90 (As per Portland Cement Association (PCA) 1988). To determine the specific gravity of
cement, kerosene which does not recent with cement is used

Significance of Specific Gravity of Cement

Based on the moisture content present in the cement, the specific gravity can either increase or
decrease. The cement particles have pores or particles that can contain water within it. A nominal mix is
prepared with a cement of specific gravity 3.15. Any change in this value of specific gravity will affect
the mix design. Hence, it is necessary to test the specific gravity of the cement procured before mixing
process. This is the main reason why we ignore the use of old stock cement. Old stock cement may be
affected by external moisture content. A value of specific gravity of cement greater than 3.19 shows that
the cement was not properly minced into fine powder during its production or the cement has more
moisture content. The presence of moisture content in cement is easily identified by the presence of
chunks in cement

Why We Calculate Specific Gravity of Any Substance?

We calculate specific gravity of any substance to know the behavior of the material in water. And we can
know the material will sink or floats in the water. All of the materials in our environment have a fixed
specific gravity. The usual range is 1-100. If the specific gravity is greater than 1, then it sinks in water. If
the specific gravity Is less than 1 it floats in water. So if the specific gravity of any substance is known to
us we can use the materials in suitable place of any work. Basically, specific gravity defines that the
substance is how much heavier than water or reference substance of the same volume. The specific
gravity of cement ranging from 3.1 to 3.16 g/cc. By this statement, we can ensure that cement 3.1-3.16
times heavier than water of the same volume. And it sinks in water. Because the specific gravity is
greater than 1

Every material consists off so many little pores, which may contain voids in it. And a material becomes
useless when any void present in the material. If the cement covered by extreme moisture content due
to bad weather conditions, then the specific gravity of cement may go up to 3.19. If the specific gravity
value reaches 3.19, then the pores in cement are filled with the moisture. Cement undergoes a chemical
reaction when it is reacted with the atmospheric moisture this process is termed as hydration. Moisture
is very harmful to cement. Cement becomes useless once it is hydrated with water. The presence of
excessive moisture is the reason for finding a lot of lumps in old cement is due to content in it.

Standard Value of Specific Gravity of Cement

The specific gravity value of portland cement is generally around 3.15 while the specific gravity value of
portland-blast-furnace-slag and portland-pozzolan cements may have specific gravities near 2.90.

Reference Substances for Specific Gravity

Maximum time water is used as a reference substance. And its temperature should be near at 4°C. For
gases, it is air at room temperature 25°C. But if “Cement” is used as a sample substance then kerosine
would be the reference substance. Because cement hydrates and forms calcium oxide when it reacts
with water. But kerosene won’t show any reaction when it mixed with cement. The specific gravity of
kerosine is 0.79 g/cc.

How to Calculate Cement Specific Gravity?

One can easily determine the value of specific gravity of cement using Le Chatelier Flask method.
Determination of specific gravity of cement at the site level can be easily done using this is an

Required Materials & Apparatus.

Followings are the specific gravity test apparatus and materials:

Ordinary Portland Cement

Le-Chatelier Flask of 250 ml or Specific Gravity Bottle / Pycnometer of 100 ml

Weighing balance with 0.1 gm accurate

The specific gravity test procedure contains only four steps. Followings are the four steps to be followed
to perform specific gravity test of cement: The Flask should be free from the liquid that means it should
be fully dry. Weigh the empty flask. Which is W1. Next, fill the cement on the bottle up to half of the
flask around 50gm and weigh with its stopper. And it is W2. Add Kerosene to the cement up to the top
of the bottle. Mix well to remove the air bubbles in it. Weigh the flask with cement and kerosene. And it
is W3. Empty the flask. Fill the bottle with kerosene up to the top and weigh the flask for counting W4

Cement specific gravity formula:

Compressive strength of mortar is determined by using 2 inch or 50mm cubes as per ASTM C109 /
C109M - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars. Mortar is a
combination of cement, sand mixed with water. It is used for masonry works such as brick masonry and
stone masonry and for plastering walls, columns etc. Common mix ratio of mortar used in masonry
works are 1:3, 1:4 and 1:6 of cement to sand ratio. For important masonry structures such as brick walls,
1:3 ratio is used

Why Compressive Strength Test of Mortar is Important?

Generally masonry structures are constructed as load bearing. For example, load bearing walls, load
bearing masonry columns etc. are constructed for residential and other masonry buildings. For a
masonry buildings, foundations are also constructed with brick masonry. For a load bearing masonry
construction, it is important to know the compressive strength requirement of masonry to withstand the
load subjected on it. A masonry wall is subjected to compressive loads from floors above it and should
have sufficient strength to withstand it. So, masonry compressive strength should be enough to support
the loads on wall.

Determination of Compressive Strength of Mortar

To find the compressive strength of standard cement sand mortar cubes, following are the apparatus
and procedures of the test.


7.06cm cubes moulds (50cm2 face area), apparatus for gauging and mixing mortar, vibrator,
compression testing machine etc

Procedure for Compressive Strength of Mortar

Take 200gm of cement and 600gm of standard sand in the mix ratio 1:3 by weight) in a pan. The
standard sand shall be of quartz, of light, gray or whitish variety and shall be free from silt. The sand
grains shall be angular, the shape of grains approximating to the spherical form, elongated and flattened
grains being present only in very small quantities. Standard sand shall pass through 2 mm IS sieve and
shall be retained on 90 microns IS sieve with the following particle size distribution
Mix the cement and sand in dry condition with a trowel for 1minitues and then add water. The quantity
of water shall be (p/4+3)% of combined weight of cement and sand where, p is the % of water required
to produce a paste of standard consistency determined earlier. Add water and mix it until the mixture is
of uniform colour. The time of mixing shall not be < 3 minutes & not > 4 minutes. Immediately after
mixing the mortar, place the mortar in the cube mould and prod with the help of the rod. The mortar
shall be prodded 20 times in about 8 sec to ensure elimination of entrained air. If vibrator is used, the
period of vibration shall be 2 minutes at the specified speed of 12000±400 vibrations /minutes. Then
place the cube moulds in temperature of 27±2 o C and 90% relative humidity for 24 hours. After 24
hours remove the cubes from the mould and immediately submerge in clean water till testing. Take out
the cubes from water just before testing. Testing should be done on their sides without any packing. The
rate of loading should be 350 kg/cm2 /minute and uniform. Test should be conducted for 3 cubes and
report the average value as the test result for both 7day and 28 day compressive strength.

Classification of Aggregates

Normal-weight Aggregate

- ranges from about 1200 kg/m3 to 1750 kg/m3 (75 lb/ft3 to 110 lb/ft3)

Light-weight Aggregate

- ranges from 560 kg/m3 to 1120 kg/m3 (35 lb/ft3 to 70 lb/ft3)

- expanded shale, clay, slate, and slag produce structural light-weight concrete ranging about 1350
kg/m3 to 1850 kg/m3 (90 lb/ft3 to 120 lb/ft3)

- Other lightweight materials such as pumice, scoria, perlite, vermiculite, and diatomite are used to
produce insulating lightweight concretes ranging in density from about 250 kg/m3 to 1450 kg/m3 (15
lb/ft3 to 90 lb/ft3). •

Heavy-weight Aggregate

- Over 2100 kg/m3 (130 lb/ft3)

- Heavyweight aggregates produce concretes ranging in density from 2900 kg/m3 to 6100 kg/m3 (180
lb/ft3 to 380 lb/ft3)
Classification of Aggregates

Natural Aggregate

Gravel and sand are often a mixture of several minerals or rocks. Natural gravel and sand are usually dug
or dredged from a pit, river, lake, or seabed. Weathering and erosion of rocks produces particles of
stone, gravel, sand, silt, and clay. Some natural aggregate deposits of gravel and sand can be readily
used in concrete with minimal processing.

Manufactured Aggregate

Manufactured aggregate (including manufactured sand) is produced by crushing sound parent rock
(igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic) at stone crushing plants. Crushed air-cooled blast furnace slag
is also used as fine or coarse aggregate. Manufactured aggregates differ from gravel and sand in their
grading, shape, and texture. As a result of the crushing operation, manufactured aggregates often have
a rough surface texture, are more angular in nature, tend to be cubical or elongated in shape
(depending on the method of crushing), and more uniform in grade (size). Manufactured aggregates are
less likely than gravel and sand to be contaminated by deleterious substances such as clay minerals or
organic matter

Recycled Concrete Aggregate

The concept of recycling and reusing concrete pavements, buildings, and other structures as a source of
aggregate has been demonstrated on several projects, resulting in both material and energy savings.
The procedure involves demolishing and removing the existing concrete, crushing the material in
primary and secondary crushers removing reinforcing steel and other embedded items, grading and
washing, and stockpiling the resulting coarse and fine aggregate. Recycled concrete is simply old
concrete that has been crushed to produce aggregate. Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is primarily
used in pavement reconstruction. It has been satisfactorily used as aggregate in granular subbases, lean-
concrete subbases, soil-cement, and in new concrete as the primary source of aggregate or as a partial
replacement of new aggregate
Recycled Concrete Aggregate

Recycled-concrete aggregate generally has a higher absorption and a lower specific gravity than
conventional aggregate. This results from the high absorption of the more porous hardened cement
paste within the recycled concrete aggregate. Absorption values typically range from 3% to 10%,
depending on the concrete being recycled; this absorption rate lies between those for natural and
lightweight aggregate. Absorption rates increase as coarse particle size decreases (Figure 6-6). The high
absorption of the recycled aggregate makes it necessary to add more water to achieve the same
workability and slump as concrete with conventional aggregates. Dry recycled aggregate absorbs water
during and after mixing. To avoid this increased absorption, RCA stockpiles should be prewetted or kept
moist, as is the practice with lightweight aggregates.

Artificial Aggregate

They are eco-friendly materials. They are made out of various by-products such as fly ash, power plant
solid waste, rice husk ash, blast furnace slag, granite powder, iron ore slag, over burnt brickbats etc

Gradation of Aggregate

Grading is the particle-size distribution of an aggregate as determined by a sieve analysis (ASTMC136 or

AASHTO T27). Size numbers (grading sizes) for coarse aggregates apply to the amounts of aggregate (by
mass) in percentages that pass through an assortment of sieves.
In the figure shown above, a sample of dry aggregates (with known weight) is filtered trough a series of
sieves with smaller openings. After the filtering process. The particles that where retained I each sieves
will be weighted again and the obtained weight will be compared to the total initial weight of the
sample before filtering. The size particles retained in each sieves size is then expressed as percent
retained by weight.

What is Aggregate?

Aggregates are the most basic material used in construction. They provide the foundation for roads,
bridges, and buildings while making up over 90% of asphalt pavement and up to 80% of a concrete mix.
On average, 38,000 tons of aggregates are necessary to construct one lane mile of interstate highway.
Construction of the average home requires 400 tons of aggregate, while the average size school or
hospital requires 15,000 tons.

*Aggregates are raw materials produced from natural sources and extracted from pits and quarries,
including gravel, crushed stone, and sand. When used with a binding medium, like water, cement, and
asphalt, they form compound materials, such as asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete.

*Aggregates are only as good as their processing - they are mined, crushed, washed, and separated.
Aggregates must have predictable, uniform, and consistent materials properties. They must be dry and
clean before they can be used. The successful outcome of each step, the processing of a good aggregate,
depends on the success of the previous step.

*They not only aggregate the building blocks of our society but are also prevalent in our daily lives. The
average American requires roughly 10,000 tons of aggregate per year. We would not have glass and
plastic without sand or pennies without zinc. Aggregates are also used in the water filtration and
purification process, as well as air filtration and purification

 Fine Aggregate is smaller in size.

 Fine Aggregates are passed through a 4.75 mm sieve and retained on a 0.075 mm sieve.
 It is made of sand, surki, stone screenings, burnt clays, cinders, fly ash, etc. River sand, crushed
stone sand, and crushed gravel sand are the primary fine aggregate sources.
 Fine Aggregates possess a high surface area.
 It filled the void of Coarse Aggregate.
 Fine Aggregates are utilized in plaster, mortar, concrete, filling of road pavement layers, etc.


 Coarse Aggregate is bigger in size.

 It is retained on a 4.75 mm sieve.
 It is made of Brick chips (broken bricks), stone chips (broken stones), gravel, pebbles, clinkers,
and cinders.
 Dolomite aggregates, crushed gravel or stone, and the natural disintegration of rock are the
primary sources of coarse aggregate.
 Coarse Aggregate possesses a low surface area.
 It works as inert filler material for concrete.
 Coarse aggregates are primarily utilized in concrete, railway track ballast, etc.


 Specific gravity test of aggregates is done to measure the strength or quality of the material.
 Aggregates having higher specific gravity are generally considered to have higher strength, and
aggregates having low specific gravity are typically considered as having weaker strength

Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates

 Fine aggregate Specific gravity or Specific gravity of sand is the ratio of the weight of a given
volume of fine aggregate (sand) to the weight of an equal volume of water. The Fine aggregate
Specific gravity is often considered to be 2.65 - 2.67.
 Sand particles composed of quartz have a specific gravity between 2.65 to 2.67. While inorganic
clays generally range from 2.70 to 2.80. Soils with large amounts of organic matter or porous
particles (such as diatomaceous earth) have specific gravity below 2.60 (Some range as low as
 For road construction, fine aggregate ranges from about 2.5 - 3.0 but, on average, 2.68

Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregates

 The specific gravity of coarse aggregates is defined as the weight of the aggregates dried to
constant weight in an oven at 100°C splits by its absolute quantity, such as the natural empty
spaces within the aggregate particles, according to the "IS: 2386 (Part III)" - 1963" (Indian
Standard- Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete - Specific Gravity, Density, Voids,
Absorption, and Bulking).
 The specific gravity of coarse aggregates ranges typically from about 2.5 to 3.0.
 Every rock or stone has a small number of gaps, and the specific gravity is an indirect indicator of
the porosity of the aggregates. Low specific gravity could indicate high porosity, resulting in poor
strength and durability. Some of the pores in the aggregates are permeable, while others are

Aggregate Specific Gravity Types

Apparent Specific Gravity, Gsa

 The volume measurement only includes the volume of the aggregate particle.
 It does not include the volume of any water-permeable voids.
 The mass measurement only includes the aggregate particle.
 The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of the impermeable portion of aggregate to the mass of
an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at the stated temperature.

Bulk Specific Gravity (Bulk Dry Specific Gravity), Gsb

 The volume measurement includes the overall volume of the aggregate particle as well as the
volume of the water-permeable voids.
 The mass measurement only includes the aggregate particle.
 The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of aggregate at a stated temperature to the mass of an
equal volume of gas-free distilled water at the stated temperature.

Bulk Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) Specific Gravity

 The volume measurement includes the overall volume of the aggregate particle as well as the
volume of the water-permeable voids.
 The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of aggregate to the extent achieved by submerging in
water and to the mass of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at the stated temperature.

Effective Specific Gravity, Gse

 The volume measurement includes the volume of the aggregate particle plus the void volume
that becomes filled with water during the test soak period minus the volume of the voids that
absorb asphalt.
 The ratio of the mass in air of a unit volume of a permeable material at a stated temperature to
the mass in air of an equal volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature.
Apparatus Required for Specific Gravity Test of Fine Aggregate:

 Pycnometer bottle of 1000ml

 capacity
 Taping rod
 Funnel
 Weighing Balance

Procedure for the Determination of Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate

1. Take a clean, dry pycnometer and determine its empty weight (W1 g).
2. Take a clean sample of fine aggregate (about 1kg) for which specific gravity is to be found and
transfer that to the pycnometer and weight (W2 g). The aggregates finer than 6.3mm are taken.
3. Pour distilled water into the pycnometer with the aggregate sample at the temperature at 27 °C,
to immerse the sample.
4. Immediately after immersion, remove the entrapped air from the sample by shaking or rotating
the pycnometer and placing a finger on the hole at the top of the sealed pycnometer.
5. Wipe out the outer surface of the pycnometer. Now the pycnometer is completely filled up with
water till the hole at the top, and after confirming that there is no more entrapped air in the
pycnometer, weigh it (W3 g).
6. Transfer the aggregate of the pycnometer into try care being taken to ensure that all the
aggregate is transferred. Clean the pycnometer.
7. Refill the pycnometer with distilled water up to the top of the pycnometer without any
entrapped air. It should be completely dry from the outside and take the weight (W4 g).
8. For mineral filler, a specific gravity bottle is used, and the material is filled up to one-third of the
capacity of the bottle. The rest of the process of determining specific gravity is similar to the one
described above.

Apparatus Required for Specific Gravity Test of Coarse Aggregate:

1. Wire Mesh Bucket

2. Container for filling water and suspending the wire mesh basket in the water
3. Airtight container of capacity similar toa wire basket
4. A shallow tray
5. Two dry absorbent clothes
6. Weighing Balance
7. Oven

Procedure for the Determination of Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate

1. Take a clean sample of coarse aggregate (about 2 kg).

2. The sample should be washed to remove fine aggregates. The aggregates coarser than 6.3 mm
are taken. Then place the aggregate sample in the wire basket.
3. Immerse the wire basket in distilled water at a temperature of 22 °C to 32 °C. Immediately after
immersion, remove the entrapped air from the sample by lifting the basket 25 mm above the
tank's base and allowing it to drop 25 times at a rate of about one drop per second.
4. Keep the wire basket with the aggregates sample completely immersed in water for a period of
24 ± 0.5 hours.
5. Weigh the wire basket and aggregates when suspended in water at a temperature of 22 °C to 32
°C (W1 g).
6. Weigh the wire basket in water (W2 g).
7. Remove the basket and aggregates from the water and dry the aggregates with a dry absorbent
cloth. Weigh the surface dried aggregates sample (W3 g).
8. Place the aggregates sample in a shallow tray and heat to about 110 °C in the oven for 24 hours.
9. Later, cool the oven-dried aggregates sample in an airtight container and weigh it (W4 g).

 The specific gravity of aggregates is considered an indication of strength. Wherein Aggregates

with higher specific gravity is generally considered to have higher strength. While aggregates
with low specific gravity are generally considered to have weaker strength.
 The aggregates ' quality significantly impacts the concrete ' s workability, strength, weight,
durability, and other qualities. The characteristics of aggregates, such as their size, shape,
specific gravity, water absorption, flakiness, surface texture, abrasion resistance, and skid
resistance, must all be understood before using them in any project.

Every aggregates of average weight contains pores that can hold water

 Absorption of aggregates is the increase in mass due to water inside the pores within and
between the material.
 Water absorption of aggregates depicts the amount of water the material are able to hold after
being submerged in water for 24 hours at 27°C.
 Water absorption of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate might vary greatly from one another
depending on how the materials was stored and their sources.


Aggregrate absorption plays a far more significant and crucial role. Aggregate water absorption is critical
in calculating the net water-cement ratio in a concrete mix. When calculating water demand, aggregate
moisture content and water absorption go hand in hand. Different moisture condition, and thus
different water absorption by the aggregate may have different effects on the characteristics of both
fresh and cured concrete (Punkki, 1995).

Aggregates with a high water absorption value (more than 2%) can create problems in regulating the
water level of the aggregates in practice, leading to a large slump loss and poor workability of concrete.
High absorption value aggregates are prone to shrink more while drying.


Through completely submerging the aggregates in water within the intergranular void areas between
them, the porosity of these aggregates is evaluated. The porosity is calculated by dividing the water's
weight by its density and the volume of the channel that contains the aggregates. Porosity is the primary
determinant of the strength of brittle materials, such as concrete. Compressive strength rises as
capillary porosity falls. Additionally, data suggests that large pores may be more successful than small
holes at relieving stress concentrations near crack tips.


While compressive strength and impermeability decrease, the water absorption rate increases along
with the porosity of aggregates. The internal structure of the aggregate can be inferred from water
absorption. More absorbent aggregates are porous by nature and are typically regarded as
inappropriate until they pass strength, impact, and hardness testing and are determined to be suitable.


Aggregate pore characteristics are critical controls. They have a strong influence on the bond with
cement because of their chemical and physical stability. They have a significant impact on the strength
of any material and also determine absorption and permeability. As a result, they have control over the
rate of chemical alteration as well as the durability under thawing and freezing conditions.


Even though aggregates have some porosity, water can be absorbed into the particles ' bodies or
retained on the particle ' s surface as a moisture film. The four moisture states are defines as follow:

Oven-dry (OD)

By heating the aggregate to constant weight in an oven at 105 degrees Celsius, all moisture is removed
(overnight heating usually is sufficient). Every pore is empty.

Saturated-surface-dry (SSD)

Water filled all pores, but there was no film of water on the surface.

Air-dry (AD)

Surface moisture is completely removed, but internal pores are partially filled.


With a film on the surface, all pores are completely filled with water.

The absorption capacity is used in mix proportioning calculations and can be used to convert from an
SSD to an OD system. The absorption capacities of most normal weight aggregates range from 1 to 2%.
Abnormally high absorption capacities suggest high-porosity aggregates with potential durability issues

In the SSD and OD states, WSSD and WOD represent the weight of the aggregate sample. The
absorption capacity is used in mix proportioning calculations and can be used to convert from an SSD to
an OD system.


Concrete mix design is the process of determining the proper proportions of cement, sand, and
aggregates for concrete in order to achieve the desired strength in structures. Concrete mix design is
thus Concrete Mix = Cement:Sand:Aggregates. Concrete mix design entails a number of steps,
calculations, and laboratory testing to determine the proper mix proportions.


1. Required Proportions of Each Ingredient

2. Quality Concrete Mix
3. Economical Concrete Mix
4. Use of Locally Available Materials
5. Desired Properties of Mix


 It aids in the production of workability and uniformity in mixture.

 It aids in the hardening of the coarse aggregate particles by the cement paste.
 It aids in the prevention of possible paste and coarse aggregate segregation, particularly during
long-distance concrete transport.
 It keeps a crack from forming in the concrete.


 It combines cement and sand to form a solid and hard mass of concrete.
 It gives the concrete bulk.
 It improves concrete's crushing strength.
 It lowers the cost of concrete by using less expensive materials.

Because aggregates are the most important component in concrete (typically 60-70% by
volume), the characteristics of the aggregates have a significant impact on the performance
properties of fresh and hardened concrete. It has been discovered that shape, texture, and
gradation have the most influence on the properties of fresh concrete, particularly
workability. Aggregates with a high absorption value are likely to increase shrinkage during
drying. High water absorption aggregates used in concrete pavements are also more prone to
popouts and have a lower resistance to freeze-thaw cycles. As a result, all normal weight
aggregates contain pores that can be filled with water. When these pores are completely
filled, the aggregates can also keep a thin film of water around the aggregate particles. When
proportioning the concrete design/mix, it is critical to consider the aggregates' absorption as
well as their moisture content. Furthermore, the absorption of fine aggregates and coarse
aggregates can differ significantly, especially if they are not from the same source or have not
been stored in the same conditions.


With the aid of a scale and a wire basket, the specific gravity framework is used to determine the
volume occupied by the aggregate in various mixtures containing coarse aggregates. It is also used to
determine the volume of naturally occurring stone with irregular shapes and other materials of a similar

The test specimens can be weighed in both air and water thanks to a moveable platform that is built
into the lowest portion of the frame and holds the water tank



A balance with a 3kg weight capacity, a 0.5g accuracy, and a design that allows you to weigh the sample
container while it's suspended in water.

Wired basket

A perforated container of a practical size with thin wire hangers to suspend it from the balance, or a
wire basket with a mesh size of no greater than 6.3 mm.

Thermostatically controlled oven

An oven with a thermostat that keeps the temperature between 100° and 110° C.


A container to hold water and hang the basket from

Air tight container

A container that is airtight and has a similar capacity to the basket

Tray and clothes

Two absorbent garments, each measuring no less than 75x45cm, and a shallow tray.

A sample with a weight of less 2000 g should be used to determine the absorption of the aggregates.
Artificially heated aggregates are not normally used for this test. It is recommended to conduct two
tests for those aggregates and that two samples should not be testes concurrently


1. The sample shall be thoroughly washed to remove finer particles and dust, drained and then
placed in the wire basket and immersed in distilled water at a temperature between 22°C and
32°C with a cover of at least 5 cm of water above the top of the basket
2. Immediately after immersion the entrapped air shall be removed from the sample by lifting the
basket containing it 25 mm above the base of the tank and allowing it to drop 25 times at the
rate of about one drop per second. The basket and aggregate shall remain completely immersed
during the operation and for a period of 24 ± 1/2 hours afterwards.
3. The basket and the sample shall then be jolted and weighed in water at a temperature of 22 to
32°C. If it is necessary for them to be transferred to a different tank for weighing, they shall be
jolted 25 times as described above in the new tank before weighing.
4. The basket and the aggregate shall then be removed from the water and allowed to drain for a
few minutes, after which the aggregate shall be gently emptied from the basket on to one of the
dry clothes.
5. The aggregate placed on the dry cloth shall be gently surface dried with the cloth, transferring it
to the second dry cloth when the first will remove no further moisture. It shall then be spread
out not more than one stone deep on the second cloth, and lest exposed to the atmosphere
away from direct sunlight or any other source of heat for not less than 10 minutes, or until it
appears to be completely surface dry (which with some aggregates may take an hour or more).
The aggregate shall be turned over at least once during this period and a gentle current of
unheated air may be used after the first ten minutes to accelerate the drying of difficult
aggregates. The aggregate shall then be weighted (weight WB).
6. The aggregate shall then be placed in the oven in the shallow tray, at a temperature of 100 to
110°C and maintained at this temperature for 24 ± 1/2 hours. It shall then be removed from the
oven, cooled in the airtight container and weighed (weight A)

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