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Daily English

Topics for Discussing


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Guidelines for each topic

Share your ideas


Correct your mistakes


Enhance your thinking Being Winners

外教老师会通过您沟通中发现您的错误,为您 在快乐中学习,每天25分钟的短频高效学习,从而
纠正习以为常的语言思维,发音等等! 带动您的发音,听力,英语思维,沟通技巧,真正为

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1 Your Hero 11 Think about the future 21 News

2 Getting annoyed 12 Getting annoyed 22 Polite

3 Your spare time 13 Your spare time 23 Advertisement

4 Your hometown 14 Music 24 Time Management

5 Neighborhood 15 Noise 25 Neighborhood

6 Chinese Festivals 16 The Nature of Friendship 26 Things you want

7 Good memory 17 TV Programs 27 Sports

8 Celebrities 18 Environment 28 Difficult Jobs

9 Daily Routine 19 Travel 29 Meaning of colors

10 Teachers 20 Teamwork 30 Photograph

Lesson 1 Your Hero
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about the hero in your life!

And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about someone,
here are some tips you may know,

Sex and personality.

Tips: My hero is a guy, he is so gentle that he would
never say no……….
Key structures
What did he do ? mean to sb. 对于某人的意义
Tips: He is helping others a lot / He saved my life………
care about 在意...

make up one's mind 下决心

Is your hero affecting you ?
Tips: Yes indeed! He has become my idol. Because …….
3 Brainstorming

What did your hero do to help you before ?

Why you think that he /she is the hero in your mind ?

Did your hero do anything bad before ?

Super Phrases
Do you want to someone else's hero? How?
Societal heroes 社会英雄
How do you think of societal heroes? It should be like 应该像…

No longer 不再
Do we need national heroes nowadays?
4 Slang for Today
---keep your shirt on

例句 1 例句 2

I advise you to keep your shirt Just wait a minute! I'll be right
on no matter what he says. with you. Keep your shirt on!

不管他说什么,我劝你不要发脾 稍等,我一会儿过来,别急!

得它弄脏甚至扯破,因为好多人只有一件宝贵衬衫,得倍加爱惜。 这一来脱衬衫成了打架的前奏,而keep your shirt on其实就是劝人按捺一下火性。现
在当然人们不会轻易动手,但是keep your shirt on却流传至今,常用在争吵即将爆发时来开导对方耐住性子别发火。
Lesson 2 Getting Annoyed
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Asking yourself,
are you getting annoyed easily?
And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are expressing our feelings, here are some tips you may know,

Things that make you happy

Tips: It makes me happy that …….

Key Structures
Things that are annoying you.
make sb. happy . 让某人开心
Tips: I can’t stand it when ………
can't stand it 无法忍受

How do you usually do to get rid of the get rid of 摆脱 (人/事)

bad emotion?
Tips: I used to talk with my bestie that ….
3 Brainstorming

How to be an easygoing person?

Is it bothering you when someone forgets your name ?

Will you feel upset when a close friend forgets your birthday?

Does it brother you when a friend is unreliable? Super Phrases

tolerate sth. /sb. 容忍某人
Will you talk with your month full ? Why or why not ?
with your month full 满嘴东西

Can you tolerate others prejudice ? feel upset 感到失落

4 Slang for Today
---I am good.

例句 1 例句 2

Do you want some chips with Do you have any questions?

your sandwich?
-No, I‘m good. (没有了)
-No, I‘m good. Thanks.

这个句子除了可以用来回答How are you ? 完美替代 I am fine。

Lesson 3 Your Spare Time
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about things you often do
in your spare time .
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about our spare time, you
might say,

Things that you like to do .

Tips: I used to …….

Key Structures
Things that are annoying you.
used to do. 以前喜欢(现在不喜欢)
Tips: I can’t stand it when ………
can't stand it 无法忍受

get rid of 摆脱 (人/事)

How do you usually do to get rid of the
bad emotion?
Tips: I used to talk with my bestie that ….
3 Brainstorming

Why do you like doing these activities?

How much time do you have each week for doing these things?

How did you start doing this activity at first?

What is the balance of work/study and free time in your Super Phrases
normal day?
leisure activities 业余活动

the balance of 两者之间的平衡

What leisure activities are popular in your country?
go out for 为了…而出门
Where can people go out for entertainment, or to
Enjoy themselves?
4 Slang for Today
---social butterflies

例句 1 例句 2
Many youngsters become
You are totally a social social butterflies in the summer
butterfly. vacation before going to college.

你真的是一个社交达人。 很多年轻人在跨入大学前的暑假期

Lesson 4 Your hometown
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Try to describe your town or village

in your own.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about our free time, you
might say,

The location and the weather there.

Tips: I was born and raised …….

Key Structures
The feelings about the place.
be born and raised 出生并被养大.
Tips: That is my home , I can’t love it more ………
can't stand it 无法忍受

get rid of 摆脱 (人/事)

If you are going to spend your entire life there.
Tips: I wish I can stay in my hometown,but….
3 Brainstorming

What building is considered famous in your town?

Is there any emblematic building in your town?

What jobs do people in your town do?

What things are there to do in your town in your free time? Super Phrases
emblematic building 地标性建筑
How has your town changed over the last twenty years?
be considered famous 被认为很出名

What changes have taken place in your city in recent years? taken place in 发生在…
4 Slang for Today
---I don‘t want to be a third wheel.

例句 1 例句 2

I'd love to go out with you, I know you're not trying to be

but I hate to be a third wheel. rude, but sometimes I feel left
out. Like a third wheel.
当电灯泡。 我知道你们不是有意的,但是有时

这里的重点在于a third wheel, "第三个轮子"这是短语在这里呢,需要给大家设计一个场景,这个词大多数用在情侣关系上,两人的世界多甜蜜,当有了第

三者或者叫做电灯泡 (a third wheel),谁还开心得下去呢。
Lesson 5 Neighborhood
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Try to describe the house where
you live to yourself first.
And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about our free time, you
might say,

The location and the size.

Tips: It is located in ……….
Key Structures
be located in 位于..
The environment around the house you live.
Tips: The views and neighbors are nice ,except……… except that 除了..

around the house 房子四周.

The things that you want to change around the house

Tips: Well, I do like the house , but I really can’t stand the…….
3 Brainstorming

Can you describe the house where you live?

Which do you prefer, flat or house?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flat and house?

What is there to do in the area where you live? Super Phrases

Neighborhood 邻里关系
What do you like about the area where you live?
could be improved 可以被改变

How do you think your neighborhood could be improved? advantages and disadvantages 优缺点
4 Slang for Today
---Oh, Boy!

例句 1 例句 2

A: I’m gonna tell you a very A: Oh boy! I am so glad to

big news. see you again!
B: What? B: Yes.It has been 10 years
A: Tim will marry Sara. already!
B: Oh, boy! What a good news.

这个Boy可不是男孩, 这句俚语在我们的日常都容易被忽略,但是在美语中,这个很常用!也可以直接用“Boy!”都表示“My God”,“天

Lesson 6 Chinese Festivals
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Make a list of Chinese Festivals,
And choose one as your favorite.
And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about festivals, you might

Which day and why?

Tips: It is on …, because…….
Key Structures
last about ...持续大约(时间)
Describe what the festival is for.
Tips: We celebrate………. to gather together 相聚一堂

be dressed in his best 穿上他最漂亮

If it should be lasted forever.
Tips: Well, I think this day should be lasted forever
because ….
3 Brainstorming

How many Chinese festivals you know and which one is your favorite?

What do you most enjoy about it?

What special food and activities are connected with this festival?

Do you think festivals are important for a country?

Super Phrases
Do people in you town celebrate any festival from be connected with 与…相关

different country? be important for 对…很重要

compare sth. with sth. …与…相比较

How do you compare the Chinese festivals with the
western festivals?
4 Slang for Today
---Give it a shot!

例句 1 例句 2

Love may be dangerous, but

Let's believe in miracles and
you'll never win the gold medal
give it a shot.
if you don't give it a shot.

Shot 原意是射击的意思,give it a shot 也有给它一枪的解释,但是在这个俚语中,它可以很好的代替了 let‘s try , have a try. 表示试试看的意思。

Lesson 7 Good Memory
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Thing about one thing that happened

during your 10 years old birthday.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about memory, you might

Good memory or bad memory?

Tips: I have a good memory ,that …..
Key Structures
memory loss 丧失记忆
Things that can support that.
Tips: I can remember things happened when ….. fades with time 随着时间流逝

forgetfulness 健忘的.

Advantages of a good memory.

Tips: A good memory can help……
3 Brainstorming

Do You Have a good memory?

What do you remember to do every day?

Are there anything that you won’t forget?

Super Phrases
What helps people to remember things?
crystallized memory 记忆结晶

Why do old people forget about things easily? reminder APP 备忘软件

stick in your mind 深刻脑海里

What can we do to get rid of memory losing?
4 Slang for Today
---green-eyed monster

例句 1 例句 2

She is suffering from the green- I can't believe you would say
eyed monster over her sister's something like that. You know
new car. it's just the green-eyed
monster talking.

green-eyed 这里是作为形容词,绿眼睛的;monster就是怪兽的意思。两个单词加在一起跟怪兽没有联系,而是表示嫉妒到眼睛都绿起来了。
Lesson 8 Celebrities
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Thing about the celebrities

around you.
And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about some famous people,
you might say,

The information about this person

Tips: He / She is XX , 50 years old , is the … of the
country… Key Structures
social celebrities 社会名流
Things that this person has done.
Tips: He / She is always ready to help…. impress sb. 影响某人

be ready to 准备好做…

What does this person impress you the most?

Tips: He is willing to help others without return.....
3 Brainstorming

Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?

What does he or she always do?

What made this celebrity famous?

Super Phrases
crystallized memory 记忆结晶
Are celebrities always doing the right things?
reminder APP 备忘软件

stick in your mind 深刻脑海里

What do you think of celebrities' scandals ?

Do you have any ideas what the Western celebrities do?

4 Slang for Today
---take a shine to

例句 1 例句 2

He really likes you. There are I think Richard has taken a bit
very few people he takes a of a shine to you.
shine to right away.

Lesson 9 Daily Routine
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Make a list of your daily routine.

And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about plan or schedule, you

Make a clear timetable

Tips: I work from ....
Key Structures
in a rut 一成不变
The most important part.
Tips: I spend most of the time ...... be on go to do 正在做...

doze back to sleep 打盹

The function of Daily routine

Tips: It helps……
3 Brainstorming

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

Are all your days the same?

what is the busiest part of the day for you? Super Phrases
daily routine 日常规划
Do you ever change your routine?
keep sb. motivated 让某人有动力

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine? a tight schedule 行程满满

What would you like to change in your day to day routine?

4 Slang for Today
---stick in the mud

例句 1 例句 2

Cathy is such a stick in the Don't be such a stick in the

mud. She never wants to try mud. Just watch it with me.
anything new.

Mud 本意是“泥巴”,而动词stick表示黏住的意思,这里是指一些老旧的陈年的思想把一个人给困得紧紧的了,放不开怀抱去接纳新鲜的事物。这种人被叫
Lesson 10 Teachers
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Thing about a favorite teacher of you.

And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about plans or schedules,
you might say,

What kind of teacher he or she is.

Tips: She is a math teacher who ....
Key Structures
academic career 学术生涯
Why he or she is your favorite teacher.
Tips: She impressed me ...... incredibly knowledgeable 知识渊博

as I mentioned 像我说的

Do you ever want to be a teacher ?

Tips: Academic career....
3 Brainstorming

Who was your favorite teacher when you were at schools?

What you have learnt from this teacher?

Do you still keep in touch with your teacher? Super Phrases

keep in touch with 保存联络
Why do people become teachers?
in all likelihood 十有八九

Do you think you could be a teacher? Why? in my opinion 在我看来

In the future, do you think machines will replace humans for doing
things, then we don't need to learn any more?
4 Slang for Today
---ring a bell

例句 1 例句 2

That face rings a bell, where It does ring a bell with me.
have I seen him before?

Lesson 11 Think about the Future
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about your dreams and future.

And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about future plans, you
might say,

Your dream when you were little.

Tips: I used to dream of being....
Key Structures
dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事
The reason why you were dreaming.
Tips: If I could be …. incredibly knowledgeable 知识渊博

as I mentioned 像我说的

The power of dreaming.

Tips: Dreaming about our future helps…..
3 Brainstorming
How do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

Have you ever thought to have your own business?

What kind of business do you hope to have? Why?

Why do you want to run your business, for money

Super Phrases
or a dream?
have a fancy for 钟情于某事

Do you know about any policies about opening a play a big role 扮演重要角色
business abroad?
in most cases 多数情况下

Which one do you prefer , a business abroad or a

domestic one?Why?
4 Slang for Today
---In the bag

例句 1 例句 2

You've been learning so hard Long before the end of the

these days that the final exam game it became clear that the
must be in the bag victory was already
for you. in the bag.
你这些天学得这么努力,期末考试 比赛还远未结束,但取胜已经是
肯定是十拿九稳的了。 十拿九稳的了

Lesson 12 Popular Subject in China
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about the hottest subjects

in China.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When we are talking about subjects and study,

you might say,

The subject that most people choose. Key Structures

Tips: In my university ,most of ....
be unsure of 不确定
under different circumstance
The one you are good at. 不同情况下

Tips: I did quite well in.... go hand-in-hand 密切相关

Will subjects or degrees help you to get better jobs?

Tips: Well, I think they go hand-in-hand……
3 Brainstorming
What subject were/are you studying in the university?

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Why did you choose that university?

Super Phrases
Is that a popular subject in your country? Why? job-oriented 就业导向型

knowledge-oriented 知识导向型男
Do you think it's popular because people want to
gain knowledge 获得知识
gain knowledge or is there some other reason?

Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your

4 Slang for Today
---Don't get me wrong

例句 1 例句 2

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't Don't get me wrong, I'm just

trying to criticize you. having a dinner with him,
nothing more.

get在这里表示理解,wrong 是错误的,也就是说你不要错误的去理解我的话,不会误会我。
Lesson 13 The Internet
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about the influence of the

Internet Nowadays.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about influence of the
internet, you might say,

The usage of the internet Key Structures

Tips: Well, with the internet , we can……
wide range of information 广泛的信息
in some aspects 某些方面
How popular the internet is in our life. distort mental state 扭曲精神状态
Tips: I think no one can live without ……..

The advantage and disadvantage of the internet.

Tips: On one hand …… on the other hand….
3 Brainstorming

What do you often do with the internet?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet?

Do you think that life is better with the internet?

Super Phrases
When did you begin to use the internet? And why? have a fancy for 钟情于某事

play a big role 扮演重要角色

What’s the influence of the internet on you ?
in most cases 多数情况下

Can you live without the internet? Why or why not?

4 Slang for Today
---red-letter day

例句 1 例句 2

When I found out that I was

Tomorrow will be a red-letter
admitted by that university, it
day for him; he's getting married .
was a real red letter day.

红色一直都是喜庆的颜色,正面的颜色,red-letter day 是对于某个人来说,将要发生好事的一天,常用来指代大喜之日,重要的或值得纪念的日子。

Lesson 14 Music
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about your favourite music .

And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When talking about music, you might say,

Why people like music.

Tips: Well, music can help people relax……
Key Structures
give emotional depth to 赋予深切感情
The music you like and why.
relax pressure from 解放来自...的压力
Tips: I like pop music, because …….
cultivate sb's minds 陶冶情操

In what way you will sing

Tips: I used to sing with ......
3 Brainstorming

What music do you like? Why?

What musical instrument do you like?

Are there any friends around you playing some

instruments, like piano or guitar?
Super Phrases
enrich our leisure time
Have you ever listened to someone playing a 丰富我们的业余生活
musical instrument? feel in a good mood

What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why? indispensable part of our life

Do you often go to the concert?

4 Slang for Today
---rain cats and dogs

例句 1 例句 2

I knew there would be a shower,

It began to rain cats and dogs
but I didn't realize it would rain
right after I stepped out the
cats and dogs today.
office building.

Lesson 15 Noise
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about the noises around

your house.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When talking about influence of the noises, you
might say,

Where does the noise come from.

Tips: Near my appartment, there are .....
Key Structures
threaten our health 威胁我们的健康
The impact of noises on you.
intense pressure 强大的压力
Tips: I can not relax while ..
get on one's nerves. 令人不安

What you do to reduce noises.

Tips: I tried to .....
3 Brainstorming

Do you mind noises?

What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?

Are there any sounds that you like?

Super Phrases
Where can you hear loud noise? drives me crazy 使某人疯狂

lead to 导致
Do you think there's too much noise in modern society?
the risk of deaf 耳聋的风险

Are cities becoming noisier? Why?

4 Slang for Today
---when pigs fly

例句 1 例句 2

I will trust you when pigs fly.

My uncle will give me money
when pigs fly!

Lesson 16 The Nature of Friendship
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about a good friend of you.

And tell the story to the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When talking about friendship, you might say,

What does friendship mean to you?

Tips: As for me , good friendship means everything .... Key Structures
go through a lot of ups and downs
How important to have a good friend? impress me with
Tips: To have a good friend ... 打动了我
resemble sb. in a lot of ways

What personality should your good friend have?

Tips: To be my close friend, he should ....
3 Brainstorming

Should friends be closed in age ?

Should a close friend have s similar background with you?

What personalities should your friends have?

Super Phrases
cheer sb. up 让某人开心
How can you make new friends?
stand by sb. 支持某人
Do you think there are good ways to meet potential be critical of 爱挑毛病
friends? Why or why not?

What advice would you give someone who wanted to make more
4 Slang for Today
---You are a chicken.

例句 1 例句 2
You are such a chicken. If you You are a chicken. There is no
don't agree with our manager, need to be afraid of a little dog.
why don't you tell it to
his face? 你是个胆小鬼,完全没必要害怕
你真是个胆小鬼。如果你不同意经 一条小狗嘛。

美国人认为chicken 是一种非常胆小的动物,一赶就跑开了。所以常用chicken来指代胆小鬼。
Lesson 17 TV Programs
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about your favourite TV show .

And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When talking about TV Programs, you might say,

Key Structures
What is your favourite TV Programs?
make our life more colorfull
Tips: I used to watch a lot of TV shows, but.... 让我们的生活更多彩

make us well-infromed
How often do you watch TV and Why?
Tips: I watch the Shows every.... too many commercials

What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV programs?

Tips: To be honest, TV shows are good....
3 Brainstorming

What kind of TV programs do you like?

How often do you watch TV shows ?

Do you think that wacthing TV is a waste of time?

Are there some disadvantages of watching too much TV? Super Phrases
too much violence 太多暴力
Should we let kids to watch some action movies? harmful to the youth and kids
What kind of TV shows do you think are better for kids? distract us from study or work
4 Slang for Today
---scare the pants off

例句 1 例句 2
He scared the pants off this Height scares the pants off som
sister by talking about a horror e people.
film all night.

scare ,动词“恐惧,害怕” ; the pants 是裤子(裤脚有两个的,所以这个名词出现一定是复数);off 副词,表示离开的状态;整个起来就是被吓到裤子

Lesson 18 Environment
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about the environmental

Problems you know.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When talking about environmental problems ,
you might say,

How was the environment like in the past?

Tips: In the past 20 years, the water and land have Key Structures
automobile exhaust is released
How is the environment like nowadays?
cause respiratory diseases
Tips: But now , the weather is bad and ...... 引起呼吸道疾病
restrict the number of cars
How can we do to fix the problems?
Tips: The government should .... and as a human ,we should....
3 Brainstorming

Are there some the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?

Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?

Do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?

Who is responsible for environmental issues?

Super Phrases
What can we do to protect the environment? be responsible for 承担责任

be enough to 足够做某事
Do you think there will be more environmental
disasters caused by humans in the future? by dealt with 通过…处理
4 Slang for Today
---How come?

例句 1 例句 2

How come you got such a

How come you smile so much ? good seat ?
你为什么总是面带微笑呢? 你这么能弄到这么好的位置?

老美们经常挂在嘴边的句子,相当于why? “为什么呢?” “ 怎么会呢?”可单独使用,也可带句型。

Lesson 19 Travel
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about your travel experiences

And tell the teacher in the class!

2 Super Keys
When talking about travel experiences,
you might say,

The fun you got from traveling.

Tips: I got lots of fun while I was traveling to....

Key Structures
The reason why we need to travel. broaden our outlook 开阔视野
Tips: Traveling can help us to release some presure and ....
fast pace of life 快捷的生活节奏

jammed with people 人满为患

The advantage and disadvantage of traveling.
Tips: On one hand ... on the other hand...
3 Brainstorming

What do you like about traveling?

Why don't some people like traveling? Super Phrases

give a fresh start 全新的体验
With whom that you like to go travel with?
enrich one’s life experiences
What are benefits of traveling?
to cooperate with 与某人合作
What preparation will you do for traveling?

Why do you think some people like traveling with others?

4 Slang for Today
---get up on the wrong side of the bed

例句 1 例句 2

I think my boss got up on the Don't talk to me right now. I

wrong side of the bed this got up on the wrong side of
morning. the bed today!
He‘s been grumpy all day.
感觉我老板今天有起床气,他 起床气!

Get up 都知道是起床,但是下床的方式用错了,用来形容早上起床的心情不佳,像中文说的是“起床气”
Lesson 20 Teamwork
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about how important does
teamwork mean to you.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about teamwork, you might

What is teamwork?
Tips: Teamwork is that people work in .......
Key Structures
develop oneself 自我发展
Why we need to have teamwork.
Tips: Because we can share ..... get established in society 在社会立足

individual success 个人的成功

The advantage and disadvantage of teamwork.

Tips: In my point , I think teamwork is very important
because ....
3 Brainstorming

When was the last time you worked with a team?

Would the teamwork make things better ?

What do you think about working with a team?

Super Phrases
assume responsibilities 承担义务

Do you like to work or study with others or just share ideas with 分享观点
by yourself?
in advance 提前
What personality should a lead have?

Do you like to be a leader in a team? Why or why not?

4 Slang for Today
---fair weather friend

例句 1 例句 2

I really thought she'd be there A fair - weather friend will not

to help me, but it seems that contact you during your time
she's just a fair-weather friend. of hardship .

我当时真的以为她会来这儿帮我, 当你陷入困境的时候,那些酒肉
看来她不是个能共患难的 朋友是不会主动联络你的。

fair weather 表示晴天,好天气。也是形容好日子,好生活的意思,这句表达就是说仅限于在一起享受好日子的朋友,用来讽刺那些在朋友困难之

Lesson 21 News
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about why we need News
report in our daily life.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When talking about news, you might say,

Why News plays an important role in our life?

Tips: People can not live without news because.......
Key Structures
know various kinds of events
What kind of News that you like to watch and why? 了解各类事件
Tips: I don't like / like ..... bad examples 不好的例子
appreciate the beautiful landscapes
of other countries
The advantage and disadvantage of News. 欣赏国外的美景

Tips: In my point , I think teamwork is very important

that ....
3 Brainstorming

Do Chinese people like watching news?

What characteristics do Chinese news have?

Super Phrases
Are you concerning by the news? Why? got to the point 到了…地步

taken up 占据
What do you think is the most concerned by people,
local, national, or international news? concern about 忧心…

What possible ways can make newspaper more popular?

Do people listen radio broadcast or TV broadcast more?

4 Slang for Today
---use your noodle

例句 1 例句 2

Don't come to me for everything. If you use your noodle you can
Go find the answer yourself. make money out of it.
Use your noodle.
别什么事都来找我。自己去找答 挣到钱。

Lesson 22 Polite
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about if you are a polite person.

And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When talking about being polite, you might say,

What does polite mean?

Tips: To be polite , mean we need to....
Key Structures
country with an ancient civilization
Why do we need to be polite to others? 文明古国
Tips: Since Chinese is a country with an ancient
mind our behavior 注意言行举止
manner of dealing with people
How can we do to be polite?
Tips: Well, we need to mind our behavior.....
3 Brainstorming

What is politeness in your opinion?

When you were child who taught you to be polite? Super Phrases
open minded 思想开放
Why is it important to be polite to people?
be respectful of 对某事很敬重
Do you think people became more or less polite in
in return 回报
your country compared to when you were a child?

In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?

Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?
4 Slang for Today
---wearing two hats

例句 1 例句 2

He is wearing two hats. No Since Mike's wife passed away,

wonder he is so busy. he's been wearing two hats at
home as both
他现在身兼两职。难怪他那么忙。 father and mother.


Hat原意是帽子,在这个俚语里面指代的是工作和责任(jobs 和 responsibility),带着两顶帽子,指代身兼两职,辛苦而且责任重大。
Lesson 23 Advertisement
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about Advertisements in our

And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When talking about advertisement,
you might say,

What does advertisers always do?

Tips: They always post the product everywhere...... Key Structures
a waste of money 浪费钱

Why we need advertisement in our life? product promotion 产品推广

Tips: In the modern world, we can see lots of advertisement,
play foul with buyers 欺骗消费者

The advantages and disadvantage of ads.

Tips: Well, I don't really like......
3 Brainstorming

Are there many advertisements in your country?

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

What are the various places where we see advertisements? Super Phrases
What kind of advertisements do you like the most? with a high density 密度大

attract sb’s attentions 吸引注意力

Do you think advertising plays an important role in
today’s world? age of competition 竞争的时代

What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?

4 Slang for Today
---get turned down

例句 1 例句 2

Don't start doubting yourself if If it's not close, he says, you are
you get turned down. more likely to get turned down.

不要在被拒绝的时候开始怀疑自己。 如果你们的关系不密切,那么你的

turn down 原意是把领口翻下来的意思,也表示拒绝别人,加上get 就是表示得到了别人的拒绝,碰了一鼻子的灰。

Lesson 24 Time Management
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about if you have a good
time management.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When talking about time management,
you might say,

What does time management mean to you?

Tips: Time management is important to everyone...... Key Structures
have a good commandof time
Why do we need to manage our time?
Tips: In this fast space life, we need to ...... influence sb. much 给某人很大影响

follow one's schedule 按照时间表去做

Are you good at managing your time?

Tips: I am really good at managing my time , I always have plans.....
3 Brainstorming

Are you good at organizing time?

Do you think planning is important for time management?

Why do you think some people pay to learn time Super Phrases
get into the habit of 养成…的习惯
Do you think children should learn to manage time? follow through on 执行到底

Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans? set aside time to 抽出时间

Do old people and young people manage their time in a similar way?
4 Slang for Today

例句 1 例句 2

Instead, check out the If what I've been told on the

company' s reputation through grapevine is right, if he's here,
the industry grapevine. he'll come to the game
on Sunday.
小道消息来了解这家公司 如果我打听来的小道消息是
的声誉。 正确的,他周日的比赛就

原意是葡萄藤的意思,这样名词常常被用来描述小道消息,四处打听来的有关的线索,这个跟我们中国有个成语“顺藤摸瓜” 类似,指的就是
找到线索就能知道真相。常用的搭配: on the grapevine 或者是 through the grapevine 。
Lesson 25 Holiday
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about the way you spend your

And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When talking about holiday, you might say,

What do you usually do in your holiday?

Tips: I usually travel to ...... Key Structures
get entertainment 获得娱乐

Will you be alone during your holiday? go to karaoke for singing 去唱K
Tips: I prefer to spend my holiday with ....
be beneficial to our physical health

Why we need to have holiday?

Tips: We need holiday badly because ......
3 Brainstorming

What kind of holiday do you like?

What do you like to do when you’re on holiday? Super Phrases

Do you have many tourists in your country? picturesque village 景色如画的山村

stunning landscape 迷人的美景

Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during
holiday periods? Why? to get away from it all 远离俗世的烦恼

What do most people do during their holidays in your country? Why?

When do you prefer to take your holidays? Why?

4 Slang for Today
---knock on wood

例句 1 例句 2

Things have been going well June should have got her exam
lately for me. Knock on wood. results by now and know that
she's passed,
我最近一切顺利。 knock on wood.
希望总是吉人天相。 June现在该拿到考试成绩了,并且

美国人会用手的指关节敲击木头以避免厄运,这和中国的一些习俗很相近,如果说了一些不好的事情,为了避免不吉利,就会说"knock on wood",并同时
Lesson 26 Things you want
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about the things you want

to do ,but have never done.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When talking about the thing you want to do,

you might say,

What are those things you want to do but never done?

Tips: Yes ,there are a lot of things that I want to do ....

Key Structures
What you never done yet?
the mastery of innovation 精通创新之路
Tips: I have tired but .....
be foolhardy to 做事莽撞

Do we need to always have hopes and dreams plan for the future 规划未来

about future?
Tips: Yes indeed. Because that can help ....
3 Brainstorming

Is there anything that you’ve always wanted to do but have not done yet?

What is the easy part and difficult part of it?

Why you have not done yet?

Super Phrases
Why goals are changed when people grow up?
dare to do sth. 敢于做...

Why some people always have their plans while the courage to 做...的勇气
others don’t?
overcome myself 克服自己

How teenager should do their career plan?

4 Slang for Today
---against the clock

例句 1 例句 2

The policemen are working We worked against the clock all

against the clock to rescue day to get the report done by
peoplefrom under the rubble. five.

我们正在分秒必争地抢救被埋 为了在五点前完成报告,我们一整
在瓦砾堆下的人。 天都在分秒必争的工作。

against 作为介词, 有对照、对比的意思;如果你在做一件事情时,要不停地对照时间(clock)来检查进度,就代表你必须赶在某个时限內完成某件事,因

Lesson 27 Sports
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about your favorite sports.

And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When we are talking about sports, you might say,

The favourite sport of you.

Tips: I really like doing sports and my favourite is ......

Key Structures
Is playing sports dangerous?
make us fit 让我们强壮
Tips: I have tired but .....
stretch oneself 伸展身体

get good exercise 好好锻炼

Are there any advantages of playing sports?
Tips: Yes ,there are a lot. Playing sports make me.....
3 Brainstorming

Is there anything that you’ve always wanted to do but have not done yet?

What is the easy part and difficult part of it?

Why you have not done yet?

Super Phrases
Why goals are changed when people grow up?
improve cardiovascular fitness 促进心血
Why some people always have their plans while 管健康
others don’t? cools sb off 让某人冷静下来

How teenager should do their career plan? be easy on 放松...

4 Slang for Today
---get high hat

例句 1 例句 2

Don't get high hat in front Mary is not very popular,

of your parents. because she often gets high

hat, 名词,帽子。Get high hat, 戴很高的帽子,高帽子显得有气势,有架子,所以get high hat是用来比喻摆架子的意思。

Lesson 28 Difficult Jobs
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about difficult jobs you know.

And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about difficult jobs, you
might say,

The difficult jobs you know.

Tips: In my oppion, I think to be a too dangerous....
Key Structures
play an important role in
Why they are dangerous.
Tips: I think those are dangerous jobs, because ...
take the risk of ... 冒着...危险
make contributions to society
Can you live without those jobs or workers? 对社会做出贡献
Tips: Even though these are dangerous, we ....
3 Brainstorming

What kinds of jobs do you think is dangerous? Why?

Which one do you think is the worst? Why?

Will you apply for a difficult job?

Super Phrases
What kind of jobs do you think that can earn a lot?
earn a living 谋生

Is it easy to work for the government? take risk 冒险

Do you think the hardest work that pay the most ? be no exception 没有例外
4 Slang for Today
---keep your shirt on

例句 1 例句 2

I advise you to keep your shirt Just wait a minute! I'll be right
on no matter what he says. with you. Keep your shirt on!

不管他说什么,我劝你不要发脾气。 稍等,我一会儿过来,别急!

免得它弄脏甚至扯破,因为好多人只有一件宝贵衬衫,得倍加爱惜。 这一来脱衬衫成了打架的前奏,而keep your shirt on其实就是劝人按捺一下火性。
现在当然人们不会轻易动手,但是keep your shirt on却流传至今,常用在争吵即将爆发时来开导对方耐住性子别发火。
Lesson 29 Meaning of Colors
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about if color makes any
differences of your life.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys
When we are talking about colors, you might say,

The reason you like the color.

Tips: I like wearing red cloth, because red makes ……

The meaning of some colors. Key Structures

Tips: Green means jealous while white ……. make my day 让我一天都很开心

act as 担当

Why color is important. learn to dance with life 学会愉快的生活

Tips: Different colors have different…….

3 Brainstorming

What does color mean to you?

Which color do you like the most? Why?

Which color has a positive meaning?

Super Phrases
Which color has a negative meaning?
be sick of sth. 对…很讨厌

What meanings do colors have for you? be perfect for sb. 对…很合适

What does your favorite color make you think of? make sb. think of 让某人联想到…
4 Slang for Today
---make ends meet

例句 1 例句 2

She did not attend school. She Hard to believe a young fellow
had to work in order to help should have to work sixty or
her parents makeends meet. seventy hours a
week to make ends meet.
做工作,不然的话不够钱用。 我很难相信一个年轻人每周必

make ends meet 的来源有两种说法,其一是说船上的绳索断了,船主为了节省不去买新的,而让水手将断了的绳索结好继续使用;

Lesson 30 Photograph
1 Preparation

Before the lesson,

Think about how much you like
taking selfies.
And tell the teacher in the class!
2 Super Keys

When we are talking about taking photos, you

might say,

The usage of photos.

Tips: Photos can remind of ……

Key Structures
The online sharing nowadays
present a gift to sb. 送礼物给某人
Tips: Friends will post their daily photos online then …
save memories 保存回忆

The advantage of taking photos. get close to sb. 跟某人熟络

Tips: In my opinions, ….
3 Brainstorming

Do you like to take photographs? Why?

Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take your photos? Why?

In what situations do you take photographs?

What kind of photos do you like to take? Why?

Super Phrases
Why did you become interested in photography? to make use of 利用起来

in a good mood 好心情

Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send
photos that you took yourself? Why? to look back 回想
4 Slang for Today
---on the eyes.

例句 1 例句 2
Bright yellow background can
Personally, I think Tom's new be hard on the eyes.
girlfriend is a little hard on the
eyes. 明亮的黄色背景很刺眼。



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