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Lecture - 1
The discussion covers various aspects of front-end and back-end development. It starts with the
importance of understanding HTML, CSS, jQuery and JavaScript for building web applications.
Different ways of styling pages, including inline, internal, and external styling, are explained. The
importance of JavaScript for user interaction and the various ways to include it, such as inline script,
internal script, and external linking, are also highlighted.
Frameworks like Angular, React JS, Node JS, and Vue JS are mentioned, emphasizing the need to be
comfortable with at least one of them. The choice of databases for back-end development is discussed,
considering the nature of the application, such as e-commerce or transactional data.
Security aspects, especially in dealing with user inputs, are addressed, emphasizing the need to
prevent scripting vulnerabilities. The importance of strong fundamentals is stressed, with a focus on
practical learning through projects and an understanding of when to use different frameworks and
The instructor mentions that classes will be practical, covering fundamental concepts initially, and
then diving into hands-on projects. Theoretical aspects like HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE)
are introduced, and the instructor encourages students to actively participate and ask questions for a
better understanding of the material. The session concludes with the promise of case studies, where
real-world applications and their technologies will be analyzed.

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