Option Risk Management - Case Study 1 - Option Greeks - Question

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1. True
2. False
Equity Derivative Transactions: (Historical vs
Option Greeks 3. False
5. True
Quiz 6. True
7. False
1. True or false? 8. True
An option that is said to be out-of-the-money has a Delta less than 50. True 9. False
10. Buy Puts
2. True or false?
Historical volatility is an input into option pricing models. True, pero podría ser implied volatility

3. True or false?
Gamma is the second derivative of the price of an option with respect to time to maturity. False

4. True or false?
A call option can only increase in price if the underlying/spot market is rallying. False

5. True or false?
Put options have negative Delta.

6. True or false? True

One-year ATM puts have more Vega exposure than one-month ATM calls.

7. True or false?
For in-the-money options, Theta increases as the option maturity approaches.

8. True or false?
Buying a 25 Delta call and selling a 25 Delta put gives a portfolio Delta of +50. False

9. True or false?
Dynamically hedging a short Gamma position will result in hedge transactions that are likely to
generate positive P/L.

10. Your customer is looking to sell Delta, buy Gamma, buy Vega and sell Rho.
You recommend that they:
a. Buy calls
b. Sell calls Buy put
c. Buy puts
d. Sell puts


Greeks from Option Strategies

Implied volatility is currently at 8% with the spot price trading at 100. Using an options pricing
spreadsheet, price and find the risk on the following strategies, assuming 180 days (365-day year)
option maturities and no carry:
 100/110 call spread
 100/90 put spread
 100 straddle
 95/105 strangle
 95/100/105 call butterfly
 95/100/105 put butterfly

For each of the above strategies, calculate the following:

 Premium
 Delta
 Gamma
 Vega

Use the following tables for your answers.

Option Premium Delta Gamma Vega

90 Call

90 Put

95 Call

95 Put

100 Call

100 Put

105 Call

105 Put

110 Call

110 Put


Strategy Premium Delta Gamma Vega

call spread

put spread



call butterfly

put butterfly

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