Advanced Power Revision Test 3

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10/15/22, 6:49 AM Advanced power revision test 3

Multiple Choice

This is a multiple choice exercise.

Choose one of the options for each question.

1 Give me a hand, _____?

A) will you B) do you C) don't you D) can't you

2 There were _____ tears shed for that racist old woman when she died.

A) few B) little C) a few D) a little

How do you spell this word: ?

A) asumption B) assumption

4 I'm going grey, _____?

A) am't I B) won't I C) aren't I D) don't I

5 She's been angry with you ever since you got the promotion ahead of her. She _____ it against you.

A) resents B) handles C) holds D) keeps

6 There was _____ confusion as the enemy opened fire upon our cavalry.

A) a lot B) plenty C) much D) many

7 The audience were very _____ of the concert, applauding for more than five minutes.

A) appreciable B) appreciative

8 Paul _____ up for me at the meeting, which was a surprise because I thought he didn't like me.

A) supported B) relied C) backed D) stood

How do you spell this word: ?

A) slipery B) slippery

10 There were _____ chairs for the hundreds of extra people who turned up on the day.

A) hardly a few B) barely a lot C) barely D) hardly some

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