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Work in groups and choose ONE of the following Intercultural communication projects. Report
the results of your project to the class in a group presentation.

TOPIC 1: Report the results of your project to the class in a group presentation:
Design and conduct a small-scale survey on a particular community’s common beliefs, values, and
social norms.
Suggestion: The ‘community’ in your survey may consist of:
- People in your community (your neighbours, classmates, students at your university
- People at your same age/ course/ sex …
- Your friends in a different region/ country …
- …
- Consult the lecturer about the design, scope and subjects of your project and the survey
- Analyse your data in the light of relevant Intercultural/ cross cultural communication
concepts that you have learned in the course. Briefly review these concepts with proper
referencing before presenting your data.

Report the results of your project to the class in a group presentation:
Investigate some biased beliefs that might lead to distorted images of (a group of) peoples/ nations/
cultures and their impacts. These biased beliefs might cause/ be caused of ethnocentrism/
stereotypes/prejudice/ overgeneralization, discrimination, racism etc.
Suggestion: You can tell the stories of your own or collect from (e)- newspapers/ television/ Facebook
… provided that the sources of those should be noted.
- Consult the lecturer about the design, scope and subjects of your project and the source of
- Analyse your data in the light of relevant Intercultural/ cross cultural communication
concepts that you have learned in the course. Briefly review these concepts with proper
referencing before presenting your data.
Report the results of your project to the class in a group presentation:
Study the language/ (socio)cultural transfers in intercultural communication.
Suggested topics:
- Language transfers used among people in a multicultural/language community.
- The influences of socio-cultural factors in intercultural communication
The communication can be in-person, online (chat/forum/social networks and social media)
- Consult the lecturer about the design, scope and subjects of your project and the source of
- Analyse your data in the light of relevant Intercultural/ cross cultural communication
concepts that you have learned in the course. Briefly review these concepts with proper
referencing before presenting your data.

Report the results of your project to the class in a group presentation:
Choose a/some cultural taxonomy/taxonomies discussed in the course and investigate how those
values are manifested in our own culture or in other cultures. You may consider some factors such
as social and political factors to explain those cultural behaviors and expressions (if any). Give your
critical opinions.
You can choose an area/ a field/ an aspect of social life etc. to investigate. This could be any settings
for commercial/ business/ administrative … purposes, for example a working environment (an
administrative office, a business company, a factory …), an educational environment (a university, an
upper/middle school, a Foreign Language centre …)
- Consult the lecturer about the design, scope and subjects of your project and the source of
- Analyse your data in the light of relevant Intercultural/ cross cultural communication
concepts that you have learned in the course. Briefly review these concepts with proper
referencing before presenting your data.

Report the results of your project to the class in a group presentation
Conduct a mini survey on how people of a particular group (age/gender/a culture/ a country ...) use
and interpret certain non-verbal behaviors/concepts (e.g., gestures, time, markers, symbols etc).
What suggestions do you recommend to boost the adaptation in the intercultural contexts?
Suggestion: You can survey and ask people of your own community (your classmates, your friends,
your colleagues, your neighbours) or people of other communities/ cultures/ countries either
directly (in-persons) or via online platforms (Zoom, Google Meets, Teams Meet, Facebook
messenger …). Choose a (some) certain non-verbal behaviour(s) that fit(s) your circumstances or you
think they are popular in your daily life.
- Consult the lecturer about the scope of your project and the source of information.
- Analyse your data in the light of relevant Intercultural/ cross cultural communication
concepts that you have learned in the course. Briefly review these concepts with proper
referencing before presenting your data.

Presentation requirements
- Group work: 4 – 5 students in one group.
- Time allowed for each group presentation: maximum 25 minutes – 15 minutes Q&A.
- Each group presentation must be a single project presented by 4 – 5 speakers (not 4 – 5 mini-
presentations put together). This requires a smooth transition between speakers.
- Use visual aids (e.g., videos, pictures, tape, …) or physical demonstration (role-play, mini
drama, action …) for illustration.
- Prepare hand-outs, design follow-up activities/exercises for the audience.
- Raise questions for discussion.
- Be prepared to answer any questions from the audience.
- Creativity in the way of presenting the project is encouraged.
- You will be assessed both as a group and individually. Thus, work actively and constructively.
- You will be assessed on the ability to convince the audience of your analysis, which is based
on your critical understanding and conceptualisation of the materials learnt from the course
and your informed observation.
- Be tentative!!! You are using knowledge of cross-cultural communication to sharpen your
observation, but not to generalise because you are analysing only a small fraction of a
culture/some cultures.

Submission: a soft copy of Ready-for-performance kit:

* Slide presentation (if any)
* Designed tasks and games with how-to instructions
* Accessories/Facilities (if any)

Note: Plagiarism will be severely punished.

(40%, 1200-1500 words excluding references, due the end of week 15)

There are two different types of Final Assignment. One is for those who prefer
practice-based discussion, while the other is for those who favour research-
based discussion. Select the one you believe may be of greater interest, and
read the instructions carefully.
1. Write an analysis essay of 1200–1500 words on this.

Choose a topic or some topics from the Intercultural Communication

course and discuss how they are related to your intercultural
communication competence. Analyse it from social science,
interpretive, or critical perspectives.
Things to remember
a. Use the ICC concepts you learnt in the course and other sources you
have read to explain your ideas. Be selective in choosing your examples
and supporting evidence in your discussion.
b. Your essay should be relevant, consistent, and clear and be compliant
with the essay format
c. Your essay should contain:
1) brief literature review of the concept(s) chosen with proper
2) description of the experiences that relate to the concept(s)
3) analysis and discussion how the experiences and the concept(s) help
us understand the intercultural communication competence.
d. Be tentative!!! You are using knowledge of inter/cross-cultural
communication to sharpen your observation, but not to generalise
because you are analysing only a small fraction of a culture/some
Requirements for essay writing
- Topics should be chosen and discussed with your lecturers before you
start your work.
- Choose the materials carefully, and analyse the materials in the light of
concepts in intercultural communication that you think particularly
relevant (e.g ethnocentrism, acculturation, values, cross-cultural
pragmatics, verbal communication...). Discuss in relation to the course
materials and your reading.
- This is an individual essay, plagiarism will be severely punished.
- Length of the essay (excluding the references): 1200 – 1500 words.
- Sources of reference must be clearly stated following APA format
- Hand in the soft copy (submitted via Microsoft Teams Assignment)
- Submit your final essay according to the agreed schedule. Late papers
may be accepted with valid justifications, but will be marked one grade
lower than the grade deserved for every day of delay.

2. Write a research proposal on an Intercultural Communication topic. The

proposal should include the following points: Rationale (justifications

for your choosing the topic), intended research method(s) and
instrument(s) for collecting data, reviews of the related topics,
preliminary data and analysis, some expected outcomes, and a list of
Guidelines for the research proposal:
Research Proposal: Intercultural Communication
Title: [Provide a clear and concise title for your research proposal.]
Begin with an introduction that provides an overview of the research proposal,
including the significance of the chosen topic in the field of intercultural
1. Rationale:
In this section, justify your choice of the research topic. Explain why the topic is
relevant and important in the context of intercultural communication. Include
any real-world examples or experiences that have motivated your research.
Address questions such as:
• What is the problem or gap in knowledge that your research aims to
• Why is this topic worth investigating?
• How does it contribute to the existing body of literature in intercultural
2. Research Objectives:
Clearly state the objectives of your research. What do you intend to achieve
through this study? Your objectives should be specific, measurable, and aligned
with your research topic.
3. Research Methodology:
Detail the research methods and instruments you plan to use for collecting data.
Consider the following:
• Research Design: Explain whether your study will be qualitative,
quantitative, or mixed-methods, and provide reasons for your choice.
• Data Collection: Describe how you will collect data (e.g., surveys,
interviews, content analysis, observations) and justify why these methods
are suitable for your research.
• Participants: Specify the target population or sample size and the criteria
for participant selection.
• Data Analysis: Outline the data analysis techniques or software you will
use to analyze the collected data.
4. Literature Review:
Conduct a review of relevant literature on your chosen topic. Discuss key
theories, concepts, and previous research findings related to intercultural
communication. Identify gaps or areas where your research can contribute to
the existing knowledge.
5. Preliminary Data and Analysis:
If you have already collected some preliminary data or conducted initial
analyses, present and discuss these findings. This will demonstrate your
research readiness and provide insight into the direction your study is taking.
6. Expected Outcomes:
Discuss the expected outcomes and implications of your research. What do you
anticipate discovering, and how might your findings contribute to our
understanding of intercultural communication? Address any practical
applications or policy implications that may arise from your research.
7. References:
Provide a list of references in a consistent citation style (e.g., APA) that includes
all the sources you have cited in your proposal. Ensure that your references are
properly formatted and adhere to academic citation standards.
If your research requires funding, include a brief section outlining the estimated
budget and potential funding sources. This is especially important for larger
research projects.
Summarize the main points of your research proposal and reiterate its
significance in the context of intercultural communication.
Appendices (if necessary):
Attach any additional materials, such as informed consent forms,
questionnaires, or interview guides, in the appendices.

General guidelines
1. Written work should be typed on A4 paper format (Font Times New Roman,
size 14, double-line spacing). Your names, class, title of the project are all in the
Assignment Coversheet page (first page).
2. Indicate the length of your written work at the end of the main text (Word
Count can help to get this). You will be penalized if you write too much or too
3. Use APA format. If necessary, you can consult the APA manual.
4. Provide adequate reference sources. Any material taken from a source needs
to be identified, even if you have changed the wording. Failure to attribute
material to its original source will be considered plagiarism and will result in a
zero grade.
5. You must hand in your assignment before the due date and time. Remember
that after the submission time, Teams Assignment will close for turn-ins. The
name of file must state your name, class, and the course.
E.g.: Nguyen Thi A_20E8_ICC

To lecturers: To ensure academic integrity, all soft copy essays (both group
presentation and final essays) will be collected and put together in a file and
kept for years. This will be shared among lecturers, which will help us track
students’ original works and detect possible plagiarism.

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