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2 Composite Function
Composite function is the process of combining two or more functions into a single function.
g f

In f(g(x)), g(x) is the input of f(x).

x g(x) f(g(x)) In g(f(x)), f(x) is the input of g(x).

Let's use the example of making bread to explain composite functions.

Imagine you have two functions:
Dough-making function f(x):
This function takes flour, water, yeast, and other ingredients as inputs and produces dough
as output.
Baking function g(x):
This function takes raw dough as input and produces baked bread as output.
Therefore, composite function g(f(x)) represents the entire bread-making process by
making the dough and then baking it.
outer function
The inner function occurs first before the outer function.
g(f(x)) In this example, making dough, f(x) occurs first before
baking g(x).
inner function
making dough

Given f(x) = 2x+1 and g(x)=3x-5, Find the following
a. f(g(3)) b. g(f(5))
Start from inner function f(x) = 2x+1
g(x)=3x-5 f(5) = 2(5)+1
g(3)=3(3)-5 replace x with input f(5) = 11
g(3)=4 given in the question
g(x) = 3x-5
g(f(5)) = 3f(5)-5
f(g(3)) = 2g(3)+1
replace g(3) value into g(f(5)) = 3(11)-5 replace f(5) value into
f(g(3)) = 2(4)+1
the outer function g(f(5))= 28 the outer function
f(g(3)) = 9
Tips & Tricks
With composite function, always work from inner to outer !
1. Plug in the input ( usually a number) for the inner function and solve
2. Use that new INPUT that you just solved for and plug it into the outer function
Three types of composite function case

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Find combination of Finding inner function of any Finding outer function of
two different function given composite function any given composite function
Find fg(x) Given f g(x) = 2x + 1, Find g(x) Given f g(x) = 2x + 1, Find f(x)
Case 1
Find combination of two different function
Example 1
Given f(x) = x+1 , g(x)=2x . Find
a. fg(x)
f(x) = x+1 Start with outer function of the question

f [g (x)] = g(x) + 1 Replace x with the inner function

fg(x) = 2x + 1 Replace the value of inner function

into RHS equation.
fg(x) = 2x + 1 Simplify if required

Tips & Tricks

With composite function, always work from inner to outer !
1. Plug in the INPUT ( usually a number) for the inner function and solve
2. Use that new INPUT that you just solved for and plug it into the outer function

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