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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy, India 07/07/18_ JR.IPL-IC_JEE-MAIN _Q.P.

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy., India.

A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office, Madhapur – Hyderabad
SEC: JR.IPL-IC WTM-4 Date: 07-07-18
Time: 9:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M JEE-MAIN Max. Marks: 360

Mathematics: Question No. 01 to 30 consists FOUR (4) marks. Negative (-1)
Physics : Question No. 31 to 60 consists FOUR (4) marks. Negative (-1)
Chemistry : Question No. 61 to 90 consists FOUR (4) marks. Negative (-1)
Mathematics: T1: Multiple & Submultiple angles &Transformations: Integrated Material.
T2: Straight lines: upto LS: Obj Ex-II: Level – I.
Physics Kinematics: Horizontal Projectile motion and problems, Projectile motion on
inclined plane, Concept of relative velocity, rain - umbrella problems, Boat -
river concept & Problems.
Chemistry : T1: Periodic table: upto Electronegativity.
T2: Geometrical isomerism, E Z system cis & trans, Geometrical isomerism,
Properties of geometrical isomerism (problems).
sin 2 A  sin 2 B  sin 2C
1. In triangle ABC is equal to
SinA  sin B  sin C
1) 8sin sin sin 2) 8cos cos cos
2 2 2 2 2 2
3) 8 tan tan tan 4) 8cot cot cot
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2
2. If cos A  cos B  cos C  1, then ABC is
1) equilateral 2) isosceles 3) right angled 4) none of these
3. In triangle ABC, tan A + tan B+ tan C=6 and tan A tanB =2, then the values of tan A,
tan B, tan C are, respectively
1) 1,2,3 2) 3,2/3, 7/3 3) 4, ½,3/2 4) none of these
cos  A  C 
4. If cos 2 B  , then tan A, tan B, tan C are in
cos  x  y  cos  z  1
1) A.P 2) G.P 3) H.P. 4) none of these
5. The value of tan 90  tan 27 0  tan 630  tan 810 is
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) none of these
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6. If cos x  tan y ,cos y  tan z, cos z  tan x, then the value of sin x is

1) 2 cos18o 2) cos18o 3) sin 18o 4) 2sin 18o

tan 3 A
7. If  k  k  1 then which of the following is not true?
tan A
cos A k  1 sin 3 A 2k cot 3 A 1
1)  2)  3)  4) none of these
cos3 A 2 sin A k  1 cot A k
 1 e 
8. If tan  tan , then cos  
2 1 e 2
1  e cos  1  e cos  1  e cos  cos   e
1) 2) 3) 4)
cos   e cos   e cos   e 1  e cos 
x x
9. 3sin x  4cos x  5  6 tan  9 tan 2 
2 2
1) 0 2) 1 3) 3 4) 4
10. The value of sin 3 100  sin 3 500  sin 3 70 0 is equal to
3 3 3 3
1)  2) 3)  4) 
2 4 4 8
11. If   then tan  tan 2  tan 2 tan 4  tan 4 tan  
1) -1 2) -3 3) -5 4) -7
sin x  sin z
12. If x,y,z are in A.P, then is equal to
cos z  cos x
1) tan y 2) cot y 3) sin y 4) cos y
2015 2015
 cos A  cos B   sin A  sin B 
13. The value of     
 sin A  sin B   cos A  cos B 
 A B  2015  A  B  2015  A  B 
1) 0 2) cot 2015   3) cot   4) 2 tan  
 2   2   2 

14. If cos     ,cos  ,cos     are in H.P. then cos  .sec 
1)  2 2) 2 3)  2 4) 1

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3  tan 2
15. If 7  k cos  then the value of k is
 7
1  tan 2
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
16. If A be a point on x – axis, B be a point on 2x – y + 6 = 0 and C(2, 5) such that the
perimeter of triangle ABC is minimum, then the possible coordinates of B are
1) (0, 6) 2) (- 1, 4) 3) (1, 8) 4) (3, 12)
17. A straight line L with negative slope passes through the point (8, 2) and cuts the
positive coordinate axes at points P and Q. As L varies, the absolute minimum value of
OP+OQ is (O is origin)
1) 10 2) 18 3) 16 4) 12
18. The number of integral values of m for which the x coordinate of the point of
intersection of the lines 3x  4 y  9 and y  mx  1 is also an integer is
1) 2 2) 0 3) 4 4) 1
19. Area of the parallelogram formed by the lines y  mx , y  mx  1 , y  nx and y  nx  1
equals  m  n
mn 2 1 1
1) 2
2) 3) 4)
m  n mn mn mn
20. The point (4, 1) undergoes the following three transformations successively.
(i) Reflection about the line yx

(ii) Translation through a distance 2 units along the positive direction of x - axis

(iii) Rotation through an angle about the origin in the anticlockwise direction.
The final position of the point is given by the coordinates
 1 7   1 7 
1)  ,  2)  2, 7 2  3)   ,  4)  2, 7 2 
 2 2  2 2

21. Line L has intercepts a and b on the coordinate axes, when the axes are rotated through
a given angle; keeping the origin fixed, the same line has intercepts p and q, then
1 1 1 1
1) a 2  b 2  p 2  q 2 2) 2
 2  2 2
a b p q
1 1 1 1
3) a 2  p 2  b 2  q 2 4) 2
 2  2 2
a p b q

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22. A ray of light coming from the point (1, 2) is reflected at a point A on the x-axis and
then passes through the point (5, 3). The coordinates of the point A are
13 5
1)  , 0  2)  , 0  3)  7, 0  4) none of these
5   13 
23. If the point (a, a) fall between the lines x  y  2 , then
1) a  2 2) a  1 3) a  1 4) a 
24. The diagonals of the parallelogram whose sides are lx  my  n  0, lx  my  n '  0,
mx  ly  n  0, mx  ly  n '  0 include an angle
 l 2  m2  2lm
1)  / 3 2)  / 2 3) tan 1  2 2 
4) tan 1  2 
2 
l m  l m 
25. If the point P  a 2 , a  lies in the region corresponding to the acute angle between the
lines 2y  x and 4y  x , then
1) a   2, 4  2) a   2, 6  3) a   4, 6  4) a   4, 8 
26. A ray travelling along the line 3 x  4 y  5 after being reflected from a line ' l ' travels
along the line 5 x  12 y  13 . Then the equation of the line ' l ' is
1) x  8 y  0 2) x  8 y  0 3) 32 x  4 y  65  0 4) 32 x  4 y  65  0
27. If the straight lines a1 x  b1 y  c1  0, a1 x  b1 y  c2  0, a2 x  b2 y  d1  0 and a2 x  b2 y  d 2  0
are the sides of a rhombus, then
2 2
1)  a22  b22   c1  c2    a12  b12   d1  d2  2)  a12  b12  d1  d 2   a22  b22  c1  c2
2 2
3)  a22  b22   d1  d 2    a12  b12   c1  c2  4)  a12  b12  c1  c2   a22  b22  d1  d 2

28. If the point  2a  3, a 2  1 is on the same side of the line x + y – 4 =0 as that of the

origin then the set of values of a is

1) -4 < a < 2 2) -3 < a < 1 3) 4 < a < 1 4) none of these
29. Is there a real value of  for which the image of the point   ,   1 by the line mirror
3x  y  6 is the point   2  1,   find 
1 1 1 1
1) 1, 2) 2, 3) 4)
2 3 2 3
30. A line passing through point A (-5, -4) meet other three lines x  3 y  2  0, 2x  y  4  0
     
2 2 2

and x  y 5  0 at B, C and D respectively If  15    10    6  , then the equation
 AB   AC   AD 
of line is
1) 2x 3y  22  0 2) 5x 4 y  7  0 3) 3x  2 y  3  0 4) 3x  2 y 3  0
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31. In figure, the time taken by the projectile to reach from A to B is t. Then the
distance AB

600 0

ut 3ut
1) 2) 3) 3ut 4) 2ut
3 2
32. A river is flowing from west to east at a speed of 5m min-1-. A man on the south bank
of the river, capable of swimming at 10m min-1in still water, wants to swim across the
river in the shortest time. Finally, he will move in a direction
1) tan 1  2  E ofN 2) tan 1  2  N of E 3) 300 E of N 4) 60 0 E of N

33. A train of 150m length is going toward north direction at a speed of 10ms-1. A parrot
flies at a speed of 5ms-1toward south direction parallel to the railway track. The time
taken by the parrot to cross the train is equal to
1) 12 s 2) 8s 3) 15 s 4) 10s
34. Rain is falling vertically downwards with a speed of 4kmh 1 . A girl moves on a
straight road with a velocity of 3kmh 1 . The apparent velocity of rain with respect to
the girl is
1) 3km h 1 2) 4km h 1 3) 5km h 1 4) 7km h 1
35. Two bullets are fired horizontally with different velocities from the same height.
Which will reach the ground first?
1) Slower one 2) Faster one
3) Both will reach simultaneously 4) cannot be predicted
36. Two tall building are 30m apart. The speed with which a ball must be thrown
horizontally from a window 150m above the ground in one building so that it enters a
window 27.5m from the ground in the other building is
1) 2ms 1 2) 6ms 1 3) 4ms 1 4) 8ms 1
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37. A ball rolls off the top of staircase with a horizontal velocity u ms 1 . If the steps are h
metre high and b metre wide, the ball will hit the edge of the nth step. If
2hu 2hu 2 2hu 2 hu 2
1) n  2) n  3) n  4) n  2
gb 2 gb gb 2 gb
38. A body is projected horizontally from the top of a tower with initial velocity 18ms 1 . It
hits the ground at angle 450 . What is the vertical component of velocity when it strikes
the ground?

1) 9 ms 1 2) 9 2 ms 1 3) 18 ms 1 4)18 2 ms 1

39. Ship A is travelling with a velocity of 5 km h 1 due east. A second ship is heading 30 o
east of north. What should be the speed of second ship if it is to remain always due
north with respect to the first ship?
1) 10 km h 1 2) 9 km h 1 3) 5 km h 1 4) 7 km h 1
40. Rain is falling vertically with a velocity of 25ms-1. A woman rides a bicycle with a
speed of 10 ms-1 in the north to south direction. What is the direction (angle with
vertical) in which she should hold her umbrella to save herself from rain?

1) tan 1  0.4  2) tan 1 1 3) tan 1  3 4) tan 1  2.6 

41. A man can swim in still water with a speed of 2 ms 1 . If he wants to cross a river of

water current speed 3 ms 1 along the shortest possible path, then in which direction
should he swim?
1) At an angle 120 0 to the water current
2) At angle 150 0 to the water current
3) At an angle 900 to the water current
4) None of these

42. A boat is moving with a velocity 3i  4 j with respect to ground. The water in the river

is moving with a velocity 3i  4 j with respect to ground. The relative velocity of the
boat with respect to water is

1) 8 j 2) 6i  8 j 3) 6i  8 j 4) 5 2
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43. Two thin wood screens A and B are separated by 200m. A bullet travelling
horizontally at a speed of 60m/s hits the screen A, penetrates through it and finally
emerges out from B making holes in A and B. If the resistance of air and wood are
negligible, the difference of heights of the holes in A and B is
49 7
1) 5m 2) m 3) m 4) 0m
90 90
44. A boat crosses a river of width 200m in the shortest time and is found to experience a
drift of 100m in reaching the opposite bank. The time taken now is ‘t’. If the same boat
is to cross the river by shortest path, the time taken to cross will be
1) 2t 2) 2t 3)3t 4)
45. Two ships are 10 km apart on a line running south to north. The one farther north is
streaming west at 40km per hr, the other ship is streaming towards north with the same
speed. The time after which the two ships are at closest distance is
1) 7.5 min 2) 12 min 3) 14 min 4) 20 min
46. A man is trying to cross a river flowing at a speed of 5ms-1 to have least possible
displacement by swimming at an angle of 1430 to the stream. The drift he suffers when
he is crossing the same river in least possible time is [Width of river = 1km]
1) 160m 2) 800m 3) 400m 4) 200m

47. Rain drops are falling vertically down wards at 5 2 m / s . A man runs horizontally in

the rain at 5 2 . The magnitude and direction of relative velocity of the rain drops
with respect to the person is
1) 5m / s, 450 with vertical 2) 10m / s, 450 with vertical

3) 15m / s,300 with vertical 4) none of these

48. A stone is dropped freely, while another thrown vertically downward with an initial
velocity of 2ms 1 from the same point, simultaneously. The time required by them to
have a distance of separation 22m between them is
1) 11s 2) 5.5 s 3) 44s 4) 22s

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49. A body is projected horizontally from the top of a hill with a velocity of 9.8 m/s. What
time elapses before the vertical velocity is twice the horizontal velocity?
1) 0.5 sec 2) 1 sec 3) 2 sec 4) 1.5 sec
50. A plane surface is inclined making an angle  with the horizontal. From the bottom of
this inclined plane, a bullet is fired with velocity ‘v’. Find the maximum possible range
of the bullet on the inclined plane
v2 v2 v2 v2
1) 2) 3) 4)
g g 1  cos   g 1  sin   g 1  sin  
51. Wind is blowing in the north direction at speed of 2 m/s which causes the rain to fall at
some angle with the vertical. With what velocity should a cyclist drive so that the rain
appears vertical to him.
1) 2 m/s south 2) 2 m/s north 3) 4 m/s west 4) 4 m/s south
52. A girl riding a bicycle with a speed of 5m/s towards north direction observes rain
falling vertically down. If she increases her speed to 10m/s, rain appears to fall at 450
to the vertical. What is the speed of rain?

1) 10 m/s 2) 5 2 3) 5 m/s 4) 10 2
53. A stationary man observes that the rain is falling vertically downward. When he starts
running with a velocity of 12km/h observes that the rains is falling at an angle 600 with
the vertical. The actual velocity of rain is

1) 12 3 km / h 2) 12 km/h 3) 4 3 km / h 4) 10 3 km / h

54. A train of length 200m travelling at a speed of 30ms 1 overtakes another train of length
300m travelling at a speed of 20ms 1 in the same direction. The time taken by the first
train to pass the second train is
1) 50s 2) 10 s 3) 20 s 4) 40 s
55. A man who can swim with a velocity vb in still water wants to cross a river in
minimum possible time. If the river is flowing with a velocity vw and b, x are the width
and drift respectively, the actual distance travelled by the man is

1) x 2) b 3) b2  x2 4) b2  x2

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56. At a certain height a body at rest explodes into two equal fragments with one fragment
receiving a horizontal velocity of 10ms-1.The time interval after the explosion for
which the velocity vectors of the two fragments become perpendicular to each other is

 g  10ms  2

1) 1s 2) 2s 3) 1.5 s 4) 1.75 s
57. A man can row a boat with a velocity of vb in stationary water. If water is flowing with
a velocity of Vw and if the width of the river is b, the time taken by the man to reach
exactly opposite point on the other side of the bank is,
b b b b
1) 2) 3) 4)
vb vw vb2  vw2 vb2  vw2
58. A man can row a boat with 4 kmph in still water. If he is crossing a river where the
current is 8kmph. In what time he will cross the river in the shortest path? (Width of
river is 8 km)
2 4 4
1) hr 2) hr 3) 1 hr 4) hr
3 3 3
59. To a person going east in a car at velocity of 25 kmph, a train appears to move towards

north with a velocity of 25 3 kmph. The actual velocity of train is

1) 25 kmph 2) 50 kmph 3) 5 kmph 4) 5 3 kmph

60. A man swimming downstream overcomes a float at a point M. After travelling distance
D he turned back and passed the float at a distance of D/2 from the point M, then the
ratio of speed of swimmer with respect to still water to the speed of the river will be
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2.5

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61. Element with atomic number 15 and mass number 31 is present in
1) group 5 and period 4 2) group 5 and period 3
3) group 15 and period 3 4) group 15 and period 4
62. Which is not a transition metal
1)Ag 2)Pb 3) Cr 4) Pt
63. Covalent bond length of chloringe molecule is 1.98 A . Then covalent radius of
chlorine is
o o o o
1) 1.98 A 2) 1.7 A 3) 2.05 A 4) 0.99 A
64. M 3 has electronic configuration as  Ar  3d 10 4s 2 ,hence it lies in
1) s-block 2) p-block 3) d-block 4) f-block
65. Correct order of ionic radius is
1) Ti 4  M 7 2) Cl   Cl 3) K   Cl  4 P 3  P 5
66. When the screening effect increases, ionization energy
1) Decreases 2) Increases
3) First increases and then decreases 4) Remains constant
67. A sudden jump between the values of second and third ionization energies of an
element is associated with configuration
1) 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3s1 2) 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p1 3) 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3s 2 3 p 2 4) 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3s 2
68. In a period from left to right, electron affinity
1) Increases 2) Decreases
3) Remains constant 4) First increases and then decreases
69. Considering the elements F,Cl,O and N, the correct order of their electron affinity
values is
1) F> CI > O <S 2) F > O > Cl > S 3) Cl > F> S > O 4) O> F > S > Cl
70. The electro negativity values of C, N, O and F
1) Increase from carbon to fluorine
2) Decrease from carbon to fluorine
3) Increase upto oxygen and is minimum at fluorine
4) is minimum at nitrogen and then increase continuously
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71. Which of the following pair of elements are from the same group of the periodic table?
1) Mg,Cs 2) Mg,Sr 3) Mg,Cl 4) Na,Cl
72. Pair of elements with the following atomic numbers have the same chemical properties
1) 13 & 22 2) 3 &11 3) 4 & 24 4) 2 &1
73. Largest ion among the following is
1) Na  2) O 2 3) S 2 4) Cl 
74. Which one among the following sets of ions represents the collection of isoelectronic
1) S 2 , Cl  , K  , Ca 2 , Sc 3 2) N 3 , O 2 , Na  , Mg 2 , Al 3

3) K  , Cl  , Mg 2 , Al 3 , Sc 3 4) 1 and 2 both
75. Atomic radii of fluorine and neon in angstrom units are respectively
1) 0.72,1.62 2) 0.72,0.72 3) 1.2,1.2 4) 1.62,072
76. Among chalcogens electron affinity is highest for
1) O 2) S 3) Se 4) Te
77. The electronegativity values according to Mulliken scale are __ times to those in
Pauling scale
1) 0.208 2) 2 3) 2.8 4) 544
78. Geometrical isomerism is possible about which of the following multiple bonds?
1) C = N 2) N = N 3) C =C 4) all of these
79. Which of the following is correct?
Cl H Cl
CH 3 CH 3 Cl
CH 3 H
CC > C C (Melting Point)
C C > C C (Boiling point)

H CH 3
H Cl H
1) H H 2) H

Cl Cl
C C > C C (Dipole moment)

H H H Cl
3) 4) All of the above

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80. Which of the following does not show geometrical isomerism?
1) 1,2 –dichloro – 1- pentene 2) 1,3-dichloro -2- pentene
3) 1,1 – dichloro -1 – pentene 4) 1,4 –dichloro-2- pentene
81. Which of the following cycloalkanes will show cis-trans isomerism?
CH 3 CH 3 CH 3

CH 3

CH 3
1) 2) 3) 4) All the above
82. CH 2  CH  CH  CH  CH  CH  CH 3 How many geometrical isomers of this
compound are possible?
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 8
83. Which of these compounds are likely to exhibit geometrical isomerism

1) I 2) II 3) III 4) I and III

84. Cl This compound is named in IUPAC as

1) 3-chloro-6-methyl-(3E,5Z)-octadiene
2) 3-chloro-6-methyl-(3Z,5E)- octadiene
3) 3-chloro-6-methyl-(3Z,5Z)- octadiene
4) 3-chloro-6-methyl-(3E,5Z)- octadiene
85. Which of the following compounds exhibits geometrical isomerism?
i) CH 2  CHCH 3 ii) CH 3CH  CHCH 3

iii) CH 3CH  C  CHCH 3 iv) CH 3CH  C  C  CHCH 3

1) (ii) ,(iv) 2) (ii),(iii) and (iv) 3) (ii),(iii) 4) (i),(iii)

Sec: JR.IPL-IC Page 12

Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy, India 07/07/18_ JR.IPL-IC_JEE-MAIN _Q.P.
86. Which of the following compounds is Z-isomer
CH 3 CH 3 C2 H 5 CHO CH 3 CN CN
C C C C C C
C C
CH 3 Cl CH 3
1) 2) H 3) C2 H 5 H 4) CN H

87. Which of following compound can show geometrical isomerism?

Br Cl
CH 3
C C C
I Cl CH 3
1) 2)

F Et CH 3 CH 3
C C C
Cl CH 3
3) Et 4) CH 3

H 3C
C C is

H CH  CH 3 2
1) E-isomer 2) Z-isomer 3) Cis-isomer 4)Trans-isomer
89. No.of geometrical isomers possible for the compound
CH 3  CH  CH  CH  CH  C2 H 5
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
90. Which of the following have zero dipole moment?
1) benzene 1,4- diol 2) trans-1,2-dichloro ethene
3) cis-1,2-dichloro ethene 4) 1,1-dichloro ethene

Sec: JR.IPL-IC Page 13

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