GP Sum Sum of GP Formula Sum of N Terms in GP

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GP Sum
The sum of a GP is the sum of a few or all terms of
a geometric progression. A series of numbers
obtained by multiplying or dividing each
preceding term, such that there is a common ratio
between the terms (that is not equal to 0) is the
geometric progression and the sum of all these
terms formed so is the sum of geometric
progression (GP).

Let us learn more about GP sum formulas (for

both finite and infinite series) along with

What is GP Sum?
GP sum is the sum of a few or all terms of a
geometric progression. Let us start
understanding GP sum using an example. Clara
saves a few dollars every week in a particular
fashion. In week 1 she deposits $2. In week 2 - $4,
in week 3 - $8, in week 4 - $16, and so on. How
much will she have at the end of 6 weeks in her
piggy bank? The amount deposited in the 6
weeks would be $2, $4, $8, $16, $32, and $64.
So, at the end of 6 weeks she will have $2+ $4 +
$8+ $16+ $32 + $64 = $126 accumulated in her
piggy bank. Since we had to calculate the amount
only after 6 weeks, the manual calculation was
easy. But what if we had to find the amount after
so many weeks, say 50 weeks? GP sum formulas
make this process easier.

Sum of n Terms in GP
Let's discuss how to calculate the sum of n
terms of GP
GP. Consider the sum of the first n
terms of a geometric progression (GP) with first
term a and common ratio r. Then the first 'n'

terms of GP are of the form a, ar, ar2, ... arn-1. Let S

be the sum of the geometric progression of n
terms. Then:

Sn = a + ar + ar2 + ... + arn-1 ... (1)

Multiply both sides by r:

rSn = ar + ar2 + ... + arn ... (2)

Subtracting equation (1) from equation (2):

rSn - Sn = (ar + ar2 + ... + arn) - (a + ar + ar2 + ... +


Sn (r - 1) = arn - a

Sn (r - 1) = a(rn - 1)

S n = a(r n - 1) / (r - 1)

Note that, here, r ≠ 1. This formula can also be

written as:

Sn = -a(1 - rn) / (-(1 - r)) = a(1 - rn) / (1 - r).

What happens when r = 1? Then the GP is of form

a, a, a, ..., (n terms). Then the sum is, S n = na

Now, let us work on the example (from the last

section) using the sum of n terms of GP formula.
The amounts saved by Clara in the order of weeks
are, 2, 4, 8, 16, .... Clearly, this is a geometric
progression as 4/2 = 8/4 = 16/2 = ... = 2.

Here, the first term is, a = 2, the common ratio is, r

= 2, and the number of terms is, n = 6 (as we want
the sum of the amounts after 6 weeks).

We have got the same answer using the GP sum

formula also.

Sum of Infinite GP
The above formula gives the sum of a finite GP.
But what if we have to find the sum of an infinite

GP? Let us consider a GP a, ar, ar2, ... (up to an

infinite number of terms) such that the absolute
value of its common ratio is less than 1. i.e., |r| < 1.
Let us assume the sum of all these infinite number
of terms be S∞. Then:

S∞ = a + ar + ar2 + ... ... (1)

Multiplying both sides by r,

rS∞ = ar + ar2 + ... ... (2)

Subtracting (2) from (1):

(1 - r) S∞ = a

S ∞ = a / (1 - r)

This is the formula for the sum of infinite gp

Note that for any infinite geometric series,

If |r| < 1, then the geometric series converges

and it has a sum.
If |r| ≥ 1, then the geometric series diverges
and it cannot have a sum.

Example: A square is drawn by joining the

midpoints of the sides of the original square. A
third square is drawn inside the second square in
the same way and this process is continued
indefinitely. If a side of the first square is "s" units,
determine the sum of areas of all the squares so


The areas of squares thus formed are, s, s2/2,

s2/4, s2/8, ....

Taking 's2' as common factor, the sum of areas is,

s2 ( 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ... ) ... (1)

Here, 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + ... is an infinite geometric

series with a = 1 and r = 1/2. So its sum is

S∞ = a / (1-r) = 1 / (1 - 1/2) = 2.

Substituting this in (1):

The sum of areas = 2s2.

Sum of GP Formulas
Let us summarize all formulas used for finding the
sum of a GP.

To find the sum of finite (n) terms of a GP,

Sn = a(rn - 1) / (r - 1) [OR] Sn = a(1 - rn) / (1 - r),

if r ≠ 1.
Sn = an, if r = 1.
To find the sum of infinite terms of a GP,
S = a / (1 - r), if |r| < 1 (and in this case, we say
that the series converges)
S cannot be found if |r| ≥ 1 (and in this case, we
say that the series diverges)

These GP sum formulas are summarized in the

flowchart below.

Important Notes on GP Sum:

The sum of GP (of n terms) is: Sn = a(rn - 1) / (r

- 1) [OR] Sn = a(1 - rn) / (1 - r), if r ≠ 1.

The sum of GP (of n terms) is: Sn = na, when r
= 1.
The sum of GP (of infinite terms) is: S∞ = a/(1-
r), when |r| < 1.
The sum of GP (of infinite terms) is: S∞ = does
not exist, when |r| ≥ 1.

☛ Related Topics:

nth Term of a GP
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Infinite Geometric Series Calculator
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GP Sum
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GP Sum Examples

Example 1: In a GP, the sum of the first

three terms is 16, and the sum of the next
three terms is 128. Find the sum of the
first n terms of the GP.


Let 'a' and 'r' be the first term and the

common ratio of the given GP
respectively. Then:

a + ar + ar2 = 16

ar3 + ar4 + ar5 = 128

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Practice Questions on Sum

of GP Formula


Rhea calculated the sum of three

numbers in a GP as 21. If the common
ratio is 2, what could be the first

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FAQs on GP Sum

What is the Formula of Finding GP Sum for

Finite Terms?

When Does the Sum of an Infinite GP


How to Find the Sum of n Terms in GP?

What is the Sum of Geometric Progression

Formula for Infinite Terms?

What is the Sum of GP with r = 1?

When Does the Sum of an Infinite GP


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