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Brain Opener Question

Q1 ) Why is India considered as a Subcontinent?

A1) India is considered as a subcontinent because it covers an expansive area of land That
includes Himalayan in the northern region. It is surrounded by Indiana ocean in the south,
Arabian sea in the south-west and Bay of Bengal in south east.

Q2)why does tea come under the category of plantation crop?

A2) tea is considered as a plantation crop as it is Cultivated on a large area For agricultural
and industrial importance.

Q3) Food crops are grown to fulfil the food related necessities of people
whereas cash crops are produced to earn maximum profit. How
A3) Cash crops are the agricultural crops that are planted for the purpose of
selling in the market or export and hence are different from the crops that are
Planted to fulfill the necessities of the people. These crops helps the farmers
to increase their income as they get profits from the exports of these crops.
For example India is one of the leading expoter of cotton .

Q4) Globes and maps can show the whole world. Which of these is comparatively good.
A4) Maps are considered to be better than globe as they provide vast information. It is
further helpful if we want to study part of earth or a country .

Q5) Earth’s often called a blue planet. Why?

A5) The third closest planet from the sun is the Earth. The planet looks blue
from the outer space since two thirds of the surface is covered with the water,
so it is called a blue planet.
Q6) used water can be used for several purposes. How? Explain.
A6) water reuse generally refers to the process of using treated wastewater for
beneficial purposes such as agriculture and landscape irrigation, industrial
processes, non potable urban applications ( such a toilet flushing, Street
washing and fire protection, groundwater recharge and direct and indirect
water supply) etc.

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