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Precious things. Almost, if not all people have something or someone precious in our life.

It is
a thing that we hold dearly in our heart. Well, my precious thing is a cat, my cat. My cat breed is
a bengal cat, it is five years old. It is a female cat and her name is Cameow. Her fur is short.

She is a playful cat. She can jump really high and also runs really fast. She likes to play with
strings and gets easily distracted by things that can move. She is not difficult to bathe. She looks
exactly like a leopard. But, in reality she is a shy cat, she doesn't like other people than my
family. She runs away and hides from people. However, it is a trait found in most cats, they only
get comfortable with people they trust.

Cameow is precious to me because she always keeps me happy and she is there when I'm
feeling sad. She's funny for a cat. I said this because she likes to steal our bread. Although, we
never get mad at her for doing that, we just found it hilarious when we found evidence that she
had been eating the bread by seeing bite marks all over the packaging. Cameow likes to eat,
especially fried chicken that is made by my mother.

She's been with us for five years now. I'm really grateful to have her as a pet. She is one of the
most important things in my life and if I lost her I would be really sad.

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