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‘1720/29, 5:19 PM cre UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT ntps:iwwawiemerp conviemEnaerpUniversstyQuestionSerDisp|sp JAIPUR, RAJASTHAN Log Out College Resource Planning List of Questions Instruction: * Before locking kindly create pdf & check it properly * Question paper print in B/W mode. * Kindly use same font and same size * Try to use normal same style Requesting use same font style Example. Some question may bold some question in normal. * Avoid direct copy and paste form MS-Word * For any sign use latex "FX" al subje Text Al Conett|suNo, | Question Module Marks CO /BL |Book |User Details Namo ‘Tnamorumadow }eseste|ooooot stn ee 00> cones. hfe eorlous} named a Mob: 9677097667| ‘Unamesumadow |escst2[ooooon2| abuto tho dierence between C++ and ava +e [oorfeus| Ramee {Mob:9677007657| ‘Uname:umadew 2 escs te foooo0g ist ne varius access specs supported by OOPS. hfe Ieorfecs) fame Je oo: 9677097657| (Unamesumadew foscst coos 17 oierent ypes of clsses.00P? 2b corfeus) fame ors dea Mob:9677097657| (Unamesomedew 2 )eses2 foo000e etn objet. cscs earths baweon sles? 2 ie ort) NameOEE ay Mob:9677097657| (Unameumedew (2 fescst2foooo0e| vais meant objet cong? b fe eorfeus] — JasmeOr.S dea Mob.9977097687| ‘Unamesumadow 1 [esest|o00007| aot te purpose of naz methods, fe oosfrs) Name Nea Mob:9677097667| ‘Uname-umadow C)Jesest2 foo00008 tis out ho type ot rays 6 2 confers) fame fea Mob: 9677097667| ‘Uname:umadew (3 feses 000009 what modes maybe used wth top evel class? 6 2 eorfus] same e lean Mob:9677097657| Ty S65%2 [0000010 Whats the use ofAray List lass? @ [2 (GO%]BL3/_[Unamesumade Eat Namerbe ana ‘1720/29, 5:19 PM cre luma Devt |Mob:9677097657| Gfesest2 Jooooor1 |wha ar the two methods avaiable in stack trace elements? (cot eu 'Uname:umadew IName:Dr 6. \Uma Devi \Mob:9677097667| E GJesest2 Joooon12} )whatis Byte Code? interpret the diferent states of Java Program ico eu 'Unamo:umadow INamo:Dr 6. \Uma Devi \Mob:9677097667| E \escs12 oo000s9 [Detine Data Type. Critcze the declaration of variable in Java ico jeu \Uname:umadew IName:Dr lUma Devi |Mob:9677097657| GJesest2 Jooooos4) )what is a Constructor? Explain lypes of Constructors in Java? ico jeu (Uname:omadew INama:br lUma Devi |Moo:967709765?| E GJesest2 Jooooos5; )What ae the three types of UO streams? ico jeu (Uname:omadaw IName:Dr 6. lUma Dewi |Mob:9677097657| Gesest2 Joooooss) List the any fve byte stream class. ico BL [Unameumadevi IName De. Uma Dest |Mob:9677097657| (es0512 |oo00017 |wat ao streams? What ar the advantages? (cot eu \Uname:umadew INamo:Dr 6. \Uma Devi iMob:9677097667| Gfesest2 fooooors} Identity what are the two ways of using super keyword, ico feu (Unamo:umadow IName:Dr 6. \Uma Devi \Mob:9677097687| E \escst2 looo00s9 [Detine interface and wre the syntax of the intertaco ico eu 'Uname:umadew INameDr 6. lUma Devi [Mob:9677097657| GJesest2 Jocooa29) |whatis method overloading? ico eu \Uname:umadewi INama:br lUma Devi |Moo:9677097657| GJesest2 fooooaa1 [Define this keyword in java, ico jeu (Uname:omadaw IName:Dr 6. Uma Devt |Mob:9677097657| Gesest2 Jooooa22} |what is re-twrowing an expression? (cot BL lUnameumadevi [Namo Dr, \Uma Dest |Mob:9677097657| Gfesest2 Joooones) [Define uncaught exception, (cot eu (Uname:umadew! INamo:Dr 6. \Uma Devi |Mob:9677097667| E Gfesest2 fooooaed) Jwhat isthe need for thread? ico ju \Unamo:umadow IName:br 6. \Uma Devi \Mob:9677097667| E (escs12 |ooooz9 [Dotne multithreading ico eu 'Uname:umadow IName:Dr 6. lUma Devi \Mob:96770976s7| GJesest2 foooonas) [Name any four event of a button component ico eu \Uname:umadewi INama:Dr 6. lUma Devi |Moo:9677097657| E G|esest2 Jooooa27} List he various mouse events supported by Java, ico jeu (Uname:omadew IName-br \Uma Devt |Mob:9677097657| GJesest2 Jooooa2s} stout some system colors available In Java end ther purpose. ho (cot BL [Unemeumadew INameDe 6. \Uma Dewi |Mob:9677097657| ntps:iwawiemerp convemEnaerpUniversstyQuestionSerDisp|sp ana ‘1720/29, 5:19 PM cRP Ofescst2 jooooaza [Quote how can you create your own GUI component ho (cot Bu [Unamezomadaw IName:Dr 6. lUma Dewi |Mob:9677097687| Besest2 joo0oas9 [Detne generic las. ho ico Bu [Unameumadew IName Dr 6, \Uma Dest |Mob:9677097687| esostz joo0o0s4 [Express what is meant by Object Orlonted Programming. (con lz \Uname:umadew IName Dr 6. \Uma Devi iMob:9677097667| E Gfesest2 jooooase DDiferenate between abstract class and interface. (con jei2 'Unamo:umadow IName:Dr 6. \Uma Devi IMob:96770976s7| E lescsiz jovooa9 [Gwe the rola of clone() method in Java (con jez 'Uname:umadew IName:br lUma Devi |Mob:9677097657| Oesest2 jovoocc \Gve how protected members in a subclass can be accessed in Java, {con lz (Uname:umadew INama:br lUma Devi |Moo:967709765?| E Oesest2 jov0oas |Gve the use of inal keyword \coa| juz (Uname:omadaw IName:Dr 6. lUma Dewi |Mob:9677097657| Gesest2 jooooase Interpret whats an Exception, What i ts use? (con| Biz [Unameumadevi IName Dr, \Uma Desi |Mob:9677097657| Gfescsta joo0os7 Predict what function does terminate and unexpected handlers cll (con iz 'Uname:umadew INamo Dr. \Uma Devi |Mob:9677097667| Gfesest2 joo0oase ‘Summarize te tsk performed by exception handing (con fiz 'Unamo:umadow IName:Dr 6. \Uma Devi |Mob:9677097667| E lescstz jovooa9 Diterenate exception and error (con ez 'Uname:umadow INameDr 6. lUma Devi [Mob:9677097657| Ofesest2 jovoo0eq iscuss what is meant by abstraction. {con ez 'Uname:umadew IName:br lUma Devi |Moo:9677097657| Gesest2 jovo00e1 [Describe about Encapsulation, Innetance and Polymorphism \coa| juz (Uname:omadewi INameDr 6. \Uma Dewi |Mob:9677097657| Gesest2 joo0oae2 [Express a Java programming struct to display “Helo Work. ico2| Biz [Unameumadewi IName De. \Uma Devt |Mob:9677097657| Gfesesta joooooas \Gve the methods used for inter thread communicaton. (con 2 (Uname:umadev! INamoDr 6. lUma Devi |Mob:9677097687| Gfesest2 joooooe \Gwve the rote of layout manager. Which layouts the default in Java’? [Define Border layout, (co jez 'Unamo:umadow IName:Dr 6. \Uma Devi \Mob:9677097667| escsiz jovoo0as {Gwvo the stops nooded to show a Frame. (con uz 'Uname:umadow INameDr 6. lUma Devi \Mob:9677097657| Ofesest2 jovoo0eg [Diferenate between @ Choice anda List, ho (coo uz \Uname:umadevi IName:Dr 6. luma Devi |Mob:9677097657| pjescsra jovo00a7 (Gwe what JRagioBution and fis constructor ntps:iwwawiemerp conviemEnaerpUniversstyQuestionSerDisp|sp ho (coa| jaz \Uname:umadew IName-Dr 6. sina ‘1720/29, 5:19 PM cre luma be Nooserrosres| Unome-omadew Namo 2 foscst2 fnoo0seoterentate cpr ve une pohmorphim 8 [2 ooze) JRameor Slat IMabsrros7e57 [Unare:umadew Cllleses1 Jooo0049|ctassity the characteristics of Java se [conjpuz! Gaeoens |e Nabsserros7657 [Unaneumaden |G) |eses12 fooo00s0|Discuss the adaptor class using example 6 2 |co2)au2! ee |= Nawse77097657 Devan a Javaspnlaton to gotta Eecfcly bi. Cralea cana fat folowing rabere: Came na conse are, pros month reading, curert month reading, and spe of £3 connection (ie domes or commorsa). Compute i aman sing te flowing Lunaneumaden tart. to ‘ype of the EB tonnacion is ormoste calcul te lucene |G|escs12 foc000s: amount to be pad as follows: bo oosfaus] = fRameDE GS. fet [First 100 units - Rs. 1 per unit |Mob:9677097657| fot-200 ants Re: 250 por rit 201 S00 uns =F. 4 perart oot unde =e: peru lnanearaden Dein a Je ropa ns ie ting para et Nome 6 |) Jesest2 [0000052} -i.¢5 and explain its types with sultable examples. Ie jr icosyece \Uma Devi (Eat uaw-s677097657 (Dawg a ina appear win Enpiyee Gave wal Eng-rarn ‘rene. kent ha Linanesmedes fincie, PrograntnarAStstrt rofeeor Aasocae Prtersor and [Urernre lescstefoooooss|Protessor tom employee cles, Ads Basi Pay (BP) as he members |x (cosyets| Name day ofa ta mente casos wth 27% of BP a8 DA. 30 eof BP as lune Oe ast FRA, 12% of BE as PF 0.1% of BP for alc tnd. Genta pa ips kr fe svgoyoes wh thar gens oe ay (naneconadew Design wit an example of how pacing objects a parameters o Namebr fesesteJoooooss trad ad rotary objec om moboes Java 4 [10 fcos/ets) Smee |S Mabsser7os7657 Dovaop a pogram fo prom sing opralons cong Araya Wile Varese fenciors er foo luramerumadot | |\ese512 |0000055)|a. Append - add at end Is iro |cos|/BLe, lire Deni [Edit Brno = aed at parteulr index Search Lia Dev ac (c_Lstall sng starts with given letter (Unamecomadaw : [Develop the Java program to concatenate the two fles and produce INameDe Gese512 9000056 ne outputin the thre ie Sfp? feosiae lUmaden | =a |Mob:9677097657| (Generalize mulfireading fora sample sequence of sings wih @ [Unameumadew! \Coleses12 foo0os7| lay of 1000 milisecords or displaying it using Java treads ls tro Icosleue mee ag |Mob:9677097687| [Develop a Java program te display he folowing picture a8 ouput \Uname:umadevs INameDr 6. lUma Devi |Mob:9677097657| GJeses12 Joooonss} 2 jo [coolae! ntps:iwawiemerp convemEnaerpUniversstyQuestionSerDisp|sp 44

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