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Grade 8

I. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives

1. I speak __________ Amharic __________ English
A. And, both B. Both, and C. and, and D. both, both
2. I __________ to my classmates in English everyday
A. Talking B. talks C. talk D. took
3. He walked to __________ to the classroom
A. Lazily B. lazy C. happy D. all
4. I didn’t go to the show __________ I had already seen it
A. Until B. because C. so D. but
5. I went __________ church last Sunday
A. At B. in C. to D. on
6. What __________ you do last year during Christmas celebration.
A. Does B. done C. did D. do
7. Saro:- << I didn’t take rest after the work.>>
Halima:- ____________________
A. So did I B. neither did I C. so do I D. all
8. We are going to __________ Hawassa.
A. Visited B. visits C. visiting D. visit
9. She said to him <<Did you finish the book yesterday?>> what is its indirect speech __________
A. She asked him if he had finished the book the previous day
B. She asked him whether he had finished it the previous day
C. She said to him if he finished it the previous day
D. A and B
10. My uncle usually __________ tennis in the afternoon
A. Is playing B. had played C. has been playing D. plays
11. If we don’t protect wild life now, there __________ nothing left for future generations
A. Would be B. will be C. would have been D. could be
12. The pyramids __________ by the ancient Egyptians.
A. Were built B. are built C. built D. has been built
13. A:- why is Mamo wearing sun glasses? It is not sunny.
B:- He __________ have some problem with his eyes.
A. May B. will have C. would have D. shall
14. The little girl was so ill that she could __________ eat __________ drink.
A. Either / or B. neither / nor C. both / and D. neither / or
15. __________ it was raining, he went for a walk.
A. Because B. since C. Although D. despite
16. The meat was __________ bad __________ no one would eat it.
A. So/that B. such / a that C. such / that D. very / that
17. Assefa, __________ you met yesterday, is my brother.
A. Which B. that C. whom D. whose
18. A:- what is Halima doing?
B:- She __________ ‘wat’.
A. Is cooking B. cooks C. will cook D. was cooking
19. Samara enjoys reading and __________.
A. Her sister is C. so does her sister
B. Her sister is either D. neither is her sister
20. A:- Is your father a business man?
B:- no __________
A. He isn’t B. he is C. he has D. he hasn’t
21. A:- How often do you go to the cinemas?
B:- ____________________
A. I watch a games C. I like cinemas
B. Twice a month D. where is the cinema?
22. A:- How long have you studied History?
B:- ____________________
A. Since the eight years C. Along time ago
B. Yes, I have studied D. for eight years
23. This is his book. It belongs to __________
A. He B. Him C. His D. Me
24. We __________ in Gonder for 5 years.
A. Live B. living C. been live D. have lives
25. A:- Where has your brother left?
B:- He __________ out just now.
A. Gone B. GoesC. has gone D. has went
26. She hasn’t passed her exam, __________?
A. Has she B. hasn’t she C. yes, she was D. yes, I have
27. What is the answer to this question? “Have you seen her?”
A. Yes, I did B. yes, I saw C. yes, she was D. yes, I have
28. Your friend tells you that she doesn’t like cats. If you don’t like cats either, you say to her.
A. But I do B. neither do I C. nor I do D. either I do
29. A:- what do you advise me to do?
B:- I advise you to stop __________
A. Smoking B. smoke C. to smoke D. to smoking
30. What do you say if you want to know the time?
A. What the time is? C. What is the time, please?
B. How much time is it? D. Oh! you tell me the time
31. When did he come to Ethiopia?
A. Next year B. last year C. before years D. yet he came to Ethiopia
32. A:- What is your favorite sport?
B:- ____________________
A. Our team B. football C. club D. egg
33. Your friend tells you that she doesn’t like cats. If you don’t like cats either, you say to her.
A. But I do B. Neither do I C. Nor do I D. Either I do
34. It is raining heavily __________ we cannot go out.
A. So that B. because C. so D. but
35. The tea is too hot to drink. (------ ? -------- )
A. It is too hot to drink C. The tea can’t be drink
B. It is not cool to drink D. A and B could be answer
36. He has seldom been beaten in tennis. (---------- ? ----------) the underlined word refers?
A. He rarely won in tennis game C. He rarely beaten in tennis
B. He sometimes has been beaten in tennis D. A and C are correct
37. The police charged him with rash __________.
A. Driven B. drive C. driving D. drove
38. He says, “I was not well yesterday?” what is its indirect speech form according to rule 2
A. He said that he was not well C. He said that he had been well
B. He says he was not well D. He says that he was not well
39. He said, “you must finish your work today.” What is its direct speech according to rule 1
A. He said that I had to finish my work today.
B. He said that he had to finish his work this day.
C. He said that I had to finish my work this day.
D. He said that I have to finish my work this day.
40. The minister will distribute the prizes. What is its passive form?
A. The minister will be distributed the prizes.
B. The prize will be distributed by the minister
C. The prize can be distributed by the minister
D. The prize is distributed by him.

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