English 7 q3 Mod5 CitingEvidence Foyos WEEK 7

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Baguinge, Kiangan, Ifugao

S.Y. 2021-2022
______________ENGLISH 7_______________
Name: _____________________ Q3 / Week 7 Score: _______

NOTE: Read the directions carefully before doing each task. Write your answers in
the answer sheet provided.

Learning Competency with Code:
Cite evidence to support a general statement (EN7RC)-IV-G-10.4

Background Information:

Lesson: Citing Textual Evidence

as Support

When we have ideas about what we read, we need to cite textual evidence to
support our ideas. When we read, we are often asked to express our opinion/ideas about
the text. In order to let people know that we are not making things up, we should use
evidence to support our opinions or answers. In a real situation, people who can back up
an opinion with evidence are taken more seriously than those who only give whatever
reason or can’t reason out.

Let’s talk about evidence in general and what that is. For example, if there was a
bank robbery, what kinds of evidence might SOCO (Scenes of Crime Officer) find? They
come up with ideas like fingerprints, a witness’ description of what the robber was wearing,
eyewitness accounts of what the robber looked like, a license plate of their vehicle and
ideally… a bank video of the robbers. We talk about how this evidence gathering has a
purpose…which is to identify the robbers and to prove the case. Finding textual evidence
then is like being a detective, a reading detective. Our job is to carefully go back into
the text and find the proof we need to prove our case or point.

Textual is from the text. Evidence is defined as a support for your answer, opinion
or idea. So, textual evidence means details, facts, events (information) provided in a
text to support an inference, a main point, a claim or a conclusion. It is “the proof”
from the author or writer of a text to support or back up our facts and opinions. Is it
important to cite evidence? How do we cite evidence?

The Importance of Finding Evidence Textual evidence may consist of:
Why are we searching and citing evidence?
Ways on how evidence helps us: 1. Direct quotation (exact words from the
1.Text evidence is necessary to support text)
discussions about a text with friends,
classmates, or teachers. 2. Paraphrase (text in your own words)
2. Providing text evidence helps us double
check our own answers for accuracy. 3. Citing (showing the source of evidence
3. Providing text evidence makes our or where the evidence comes from)
answers valid and reliable.
4. The ability to find and cite text evidence
is a life-long skill that will help students
throughout school and in their career choice.

Two Ways to Use Evidence from a Text

1. Paraphrase 2. Direct Quote
1. Write the evidence from the text 1. Use the exact words from the
in your own words. text.

2. Quotation marks are not needed. 2. Quotation marks are needed

around the exact words from the text.
According to the author, dolphins are Example:
able to communicate with one another. The author writes, “Dolphins have
This is just one sign of their intelligence. sophisticated communication
capabilities that allow them to exchange
information with other members of their

Another example of paraphrasing

The original text: Paraphrase it:
year, the person with the most points
My dad and his friends are wins the prize. They have fun drafting
having a fantasy football draft. They players on their teams.
each player and form their own
teams. They follow their team players
A. How to paraphrase sources -
throughout the season and get points
for different victories. At the end of the
The author explains that her dad has fun drafting
a fantasy football team with his friends. They
keep track of points each team earns and they
award a winner at the end of the season.

To paraphrase a source,
you have to rewrite a
passage without changing
the meaning of the original

B. Using QUOTES- How to quote?

1. Find a detail or fact from the text that supports your main point or main idea.
2. Copy the sentence exactly the way it is written in the text.
3. Show that you are using a direct quote by using quotation marks around the copied words.
4. Provide credit by citing the author or the text.

Cite text evidence to support your answer using a quote from the text.
1. The author stated …
2. According to the text…
3. Based on the text …
4. The text mentioned that …
5. On page …, the text stated …
6. In the second paragraph, it stated that …
7. An example from the text is …

Quote it:
The country’s contact tracing czar, Baguio City Mayor Magalong said, “The seriousness of
this pandemic is something that we should not take for granted."

Cite it:
In Metro Manila CNN Philippines news, the country’s contact tracing czar Baguio City
Mayor Benjamin Magalong said that the seriousness of this pandemic is something that we should
not take for granted.

Paraphrase it:
According to Magalong, the country’s contact tracing czar of Baguio City said that the
seriousness of this pandemic is something that we should not take for granted.

Activity 1: A. Make Inference

Reading involves analyzing a text. Look at what the text says explicitly, or directly. “The
crowd clapped and cheered wildly when the home team won.” is an example of explicit information
because you know what happened and why. Other times, though, you must make an inference to
figure out what the text is really saying. An inference is a reasonable guess based on textual
evidence and what you already know.
Find the slowest runner in the picture below. Is he sad about losing? How can you tell? (3

I love this

Identify details in the picture that support an inference that the runner isn’t sad about losing.
Then complete the chart below to describe what details support this inference.
Text Evidence + Background Knowledge = Inference / Point

1. The expression on the The runner is just happy

runner’s face is__________ A person who loves to compete.
______________________. sport also enjoys
participating or joining 3.__________________
in it. (Competing, Playing) is more
2. This runner says important to him than
______ winning.

B. Paraphrase It
Paraphrase the information from their original texts. Choose the letter of
your answer and write it on your answer sheet.
Original Text Paraphrase
1. He has tons of stuff to throw A. He needs to get rid of a lot of junk.
away. B. He keeps unwanted things.
2. Symptoms of influenza include A. A stuffy nose and elevated temperature
fever and nasal congestion. are signs of having flu.
B. Having fever and cough are signs of
3. Any trip to Baguio City should A. Visit also La Trinidad and buy
include a visit to La Trinidad to strawberries if you go to Baguio City.
sample the region's strawberry B. Be sure to make time for La Trinidad
wines. winetasting experience when visiting Baguio

Activity 2: A. Find evidence in the text to support your answer or point.

¹According to a history book, “Kites were invented in China about 3,000 years ago.” ²The first
kites were made-out of leaves. ³Over the years, kites have been used in different ways. 4For the
military, they have been used for target practice, for carrying spies, and for delivering letters. 5Kites
are also used for fishing, for weather forecast and for sea rescues. 6Kites are still popular today for
fun! 7More adults than children fly them.

1. Which sentence tells when and where kites were invented?

A. The first kites were made-out of leaves.
B. Kites were invented in China about 3,000 years ago.
C. Over the years, kites have been used in different ways.
D. Kites are still popular today for fun! More adults than children fly them.

2. Which sentences from the passage above best support this statement- Kites have been used in
different ways. Choose the correct numbers of sentences.
A. #1 2 3 B. # 2 3 4 C. # 4 5 6 D. # 7 6 1

3. Supposing the point is: The author says, “Computer is a necessity at my home.” Which of the
following evidences or supports are relevant and which are irrelevant? Write R for relevant and I
for irrelevant.
_____A. Computer facilitates the writing of reports and other documents.
_____B. A computer enables one to gain access to varied reading materials.
_____C. Yesterday, I heard that all my friends and classmates have computers.
_____D. A computer is useful for students and teachers during pandemic period.

Activity : Summary of Lesson

To check your understanding, complete the statement summarizing the main points of the lesson
by filling in the blank with the correct word. Choose your answer from the textbox and write them
on your answer sheet.

inferences reliable direct quotes

paraphrasing evidences textual evidence s

To get the most out of your reading, you must analyze texts to understand what they say directly
and make (1)_______________ about what they say indirectly. When you find
(2)_________________ to make and support your answer or inferences, you’ll find you won’t get
stuck in trying to figure out what a text is saying. To give proof to your main point or claim, citing
(3) ________________ helps us double check our own answers for accuracy and makes these
valid and (4)_______________. To provide support or evidence from the text, this can be done by
(5)_______________, (6)__________________ and citing the source of evidences.

Task: Citation Hunt

Find textual evidence that supports analysis/ideas and inferences from the text. Fill in the
blanks with the appropriate words as you complete the ideas presented in the table below.

The Dancing Monkeys

A prince had monkeys in his court that could dance. As monkeys are natural mimics, they
looked wonderful in their rich clothes and masks, dancing very much like human beings. Word
spread far and wide about their unique performance and people from all over flocked to see them
perform every day. Everyone was amazed at the monkeys’ intelligence.

One day, a mischievous courtier thought of playing a trick on the monkeys. When the
monkeys were dancing, he took a pocketful of nuts and threw them upon the stage. As soon as
the monkeys saw the nuts, they forgot dancing and leapt to grab them. They pulled off their masks
and tore their robes fighting with each other for the nuts. Everyone started laughing at the
entertaining sight.

Analysis/Ideas/Inference Textual Evidences Paragraph

A. Monkeys are easy to 1. “____________ mimics” Paragraph 1
train. “monkeys’ intelligence” 2.____________

B. One person’s attitude B. “Mischievous courtier” P2

can affect a group. “play trick” 3. ___________
“amazed” P1
“everyone started Paragraph 2
C. Tone contrast through C. “wonderful, rich, dancing” P 1 P2
connotation of words 5. “_grab…_______________”

Explanation: There is a contrast in tone when comparing the paragraphs; the words
“wonderful, rich, dancing” (P1) display an elegant tone while “pulled off”, “tore”, and
“fighting” (P2) exemplify an undignified tone.

Multiple Choice: Select the best answer to each question by writing the letter of your choice on
your answer sheet.

1. What does cite mean?

A. Analyzing data B. Something I can see
C. A place I can go D. Saying what my source or evidence is
2. Evidence is also known as ____.
A. citing B. proof C. metaphor D. support
3. What is textual evidence?
A. My opinion after reading. B. A word for word quote from the article/story.
C. Proof from the text to support your answer. D. Answers B and C.
4. What is an inference?
A. an educated guess B. evidence that supports your claim
C. what the story is mostly about D. having a gut feeling about
5. When answering a question using textual evidence, what does my support look like?
A. It is a citation. B. It is another answer.
C. It is proof from a text. D. It is a concluding statement.
6. What is the definition of support?
A. Back up an answer with details. Prove. Provide evidence.
B. Give the short version: main idea + the beginning, middle, end.
C. Take your best guess on what will happen next.
D. Tell how something happened. Tell the steps.
7. What type of evidence is this?
Dr. Cruz stated, "When students are given healthy options at school, they are more
likely to eat a well-balanced meal."
A. fact B. quote C. statistic D. example
8. What does every quote need to have?
A. two sentences B. quotation marks
C. a capital letter D. long words that make it sound complex
9. Which sentence is cited correctly?
A. It wasn't me! B. "It wasn't me!" C. "It wasn't me"! D. "It wasn't me"
10. Why is it important to provide textual evidence?
A. It makes your paragraph longer.
B. It shows that you know what you are talking about.
C. It makes your claim stronger and helps prove your point.
D. It allows reader to get the important facts from the article without reading the whole

Alternate Response: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if it is not correct.
11. It is necessary to put quotations around textual evidence.
12. It is not right to put quotations in our own words.
13. Words, phrases, or sentences from a text that support an idea is textual evidence.
14. Text analysis is using textual evidence to support an opinion or ideas based on a text.
15. An article about COVID vaccine is an example of a text.

Additional Activity
Task: Finding Support
Recall what you have learned before about social media. Use your notes/modules and what
you learned as your proof to answer the question.
*Write evidences at least for sentences to support this general statement - Social Media is
Useful. Use the introductory phrases on page 8 of your module, like According to the text…… ,
The author stated ….., Based on the article….


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