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Validation and Optimization

of Fine Bubble Aeration Systems

Depending on Water Temperature
S. Sander, M. Wagner
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Institut IWAR, Wastewater Technology, Franziska-Braun-Straße 7,
64287 Darmstadt, Germany. Email:

Motivation shown that by application of the new approach • investigating the water temperature effect on
The activated sludge (AS) process is the most and a design temperature of 30°C the specific oxygen transfer in activated sludge,
common biological treatment process in the world SOTR can be lowered by about 10 %. At 20°C, the • studying the effect of different operation
for both municipal and industrial wastewater. For specific SOTR is reduced by about 5 %. This strategies on the long time performance of
wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) with advan- reduction of the specific SOTR at the dimensioning diffusers,
ced nutrient removal in particular, adequately leads to savings in capital and operating costs of • evaluating the oxygen transfer in aeration tanks
dimensioned, reliable aeration systems and mixing the plant. of WWTP in order to improve its operation
devices are an essential requirement for achieving strategy and lower its energy consumption.
high efficiency and economical operation. Aeration SOTRR according to DWA (2013)
SOTRR [g/(m³Vaer·h)]

SOTRR according to ATV-DVWK (2000)

is usually the most energy intensive part of the AS Outlook
process with 50 to 80 % of the power consumption savings potential Since the saturation concentration of oxygen in
being used for aeration and mixing (DWA, 2013). water highly depends on pressure, the oxygen
Power consumption provides great motivation for transfer in a WWTP also depends on its elevation. In
plant designers and operators to optimize aeration order not to risk an under dimensioning of the
systems in the AS process. aeration system, the DWA (2013) approach
therefore recommends, the application of an
Design of aeration systems elevation correction parameter for plants on
The decisive parameter in the design of aeration altitudes higher than 600 m. In Figure 3 the
systems is the required standard oxygen transfer influence of the elevation on the specific SOTR is
rate SOTR. In former dimensioning approaches Water temperature [°C]
shown as a function of temperature based on an
SOTR depended only on the oxygen saturation Figure 1 SOTRR of a WWTP for 50,000 C and advanced exemplary calculation. Especially at high
concentration, the oxygen concentration in the nutrient removal calculated by different dimen- temperatures the plant’s elevation influences the
aeration tank and the oxygen demand of the sioning approaches (Wagner and Günkel, 2010) dimensioning result significantly. The use of this
microorganisms. Furthermore, performance- approach is of special concern for the world’s
reducing effects on the aeration system under Current research activities metropolis in great altitudes. The validation of the
operating conditions (primarily caused by In previous research projects, the new design effect of elevation on oxygen transfer in activated
wastewater constituents and the volume of approach was validated using semi-industrial scale sludge is subject of further studies.
activated sludge flocs) were taken into account by aeration tests under defined conditions with
considering the α-value. In particular, at WWTP in drinking water. As part of a current research
warmer climates the application of these project a validation of the approach is conducted
approaches led to an over-dimensioning of the at industrial scale plants. Therefore experiments
aeration system. are carried out on WWTP with high and relatively
low wastewater temperatures as well as elevated
The new DWA (2013) approach therefore includes salt concentrations: WWTP Baishamen in Haikou
the effects of dissolved salts, tank depth and plant and WWTP Licunhe in Qingdao, both China (see
elevation on the saturation concentration. figure 2).
Additionally the water temperature effect on the
oxygen transfer is incorporated:

(kg/h O2) Figure 3 Influence of elevation on SOTRR as a function of

water temperature according to DWA (2013)
Qingdao References
where: fd: depth factor (-), : salt factor, CS,20: DWA (2013): DWA Merkblatt 229-1, Systeme zur
oxygen saturation concentration at 20°C (mg/L), Belüftung und Durchmischung von Belebungsanla-
α-value (-), CS,T: oxygen saturation concentration gen, Teil 1: Planung, Ausschreibung und Ausführung
at T (mg/L), patm: atmospheric pressure (mbar), (DWA advisory leaflet M 229-1: Aeration and
CX: oxygen concentration during operation mixing. Systems for activated sludge plants, Part 1:
(mg/L), θ: temperature factor (-), OVh: oxygen Figure 2 project locations (adapted from
Planning, invitation of tenders and accomplish-
demand. The elevation correction parameter
china/index.htm) ment), Hennef.
should only be used for plants higher than 600 m.
Wagner M. and Günkel T. (2010): Belüftungs-
In Figure 1, the new DWA (2013) approach is For the validation of the design approach the systeme in kalten und warmen Klimaten (Aeration
compared to the old ATV-DVWK (2000) approach SOTR of the aeration tanks is measured by ex-situ systems in cold and warm climates), in: Leitfaden
on the basis of an exemplary calculation at tests in a pilot plant. Further objectives of the zur Abwassertechnologie in anderen Ländern, 2nd
consideration of the water temperature. It is project are: edn, Bochum.

Joint Project „Technology Transfer-Oriented Research Subgroup 2 „Aeration Technology“ research partners: Project grant:
and Development in the Wastewater Sector -
Validation at Industrial-Scale Plants“ (EXPOVAL)


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