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Subject: Concerns about the delay in the ELV systems

Reference is made to the a/m subject, and the Engineer’s letter Ref. RED-WSP-LTR-CNT-
000133 dated 17-12-2023, in which the Contractor was informed of the omission of the
2nd fix work for ELV systems from its scope of Work, the Contractor was also instructed
to execute the 1st fix for ELV systems as per IFC drawings.
In this connection, the Contractor would like to express its utmost concerns regarding
the implications of the above-stated instruction on the Project progress, these concerns
are arising from the hereinbelow reasons, namely: -
- The first fix works for the low-current items labeled as “omitted” are still pending till
the Engineer’s further instruction.
- The Contractor, to date, has yet to be informed of the ELV contractor, who will execute the
2nd fix work for ELV systems; while the installation of the HVAC duct works is underway
and will occupy most of the ceiling space as outlined by the Contractor under letter
referenced [MOB-CLN-0138] dated November 28, 2023.
Needless to say, the delay in finalizing the above-stated issues affects and delays the
Contractor’s Works, and hinders the Contractor from proceeding with the plastering
Works as intended due to the absence of a final decision regarding the above-mentioned
From another perspective, the Contractor would like to inform the Engineer that the
delivered cables for the fire alarm system can’t be used for the CBS system since the
Engineer has instructed the Contractor to use CBS cables with white colors, which are
special and were not in stock, while the cables delivered to the Site to be used for the
fire alarm and evacuation systems are red. In addition, the cable supplier has rejected to
cancel the purchase order unless the Contractor’s payment of the monies released by
the manufacturer to the sub-suppliers as cancellation fees, knowing that the sub-
suppliers have already proceeded with the manufacturing process of the cables.
In light of the above, it’s plainly apparent that the Contractor had spared no effort to
maintain the planned progress of Works and proceed with the Works with required due
diligence; however, the said impediments which is out of the Contractor’s control has
deprived the Contractor from proceeding with the Works as planned; the Contractor
thus notifies the Engineer for such delay in line with Sub-Clause 19.1 [Contractor’s
Claims] of the Contract. The Contractor shall compute the Cost and/or Time impact(s) of
such events to be submitted for the Engineer’s determination.

This is for your kind information and action.


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