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1 Junior debate club 1 Lesson 1

1. Do you still play with toys? If yes, how often do you play with them?
2. What kinds of toys do (or did) you have?
3. Do (Did) you have expensive toys?
4. Have you played with toy weapons? If so, what kind of toy weapons?
5. In your opinion, why were toy weapons made?
2 Junior debate club 1 Lesson 1
3 Junior debate club 1 Lesson 1
4 Junior debate club 1 Lesson 1
Junior Debate Club 1

★ Composition Homework
Composition Topic: What is a toy you brought recently?

Compose an essay about the given topic above

with minimum of 4 sentences and maximum of 8 sentences,
then send it to LetMeTalk Kakao Talk homework channel.

▶ Homework - JDC1-Lesson 1

★ 영작 숙제 (Composition Homework)
아래의 영작 주제에 최소 4문장 이상 최대 8문장 이하로 영작하여 카카오톡 채널로 제출하세요
영작은 꼭 직접 작성하여 카톡으로 보내 주셔야 합니다.

Composition Topic : What is a toy you brought recently?

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