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Philippine Coast Guard

Coast Guard Education, Training and Doctrine Command

Brgy. 12 Tawi-Tawi St. Dolores, Eastern Samar

Date: ________________

SUBJECT: Candidate Coast Guard Non- Officer Assistant Officer of the Day (CCGNO ANOD) Checklist

TO: Officer of the Day

I. At the termination of my duty as CCGANOD, the following reports were rendered (indicate YES or NO):

_____a. Reported at the Quarterdeck thirty (30) minutes before posting for dissemination.

_____b. Reported to the CCGNOD together with my incoming for Guard Mounting o/a __________________________at

_____c. Received and understood all disseminations, instructions and orders from the outgoing Candidate Coast Guard Assistant Non

_____d. Read and understood the provisions of the Coast Guard Basic Course Regulations Manual s-2014 regarding my duties,
the guard duties, general and special instructions to the guard, 11 General Orders and CCGANOD Checklist prior to
_____e. Prepared the publication of orders 45 minutes before every mess and submitted the same to the Non Officer of the Day
(NOD) for approval and subsequently passed to Brigade Adjutant during mess.

_____Evening mess _____Morning mess _____Noon mess

_____f. Informed the Candidate Coast Guard Non Officer of the Day (CCGNOD) when officially leaving my post.

_____g. Manned the Quarterdeck in the absence of the CCGNOD.

_____h. Informed the Officer of the Day (OD) in case of disorder or emergency.

_____i. Directly assisted the CCGNOD in the performance of his/her duties.

_____j. Reported all violation of regulations that came to my attention.

Company “A” “B” “C” “D” Total

Nr of Reports

_____k. Performed all orders and instructions coming from competent authorities

Wrote all disseminations, instructions and orders coming from competent authorities and explained/transmitted it to my relief
before relieving.

_____m. Performed my duty to the best of my abilities

_____n. Maintained my dignity as a guard.

II. Problems encountered/Remarks/Recommendations.

III. Disseminations
IV. Justifications of items that were not complied.

Prepared by: Acknowledged by:

CCGNO _________________________ CCGNO _________________________

Outgoing CCGANOD Incoming CCGANOD

Noted by:

Officer of the Day

*Dignity of the guard - A guard shall be a model of all that is proper. He/she must display the best CCGO standard in the following:
a. Proper grooming;
b. Wearing of complete set of personal, clean and ironed uniform;
c. Maintaining orderliness and cleanliness of his/her room (lockers, bunks, tables, displays);
d. Observing and maintaining military bearing;
e. Executing proper individual military movements (hand salute, walk in a military manner, etc);
f. Actuations (mess hall, barracks, guard stations, and all CCGO limits);
g. Refraining from familiarizing with other CCGOs;
h. Adhering and implementing rules and regulations.

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