CCGNOD Checklist

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Philippine Coast Guard

Coast Guard Education, Training and Doctrine Command

Brgy. 12 Tawi-Tawi St. Dolores, Eastern Samar

Date: ________________

SUBJECT: Candidate Coast Guard Non-Officer of the Day (CCGNOD) Checklist

TO: Duty Officer of the Day

I. At the termination of my duty as CCGNOD, the following reports were rendered (indicate YES or NO):

_____a. Reported at the Quarterdeck thirty (30) minutes before posting for dissemination.

_____b. Reported to the Duty OD together with my outgoing for Guard Mounting o/a __________________________at

_____c. Reported to the Duty OD together with my incoming for Guard Mounting o/a __________________________at

_____d. Received and understood all disseminations, instructions and orders from the outgoing Candidate Coast Guard Non Officer of
the Day (CCGNOD).

_____e. Read and understood the provisions of the Coast Guard Basic Course Regulations Manual s-2014 regarding my duties,
the guard duties, general and special instructions to the guard, 11 General Orders and CCGNOD Checklist prior to
_____f. Received all accounting/reports in formation during my tour of duty.

_____g Announced all calls and announcements from the quarterdeck.

_____h. Conducted unscheduled roving in the barracks area to maintain cleanliness and orderliness.

_____i. Informed the Officer of the Day (OD) in case of disorder or emergency.

_____j. Reported all violation of regulations that came to my attention.

Company “A” “B” “C” “D” Total

Nr of Reports

_____k. Performed all orders and instructions coming from competent authorities

Wrote all disseminations, instructions and orders coming from competent authorities and explained/transmitted it to my relief
_____l. before relieving.

_____m. Performed my duty to the best of my abilities

_____n. Maintained my dignity as a guard.

II. Problems encountered/Remarks/Recommendations.

III. Disseminations
IV. Justifications of items that were not complied.

Prepared by: Acknowledged by:

CCGNO _________________________ CCGNO _________________________

Outgoing CCGNOD Incoming CCGNOD

Noted by:

Officer of the Day

*Dignity of the guard - A guard shall be a model of all that is proper. He/she must display the best CCGO standard in the following:
a. Proper grooming;
b. Wearing of complete set of personal, clean and ironed uniform;
c. Maintaining orderliness and cleanliness of his/her room (lockers, bunks, tables, displays);
d. Observing and maintaining military bearing;
e. Executing proper individual military movements (hand salute, walk in a military manner, etc);
f. Actuations (mess hall, barracks, guard stations, and all CCGO limits);
g. Refraining from familiarizing with other CCGOs;
h. Adhering and implementing rules and regulations.

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