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Lesson 2 Everyone should be class president.

Listen to This!
Livingstone Elementary is going to hold an _____________________ for class
president, and the teachers are trying to find a _____________________ to make
everyone happy.
Last year, the ____________________________ were chosen by the recommendation
of their peers in each class, and it became more like a _____________________ contest.
After the election, some parents suggested that candidates should be chosen by
their grades. They believe that students who do well in their studies will take the
job _____________________. Some students even ____________________________ about having an
election. They said that everyone should have an ____________________________ to be
class president. They also ____________________________ that if everyone can’t be class
president, there shouldn’t be a class president at all.
The school is trying to find the best solution for the election. It is even
thinking of never having a class president, but changing the school
_____________________ is not that easy.

Hear Me Out!
Listen to Hannah’s argument, and fill in the blank.
I have run for class _____________________ many times and worked for many semesters.
I must tell you that the job of class president is not a joke. Of course every
student should have an ______________ chance to become class president, but if
everyone takes their turn being class president for a week, there will be a lot of
_____________________ in class, because everyone has different ideas of what they want
to do in class.

No Way!
Listen to Luke’s argument, and fill in the blank.
I think it is ______________ that there can be only one class president. Of course the
job of the class president is important, and it _____________________ lots of
____________________________. Students are required to learn and experience as much as
they can. Students are supposed to find their talent through their experiences.
Therefore, all students should have an opportunity to work as class president and
_____________________ what it is like.

Hear Me Out Again!

Listen to Rachel’s argument, and fill in the blank.
Class president is not just a game of ______________ ______________. The students vote
for one class president because there should be only one class president. Not
only the ______________ but also members of the group are important. Don’t feel that
the class president has the most important role. The class president’s job is not to
_____________________, but to listen to others.

Not a Chance!
Listen to Daniel’s argument, and fill in the blank.
Of course the class president doesn’t have all the power, and it _____________________
lots of effort to be a good leader. Then how should we ______________ a good
leader? Who can make a good leader? How do we know who has the ______________
to become a good leader unless we actually find out with our own eyes? Many
students already deal with lots of stress, and _____________________ the class president
will just give them more ______________ _____________________.

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