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Course Specification

International Islamic University Chittagong

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

I. Basic Information
Course Title Continuous & Linear System
Course Code EEE 3501
Pre-requisite Math2409
Credit 3
Academic Session Spring-23
Level Basic
Category Major
Number of lectures 45 (18 before Mid-term, 27 after Mid-term)
II. Professional Information
Overall Aim of the Course
Rational This course provides the students basic knowledge of signals and systems.
Course In this course student will learn about ‘Continuous Signals and Linear Systems’ in regard
Objectives to signals, systems and system representation, impulse response, harmonic representation,
Fourier-transform, application of harmonic analysis and analogous systems.

Course This course introduces the students to the basics of continuous and linear systems.
Synopsis It especially provides the fundamental knowledge of interactions of signals with
different tools. It familiarizes the students with different basic mathematical tools and
equations. The course also helps the students to develop the skills of problem
solving using different rules.

III. Learning Outcomes

Students learning time (Total 128 hours)
a) Face to face 45 hours (lectures including class tests)
b) Independent 86 hours (Library, internet, assignments, home study etc.)
Course Outcomes (CO)/ Intended learning outcomes (ILOs) of the course
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
Sl. Course Outcomes (COs) Bloom’s Domain
i) Strengthen knowledge of about signal, system, properties of signal and Cognitive /
system, and representation of system by means of differential equation. Understanding

ii) Learn, analyze, and apply the important mathematical tools such as Cognitive / Applying
convolution, Fourier analysis, Laplace transformation for the analysis of
the signals and systems of circuit applications.
IV. Lecture/Lesson Plan
Syllabus Lecture Content Length of Lecture
Segment Lecture slides/M
Signal: Definitions Signal, System, Size of signal, Signal Energy, 1-3 Recomm
Signal power. Classification of signals. Basic operations on ended
signals. Elementary Signals. referrenc
Systems: Properties of system- Linearity, causality, time 4-8 Recomm
Mid-term invariance, memory, stability, and invariability. ended
(30%) referrenc
System representation: Differential Equations, Electrical and 9-14 Recomm
Mechanical System representation using Differential Equation, ended
order of the system, Solution Techniques, Zero State and Zero referrenc
Input Response. e-5
Mid-term Examination & Semester Vacation
Impulse response: Convolution integral- determination of system 15-20 Recomm
properties; state variable - basic concept, state equation and time ended
domain solution. referrenc
Harmonic representation: Fourier series- Trigonometric Fourier 21-24 Recomm
Series, Amplitude and Phase Spectrum, Symmetry ended
Considerations, Exponential Fourier Series and Circuit referrenc
Applications. e-2
Fourier transform: Fourier Transform and Inverse Fourier 25-31 Recomm
Final Transform. Properties of Fourier Transform. Circuit Applications ended
Exam of Fourier Transform. referrenc
(50%) e-2
Laplace Transform: Laplace and Invers Laplace transform, 32-37 Recomm
Properties of Laplace Transform. Circuit Applications. Solution ended
of system equations, system transfer function and frequency referrenc
response. e-2
Applications: System stability analysis using Laplace Transform, 38-42 Recomm
Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation, Time-division and ended
Frequency-division Multiplexing. referrenc
Revision of Classes 42-45 All
Final Examination & Semester Result Processing
Recommended Reference:

1. Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, 4th ed., Wiley, 2001-2002.
2. Alexander Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2009-2010.
3. B. P. Lathi, Principles of Linear Systems and Signals, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2005-
4. Taan S. E lAli, Mohammad A. Karim, Continuous Signals and Linear Systems with
MATLAB, 2nd ed., CRC Press, USA, 2013.
5. Cheng, David K., Analysis of linear systems, 1959.

Facilities required for teaching and learning:

White board, Marker, Laptop, and Multi -Media projector.
Teaching and learning methods:
For theoretical a. Lecture
courses b. Class Discussion
d. Assignment
e. Class Test

V. Student Assessment Methods

For the CIE(Continuous Internal Evaluation): a. Attendance
Theoretical b. Class Test /Quiz/
Course Assignments/Sudden Test
c. Mid-term Exam
SEE (Semester End Examination ): Final Exam

Weightage of Assessments
Method Marks%
Assignment +Quiz / Class Test 10
Class Attendance 10
Midterm Examination 30
Final Examination 50

Assessment Method Assessment Schedule Marks
Class Test 1 4 week 10
Midterm 7 week 30
Assignment 9 week 10
Class Test 2 12 week 10
Final exam 16 week 50
Course Outcomes (CO) Assessment
Course Outcomes (CO) Assessment Schedule Assessment Method
CO1 4 week Class Test-1/Midterm Exam
CO2 12 week Class Test-2/Midterm/Final Exam
CO3 9 week Assignment
To achieve a specific outcome of a course, a student has to achieve 60% marks for a CO.

VI. Mapping of CO Vs. PO

Mapping of Course Outcomes to the Programme Learning Outcomes

Course Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 √
CO 2 √

PO1: Engineering Knowledge PO7: Environment and sustainability

PO2: Problem Analysis PO8: Ethics

PO3: Design/ Development of Solution PO9: Individual work and team work

PO4: Investigation PO10: Communication

PO5: Modern tool usage PO11: Project management and finance

PO6: The Engineer and society PO12: Lifelong learning

Rubrics for Assignments

Category Very Good Good Average Poor

Accuracy All of the answers Most of the Some of the None of the
are correct. answers are correct. answers are correct. answers is correct.

Timeliness Received in due Received 1 hour Received 2 hour Received more

time late. late. than 2 hours late.

Work Shown Showed all steps Showed most of the Showed some of Did not show the
steps. the steps. steps.

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Tanzim Mushtary Dr. Sikder Sunbeam Islam Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain
Assistant Lecturer Assoc. Professor & Chairman, Director, IQAC
Department of Electrical and Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, IIUC Electronic Engineering, IIUC

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