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New Era University

College of Education
Center for Teacher Training
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

A Detailed Lesson Plan for

Grade 2 Students on
Community Helpers


New Era University
College of Education
Center for Teacher Training
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

I. Objectives

At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Cognitive: Identify the different community helpers and its role.

B. Affective: Express their appreciation on different community helpers.
C. Psychomotor: Performing a song and dance honoring community helpers.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: “Community Helpers”

B. References:
• Jobs Song for Kids | Who Do You See?

C. Materials:
• YouTube
• Google Slides
• Community Helpers Standee
• Pictures
• White Board
• Marker
• Printed Activity

III. Procedure:

A. Daily Routine:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning, teacher!
Good morning, classmates!
New Era University
College of Education
Center for Teacher Training
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

2. Prayer Before we start our class,

everybody stands up for our
opening prayer.

(Someone will lead the

prayer) Students will close their
eyes and bow their heads.
Now, kindly arrange your (They will arrange the seats
chairs and pick up the piece and pick up the piece of
of mess before you sit in mess before they sit in their
your proper seats. proper seats.)

3. Classroom rules So please be guided by our (Students will look at the

classroom rules. (The rules presentation slides)
will be shown in the
presentation slides.)

4. Checking of Let me check first your Okay teacher.

Attendance attendance. (per table)
5. Emotional Check-In I am wondering how you Students will tell how they
feel today? feel that day.

B. Motivation

The teacher will ask the students about what they want to be when they grow up.
After that, the teacher will present pictures of things that community helpers use like
medicine, handcuffs, blackboard, etc. and ask students who the community helper
used that tool and then the students will write their answers on white board. Lastly,
the teacher will present a video about community helpers.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Hello, students! Let’s begin today’s Yes, teacher.
session by telling what your dream is to
be when you grow up. Are you ready?
New Era University
College of Education
Center for Teacher Training
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

Who wants to volunteer first? Me, teacher. I want to be a teacher


I want to be a policeman.

I want to be a doctor.
Very good! Thank you for telling us
about your dream job.

Next, I’m going to present pictures and

then you will guess who the community Okay teacher.
helper used that tool and you’re going to
write your answers on your white board.

Now, we will a video and you need to Okay teacher. We would have fun with
watch it and listen carefully. After that, I that.
will ask you some questions.

Class, what have you noticed about the It’s all about the community helpers.
pictures and video?

C. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Hello, everyone! Today we will study
about the different community helpers.

But before we proceed, what is your idea Community helpers are people who live
about community helper? and work in our communities.
Alright! Very good! Community helpers
always keep the community safe and
healthy, make life better for the people in
the community, and help the community
function more efficiently. Here are some of
New Era University
College of Education
Center for Teacher Training
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

First, we have those who respond to fires, They are Firefighter.

accidents, and other incidents where there
are risks to life and property.

Next, we have those who help students I love them! They are Teachers.
learn by imparting knowledge to them and
by setting up a situation in which students
can and will learn effectively.

What about this one? They are tasked with They are Doctors.
interacting with patients, diagnosing
medical problems and successfully treating
illness or injury.
We also have this one. They are the people They are policemen.
who maintain our safety. They put the bad
guys in jail.
Last, we have the people who promote or They are farmers. They are the reason
improve the growth of plants, land, or why we have rice to eat.
crops. Who are they?
Alright! Aside from them, we also have
lots of community helpers. Just look in
our community. Always thank and
appreciate them.

D. Exercise:

The teacher will ask the students to get their white board and marker to
see if the students understand the lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Yes, teacher. It is clear.
Class, you will use again your white
board and marker to write your answers.
Now, I will present pictures and words
and then you will write what is the
New Era University
College of Education
Center for Teacher Training
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

missing letter in each word. Are we


E. Generalization

Students will read sentences together with the teacher. These sentences are
about the key points of the whole lesson. Also, the teacher will ask the students about
what they have learned in the lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Let’s read the sentences about the The students also read the sentences.
community helpers.

• Community helpers are helpful.

• Community helpers are
important people whose job is to
help others.
• We should respect our
community helpers.
• We should thank them for their
hard work and sacrifices.

F. Evaluation

Cut out the symbols below and paste it beside the appropriate community
helper. And name the community helpers and the things they used.
New Era University
College of Education
Center for Teacher Training
No. 9 Central Ave. New Era, Quezon City

G. Homework

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