A Long Time Ago

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A long time ago, in a dense forest, there lived a very hungry wolf. He saw a goat
grazing in a meadow.

The wolf approached the goat and lied that he was lost. The goat believed him
and helped the wolf. However, the lost wolf took the goatn to a seclueded place and
was about eat it. Suddenly, there was a sream in the distance. The wolf was frightened
and ran away. The goat was saved from the wolf.

Dahulu kala, di sebuah hutan lebat, hiduplah seekor serigala yang sangat
kelaparan. Dia melihat seekor kambing sedang merumput di padang rumput.
Serigala mendekati kambing itu dan berbohong bahwa dia tersesat. Kambing
itu mempercayainya dan membantu serigala. Namun, serigala yang tersesat membawa
kambing itu ke tempat terpencil dan hendak memakannya.
Tiba-tiba, terdengar suara gemuruh di kejauhan. Serigala itu ketakutan dan lari.
Kambing itu selamat dari serigala.

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