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BO NGOAI GIAO CONG HOA XA HOI) HQC VIEN NGOAI GIAO Doc ip - Ty d $6:4442/HVNG - TBD Ha Noi, ngay 26 th Vivi: Cit cén b tham gia khéa hge i at ie a i: Kinh gi: \id....586..chdc...ca0n..b6....b.. Gilad ‘Trong khu6n khé hop tac ASEAN, Trung tam Hop tée Vigt Nam — Singapore do Hoe vign Ngoai giao — BO Ngogi giao Vigt Nam va Dai str quan Singapore - BO Ngoai giao Singapore déng chi quan, t6 chite khéa hoc “Nang lugng sach va giim phat thai” (Clean Energy and Emission Reduction) Thoi gian: tir ngay 30/10/2023 dén ngay 03/11/2023. Hinh thite hoe: Hoe trye tuyén NOi dung: Khod hoc nhim chia sé kinh nghiém cia Singapore trong viée xay dyng céc giai phap n&ing long sach va ti tao nhim dat dure sy cén bang gitta céc muc tiéu phat trién véi ri ro khi hu thong qua cdc chi dé an ninh ning lugng va khi hau, quan tri nang Iuong sach va bén ving, co ché phat trién ning hrong sach va ning lugng ti tao,...v.v. (chi tiét Quy co quan vui long xem théng tin giti kém). Khéa hoc do giang vién nuéc ngoai day bing tiéng Anh, kh6ng c6 phién dich. Chinh phi Singapore dai tho chi phi t6 chic khéa hoo, mdi giang vién va cung cp tai ligu hoc tap. Két thiic khéa hoc, céc hoc vin s€ duge Trung tm trao Chimg chi véi digu kign tham dy t6i thiéu 80% thoi gian hoc ‘Trung tam Hop téc Viét Nam ~ Singapore kinh 48 nghj Quy co quan ctr .()2.. cén b6 tham gia khéa hoc n6i trén, Ngudi duge cit di hoc cain dién vio Ban ding ky, c6 chit ky cia thi trxéng don vj va déu xéc nhén, giti email vé Trung tam Hop tac Vigt Nam — Singapore. Ban dang ky géc dé nghj giri dén Trung tam qua dung bu dign theo dja chi: phdng 401, ta nha Pacific Place, 83B Ly Thuong Kiét, Hoan Kiém, Ha N6i, Sau khi giti email, Quy co quan vui long goi dign dén Trung t4m dé xéc nhan da giti ban dang ky. Han dang ky: 01.2022. ThOng tin lién hé: chj Nguyén Thj Héng Doan, Tel(024) 3946 0416, Mobile 0915 723 006, Email: trungtamvietsing@gmail.com/vscc.han@protonmail.com Xin chan thanh cém on sy hgp tée cia Quy eo quan./. Noi nhns + Nhu téns ~ Luu: VSCC, VP. Tai ligu kim theo + NOi dung khéa he; = Bin dang ky. SINGAPORE COOPERATION PROGRAMME INITIATIVE FOR ASEAN INTEGRATION (IAI) GENERAL INFORMATION BROCHURE FOR VIET NAM CLEAN ENERGY AND EMISSION REDUCTION 30 OCTOBER TO 3 NOVEMBER 2023 Sponsored by the MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, SINGAPORE under the framework of the. INITIATIVE FOR ASEAN INTEGRATION -eoOo Initiative for ASEAN Integration The Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) was launched by then Singapore Prime Minister (PM) Goh Chok Tong at the 4" ASEAN Informal Summit in 2000 to narrow the development gap between ASEAN-6 and Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam and to support ASEAN integration and community building. To date, Singapore has made four pledges totaling $$170 million tothe IA Akey IAI project by Singapore was the establishment of training centres in Phnom Penh, Vientiane, Yangon and Hanoi, which have been upgraded to the Singapore Cooperation Centres. More than 47,000 CLMV government officials have attended ' our training courses at these centres covering diverse ‘teas outlined in the four IAI Work Plans. The latest IAI Work Plan IV (2021-2025) is structured around the strategic areas of food and agriculture, trade facilitation, MSMEs, education, health and well-being as well as the enabling actions which are aimed at promoting sustainable development, sharing best Practices in public policy, governance and regutatory development, improving data collection and analysis capabilities; and strengthening the role of social work. to realise a people-oriented, people-centred and inclusive ASEAN Community. The IAI is in line with the spirit of the Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP). Established in 1992, the SCP brings together various technical assistance programmes offered by Singapore. As a country whose only resource is its people, Singapore believes that human resource development is vital for economic and social progress. Singapore has also benefited from training provided by other countries and international organisations and has increased the range and number of training programmes under its SCP to meet the development needs of developing countries. Course Objectives The course will focus on Singapore's multl-agency engagement in formulating clean and renewable energy solutions to achieve a balance between development and climate action obligations. It will also touch on the importance of collective mitigative actions on a global scale. Synopsis The course will cover the following topics: ‘+ Introduction to clean energy resources and technologies * Energy and climate security + Sustainable and clean energy governance issues + Renewable energy and Clean Development Mechanism — (CDM) — adoption and implementation Methodology The course will be conducted through a virtual classroom using a video conferencing platform and will comprise ‘live’ online lecture and interactive sessions with Question and Answer, group discussions, and presentations segments. The guide to access the online sessions will be circulated to the nominees separately. ——_ _— ITIATIVE FOR ASEAN INTEGRATION: (CLEAN ENERGY AND EMISSION REDUCTION ‘20 OCTOBER TO 3 NOVEMBER 2028 Page ot Regulations Participants are required to comply with the following: ‘+ Strictly observe course schedules and not miss training sessions, and + Carry out instructions and abide by conditions as may be stipulated by the nominating authority or government and the Government of Singapore and its appointed trainer, with respect to the course. Duration The course will be held from 30 October to 3 November 2023. Participants’ Profile Participants should be: Mid-to senior-level government officials involved in policymaking for sustainability and energy solutions; * Nominated by the government of Viet Nam; Proficient in spoken and written English; and In good health, SINGAPORE COOPERATION PROGRAMME INITIATIVE FOR ASEAN INTEGRATION (IAl) GENERAL INFORMATION BROCHURE FOR VIET NAM Class Size Minimum 15 participants Maximum 25 participants ‘Additional 10 participants ~ up to two each from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand Total 35 participants Terms of Award ‘The Government of Singapore will be responsible for the training fees for the conduct of the course by the trainer(s), Application Procedure The National Coordinator will be responsible for obtaining the list of nominations before forwarding the list directly to the Singapore Embassy in Hanoi The nomination ist, which should include the email addresses of the participants, should reach the Singapore Embassy in Hanoi not later than Monday, 16 October 2023. ollow us at ed —————_—_—— INITIATIVE FOR ASEAN INTEGRA n (CLEAN ENERGY AND EMISSION REDUCTION ‘30 OCTOBER TO 3 NOVEMBER 2028 Page20t2 VIETNAM — SINGAPORE COOPERATION CENTRE 83B Ly Thuong Kiet St. Pacific Building, 4" F — Tel: (84-4) 39460416; Fax: (84-4) 39460417 GHI CHU Trung tam Hop tac Vit Nam ~ Singapore (VSCC) duge thanh lap dua trén co sé nang c&p Trung tam Dao tao Viet Nam - Singapore [VSTC) theo sng kién cia Singapore giép Viet Nam va cdc nuée thanh vién méi gia nhap ASEAN, nhanh chéng héi nhap khu vic ve thé giéi, d&p ting nhu cau dao tao cén bé cép thiét cia Vigt Nom, phi hgp v6i chi trong. clia Bang va Nha née Viet Nam trong viée-nang cao va cap nhat kién thirc cho cén b§. Hoc vién Ngoai giao duge giao phé Id co guan chi quan phia Vist Nam phéi hep véi Dai str quan Singapore #8 chc. c&c khéa hoc tai VSCC. Sy thanh céng cila VSTC irre day cing nhy VSCC hién nay phy thu®e vao mét phan khéng nhé vao sy phéi hyp gitta cde bg nganh trong vise cir Cdn b@ PhU hop va kip thai cho cac knéa hoc duge 18 chitc tai VSCC. 88 su phéi hep ndi trén dugc t6t hon, VSCC cé mat s6 dd nghi nhu sau: 1. Quy co quan nhan dec gidy mai fich cue chen cir cdn bé cho céc khéa hoe Phd hep v6i bé ng&nh ciia minh. Néu vi ly do nao dé khéng clr cdn bé di hoc duge thi goi dién bdo ngay a8 VSCC kip thai mai cée ce quan khdc. 2. BB dam bao IuBn Iudn C6 di hoc vin cho mi khéa hoc, s6 suat mdi VSCC ati . di lon hon s6 lugng hoc vién cé thé tiép nhan. Do vay, d& nghi cén bd duge cir di hoc gti iréc Ban dang ky vé YSCC theo duéng fox hoac thu dién ft ding han. Sau thar han dang ky, néu da cé di s6 hoc vién theo yéu cau, VSCC cé thé tir chéi tiép nhan ban-dang ky cho dis nguéi dang ky a dugc co quan déng ¥ ct di 3. Cc ce quan chii quan tao didu kién va thai gian va sp xép céng viéc dé can 66 dugc clr di hoc c6 thé yén tam tham dy day di, nghiém tic. 4. D8 cing phéi hep quan ly cén bé di hoc duge tét hon, sau khéda hee, VSCC sé th6ng béo finh hinh tham dy khéa hoe vé co quan chi quan cia céc hee vién, dic bigt d6i véi cdc trréng hep nghi hoc nhiéu, hoac bé dé gia ching. §. YSCC hoan nghénh va tran trong cdm on tét ca cdc y kién déng gép va néi dung. hinh thirc cdc khéa hec a8 VSCC hoat déng higu qua va thiét thuc hon. Xin tran trong cam on sy hyp tac ciia cée Quy ce quan. Vietnam - Singapore Cooperation Centre 83B Ly Thuong Kiet Str., Pacific Building, 4" F - Tel: (84-24) 36460 416; Fax: (84-24) 39460 417, E-mail: rungtamvietsing@gmail. com REGISTRATION FORM Course Title Full Name (Khai ca dau Tiéng Viét) Date of Birth Date: Jsesseee Month: —eveven YORE Sex/Marital Status Female: 0 Male: O Single: 0 Married: 0 Divorced: 0 Job Title (Chive vy hoa vi tr céng tac) Education English Level (CEFR/TOEFL) Date of Current Employment (ngay bat dau céng tac tai BO chi quan) Organization (chitén co quan hién dang céng ta. ghir6 Phéng/Ban/Vy, 86 tryc thude bing ca ting Viet va tiéng Anh) Tel (0): ... Tel (H): me Hand-phone: Email: .. Office Address: .. Have you attended any Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) course previously? Yeso Noo If Yes", please indicate name of course and course dates: Name and Signature of the Applicant's Employer (with official seal) Xéc nhan Ongiba .. voces Ging ky tham dy khod hoc tai VSTC. Ong/ba 06 tréch nhigm tham dy khoa hoc nghiém tic, ch4p hanh moi Oi quy cla khod hoc. *Please fax this form to VSCC and keep the original one for registration. Deadline: ........ am

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