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Input Description
Clearly defines the project's objectives, deliverables, constraints,
1 Project Scope Statement
assumptions, and acceptance criteria.
Clearly articulated and measurable goals that the project aims to
2 Project Objectives
Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders involved in
3 Stakeholder Requirements
or affected by the project.
Identifying any limitations or restrictions that may impact the project,
4 Project Constraints
such as budget, time, resources.
Documenting any assumptions made about the project that could
5 Project Assumptions
influence planning and execution.
Identifying potential risks and uncertainties that could impact the
6 Project Risks
project, along with mitigation plans.
Details about human, financial, and material resources available for the
7 Resource Information
Information about estimated costs, including resource costs,
8 Project Budget
equipment, materials, and overhead.

9 Project Schedule A timeline outlining the project's phases, milestones, and deadlines.

Defining how information will be communicated to stakeholders,

10 Communication Plan
including frequency, channels, and parties.
Identifying team members, roles, responsibilities, and reporting
11 Project Team Information
Project Management Determining the project management approach and methodology to
Methodology be used (Agile, Waterfall, etc.).
Regulatory and Legal Understanding and complying with regulations, standards, or legal
Requirements requirements relevant to the project.
Learning from past projects by reviewing historical data, lessons
14 Historical Information
learned, and best practices.
Technology and Details about the technology, tools, and infrastructure required to
Infrastructure support the project.

16 Quality Standards Defining the quality standards and metrics that the project must meet.

Establishing a process for managing changes to the project scope,

17 Change Control Process
schedule, or resources.
Outlining the processes for obtaining approvals at different stages of
18 Approval Processes
the project.

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