Gen Ed English - Pretest

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1.The wounded soldiers were visited by the president who honored them with______ for their ________
A. medals-valor
B. gun salute-bravery
C. Plaque -sacrifices
D. Incentive- service

2. Which among the sounds below is voiceless?

A. /b/
B. /p/
C. /a/
d. /u/

3. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined portion of this sentence? Researchers also speculate that some
teachers might have given boys more computer time because parents and teachers expected boys to need computers
for future careers.
A. will expect
B. will have expected
C. expected
D. will has expected

4 Robert Frost wrote the poem Acquainted with the Night from which the stanza is taken:
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain-back in rain.
I have out walked the farthest city light
The poet in the stanza talks of?
A. isolation and loneliness
B. joy getting out of the house New
C. missing good old days
D. feeling nostalgic

5. "Only the heart can see rightly." This statement is lifted from what particular novel?
A. The Prince and the Pauper
B. Romeo and Juliet
C. Hamlet
D. The Little Prince
6. He was the American President who said, "Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for
the freedom of man."
A. Henry Truman
B. Joe Biden
C. John F. Kennedy
D. Ronald Reagan

7. History is the witness that _______ passing of time

A. testifies for
B. testifies for the
C. testify for
D. testify for the

8. An association wherein the name of something is substituted by something that represents it.
A. Metonymy
B. Euphemism
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole

9. In English verse, a poetic foot having 1 stressed syllable followed by 1 unstressed syllable is
A Trochaic
B. lambic
C. Anapestic
D. Dactylic

10. Senators were accused by activists of washing their hands with the perfumes of Arabia. This state is commonly
known as:
A. Guilt
B. Triumph
C. Victor
D. Success

11. First Language (L1) Language Acquisition: Second Language (2)

A. Acquiring Knowledge
B. Language Contact
C. Language Change
D. Language Learning
12. A learner follows a set of rules to effectively convey his message to other people. This shows what view of
A. Language is primarily vocal
B. Language is a system of systems
C. Language is arbitrary
D. Language is a means of communication

13. The process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce
and use words and sentences to communicate is
A. Communication
B. Phonology
C. Language Acquisition
D. Phonemic Awareness

14. Cindy learned in her biology class that she uses her larynx to resonate the sound to her lips to produce sound: The
study of human speech sound seen in the scenario is
A. Phonology
B. Phonemes
C. Phonetics
D. Morphology

15. Which of the following Latin word means to impart, to transmit, to share, and to convey
A. Communicare
B. Communare
C. Communaris
D. Communis

16. Who is the father of Modern Communications?

A Cicero
B. Aristotle
C. Protagoras
D. Sophocles

17. Which is of the following is not a nature of communication?

A. It is a process
B. It is between two or more people
C. It is much more than words
D. It involves two people

18. What is the "the most basic function of communication" according to Hermosa, Hernandez, and Vergara (2019)?
A. Information gathering and dissemination
B. Regulation or control
C. Social Interaction
D. Emotional expression/appeal

19. What is the function of communication when you become one's shoulder to cry on, giving a pep talk, encouraging
others to hold steadfast in life and in faith and give someone extra little push that they need to do what they need or
want to do?
A. Information
B. Social Interaction
C. Motivation
D. Emotional expression/appeal

20. Mario thinks of how he will put into words his love for Maria. The component of communication behind this
situation is __________.
A. Encoding
B. Messaging
C. Decoding
D. Interpreting

21. What part of the model of communication shows how the sender conveys the message through a channel?
A. Encoding
B. Transmitting
C. Decoding
D. Feedback

22. For most Filipinos, the word "salvage is commonly referred to as a dead body being dumped to a specific place.
On the other hand. Americans refer to the same word as saving a person's life. This scenario falls under the
A. Personal Barrier
B. Cultural Barrier
C. Physical Barrier
D. Semantic Barrier

23. Merta could not understand Algie's point because he had a high fever. What barrier of communication is present in
the situation?
A. Physical Barrier
B. Physiological / Biological Barrier
C. Psychological Barrier
D. Systemic/Systematic Barrier

24. Generose and Jove found it hard to communicate because Sarah literally stood between them and making noises,
What barrier of communication is present in the situation?
A. Physical Barrier
B. Physiological / Biological Barrier
C. Psychological Barrier
D. Systemic/Systematic Barrier

25. It refers to the channel through which one expresses his/her communicative intent
A. Communication
C. Communication Style
B. Communication Context
D. Communication Mode

26. Janus is singing the National Anthem to remind himself that he is a Filipino citizen. In the interplays of speech
consideration, what kind of speech context is present in the situation?
A. Intrapersonal
B. Organizational
C. Interpersonal
D. Intercultural

27. The Global Student Leadership Summit (GSLS) hosted a multi-day leadership summit for over 2500 high school
students from 15 countries last April 11-13, 2021. What is this type of communication?
A. Intercultural
B. Interracial
C. Interethnic
D. International

28. Mariz bought a new laptop with HD camera for her video conferencing. This type of communication is _________
A. Digitized
B. Modernized
C. Mediated
D. Integrated

29. When the accounting manager communicates to the purchasing manager the dollars available for purchases in
the current month, this is an example of______
A. Upward Communication
B. Downward Communication
C. Horizontal Communication
D. Vertical Communication

30. Janice informs her three colleagues that there is a Ponzi scheme happening inside the investment company they are
working in. The three colleagues later on spread this news to the other employees. What is this form of Grapevine
A Single Strand Chain
B. Probability Chain
C. Gossip Chain
D. Cluster Chain

31. Paralanguage is about how something is said not what is said. Shania uses it to improve herself in communicating
with other people. What do you think is the best oral communication activities that Shania must participate with to test
her skills?
A. Speech Writing
B. Poetry Writing
C. Declamation
D. Short films

32. What do we call the pauses in between the speech delivered to add drama and timing?
A. Intonation
B. Pitch
C. Rate -speed
D. Juncture

33. Lily's brother died in a car accident. Her friends tried to comfort her by hugging her and patting her on the back.
This nonverbal communication is ________
A Haptics
B. Kinesics
C. Proxemics
D. Chronemics

34. John had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere. He then tries to hitchhike by making his one thumb up in the air to
signal the passing cars that he needs a ride. This gesture is known as
A Emblem
B. Regulator
C. Illustrator
D. Adaptor

35. Annie is having a cup of coffee with her cousin. This type of proxemics is what we call______________
A. Intimate distance
B. Social distance
C. Personal distance
D. Public distance

36. A mother might laugh and say "I'm going to get you" while tickling her son with a teddy bear. What dimension of
touch is presented in the scenario?
A. Intensity
B. Frequency
C. Location Place
D. Instrument of touch

37. Shiela shared a "beso-beso with her acquaintance as they unexpectedly met in a mall. This situation is under what
category of touch?
A. Functional/Professional
B. Friendship/Warmth
C. Social/Polite
D. Sexual/Arousal

38. Miguel is an introvert he cannot express himself through words, but because of Sheena, his great love. He learned
to express his feelings through different ways. He always left sunflowers in Sheena's desk and cook for her lunch.
Sheena will always give him a sweet smile and say complementary words like, Fresh and delicious" after smelling the
flowers and the food he cooks. What kind of nonverbal communication is Sheena's act?
A. Appearance
B. Tactile
C. Artifacts
D. Olfactory
39. Jen saw Mark staring at her through her peripheral vision. Then when Jen looked at Mark, he started waving his
hand and saying "Hi!" instead of looking in a different direction, In oculesics, this is an act of _________
A. Eye gaze
B. Pupil dilation
C. Blinking
D. Eye movement

40. The area of the room where Kate is playing violin is quite spacious while the order of seats in the said room is
somewhat chaotic. What specific types of proxemics being shown in the scenario?
A Distance & Space
B. Proxemics & Distance
C. Physical Arrangement & Environment
D. Space & Physical Arrangement

41. A model of communication that is more commonly used in newer media forms such as social media,
telecommunication, and the like is ____________.
A. Basic Model
B. Interactional Model
C. Linear Model
D. Transactional Model

42. Carl was waiting in line for his turn in the cashier, when a Christmas song was being played in the background, but
it was interrupted by the customer service page, announcing the name of a missing child. What models of
communication is present in the situation?
A. Interactional
B. Linear
C. Transactional
D. Basic
43. The following are the best description of Transactional Model of Communication EXCEPT for one:
A. Both the sender and the receiver are (most likely) in the same place.
B. The roles of senders and receivers easily interchange because the processes they do take a small amount of time.
C. There is no immediate interaction between the sender and the receiver.
D. There is little to no time delay between messages/feedbacks.

44. Ivy is going to present a valedictory address in front of her schoolmates. She considers the event as her basis in
speech writing. In what communication model is this scenario based on?
A. Aristotle's Model
B. Lasswell's Model
C. Shannon and Weaver's Model
D. Berlo's Model

45. Which of the following is NOT part of the Shannon and Weaver Communication Model?
A. Source
B. Interpreter
C. Transmitter
D. Destination

46. William messages Charles to make it faster. Charles then replied "OTW" after 5 minutes. Unfortunately, William
knew that Charles just woke up as he is always one hour late in their appointments. This shows what type of
communication model?
A. Schramm's Model
B. Osgood-Schramm's Model
C. Lasswell's Model
D. Shannon and Weaver's Model

47. David uses more complex words in his daily conversation as the years go by. This scenario depicts what
communication model?
A. White's Model
B. Dance's Helical Model
C. Barlund's Model
D. Berlo's Model

48. Rey has a strong disagreement for the Divorce Law in the country, but his girlfriend Val argues with him about the
positive side of divorce. Because of that, Rey became indifferent to Val and he goes silent. What challenges in
communication does this scenario portrays?
A. Faulty Communication Technique
B. Poor /Faulty Word Choice
C. Different Perspective/Views
D. Subjective/Irrational Opinions

49. Which is NOT included in the 7C's effective principles or written communication?
A. Completeness
B. Consideration
C. Conciseness
D. Conduciveness
50. Which of the following does NOT belong in Kachru's Outer Circle?
A. China
B. India
C. Philippines
D. Nigeria

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