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Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

Geology and mineral potential of Ethiopia: a note on geology

and mineral map of Ethiopia
Solomon Tadesse , Jean-Pierre Milesi b, Yves Deschamps b,*

Department of Geology and Geophysics, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
BRGM, Mineral Resources Division, 3, avenue C. Guillemin, B.P. 6009, 45060 Orl
eans cedex 2, France
Received 7 August 2002; accepted 28 May 2003

This work presents a geoscientific map and database for geology, mineral and energy resources of Ethiopia in a digital form at a
scale of 1:2,000,000, compiled from several sources. The final result of the work has been recorded on CD-ROM in GIS format so
that the map and the database could be available to users on a personal computer.
Metallic resources (precious, rare, base and ferrous–ferroalloy metals) are widely related to the metamorphic meta-volcano-
sedimentary belts and associated intrusives belonging to various terranes of the Arabian–Nubian Shield, accreted during the East
and West Gondwana collision (Neoproterozoic, 900–500 Ma).
Industrial minerals and rock resources occur in more diversified geological environments, including the Proterozoic basement
rocks, the Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic sediments and recent (Cenozoic) volcanics and associated sediments.
Energy resources (oil, coal, geothermal resources) are restricted to Phanerozoic basin sediments and Cenozoic volcanism and
rifting areas.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ethiopia; Geology; Mineral resources; Digital cartography; Geographic information systems; Nubian Shield

1. Introduction • The late-Paleozoic to Mesozoic marine and continen-

tal sediments;
The aim of this paper is to provide readers with a • The Cenozoic basic and felsic volcanics;
compilation of published data on mineral resources, • The volcano-sedimentary and volcanoclastic rocks,
dating from those of Jelenc (1966) up to the recent associated with the Cenozoic volcanics, including
synthesis by Selassie and Reimold (2000). The published Early Tertiary, Late Tertiary and Quaternary sedi-
data are complemented by unpublished information ments.
provided by one of the authors (Tadesse). This was then
integrated using a GIS software developed by BRGM. These rock assemblages represent 23%, 25%, 34% and
18% of the total surface area respectively. The compiled
2. Geology stratigraphic column including the main units is pre-
sented in Table 1.
The main rock types of Ethiopia illustrated on the
general and schematic map of the geology of Ethiopia 2.1. Precambrian rocks and associated intrusions
(Fig. 1) are:
The Precambrian contains a wide variety of sedi-
• The Precambrian metamorphic rocks with associated mentary, volcanic and intrusive rocks which have been
syn- to post-tectonic intrusions which form the Base- subjected to varying degrees of metamorphism and de-
ment Complex; formation. It occupies a position of particular interest
lying at the interface between the predominantly gneis-
Corresponding authors.
sic terranes of the Mozambique Belt to the south in
E-mail addresses: (S. Tadesse), East Africa and the Arabian–Nubian Shield com- (J.-P. Milesi), (Y. Deschamps). plexes of Sudan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to the north.

0899-5362/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
274 S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

Poly-deformed and poly-metamorphosed crystalline Stern, 1994; Abdelselam and Stern, 1997; Tadesse and
rocks forming the basement consist of gneisses (orthog- Allen, 2002).
neiss and paragneiss), various schists (mainly mica-
ceous, chloritic, sericitic, feldspathic and amphibolitic), 2.2. Late-Paleozoic and Early-Mesozoic sediments
slates, phyllites, marbles, meta-conglomerates, as well as
various generations of intrusions (granites, granodior- These were widely deposited in Ethiopia during a
ites, diorites, dikes or lenses of aplites and pegmatites, continuous period of subsidence of the land and mi-
gabbros, pyroxenites and peridotites). These rocks are gration of the sea from the east in the Ogaden towards
mainly exposed (Fig. 1) in northern (Tigray), western the west and north, and covering the central part and
(Wollega), southern (Sidamo) and eastern (Harar) parts northern areas of the country. These rocks rest uncon-
of the country. The basement (Fig. 1) in the south and formably on the Precambrian metamorphic rocks, filling
west of the country where granitic rocks and gneisses channels in the basement rocks.
predominate, has been more strongly metamorphosed Today, a large part of these Late-Paleozoic and
than the Precambrian sequences in the north (Kazmin, Early-Mesozoic marine and continental sediments are
1972). The highest metamorphic grade (granulite fa- exposed in Eastern Ogaden, in central dissected plateaus
cies) has been recorded in gneisses of the southern in the Blue Nile river basin and in northern Tigray
and southwestern part of the country (Gichile, 1992). around Mekele (Fig. 1).
Though in many cases strongly folded and foliated, the The Late-Paleozoic to Triassic sediment and tillites,
rocks in the north which include the youngest forma- composed of sandstone, siltstone, shale, minor con-
tions yet known in the Precambrian, have generally glomerate and locally tillite (Table 1), have been mapped
undergone only very low to low grade metamorphism. in several regions. These sediments comprise the Enticho
A three-fold lithotectonic sequence has been sug- sandstones (Tigray), the Edaga Arbi glacial sediments
gested for the Precambrian basement rocks of Ethiopia (Tigray), the Permian Sandstone (SW Ethiopia), the
by Kazmin (1975) and Kazmin et al. (1978), consisting Gura Sandstone (SE Ethiopia), the Middle Abay Tillite
of a Lower, Middle and Upper Complex. (Central Ethiopia), the Waju, Calub, Gumburo Sand-
The Lower Complex, which is considered the oldest stones and the Bokh Shale (Ogaden, SE Ethiopia)
sequence, consists mainly of high grade gneisses and and Genale basin glacial tillites (Tadesse and Melaku,
migmatites with subordinate quartz–feldspathic gneisses 1998).
and schists. The Mesozoic sediments comprise: (i) the Lower or
Adigrat Sandstone of Triassic age, (ii) Jurassic Lime-
• Rocks of the Lower Complex are overlain by the stone of the Antalo Group and (iii) the Cretaceous
Middle Complex, represented by platform-type Upper Sandstone, which is largely conglomeratic with
psammitic and pelitic metasediments with subordi- mudstone and marl intercalations.
nate marbles and schists. (i) The Adigrat sandstone (Tigray) rests unconform-
• The Middle Complex in turn, is tectonically overlain ably on the basement. The sandstone, which varies from
by the Upper Complex which includes a thick succes- a few meters to 800 m in thickness, is typically a yel-
sion of low-grade (predominantly greenschist facies) lowish to pink, fine-to medium-grained, non-calcareous,
island-arc and ophiolitic assemblages. well sorted, cross-bedded quartz sandstone with inter-
bedded siltstones and minor conglomerates.
Recent geochronological and isotopic studies suggest (ii) The Antalo Group incorporates the three forma-
that this Precambrian basement (granite-gneiss, volcano- tions which make up the marine Mesozoic sequence
sedimentary and ophiolitic suites) is dominantly within the central plateau. The type section of the
Neoproterozoic in age (Ayalew et al., 1990; Gichile, Antalo Group, in the Abay Gorge (in the Blue Nile
1992; Teklay et al., 1998; Gerra, 2000), and that the basin), totals 880 m (Getaneh, 1991). Antalo Limestone
rocks previously attributed to the Archean or pre-Neo- is typically developed in the Mekele area, where a 750 m
proterozoic could be part of pre-Neoproterozoic conti- thick sequence consists of fossiliferous yellow limestone
nental crustal fragments (e.g. Tulu Dimtu orogenic belt, and marl. In chronological order, the formations are:
Western Ethiopia, Tadesse and Allen, 2002), including
possibly reworked and remobilized components, as in- (a) The Abay beds (Central Ethiopia), Middle Jurassic,
dicated by Archean zircon xenocrysts found by Teklay composed of limestones, calcareous sandstones,
et al. (1998). shale and gypsum beds (thickness: 580 m).
Ophiolitic mafic–ultramafic belts could be inter- (b) The Antalo Limestone (localized in different re-
preted, in accordance with the models developed for the gions), Upper Jurassic (‘‘Oolitic Jurassic’’) consists
Arabian–Nubian Shield, as Neoproterozoic suture of fossiliferous limestones, interbedded marl, calcar-
zones along which different terranes were accreted dur- eous shale and rare arenaceous beds (thickness: up
ing the Gondwana collision (Shackleton, 1994, 1996; to 1400 m).
Table 1
Summary of stratigraphy of Ethiopia
ERA Age (Ma) Complex Main groups/formations/thickness Location Main rock types Main commodities
Cenozoic 0 Rift (or ‘‘Aden’’) Sediments: Omo Group Main Ethiopian Rift Felsic peralkaline volcanics Geothermy, (Au)
Middle Miocene to series (1.3–3.1 Ma) (150–750 m) (MER) Afar Basin-fill volcanoclastic sediments (Fe, Mn)
Quaternary depression
Lacustrine sediments
Minor basaltic volcanism Oil, gas, coal
13–15 Ma Trap (or ‘‘Plateau’’) Tarmaber alkaline basalt Central Ethiopian Flood basalts (alkaline to tholei- Potash, salt, trona,
series (500–3000 m) formation Plateau (NW) itic) minor ignimbrite, rhyolite gypsum, limestone
Alajae formation bentonite, diatomite
54 Ma Aiba basalt Harrar Plateau (SE) Associated sediments clay, pumice
Ashangi basalt

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

Paleocene middle- E. Ogaden sediments Total: up to 1000 m Eastern Ogaden Marine and continental sediments Sulphur
Mesozoic Late Cretaceous to Mesozoic Amba Aradom Form (Late Tigray, Central and Marine and clastic sediments: Limestone, gypsum,
paleocene Cretaceous), 150–600 m E. Eth. dolomite silica sand,
(# 60–55 Ma?) Antalo Group, Agula Shale (Late Tigray, N. Ethiopia common clay
Jurassic), 60–250 m
Antalo Group, Antalo Limestone Central Ethiopia
(Upper Jurassic), up to 1400 m

Antalo Group, Abay beds (Middle

Jurassic), 580 m
Adigrat Sandstone (Lower Tigray, N. Ethiopia Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate Oil, gas
Sandstone, Triassic), 800 m shale, calcareous shale, marl clayey
Hamanlei Form (Jurassic), S. and SE Ethiopia limestone, limestone, oolithic lst.
up to 1350 m

Belet Uen Form (Cenom. Ogaden, SE Ethiopia

Turonian), 90–230 m
Ferfer Form (Albian– Ogaden, SE Ethiopia
Cenomanian), 100–200 m
Sediments Mustahil Form (Aptian–Albian) Ogaden, SE Ethiopia Dolomite, gypsum and anhydrite
Korahe Form (Neocomian), Ogaden, SE Ethiopia beds
100–500 m
Gabredarre Form (Upper Ogaden, SE Ethiopia
Jurassic), 410–630 m

Late Paleozoic/ Triassic–Jurassic Early Mesozoic Enticho sandstone, about 160 m N. Ethiopia, Tigray Marine and continental sediments: (Pb, Cu) Oil, Gas
Early Mesozoic (200–250 Ma?)
Edaga Garbi Glaccials, 150–180 m N. Ethiopia, Tigray
Middle Abay tillite Central Ethiopia Sandstones, siltstones, shale, minor
Late Paleozoic Permian sandstone SW Ethiopia conglomerate, local tillites
Gura sandstone Bale, SE Ethiopia
Waju and Calub sandstones Ogaden, SE Ethiopia
Sediments Gumburo sandstone and Bokh Ogaden, SE Ethiopia

280 S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

(c) The Agula shale (Tigray), Upper Jurassic (Kimme-

Ta, (Nb, REE, Li, Be)

Au, PGE, Ni (Co) Cu,
Cr Fe, Ti, (Mo, W)
ridgian) is composed of shale, black shale, marl,
Main commodities

common clay talc,

limestone, quartz,
feldspar, kyanite,
Marble, granite,

graphite kaolin,
claystone and minor limestone and dolomite (thick-
Ta (Li, Be) ness: 60–250 m).

(U, Th)
The Upper Sandstone (Cretaceous) consists of sand-
stone, shale, marl, oolithic and dolomitic limestone and
minor gypsum- and/or anhydrite-bearing beds deposited
Post-tectonic intrusives, pegmatites

Low-grade bimodal meta-volcano-

sedimentary island-arc and ophio-

metasediments, marbles (‘‘Middle

conformably on the Jurassic rocks in some areas, as in

polymetamorphosed high-grade
Platform-type psammitic-pelitic
litic suites (‘‘Upper Complex’’)

High-grade polydeformed and

gneiss, granulites, migmatites

Metamorphic rocks and syn-

Western Ethiopia, and which are unconformable in

to post-tectonic intrusives

others, as in the Tigray region.

The thickest and most complete succession of Me-

(‘‘Lower Complex’’)
sozoic rocks is known in eastern and western Ogaden
Main rock types

and in the Hararghe region, including upper Jurassic to


Turonian Gabredarre (oolithic limestone, sandstone,

marl, shale, and minor gypsum-bearing beds; thickness:
400–630 m), Korahe (dolomitic limestone, marl, shale
and minor anhydrite-bearing beds; thickness: 100–500
W. Ethiopia (Wollega)

m), Mustahil (limestone, shale and marl; no data on

S. Ethiopia (Sidamo)
N. Ethiopia (Tigray)

E. Ethiopia (Harrar)

S. and SW Ethiopia
Main exposures in

Granulite facies in

thickness), Ferfer (dolomite and clayey limestones;

thickness: 100–200 m), Belet Uen (limestone and
glauconite shale; thickness: 90–230 m) and Amba Ara-

dom (sandstone, shale, siltstone; thickness: 150–600 m)

Formations (Gerra, 2000).
mafic belts (Neoproterozoic suture
Kenticha pegmatite (515 ± 10 Ma)
Main groups/formations/thickness


2.3. Cenozoic rocks

pre-Neoproterozoic components
Possible reworked–remobilized

2.3.1. Cenozoic sedimentary rocks

Granite–Gneiss terranes

Sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary rocks are in-

tercalated in various proportions with several volcanic
episodes occurring from the early Tertiary to the Qua-
(1.2–0.9 Ga)?

Cenozoic sedimentary rocks occur in eastern Ogaden,

the Danakil depression, and the lower Omo Valley.

Marine and continental sediments in eastern Ogaden
ranging in age from Palaeocene to Middle Eocene have
a total thickness of up to 1000 m (Getaneh, 1991).
Late tertiary to Quaternary sedimentary rocks as-
Early Paleozoic

sociated with volcanics include clay, silt, sand, gravel,


tuffs, marls and limestone of the Omo Group (150–750



m thick, 1.3–3.1 Ma) and clay, siltsone, sandstone and

conglomerates of the Adar Formation (30–200 m thick,
2.6–3.1 Ma) (Tefera et al., 1996a,b).

2.3.2. Cenozoic volcanic rocks

880–900 Ma?
550–500 Ma?

Tertiary volcanics (‘‘Plateau volcanics’’): The earliest

Age (Ma)

and most extensive group of volcanic rocks are the

‘‘Trap Series’’, erupted from fissures during early Ter-
tiary (54–13 Ma); (Mohr, 1963; Zanettin, 1993; Tefera
Panafrican orogen

et al., 1996a,b; Hofmann et al., 1997). The Trap Series

Table 1 (continued)

Early Paleozoic


consists of piles of flood basalts and minor ignimbrites.

The basalts are transitional from alkaline to tholeiitic in
composition and erupted from fissures. The flows range

in thickness from 500 to 1500 m (Mohr and Zanettin,

1988) to up to 3000 m (Tefera et al., 1996a,b). These
S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313 281

rocks are overlain by shield volcanoes that consist Geological mapping and mineral exploration by the
mainly of porphyritic amygdaloidal olivine basalt. Ethiopian Institute of Geological Survey (EIGS) and
others (EIGS, 1989) show that within this crystalline
basement the most promising areas for gold and base
2.3.3. The Rift and the associated volcanic rocks
metal deposits are particularly linked to the low-grade
The Ethiopian Rift is the northernmost extension of
metamorphic volcano-sedimentary belts belonging to
the great East African Rift that extends from north-
the 900–500 Ma Arabian–Nubian Shield terranes.
eastern Ethiopia to Mozambique in southern Africa,
Most of the Precambrian volcano-sedimentary
with a length of more than 4000 km. More than one-
sequences (possible greenstone belts) and associated
quarter of the rift system lies in Ethiopia (Fig. 1). The
intrusions have been subjected to several orogenic
central Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) is a large 1 km deep
episodes since their formation, in particular during the
graben with an average width of about 70–80 km and a
Panafrican orogeny, responsible for the formation of the
length of 700 km stretching from the Ethiopian–Kenyan
Arabian–Nubian terranes. This process, combined with
border in the south to the Afar Depression in the north.
the rifting associated with the development of the Red
The rift dissects the highlands of the country into the
Sea and the East African–Ethiopian Rift Valley, has
eastern (Harrar) and western (Central Ethiopia) pla-
resulted in considerable fracturing and shattering. Ma-
teaus and is bounded on two sides by a series of large
jor water resources are associated with these fracture
normal faults. The eastern escarpment of the MER is
characterized by step faults, with significant throws in its
The Mesozoic sediments are important for their as-
northeastern sector exceeding 1500 m between the top of
sociated industrial minerals and building materials in-
the plateau and the rift floor. The western margin is
cluding limestones, sand, sandstones, gypsum and clays.
gradational and less marked thus accounting for the
Favourable conditions for oil and gas are also present.
asymmetry of the MER. Active tectonic movements are
Early Tertiary formations show potential possibilities
confirmed by numerous faults affecting Holocene rock
for lignite, opal, oil shale, lateritic iron ore. Bentonites,
units and by the intense recent seismicity of the whole
industrial clay minerals, perlite and pumice are com-
region (Di Paola, 1972).
The Ethiopian plateaus bordering the rift consist of a
Tertiary and Younger sediments host sulphur, diato-
thick succession of flood basalts and lesser amounts of
mite, bentonite, potash, common salt, perlite. Favour-
rhyolites emplaced during Eocene to middle Miocene
able conditions for oil and gas are also present.
(54 to 13–15 Ma) (Woldegabriel et al., 1990). The floor
Rift volcanics and sediments are important for geo-
of the rift is commonly covered by Plio-Quaternary
thermal energy, soda ash, epithermal gold, diatomite,
volcanic products and basin-fill volcanoclastic sedi-
bentonite, salt, sulphur, pumice etc.
ments. Basaltic volcanic rocks (transitional from alka-
Table 2 presents a summary of ore deposit types
line to tholeiitic in composition) become progressively
(metallic and industrial minerals, construction and
younger northwards to Afar, although young basaltic
building materials) known to date in Ethiopia. Charac-
volcanism of minor volume is also common along the
teristics of main ore deposits (Class A: very large de-
axial zone of the Ethiopian Rift. The main petrological
posit; Class B: large deposit; Class C: medium deposit)
feature of the MER is the abundance of felsic peralka-
are summarized Table 3. Small deposits (Class D),
line volcanics (mainly pantellerites) related both to the
occurrences (Class E) and deposits without available
fissural activity and to the several volcanoes rising from
economic data (Class N/A) are presented Table 4.
the rift floor. It has been suggested that east–west
Locations are presented in Fig. 2 (metallic mineral de-
structures may be an important factor in controlling the
posits) and Fig. 3 (non-metallic mineral deposits).
locations of volcanism along the rift. Thick sediment
accumulations of lacustrine origin cover large areas of
3.1. Metallic mineral deposits
the rift floor.
Major metallic ore deposits of Ethiopia consist of
precious metals (Au, Pt), rare metals (Ta) and to a lesser
3. Mineral resources extent Ni and Fe; some deposits are currently mined for
Au and Ta (e.g. Lega Dembi, Kenticha) or are at an
The Precambrian crystalline basement of Ethiopia is advanced stage of investigation (e.g. Bikilal project, Fe);
of particular interest because of the fact that it contains to date, base metals (Zn, Pb, Cu) and alloy metals (Cr,
almost all known mineral commodities of the country Mo, Mn) are only known as occurrences or non-eco-
(both metallic and industrial minerals and rocks), no- nomic small-size deposits.
tably gold, platinum, rare metals, nickel, copper, iron, Metallic resources are mostly genetically linked to the
chromium, kaolin, feldspar, clay, asbestos, talc, etc. tectono-thermal evolution of the various low-grade
Marble, limestone and granite are also common. metamorphic volcano-sedimentary belts belonging to
Table 2

Ore deposit types of Ethiopia
Commodities Ore deposit types Main deposits (A, B, C) Minor deposits (see Table 4)
(see Table 3)
Metallic ores
Au, Ag (±Cu, Zn, Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold deposits Lega Dembi, Megado, Sakaro Ogo, Dul, Haramsam, Hasamte, Oda-Godere, Adi Zeresenay
Pb, As, Sb, Bi) Main
Au, Ag Alluvial–eluvial placers Adola Belt, Bore Bedakessa, Lege Dima, Demi Denissa, Akobo, Sirkole
Au, Ag (As, BM) Volcanogenic, volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary-exhalative Abetselo, Kata, Azale-Akendeyu
ore deposits
Au, Ag (As) Epithermal high- or low-sulphidation ore deposits Gedemsa, Corbetti, Tendaho
Be, Li Zoned granitic pegmatites Bissidimo valley (Mo-Be), Gubda valley (Be), Kenticha (Ta, Be, Li)

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

Cu Red Bed hosted copper deposits Chercher, Galetti valley
Cu Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic rocks
Cu Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold deposits Adi Dairo-Indallilo 1 (Au–Cu), Ashashire (Au–Cu–Pb–Zn), Bomo
(greenschist facies) (Au–Cu), Digati (Au–Cu–Pb)
Cu Fault-related ore deposits in a magmatic context Enticho (Cu), Fawly
Cu Volcanogenic, volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary-exhalative Abetselo, Kata, Azale-Akendeyu, Galeti
ore deposits
Cu Carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits, or Red Bed hosted lead Soka (Pb–Cu), Ijabuna (Pb–Cu)
Fe, Ti (P) Ore deposits hosted by basic intrusions Bikilal Melka Arba
Fe Banded iron formations (BIF ‘‘Superior Fe’’) Beliga 2, Chago, Gordana, Koree
Fe (Mn) Laterite-related and gossan-related deposits Melka Sedi, Gammalucho, Garo Adua, Entichio; Adi Berbere, Chilachikin, Dimma, Gato (Mai Guda)
Mn Sedimentary manganese deposits Enkafela
Mn Laterite and gossan-related ore deposits Adi Berbere, Melka Sedi
Mo Granitoid controlled ore deposits Fakusho
Mo Zoned granitic pegmatites Bissidimo valley, Chiltu
Ni, Co (Cr) Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic rocks and Adola Belt: Tulla, Ula Ulo, Kilta Big Dubicha, Monissa, Burjiji, Lolotu
laterite-related ore deposits
Pb Carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits, or Red Bed hosted lead Affratu, Gara Ua, Mariam Adi Desta, Soka
Pb, Zn, BM Volcanogenic, volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary-exhalative Abetselo, Kata, Azale-Akendeyu
ore deposits
Pb, Zn, BM Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold deposits Chamuk, Haramsam (+Au), Ashashire (Au–Cu–Pb–Zn)
Pt, Pltd (Au) Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic rocks, and Yubdo Tulu Dimtu
residually enriched ore deposits
Pt, Pltd (Au) Alluvial–eluvial placers Soddu, Yubdo, Tulu Dimtu
Ta,Nb, Ce Zoned granitic pegmatites Kenticha (Ta) Meleka (Ta–Nb), Kilkile, Agere Maryam (Ta)
Tiilm, TiRt, Zr Alluvial–eluvial placers Aflata (TiRt, Tiilm, Zr); Bedessa Tega, Sacco River, Zembala Woha
U, Th Pegmatites Harar (U–Th)
W Granitoid controlled ore deposits Kata (+Mo)
W Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold deposits Digati (+Au–Pb–Zn–Cu–Ni–As), East Sakaro (+Au–As–Ag),
(greenschist facies) Korkoro (+Au–Pb–Ag), Mestefinfin (Azenge) (+Au–Cu)
GTH Geothermal energy (geothermal system) Aluto Langano, Tendaho Corbetti, Gedemsa, Lake Abaya
Coal Lignite deposits Nejo, Uchale, Mush valley (Debre Brehan), Ankober, Chancho,
Debra Libanos, Chelga, Delbi, Moye
Petr, gas Oil and gas deposits Calub Ogaden, Red Sea 1
Rocks and Industrial minerals
Abr Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic rocks and to Carrara (garnet, mica)
metamorphic rocks
Asb, Tlc, Vrm Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by basic and Agheremariam, Gara Jabbe (Asb, Vrm), Marwa, Moglal, Zariga;
ultrabasic rocks Anno (Tlc)
Bnt Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral deposits Gewane, Ledi, Gidicho Island
ClyC Supergene and sediment-related industrial rock and mineral Yubo (Arussi), Mekele, Melka Dire Dawa, Bole, Chelga, Zega Wodel
deposits Jebdu, Bebeka
Dol Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals; Slate, marble Galetti, Hula-Kuni
and ornamental-stone deposits
Dtm Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral deposits Lakes region district Abiyata
Feld Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic rocks, Kenticha, Babile-Bombasa

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

GemS Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral deposits Yita Axum, Adwa
Gp Evaporite-related industrial rocks and minerals Sodoble Hagere Selam, Mugher, Adigudom
Gr Industrial rocks and minerals related to metamorphic rocks; Moyale Adadikoto, Bissidimo valley, Ramis valley
Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
Gran Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic rocks Hamaressa
Kln Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits Bombowha, Kombelcha
Kya Industrial rocks and minerals related to metamorphic rocks Chembi
LstC, LstL Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals Mugher, Mekele, Wukiro Dire Dawa, Gefersa, Kella, Jemma-Wonchit, Shinile
Mica Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic rocks Carrara, Cheha, Marechi, Shebelli, Tuluhora
Mrbl Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits Daleti, Mora, Baruda Bulen, Negash, Guba, Hakim-Gara
Natr Lacustrine deposits (sebkha, salar, alkaline lake) Lake Abiyata, Lake Shala,
Lake Chiltu
Nitr Salts and gypsum deposits; Lacustrine deposits (sebkha, salar, Derro, Felege Brehan
alkaline lake)
Olv Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral deposits Mega
Phos Ore deposits hosted by basic intrusions Bikilal, Melka Arba
Phos Phosphorites (or sedimentary phosphates) Ogaden Basin
Pozz Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral deposits Garibaldi pass (Nazreth)
Ptsh Salts and gypsum deposits Salt Valley, Dallol
Py Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold deposits Abetselo
(greenschist facies)
Qtz, Qtzopt Zoned granitic pegmatites Kenticha area Abdul Kadir
S High-sulphidation solfatara Chebret Ale Dofan, Daneb
Salt Salts and gypsum deposits, lacustrine deposits Lake Abiyata, Adami Tulu area,
Adigrat, Assale, Gebro
Silc Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals; supergene Dire Dawa, Mugher, Koffe- Kecha, Adigrat, Kebre Mengist, Haghere Hiwot
deposits Mute, Gimbicho

Table 3

Major mineral deposits of Ethiopia (A, B and C class)
No. Deposit name Commodity 1 Class Tonnage range Other comm. Longitude Latitude Status Ore deposit types (Gitology) Map symbol
Metallic ores
1 Adola belt Au B 50–250 t Au Ni, Cr, Pt 38.96 5.81 Producing district Brittle–ductile shear-zone Au, Ag
(District) related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold
deposit, alluvial–eluvial
2 Adola Valley Au C 10–50 t Au 39.00 5.89 Producing district Alluvial–eluvial placer Au, Ag
3 Bore Au C 10–50 t Au 38.78 5.56 Producing deposit Alluvial–eluvial placer Au, Ag
4 Laga Adunia Au C 10–50 t Au 38.77 5.73 Producing deposit Alluvial–eluvial placer Au, Ag
5 Laga Emyo Au C 10–50 t Au 35.72 9.50 Producing deposit Alluvial–eluvial placer Au, Ag

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6 Lega Dembi Au B 50–250 t Au 38.86 5.69 Producing deposit Brittle–ductile shear-zone Au, Ag
related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold
deposit, alluvial–eluvial
7 Megado–small Au C 10–50 t Au Ag 38.01 5.52 Prospect Brittle–ductile shear-zone Au, Ag
Gagama related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold
8 Mormora Au C 10–50 t Au 38.67 5.75 Producing deposit Alluvial–eluvial placer Au, Ag
9 Sakaro Main Au C 10–50 t Au 39.17 5.68 Producing deposit Brittle–ductile shear-zone Au, Ag
related ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold
10 Smaller Au C 10–50 t Au 38.71 5.54 Deposit of unknown Alluvial–eluvial placer Au, Ag
11 Yubdo Au C 10–50 t Au Pt, Ag, Cr, Ni, 35.42 8.94 Producing small-scale Ore deposit related to basic– Au, Ag
Fe mine ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit;
alluvial–eluvial placer
11 Yubdo Ag C 500–2500 t Ag Pt, Au, Cr, Ni, 35.42 8.94 Producing small-scale Ore deposit related to basic– Au, Ag
Fe mine ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit;
alluvial–eluvial placer
12 Bikilal (Fe) Fe C 10–100 Mt Fe Phos 35.88 9.30 Deposit under Ore deposit related to basic– Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
development ultrabasic magmatic rocks
13 Gammalucho Fe C 10–100 Mt Fe 37.21 7.59 Prospect Laterite-related ore deposit Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
14 Garo Fe C 10–100 Mt Fe 37.19 7.51 Prospect Laterite-related ore deposit Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
15 Melka Sedi Fe C 10–100 Mt Fe Mn 37.39 7.50 Prospect Laterite-related ore deposit Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
16 Assale (Mn) Mn C 1–10 Mt Mn Fe 40.06 14.38 Prospect Unspecified ore deposit type Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
17 Beliga 1 (Mn) Mn C 1–10 Mt Mn Fe 39.99 14.39 Prospect Unspecified ore deposit type Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
18 Beliga 2 (Mussley) Mn C 1–10 Mt Mn Fe 39.95 14.42 Prospect Gossan-type manganese Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
19 Handeda Mn C 1–10 Mt Mn Fe 39.97 14.40 Prospect Unspecified ore deposit type Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Zr
1 Adola Belt Ni B 0.2–2 Mt Ni Au 38.96 5.81 Dormant district Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
(District) ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
20 Aragessa Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co 39.00 5.31 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
21 Chabessa Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co, Cr 39.04 5.74 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
22 Dubicha Gudda Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co 39.03 5.68 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
23 Kenticha (Ni, Cr, Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co, Cr 39.03 5.49 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
Co) ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
24 Ketta (Ni) Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co, Cr 38.97 5.38 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

25 Kilta Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co, Cr 38.91 5.49 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
26 Monissa Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co 38.97 5.85 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
27 Tulla (Ni) Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co 38.90 5.44 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
28 Tullon Chebi Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni 38.99 5.23 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
29 Ujima (Ni, Cr, Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co, Cr 39.00 5.72 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
Co) ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
30 Ula-Ulo Ni C 0.02–0.2 Mt Ni Co 38.91 5.51 Prospect Ore deposit related to basic– Ni, Co, Cr
ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit
11 Yubdo Pt C 10–50 t Pt Au, Ag, Cr, 35.42 8.94 Producing small-scale Ore deposit related to basic– Pltd, Pt
Ni, Fe mine ultrabasic magmatic rocks;
laterite-related ore deposit;
alluvial–eluvial placer
31 Kenticha (Ta) Ta B 500–2500 39.02 5.47 Producing deposit Zoned granitic pegmatites Ta, Nb, Be, Ce, Li
t Ta2O5

32 Aluto Langano GTH C 10–100 KW h 38.80 7.80 Deposit under Geothermal system GTH
33 Tendaho GTH C 10–100 KW h Au 40.85 11.48 Deposit under Geothermal system GTH
34 Calub Gas C 50–250 km3 44.56 6.24 Deposit under Gas deposit Gas, Oil shale,
Gas development Petr
Rocks and industrial minerals
35 Gewane-Mille Bnt A >5 Mt Bnt 41.06 10.97 Deposit under Volcanic-hosted industrial Kln, Bnt, ClyC,
development rock and mineral deposit Feld
36 Gidicho Island Bnt A >5 Mt Bnt 38.11 6.70 Prospect Volcanic-hosted industrial Kln, Bnt, ClyC,
rock and mineral deposit Feld

Table 3 (continued)

No. Deposit name Commodity 1 Class Tonnage range Other comm. Longitude Latitude Status Ore deposit types (Gitology) Map symbol
37 Ledi Bnt A >5 Mt Bnt 39.83 10.83 Prospect Volcanic-hosted industrial Kln, Bnt, ClyC,
rock and mineral deposit Feld
38 Bebeka ClyC B 2–10 Mt ClyC 35.40 6.90 Producing deposit Supergene industrial rock and Kln, Bnt, ClyC,
mineral deposit Feld
39 Dire Dawa (ClyC) ClyC B 2–10 Mt ClyC LstC, Silc 41.82 9.51 Producing deposit Sediment-related industrial Kln, Bnt, ClyC,
rocks and minerals deposit Feld
40 Mekele ClyC A >10 Mt ClyC LstC 39.49 13.54 Producing deposit Sediment-related industrial Kln, Bnt, ClyC,
rocks and minerals deposit Feld
41 Melka Jebdu ClyC B 2–10 Mt ClyC 41.77 9.58 Prospect Unspecified ore deposit type Kln, Bnt, ClyC,
42 Yubo (Arussi) ClyC A >10 Mt ClyC 38.43 9.13 Prospect Supergene industrial rock and Kln, Bnt, ClyC,

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

mineral deposit Feld
43 Lakes Region dis- Dtm A >10 Mt Dtm 38.79 8.08 Dormant district Volcanic-hosted industrial Dtm
trict (Dtm) rock and mineral deposit
44 Yita GemS B 5–10 t GemS 39.67 9.99 Producing deposit Volcanic-hosted industrial GemS
rock and mineral deposit
45 Sodoble Gp B 50–500 Mt Gp 38.40 9.53 Prospect Salts and gypsum deposit Gp
46 Moyale Gr C 0.1–1 Mt Gr 39.07 3.60 Prospect Industrial rocks and minerals Gr
deposit related to metamor-
phic rocks
47 Hamaressa Gran C 5–20 Mt Gran 42.07 9.35 Prospect Industrial rocks and minerals LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
deposit related to plutonic Gran
48 Chembi Kya A >5 Mt Kya 38.93 6.11 Prospect Industrial rocks and minerals Kya
deposit related to metamor-
phic rocks
39 Dire Dawa (LstC) LstC C 10–50 Mt LstC ClyC, Silc 41.82 9.51 Producing deposit Sediment-related industrial LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
rocks and minerals deposit Gran
49 Gefersa (Kersa) LstC C 10–50 Mt LstC 38.40 9.48 Prospect Sediment-related industrial LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
rocks and minerals deposit Gran
40 Mekele LstC B 50–250 Mt ClyC 39.49 13.54 Producing deposit Sediment-related industrial LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
LstC rocks and minerals deposit Gran
50 Mugher (LstC) LstC B 50–250 Mt Gp 38.57 9.48 Producing deposit Sediment-related industrial LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
LstC rocks and minerals deposit Gran
51 Wukiro LstC B 50–250 Mt 39.56 13.74 Producing deposit Sediment-related industrial LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
LstC rocks and minerals deposit Gran
52 Kella LstL C 2–10 Mt LstL 38.38 8.12 Deposit or prospect Sediment-related industrial LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
of unknown status rocks and minerals deposit Gran
53 Baruda (Mrbl) Mrbl B 10–50 Mt Mrbl 35.92 10.57 Producing deposit Slate, marble and LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
ornamental-stone deposit Gran
54 Daleti Mrbl A >50 Mt Mrbl 35.23 10.02 Producing deposit Slate, marble and LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
ornamental-stone deposit Gran
55 Mora Mrbl B 10–50 Mt Mrbl 36.03 10.53 Producing deposit Slate, marble and LstC, LstL, Mrbl,
ornamental-stone deposit Gran
56 Lake Abiyata, Natr A >100 Mt Natr Salt 38.50 7.66 Deposit under devel- Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Natr, Nitr
Lake Shala, Lake opment salar, alkaline lake)
57 Lake Shala Natr B 10–100 Mt Salt 38.45 7.50 Prospect Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Natr, Nitr
Natr salar, alkaline lake)
58 Dallol (Ptsh) Ptsh C 5–50 Mt K2O 40.12 14.40 Prospect Salts and gypsum deposit Ptsh
59 Salt Valley Ptsh A >500 Mt K2O Salt 40.26 14.33 Producing province Salts and gypsum deposit Ptsh
60 Kenticha area Qtz C 0.1–1 Mt Qtz Feld 39.00 5.45 Prospect Industrial rocks and minerals Qtz
deposit related to plutonic
61 Chebret Ale S B 2–20 Mt S 40.30 14.20 Prospect High-sulphidation solfatara S
62 Adami Tulu area Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl 38.67 7.81 Dormant deposit Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Salt
salar, alkaline lake)
63 Adigrat (Salt) Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl 39.52 14.32 Prospect Salts and gypsum deposit Salt
64 Assale (Salt) Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl 40.17 14.39 Prospect Salts and gypsum deposit Salt

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65 Gebro Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl 37.19 7.51 Prospect Salts and gypsum deposit Salt
66 Lake Abiyata Salt B 50–500 Mt 38.58 7.62 Producing deposit Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Salt
NaCl salar, alkaline lake)
56 Lake Abiyata, Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl Natr 38.50 7.66 Deposits under Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Salt
Lake Shala, development salar, alkaline lake)
Lake Chiltu
67 Lake Afdera Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl 40.90 13.30 Deposit under Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Salt
development salar, alkaline lake)
57 Lake Shala Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl Natr 38.45 7.50 Prospect Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Salt
salar, alkaline lake)
58 Lake Ziway Salt C 5–50 Mt NaCl 38.79 8.08 Dormant deposit Lacustrine deposit (sebkha, Salt
(north of) salar, alkaline lake)
68 Dire Dawa (Silc) Silc B 2.5–10 Mt Silc ClyC, LstC 41.56 9.20 Producing deposit Sediment-related industrial Silc
rocks and minerals deposit
69 Kecha Silc C 0.5–2.5 Mt Silc 38.63 9.41 Prospect Sediment-related industrial Silc
rocks and minerals deposit
70 Koffe-Mute, Silc B 2.5–10 Mt Silc 38.60 9.47 Prospect Sediment-related industrial Silc
Gimbicho rocks and minerals deposit
71 Mugher (Silc) Silc B 2.5–10 Mt Silc 38.20 9.60 Deposit under Sediment-related industrial Silc
development rocks and minerals deposit
Class A: very large deposit; B: large deposit; C: medium deposit. Commodities: see significance of abbreviations Figs. 2 and 3.

Table 4

Minor mineral deposits of Ethiopia
No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
Metallic ores
72 Megado–small Gagama ETH-00534 Ag N/A 38.01 5.52 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
73 Aba Wedo ETH-00866 Au N/A 35.52 9.17 Alluvial–eluvial placers
74 Ababa ETH-00828 Au E 38.83 6.11 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
75 Abadida (Tayissa) ETH-00662 Au E 38.88 5.71 Alluvial–eluvial placers
76 Abbay (Western Affluent) ETH-00867 Au N/A 35.22 10.42 Alluvial–eluvial placers
77 Abbay River Basin, 155 ETH-00868 Au N/A 35.51 9.51 Unspecified ore deposit type
78 Abbay River Basin, 178 ETH-00869 Au N/A 35.52 9.36 Alluvial–eluvial placers
79 Abbay River Basin, 183 ETH-00870 Au N/A 35.66 9.37 Unspecified ore deposit type

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

80 Abbay River Basin, 302-303-304 ETH-00872 Au N/A 35.53 9.12 Alluvial–eluvial placers
81 Abbay River Basin, 309 ETH-00873 Au N/A 35.46 9.08 Alluvial–eluvial placers
82 Abbay River Basin, 310-315-316 ETH-00874 Au N/A 35.49 9.06 Alluvial–eluvial placers
83 Abbay River Basin, 312-317 ETH-00875 Au N/A 35.56 9.06 Alluvial–eluvial placers
84 Abbay River Basin, 318-319-320-323-324 ETH-00878 Au N/A 35.49 9.02 Unspecified ore deposit type
85 Abbay River Basin, 321-322 ETH-00879 Au N/A 35.56 9.02 Alluvial–eluvial placers
86 Abbay River Basin, Metti (Lower, 1) ETH-00880 Au N/A 35.03 10.19 Alluvial–eluvial placers
87 Abbay River Basin, Metti (Lower, 2) ETH-00881 Au N/A 35.11 10.17 Alluvial–eluvial placers
88 Abbicha ETH-00205 Au E 35.06 8.44 Alluvial–eluvial placers
89 Abeba ETH-00207 Au N/A 38.96 6.08 Alluvial–eluvial placers
90 Abebech ETH-00849 Au E 38.80 5.63 Alluvial–eluvial placers
91 Abubutar (Upper) ETH-00883 Au N/A 35.39 10.70 Alluvial–eluvial placers
92 Abumare (River), 023 ETH-00884 Au N/A 34.74 10.67 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
93 Accucu ETH-00210 Au E 35.07 8.54 Alluvial–eluvial placers
94 Adi Zeresenay ETH-00222 Au N/A 38.22 14.48 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies), residually
enriched ore deposits
95 Adi Agar ETH-00215 Au N/A 37.97 14.47 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
96 Adi Dairo-Indallilo 2 ETH-00219 Au N/A 38.12 14.50 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
97 Adi Hoza, Chemit ETH-00220 Au N/A 38.05 13.91 Alluvial–eluvial placers
98 Aebin ETH-00888 Au N/A 35.96 11.67 Alluvial–eluvial placers
99 Afa (Dabus basin) ETH-00229 Au D 38.71 5.54 Alluvial–eluvial placers
100 Aflata-Dawa ETH-00233 Au N/A 38.82 5.23 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
101 Aflata placer (Au) ETH-00231 Au N/A 38.69 5.24 Alluvial–eluvial placers
102 Afudare (Lower) ETH-00889 Au N/A 34.62 10.88 Alluvial–eluvial placers
103 Afudare (Middle), 012 ETH-00890 Au N/A 34.57 10.76 Alluvial–eluvial placers
104 Afudare (Middle), Gazan (Lower) ETH-00891 Au E 34.60 10.82 Alluvial–eluvial placers
105 Afudare (Upper), 018 ETH-00892 Au N/A 34.51 10.66 Alluvial–eluvial placers
106 Afudare (Upper), Ondonok ETH-00893 Au E 34.94 10.24 Alluvial–eluvial placers
107 Agar Kote ETH-00894 Au N/A 35.48 9.51 Alluvial–eluvial placers
108 Agusa ETH-00236 Au N/A 34.41 10.00 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
109 Alaltu ETH-00241 Au D 35.33 9.51 Alluvial–eluvial placers
110 Alanga ETH-00242 Au N/A 35.09 6.80 Alluvial–eluvial placers
111 Alfe (Birbir) basin ETH-00244 Au E 35.44 8.99 Alluvial–eluvial placers
112 Ankori ETH-00202 Au N/A 34.13 9.16 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
113 Arangama ETH-00897 Au N/A 35.33 10.30 Alluvial–eluvial placers
114 Asgede ETH-00250 Au N/A 38.13 14.07 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
115 Awata Terrace ETH-00254 Au E 38.82 5.96 Alluvial–eluvial placers
116 Azewo ETH-00256 Au N/A 38.03 14.63 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
117 Babicho ETH-00841 Au E 38.83 6.07 Alluvial–eluvial placers
118 Badamu ETH-00259 Au N/A 35.60 8.92 Alluvial–eluvial placers

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

119 Balas ETH-00261 Au N/A 35.62 11.02 Alluvial–eluvial placers
120 Banga ETH-00262 Au E 34.36 9.69 Alluvial–eluvial placers
121 Baro ETH-00263 Au N/A 33.98 8.25 Alluvial–eluvial placers
122 Bascia ETH-00904 Au N/A 34.75 10.05 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
123 Bedakessa ETH-00267 Au E 38.89 5.81 Alluvial–eluvial placers
124 Belawete ETH-00269 Au N/A 34.41 10.56 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
125 Beles (Lower) ETH-00906 Au N/A 35.25 10.94 Alluvial–eluvial placers
126 Beles (Southern Affluent) ETH-00907 Au N/A 35.40 11.09 Alluvial–eluvial placers
127 Beletimboko ETH-00910 Au N/A 35.12 10.57 Alluvial–eluvial placers
128 Belfude (Lower, Upper); Sirkole (Area) ETH-00911 Au N/A 34.77 10.59 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
129 Bila, Chokorsa area ETH-00915 Au N/A 35.60 9.36 Unspecified ore deposit type
130 Birbirsa 1 ETH-00281 Au N/A 34.95 8.51 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
131 Boka, 125 ETH-00920 Au N/A 35.23 9.94 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
132 Bomu; Shogel (Shangul); Shogel (Upper, ETH-00921 Au N/A 34.75 10.43 Alluvial–eluvial placers
133 Bomu Menghi ETH-00289 Au E 34.39 10.49 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
134 Buba ETH-00291 Au N/A 35.46 8.87 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
135 Bula (Lower) ETH-00922 Au N/A 35.50 11.17 Alluvial–eluvial placers
136 Bula (Upper) ETH-00923 Au N/A 35.58 11.30 Alluvial–eluvial placers
137 Buri (Au) ETH-00297 Au E 38.84 5.48 Alluvial–eluvial placers
138 Burikaro ETH-00298 Au N/A 38.84 5.13 Alluvial–eluvial placers
139 Burku ETH-00300 Au N/A 38.73 5.48 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
140 Bursano-Wachu Dima ETH-00301 Au N/A 38.77 5.40 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
141 Cario ETH-00305 Au E 35.06 8.32 Alluvial–eluvial placers
142 Chammo (Akobo basin) ETH-00310 Au E 35.04 6.48 Alluvial–eluvial placers
143 Chamo ETH-00829 Au N/A 35.06 6.46 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
144 Cheketa ETH-00314 Au N/A 38.85 5.67 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
145 Chemiti ETH-00847 Au E 38.91 5.69 Alluvial–eluvial placers

Table 4 (continued)

No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
146 Chokorsa (Mulemi, Ebcha) ETH-00928 Au N/A 35.56 9.29 Alluvial–eluvial placers
147 Choricho-Kape-Kelaltu ETH-00322 Au N/A 38.32 5.62 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
148 Chunde, Cheri ETH-00929 Au N/A 36.23 10.36 Alluvial–eluvial placers
149 Comto ETH-00324 Au N/A 35.63 9.14 Alluvial–eluvial placers
150 Dabus ETH-00931 Au N/A 34.95 10.11 Alluvial–eluvial placers
151 Dabus (Eastern Affluent) ETH-00932 Au N/A 35.04 10.45 Alluvial–eluvial placers
152 Dabus (River) ETH-00933 Au N/A 35.03 10.28 Alluvial–eluvial placers
153 Dabus (Upper), Dilla (Lower) ETH-00934 Au N/A 34.98 9.34 Alluvial–eluvial placers
154 Dabus (W. Affluent) ETH-00935 Au N/A 35.05 10.54 Alluvial–eluvial placers
155 Dale (Affluent) ETH-00938 Au N/A 35.02 10.10 Alluvial–eluvial placers

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

156 Dale (Middle) ETH-00939 Au N/A 35.06 10.03 Alluvial–eluvial placers
157 Dama (Lower Mormora basin) ETH-00333 Au E 38.47 6.40 Alluvial–eluvial placers
158 Dawa Cursu ETH-00335 Au N/A 38.91 5.36 Alluvial–eluvial placers
159 Degero (Dabus Basin) ETH-00343 Au E 35.55 9.61 Alluvial–eluvial placers
160 Degero (Upper) ETH-01055 Au N/A 38.01 11.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
161 Deka Djila ETH-00844 Au E 38.86 5.88 Alluvial–eluvial placers
162 Demi Rufa ETH-00347 Au E 38.80 5.53 Alluvial–eluvial placers
163 Dila, 190 ETH-00947 Au N/A 35.24 9.28 Alluvial–eluvial placers
164 Dila, 193 ETH-00948 Au N/A 35.31 9.24 Alluvial–eluvial placers
165 Dilla (Upper) ETH-00951 Au N/A 35.39 9.38 Alluvial–eluvial placers
166 Dimma (Au) ETH-00354 Au N/A 35.86 9.52 Alluvial–eluvial placers
167 Dul ETH-00362 Au D 34.40 10.49 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
168 Dura (Lower) ETH-00952 Au N/A 35.47 10.15 Alluvial–eluvial placers
169 Dura Aebin ETH-00953 Au N/A 36.38 10.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
170 Duri (Lower) ETH-00954 Au N/A 34.62 10.69 Alluvial–eluvial placers
171 Duri (Middle) ETH-00955 Au N/A 34.60 10.65 Alluvial–eluvial placers
172 Ebilcha (Bekuji-Motish) ETH-00956 Au N/A 35.94 10.30 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
173 Ebircha-Okote ETH-00367 Au N/A 38.78 5.08 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
174 Egambo ETH-00833 Au N/A 35.94 10.60 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
175 Ejoba (North) ETH-00957 Au N/A 35.56 10.46 Alluvial–eluvial placers
176 Embukneya ETH-00958 Au N/A 35.43 10.10 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
177 Faduka (Area) ETH-00959 Au N/A 34.51 10.56 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
178 Fare (Lower, Upper); Belesa; ETH-00961 Au N/A 35.13 10.28 Alluvial–eluvial placers
Gebo (Middle); Oda
179 Fasio (Mount) ETH-00962 Au N/A 35.40 10.12 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
180 Gagama ETH-00387 Au E 38.80 5.56 Alluvial–eluvial placers
181 Gambela Mountain ETH-00392 Au N/A 34.41 10.66 Alluvial–eluvial placers
182 Gasena ETH-00398 Au N/A 34.99 7.05 Alluvial–eluvial placers
183 Gassana (Akobo placers) ETH-00399 Au N/A 35.19 6.43 Alluvial–eluvial placers
184 Gawissa ETH-00401 Au E 37.17 7.41 Alluvial–eluvial placers
185 Gayo-Bedakessa ETH-00402 Au N/A 38.84 5.80 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
186 Gazan (Lower P) ETH-00963 Au N/A 34.62 10.77 Alluvial–eluvial placers
187 Gazan (Middle, Upper) ETH-00964 Au N/A 34.55 10.64 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
188 Gebo (Middle) 062 ETH-00965 Au N/A 35.08 10.30 Alluvial–eluvial placers
189 Gengen (NW), Corcalita ETH-00967 Au N/A 34.80 10.64 Alluvial–eluvial placers
190 Ghidano 1 ETH-00407 Au N/A 35.32 9.15 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
191 Ghidano 2 ETH-00408 Au N/A 35.21 6.32 Alluvial–eluvial placers
192 Gide (Upper) ETH-00969 Au N/A 34.67 10.58 Alluvial–eluvial placers
193 Godare ETH-00412 Au E 35.17 7.43 Alluvial–eluvial placers
194 Goma (ETH) ETH-00414 Au N/A 35.69 8.85 Alluvial–eluvial placers
195 Gomi (Affluent), Gomi (Lower) ETH-00970 Au N/A 35.44 9.13 Alluvial–eluvial placers
196 Gomi (Head Waters), Roro, Guliso ETH-00971 Au N/A 35.48 9.18 Alluvial–eluvial placers
197 Gonza ETH-00416 Au E 34.49 9.67 Alluvial–eluvial placers
198 Gora ETH-00417 Au E 38.87 5.74 Alluvial–eluvial placers

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

199 Gordoma (Au) ETH-00418 Au N/A 35.54 8.96 Alluvial–eluvial placers
200 Guba ETH-00972 Au N/A 35.26 11.29 Alluvial–eluvial placers
201 Gudubsa ETH-00425 Au N/A 38.32 5.56 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
202 Gunfi (North) ETH-00976 Au N/A 34.97 10.04 Unspecified ore deposit type
203 Gurafarda ETH-00427 Au N/A 35.16 6.72 Alluvial–eluvial placers
204 Hafa (Lower) ETH-00979 Au N/A 34.82 9.98 Alluvial–eluvial placers
205 Hafa (Middle, Upper) ETH-00980 Au N/A 34.70 9.96 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
206 Haramsam (Moyale property) ETH-00434 Au E 39.21 3.60 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
207 Haro Obiti ETH-00435 Au E 38.79 5.61 Alluvial–eluvial placers
208 Haru Abiti ETH-00850 Au E 38.79 5.61 Alluvial–eluvial placers
209 Harudida ETH-00842 Au E 38.83 6.13 Alluvial–eluvial placers
210 Hasamte (Moyale property) ETH-00437 Au N/A 39.21 3.60 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
211 Hauzien ETH-00438 Au N/A 39.31 14.05 Alluvial–eluvial placers
212 Haya Dima ETH-00439 Au N/A 38.81 5.53 Alluvial–eluvial placers
213 Hiddi Dimma ETH-00440 Au N/A 38.80 5.66 Alluvial–eluvial placers
214 Hoha (Upper) ETH-00981 Au N/A 34.54 10.11 Alluvial–eluvial placers
215 Horfa, Kersa, Huda ETH-00982 Au N/A 35.78 9.37 Alluvial–eluvial placers
216 Idaka ETH-00983 Au N/A 35.29 10.46 Alluvial–eluvial placers
217 Jejeba (Lower) ETH-00984 Au N/A 35.75 9.85 Alluvial–eluvial placers
218 Jibota ETH-00450 Au E 38.70 5.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
219 Jilo ETH-00451 Au N/A 34.05 7.68 Alluvial–eluvial placers
220 Kandibab (Akobo basin) ETH-00840 Au N/A 35.03 6.43 Alluvial–eluvial placers
221 Kankure, Kujur, Bedesa ETH-00986 Au E 35.41 9.58 Alluvial–eluvial placers
222 Kapo ETH-00845 Au E 38.85 5.81 Alluvial–eluvial placers
223 Kari (Akobo basin) ETH-00458 Au E 35.01 6.47 Alluvial–eluvial placers
224 Karsa (Au) ETH-00460 Au N/A 35.50 8.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
225 Kelecha ETH-00468 Au E 38.84 5.90 Alluvial–eluvial placers
226 Keley South ETH-00990 Au N/A 35.59 9.10 Alluvial–eluvial placers
227 Kenticha (Au) ETH-00795 Au N/A 39.04 5.55 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
228 Keri, Degero Valley, Degero-Keri Junc- ETH-00991 Au E 35.55 9.62 Alluvial–eluvial placers
229 Kesela ETH-00994 Au N/A 35.20 9.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
230 Kibish ETH-00475 Au N/A 35.49 5.71 Alluvial–eluvial placers

Table 4 (continued)

No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
231 Kilaj ETH-00831 Au N/A 36.36 10.62 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
232 Kobara ETH-00480 Au N/A 35.65 9.24 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
233 Korka-Metti ETH-00997 Au N/A 35.66 9.81 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
234 Kumudu ETH-00485 Au N/A 38.90 5.70 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
235 Kurmuk ETH-00490 Au N/A 34.43 10.56 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
236 Kuten ETH-00491 Au N/A 35.68 10.70 Alluvial–eluvial placers
237 Laga Bagudu ETH-00854 Au E 36.25 8.85 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

238 Laga Gheshe ETH-00494 Au N/A 38.73 5.75 Alluvial–eluvial placers
239 Lalokelle ETH-00504 Au N/A 35.42 8.89 Alluvial–eluvial placers
240 Large Gegema ETH-00507 Au E 38.80 5.56 Alluvial–eluvial placers
241 Lega Baguda ETH-00510 Au N/A 35.51 8.97 Alluvial–eluvial placers
242 Lega Dima 1 ETH-00514 Au N/A 38.86 5.76 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
243 Lega Dima 2 ETH-00515 Au E 38.80 5.76 Alluvial–eluvial placers
244 Lega Geshe 2 ETH-00516 Au E 38.69 5.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
245 Lega Geshe 1 ETH-00517 Au N/A 38.80 5.70 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
246 Lega Gora ETH-00518 Au N/A 38.85 5.77 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
247 Lower Bore ETH-00521 Au D 38.85 5.53 Alluvial–eluvial placers
248 Lower Burjiji (Burjiji basin) ETH-00522 Au E 38.83 5.16 Alluvial–eluvial placers
249 Makuzen, Mezeken Creek ETH-00999 Au N/A 34.77 10.71 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
250 Maleka-Ababa ETH-00525 Au N/A 38.85 5.93 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
251 Manghie area ETH-00200 Au N/A 37.30 12.22 Alluvial–eluvial placers
252 Mekanissa ETH-00843 Au E 38.82 6.09 Alluvial–eluvial placers
253 Melka ETH-00537 Au N/A 38.84 6.03 Alluvial–eluvial placers
254 Menge (Upper, Middle) ETH-01003 Au N/A 34.75 10.37 Alluvial–eluvial placers
255 Mereto (Area) ETH-00194 Au N/A 39.33 14.12 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
256 Metti ETH-00544 Au N/A 35.47 8.85 Unspecified ore deposit type
257 Mountain Fasio ETH-00552 Au N/A 35.40 10.12 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
258 Neger, Niger (Lower) ETH-01013 Au N/A 35.79 10.08 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
259 Niraque ETH-00835 Au N/A 39.00 13.07 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
260 North Mi-Essa ETH-00827 Au N/A 38.80 5.30 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
261 Okote ETH-00572 Au N/A 38.77 5.10 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
262 Rubacile (Hafa) ETH-01018 Au N/A 34.55 10.02 Alluvial–eluvial placers
263 Sai ETH-00579 Au N/A 35.92 9.46 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
264 Sai (Middle) ETH-01019 Au N/A 35.70 9.51 Alluvial–eluvial placers
265 Sai (Upper) ETH-01020 Au N/A 35.62 9.56 Alluvial–eluvial placers
266 Sawana ETH-00585 Au E 38.78 5.78 Alluvial–eluvial placers
267 Selga (Suei) ETH-01022 Au N/A 34.81 10.01 Alluvial–eluvial placers
268 Serdo ETH-00590 Au D 38.01 5.63 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
269 Serdoshet ETH-00848 Au E 38.85 5.63 Alluvial–eluvial placers
270 Shanka ETH-00592 Au D 38.91 5.79 Alluvial–eluvial placers
271 Shar (Lower) ETH-01023 Au N/A 35.39 10.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
272 Shar (River Heads) ETH-01025 Au N/A 35.62 10.67 Alluvial–eluvial placers
273 Shirgelo ETH-00596 Au N/A 34.44 9.88 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
274 Shogul ETH-00597 Au N/A 34.88 10.60 Alluvial–eluvial placers
275 Shungu ETH-01027 Au N/A 34.55 10.72 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
276 Sirba (Upper) ETH-01029 Au N/A 35.32 9.98 Alluvial–eluvial placers

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

277 Sirkole (Head Waters), Dunga ETH-01030 Au N/A 34.52 10.23 Alluvial–eluvial placers
278 Sirkole (Lower); Tumet-Sirkole Junction; ETH-01031 Au N/A 34.77 10.62 Alluvial–eluvial placers
279 Sirkole (Sirkole-Gonza basin) ETH-00598 Au D 34.73 10.52 Alluvial–eluvial placers
280 Small Gegema ETH-00600 Au E 38.01 5.52 Alluvial–eluvial placers
281 Suken ETH-01034 Au N/A 36.16 10.28 Alluvial–eluvial placers
282 Tekeze River ETH-00607 Au N/A 37.46 14.14 Alluvial–eluvial placers
283 Terakemti ETH-00834 Au N/A 38.21 14.32 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
284 Tesfa ETH-00609 Au E 38.80 5.63 Alluvial–eluvial placers
285 Tselfa and Uluk ETH-00613 Au N/A 34.44 9.77 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
286 Tsoli, Gebo (Upper) ETH-01039 Au N/A 35.09 10.25 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
287 Tukur Wuha ETH-00846 Au E 38.81 5.77 Alluvial–eluvial placers
288 Tulla (Au) ETH-00614 Au E 38.71 5.54 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
289 Tulu Ghinghi ETH-00620 Au N/A 35.17 9.33 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
290 Tumet (Lower), 045 ETH-01043 Au N/A 34.81 10.54 Alluvial–eluvial placers
291 Tumet (Upper), 058 ETH-01044 Au N/A 34.88 10.34 Alluvial–eluvial placers
292 Tumet (Upper), 065 ETH-01045 Au N/A 34.75 10.26 Alluvial–eluvial placers
293 Tumet, Hoha, Demba ETH-01046 Au N/A 34.79 10.09 Alluvial–eluvial placers
294 Ua ETH-00627 Au N/A 35.85 9.22 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
295 Ueri ETH-00629 Au N/A 38.76 13.77 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
296 Ujima (Au) ETH-00631 Au N/A 38.81 5.09 Alluvial–eluvial placers
297 Upper Bore ETH-00633 Au D 38.80 5.57 Alluvial–eluvial placers
298 Upper Gora ETH-00635 Au E 38.86 5.74 Alluvial–eluvial placers
299 Ursa ETH-00638 Au E 35.68 9.02 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
300 Wabera ETH-00639 Au N/A 35.35 8.88 Alluvial–eluvial placers
301 Wanza ETH-00641 Au N/A 38.83 5.68 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
302 Wollebo ETH-00643 Au E 38.87 5.82 Alluvial–eluvial placers
303 Wollena ETH-00644 Au E 38.89 5.68 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
304 Wombera ETH-00646 Au N/A 35.76 10.63 Alluvial–eluvial placers
305 Wowu ETH-01051 Au N/A 35.25 10.06 Alluvial–eluvial placers

Table 4 (continued)

No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
306 Yavon ETH-00650 Au E 35.60 9.05 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
307 Zager, Hargets ETH-00657 Au N/A 38.31 14.54 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
308 East Sakaro ETH-00365 Au, Ag, As, N/A 38.88 5.69 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
W gold deposits (greenschist facies)
309 Ogo ETH-00571 Au, Ag, Bi, N/A 38.33 5.58 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
Pb, Sb gold deposits (greenschist facies)
310 Tulu Kapi (Birbir basin) ETH-00623 Au, Ag, Cu E 35.65 9.06 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies), alluvial–eluvial

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

311 Digati ETH-00351 Au, Ag, Cu, N/A 38.80 5.30 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
Ni, Pb, Zn, gold deposits (greenschist facies)
312 Moyale property (Chamuk, Haramsam, ETH-00554 Au, Ag, Zn, D 39.07 3.57 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
Hasamte) Pb gold deposits (greenschist facies)
313 Abumare (West, East) ETH-00885 Au, As, Co, N/A 34.75 10.68 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
Cu, Ni, W
314 Nejo (Au) ETH-00566 Au, Be N/A 35.61 9.47 Pegmatites
315 Tulu Kami-Nejo ETH-00622 Au, Be N/A 35.50 9.70 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
316 Abergele ETH-00193 Au, BM N/A 38.95 13.10 Unspecified ore deposit type
317 Asosa ETH-00184 Au, BM E 35.05 10.40 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
318 Mefalso, Adi Hag ETH-00531 Au, BM N/A 38.11 14.70 Alluvial–eluvial placers
319 Oda-Godere ETH-00569 Au, BM E 35.11 10.26 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
320 Sassamte, Hara ETH-00584 Au, BM N/A 39.14 3.59 Alluvial–eluvial placers
321 Werri River ETH-00642 Au, BM N/A 39.16 13.91 Alluvial–eluvial placers
322 Agheremariam (Au) ETH-00235 Au, Cu N/A 38.25 5.55 Alluvial–eluvial placers
323 Akobo (Au) ETH-00238 Au, Cu D 35.22 6.46 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
324 Bomo ETH-00288 Au, Cu N/A 34.47 10.44 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
325 Katta-1 ETH-00988 Au, Cu N/A 35.55 9.49 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
326 Samre (Au) ETH-00582 Au, Cu N/A 39.23 13.09 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
327 Beshir ETH-00275 Au, Cu, Co, N/A 34.43 10.65 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
Mo, Zn gold deposits (greenschist facies)
328 Chamola ETH-00311 Au, Cu, Pb N/A 36.80 5.68 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
329 Ashashire ETH-00251 Au, Cu, Pb, N/A 34.43 10.49 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
Zn gold deposits (greenschist facies)
330 Mestefinfin (Azenge) ETH-00542 Au, Cu, W N/A 34.48 10.60 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
331 Ebicha ETH-00366 Au, Ni, Cr, N/A 38.76 5.14 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
Co, Cu gold deposits (greenschist facies)
332 Korkoro ETH-00483 Au, Pb, Ag, E 38.88 5.71 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
W gold deposits (greenschist facies), alluvial–eluvial
333 Dermi Dama ETH-00348 Au, Pb, Zn N/A 39.00 5.28 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)
334 Dila Affluent ETH-00946 Au, Pltd N/A 35.41 9.23 Alluvial–eluvial placers
335 Kersa ETH-00993 Au, Pt N/A 35.45 9.39 Alluvial–eluvial placers
336 Kiltu (Upper) ETH-00995 Au, Pt N/A 35.69 9.57 Alluvial–eluvial placers
337 Demi Denissa ETH-00346 Au, Zn, Cu E 38.80 5.53 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
338 Kajimiti 1 ETH-00454 Au, Zn, Cu N/A 38.76 5.59 Brittle–ductile shear-zone related ‘‘mesothermal’’
gold deposits (greenschist facies)

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

339 Kajimiti 2 ETH-00455 Au, Zn, Cu D 38.81 5.49 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
340 Gudba Valley ETH-00424 Be N/A 38.89 5.68 Zoned granitic pegmatites
341 Enticho (BM) ETH-00373 BM N/A 39.15 14.48 Unspecified ore deposit type
342 Tulu Golel ETH-00621 Co N/A 35.67 9.43 Unspecified ore deposit type
343 Wolloba-TÕAllo ETH-00645 Cr N/A 38.88 5.73 Podiform chromite deposits
344 Budussa ETH-00292 Cr, Ni, Co N/A 38.92 5.26 Residually enriched ore deposits
345 Adalegedi ETH-00212 Cu N/A 39.99 14.43 Unspecified ore deposit type
346 Akobo (Cu) ETH-00239 Cu N/A 35.22 5.99 Unspecified ore deposit type
347 Bada Ramoda ETH-00258 Cu N/A 40.10 14.42 Unspecified ore deposit type
348 Dawa Valley ETH-00336 Cu N/A 38.82 5.42 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
349 Enticho (Cu) ETH-00374 Cu N/A 38.96 14.24 Cu skarns
350 ETH-X-35 ETH-00378 Cu N/A 39.64 13.97 Unspecified ore deposit type
351 Fawly (Cu) ETH-00380 Cu N/A 39.76 14.35 Cu skarns
352 Ganale Valley ETH-00394 Cu N/A 39.11 5.85 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
353 Himali ETH-00441 Cu N/A 40.09 14.43 Unspecified ore deposit type
354 Jaja Valley (Cu) ETH-00448 Cu N/A 41.17 9.20 Unspecified ore deposit type
355 Malca Homa ETH-00524 Cu N/A 38.76 5.32 Unspecified ore deposit type
356 Tsaliet River ETH-00611 Cu N/A 38.94 13.81 Unspecified ore deposit type
357 Tsehabe Emba ETH-00779 Cu D 38.21 14.20 Unspecified ore deposit type
358 Tsoli (SW) ETH-01036 Cu N/A 35.05 10.23 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
359 Tsoli (West), 069, 076 ETH-01037 Cu N/A 35.06 10.28 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
360 Adi Dairo-Indallilo 1 ETH-00218 Cu, Au N/A 37.95 14.05 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits,
alluvial–eluvial placers
361 Chercher ETH-00825 Cu, Co N/A 41.08 8.85 Red Bed hosted copper deposits
362 Galetti Valley (Cu, Ni, Co) ETH-00390 Cu, Ni, Co D 40.92 9.07 Red Bed hosted copper deposits
363 Kunni Valley (Cu, Ni, Co) ETH-00487 Cu, Ni, Co D 40.84 9.06 Red Bed hosted copper deposits
364 Azale Akendayu ETH-00255 Cu, Pb, Zn, N/A 34.37 10.42 Alluvial–eluvial placers
365 Aragab Mesha ETH-00247 Cu, Zn N/A 38.29 14.41 Unspecified ore deposit type
366 Tsehafi Senai ETH-00612 Cu, Zn N/A 38.47 13.73 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
367 Aragab ETH-00865 Cu, Zn, Au N/A 38.42 14.40 Deposits of volcanogenic massive and disseminated
Cu–Au sulphides
368 Rama ETH-00864 Cu, Zn, Au N/A 38.84 14.40 Deposits of volcanogenic massive and disseminated
Cu–Au sulphides

Table 4 (continued)

No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
369 Katta, Tulu Chuche, Adare ETH-00987 Cu, Zn, Fe, E 35.56 9.49 Gossan-related deposits, volcanogenic, volcano-
Au, Ag sedimentary and sedimentary-exhalative ore de-
370 Abbay River Basin, 314 ETH-00877 Fe N/A 35.46 9.05 Unspecified ore deposit type
371 Adua (Fe) ETH-00227 Fe N/A 38.79 14.14 Gossan-related deposits
372 Aira ETH-00237 Fe N/A 35.36 9.07 Unspecified ore deposit type
373 Ayra (Area) ETH-00902 Fe N/A 35.42 9.11 Laterite-related ore deposits
374 Bila ETH-00914 Fe N/A 35.63 9.37 Banded iron formations (BIF ‘‘Superior Fe’’)
375 Bissidimo (Fe) ETH-00282 Fe N/A 42.19 9.19 Unspecified ore deposit type
376 Chago ETH-00308 Fe E 35.47 9.13 Sedimentary Fe and Mn deposits
377 Chilachikin ETH-00319 Fe N/A 38.41 13.87 Gossan-related deposits

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

378 Dimma (Fe) ETH-00355 Fe N/A 35.58 8.95 Gossan-related deposits
379 Entichio (Fe) ETH-00372 Fe N/A 39.12 14.23 Gossan-related deposits
380 Entoto ETH-00375 Fe N/A 38.77 8.97 Unspecified ore deposit type
381 Galetti Valley (Fe) ETH-00391 Fe N/A 41.14 9.01 Unspecified ore deposit type
382 Gambo ETH-00393 Fe N/A 35.51 9.50 Gossan-related deposits
383 Gato (Mai Guda) ETH-00400 Fe E 37.17 7.41 Laterite-related ore deposits
384 Ghimira basin ETH-00409 Fe N/A 36.01 7.02 Unspecified ore deposit type
385 Gordana ETH-00837 Fe E 35.42 9.10 Sedimentary Fe and Mn deposits
386 Gordoma (Fe) ETH-00419 Fe E 35.54 8.77 Unspecified ore deposit type
387 Gube ETH-00423 Fe N/A 37.27 7.59 Unspecified ore deposit type
388 Kenticha (Fe) ETH-00469 Fe N/A 39.18 5.19 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
389 Koree ETH-00838 Fe E 35.42 8.84 Sedimentary Fe and Mn deposits
390 Kunni ETH-00486 Fe N/A 40.94 8.94 Unspecified ore deposit type
391 Kurkure ETH-00489 Fe N/A 37.28 7.38 Unspecified ore deposit type
392 Like ETH-00519 Fe N/A 37.29 7.49 Unspecified ore deposit type
393 Shakisso ETH-00591 Fe N/A 38.63 5.22 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
394 Sirba (Korkandi) ETH-01028 Fe N/A 35.36 10.09 Atypical or unspecified ore deposits associated with
acid and alkaline plutonic rocks
395 Soka (Fe) ETH-00603 Fe N/A 41.48 9.14 Unspecified ore deposit type
396 Tsoli, 072 ETH-01038 Fe N/A 35.06 10.28 Atypical or unspecified ore deposits associated with
acid and alkaline plutonic rocks
397 Ujau ETH-00630 Fe N/A 41.42 9.25 Unspecified ore deposit type
398 Wellega ETH-00038 Fe D 35.31 8.71 Banded iron formations (BIF ‘‘Superior Fe’’)
399 Wondeya ETH-01050 Fe N/A 35.41 10.20 Atypical or unspecified ore deposits associated with
acid and alkaline plutonic rocks
400 Worakalu ETH-00647 Fe N/A 35.53 9.07 Gossan-related deposits
401 Yubdo North ETH-00853 Fe E 35.40 8.90 Banded iron formations (BIF ‘‘Superior Fe’’)
402 Wankey (Area), Wabera-Kiltu ETH-01048 Fe, Cu N/A 35.27 9.84 Volcanogenic, volcano-sedimentary and sedimen-
tary-exhalative ore deposits
403 Melka Arba ETH-00538 Fe, Ti, Phos D 39.61 6.26 Ore deposits hosted by basic intrusions
404 Adi Chigono ETH-00217 Mn N/A 38.82 14.43 Unspecified ore deposit type
405 Enkafala ETH-00826 Mn E 40.14 14.13 Sedimentary manganese deposits
406 Adi Berbere ETH-00216 Mn, Fe N/A 38.55 14.36 Gossan-related deposits
407 Agere Maryam (Mo) ETH-00793 Mo N/A 38.11 5.57 Zoned granitic pegmatites
408 Fakusho ETH-00960 Mo N/A 35.09 10.09 Granitoid controlled ore deposits
409 Tulu-Nasi (SW) ETH-01042 Mo N/A 35.59 9.70 Pegmatites
410 Ube (Wube) ETH-01047 Mo N/A 34.69 10.59 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
411 Chiltu ETH-00320 Mo, Au N/A 35.50 9.58 Zoned granitic pegmatites
412 Bissidimo Valley (Mo) ETH-00284 Mo, Be N/A 42.04 9.55 Zoned granitic pegmatites
413 Meleka (Nb-Ta) ETH-00839 Nb, Ta N/A 38.81 6.03 Zoned granitic pegmatites
414 Harar ETH-00036 Nb, Th, U N/A 42.01 9.35 Pegmatites
415 Agere Maryam (Ni) ETH-00791 Ni N/A 38.10 5.44 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
416 Big Dubicha ETH-00278 Ni N/A 39.03 5.90 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
417 Katawicha ETH-00464 Ni N/A 38.98 5.29 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

418 Small Dubicha ETH-00599 Ni N/A 39.05 5.87 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
419 Burjiji (Ujima) ETH-00299 Ni, Co N/A 38.84 5.25 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
rocks, residually enriched ore deposits
420 Fulanto ETH-00385 Ni, Co N/A 39.00 6.00 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
421 Lolotu ETH-00520 Ni, Co E 39.05 5.62 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
422 Dubicha Mika ETH-00361 Ni, Co, Cr D 39.02 5.62 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
423 Small Tulu Dimtu ETH-01032 Ni, Co, Cr, N/A 35.70 9.37 Laterite-related ore deposits
424 Tulu Dimtu ETH-01041 Ni, Co, Cr, N/A 35.75 9.46 Laterite-related ore deposits
425 Samre (Ni) ETH-00583 Ni, Co, Cu E 39.11 13.08 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
426 Nazila ETH-01012 Ni, Cr N/A 34.53 10.63 Ore deposits related to basic–ultrabasic magmatic
427 Affratu ETH-00230 Pb N/A 41.73 9.82 Carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits
428 Gara Ua ETH-00396 Pb N/A 41.87 9.87 Carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits
429 Ijabuna ETH-00446 Pb, Cu N/A 41.48 9.56 Carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits
430 Soka (Pb, Cu) ETH-00605 Pb, Cu N/A 41.33 9.26 Carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits
431 Soddu ETH-00601 Pltd, Au D 35.49 9.08 Laterite-related ore deposits, alluvial–eluvial
432 Abbay River Basin, 313 ETH-00876 Pt N/A 35.59 9.07 Unspecified ore deposit type
433 Dila, 196 ETH-00949 Pt N/A 35.35 9.19 Alluvial–eluvial placers
434 Agere Maryam (Ta) ETH-00792 Ta N/A 38.06 5.55 Zoned granitic pegmatites
435 Kilkile ETH-00477 Ta N/A 39.06 5.50 Zoned granitic pegmatites
436 Gule (Small) ETH-00975 Ta, Nb N/A 34.53 10.54 Unspecified ore deposits related to volcanic systems
and shallow intrusions
437 Bedessa Tega ETH-00268 Ti N/A 38.99 5.79 Alluvial–eluvial placers
438 Zembaba Woha ETH-00661 Ti N/A 39.28 5.83 Alluvial–eluvial placers
439 Gambela-Dembidollo ETH-00851 Ti, Fe N/A 34.80 8.53 Ore deposits in layered ring complexes (Ural and
Alaskan sub-types)
440 Gimbi-Dalati area ETH-00852 Ti, Fe, V, E 35.05 8.85 Anorthosite-hosted ilmenite and hematite–ilmenite
Phos deposits
441 Sacco River ETH-00578 Ti, V, W N/A 34.57 8.35 Alluvial–eluvial placers

Table 4 (continued)

No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
442 Aflata (Tillm) ETH-00232 Tiilm, TiRt, N/A 38.59 5.47 Alluvial–eluvial placers
443 Aghere Mariam (TiRt) ETH-00023 TiRt N/A 38.64 5.15 Unspecified ore deposit type
444 Bicheru ETH-00277 W N/A 34.33 8.29 Unspecified ore deposit type
445 Tulu Boli ETH-01040 Zn, Fe N/A 35.59 9.51 Unspecified volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary-
exhalative deposits
446 Mariam Adi Desta ETH-00528 Zn, Pb N/A 39.49 13.98 Carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits
447 Abetselo ETH-00882 Zn, Pb, Cu, N/A 34.64 10.74 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
Rocks and industrial minerals, energy

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

448 Adua (Amt) ETH-01062 Amt N/A 38.90 14.17 Unspecified ore deposit type
449 Axum ETH-01061 Amt N/A 38.72 14.13 Unspecified ore deposit type
450 Enda Gamers ETH-00371 Asb N/A 39.56 14.23 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
451 Fawly (Asb) ETH-00379 Asb N/A 41.01 13.83 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
452 Haddessa Mulug-Bitatta ETH-00430 Asb N/A 39.56 5.23 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
453 Marwa ETH-00529 Asb N/A 40.68 14.08 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
454 Moglal ETH-00545 Asb N/A 39.92 14.00 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
455 Subaha ETH-00606 Asb N/A 39.69 14.36 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
456 Yubdo (Asb) ETH-00653 Asb N/A 35.66 8.86 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
457 Zariga (Asb) ETH-00658 Asb N/A 40.35 14.30 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
458 Adare (South) ETH-00886 Brt N/A 35.57 9.49 Volcanogenic, volcano-sedimentary and
sedimentary-exhalative ore deposits
459 Belesa, 075 ETH-00908 Brt N/A 35.14 10.27 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
460 Addis Ababa 1 ETH-00213 ClyC N/A 38.75 9.02 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
461 Bole ETH-00287 ClyC N/A 38.61 9.30 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
462 Debre Zeit, Akaki and Kaliti ETH-00341 ClyC N/A 38.95 8.72 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
463 Decano ETH-00342 ClyC N/A 36.69 7.17 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
464 Dilla (ClyC) ETH-00950 ClyC N/A 35.55 9.45 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
465 Gute Seddo (ClyC) ETH-00428 ClyC N/A 35.20 8.87 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
466 Kotcha ETH-00998 ClyC N/A 38.37 9.50 Residually enriched ore deposits
467 Maji ETH-00523 ClyC N/A 35.10 6.54 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
468 Mojo (ClyC) ETH-00546 ClyC N/A 39.08 8.67 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
469 Sebeta ETH-00587 ClyC N/A 38.66 8.83 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
470 Sodero ETH-00602 ClyC N/A 39.59 8.10 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
471 Sululta ETH-01035 ClyC N/A 38.76 9.23 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
472 Zega Wodel (ClyC) ETH-00659 ClyC N/A 38.21 9.88 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
473 Kebre Mengist (ClyC) ETH-00466 ClyC, Silc, N/A 38.88 5.75 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
Mica, Gr
474 Chelga (ClyR) ETH-00315 ClyR N/A 37.72 12.30 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
475 Koka ETH-00481 ClyR N/A 38.55 8.51 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
476 Ankober ETH-00246 Coal N/A 39.67 9.59 Lignite deposits
477 Arjo (Huris) ETH-00898 Coal N/A 36.47 8.93 Lignite deposits
478 Arjo (Kolati) ETH-00899 Coal N/A 36.60 8.88 Lignite deposits
479 Arjo (Sembo-Nebo, Aleltu) ETH-00900 Coal N/A 36.47 8.89 Lignite deposits
480 Chancho ETH-00312 Coal N/A 35.35 9.72 Lignite deposits
481 Chelga (Coal) ETH-00316 Coal D 37.10 12.52 Lignite deposits
482 Chida (ETH) ETH-00318 Coal N/A 37.83 7.20 Lignite deposits
483 Debre Birhan (Abo-Gedam) ETH-00941 Coal N/A 39.51 9.68 Lignite deposits
484 Debre Libanos, Coal (Gur.R, Gongit R.) ETH-00943 Coal N/A 38.82 9.73 Lignite deposits
485 Delbi ETH-00345 Coal D 36.87 7.37 Lignite deposits
486 Dessie ETH-00350 Coal N/A 39.62 11.50 Lignite deposits

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

487 Fega Madelo ETH-00381 Coal N/A 38.76 9.81 Lignite deposits
488 Gonfo ETH-00415 Coal N/A 39.50 11.32 Lignite deposits
489 Hunda-Blesama ETH-00445 Coal N/A 42.20 9.52 Lignite deposits
490 Jiren ETH-00452 Coal N/A 36.87 7.70 Lignite deposits
491 Kebre Mengist (Coal) ETH-00467 Coal N/A 38.84 5.90 Lignite deposits
492 Lalo-Sapo ETH-00505 Coal N/A 36.78 7.47 Lignite deposits
493 Mendi (Gerba) ETH-01001 Coal N/A 35.09 9.72 Lignite deposits
494 Mendi (Koni) ETH-01002 Coal N/A 34.98 9.81 Lignite deposits
495 Metoso ETH-00543 Coal N/A 36.85 7.42 Lignite deposits
496 Mojo (Coal) ETH-00547 Coal N/A 39.03 8.73 Lignite deposits
497 Mojo-Anchano ETH-00548 Coal N/A 36.90 7.32 Lignite deposits
498 Mountain Tankara ETH-00553 Coal N/A 36.52 9.04 Lignite deposits
499 Moye ETH-00555 Coal D 36.82 7.35 Lignite deposits
500 Mugher (Alleltu) ETH-01006 Coal N/A 38.63 9.47 Lignite deposits
501 Mugher (Lega Jewe, Lega Bole, Bofata) ETH-01008 Coal N/A 38.62 9.42 Lignite deposits
502 Mush Valley ETH-00559 Coal E 39.67 9.75 Lignite deposits
503 Nejo (Kersa, Chancho, Fincho, Boka) ETH-01014 Coal N/A 35.39 9.51 Lignite deposits
504 Nejo (Koya, Gute Sedo) ETH-01015 Coal N/A 35.46 9.49 Lignite deposits
505 Nejo (Mechekeni, Saida, Jejeba) ETH-01016 Coal E 35.35 9.52 Lignite deposits
506 Sayoma ETH-00586 Coal N/A 36.83 7.32 Lignite deposits
507 Sehni ETH-00588 Coal N/A 38.69 9.63 Lignite deposits
508 Seke-Lencha ETH-01021 Coal N/A 38.54 9.57 Lignite deposits
509 Waka ETH-00640 Coal N/A 37.13 7.08 Lignite deposits
510 Wuchale ETH-01052 Coal E 39.58 11.50 Lignite deposits
511 Zega Wodel (Coal) ETH-00660 Coal N/A 38.73 9.89 Lignite deposits
512 Galetti ETH-00389 Dol D 40.79 8.58 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
513 Abiyata (Dtm) ETH-00822 Dtm N/A 38.57 7.64 Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral
514 Babile-Bombasa ETH-00257 Feld D 42.00 8.86 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
515 Neghele ETH-00565 Feld N/A 39.37 5.20 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
516 Rochelle ETH-00577 Feld, Gr, N/A 40.72 8.47 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
Dol rocks
517 Funiambira ETH-00386 Feld, Silc N/A 42.62 9.18 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
518 Adigudom ETH-00810 Gp E 39.52 13.25 Salts and gypsum deposits

Table 4 (continued)

No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
519 Adisge ETH-00887 Gp N/A 38.77 9.85 Salts and gypsum deposits
520 Blue Nile Gorge, 229 ETH-00917 Gp N/A 38.23 10.04 Salts and gypsum deposits
521 Dawale ETH-00337 Gp N/A 41.72 10.73 Evaporite-related industrial rocks and minerals
522 Hagere Selam ETH-00818 Gp N/A 39.17 13.63 Salts and gypsum deposits
523 Mugher (Jima) ETH-01007 Gp N/A 38.59 9.45 Salts and gypsum deposits
524 Samantar ETH-00581 Gp N/A 44.53 6.56 Evaporite-related industrial rocks and minerals
525 Yegof ETH-01053 Gp D 38.94 9.91 Salts and gypsum deposits
526 Adadikoto ETH-00211 Gr N/A 39.10 5.35 Industrial rocks and minerals related to
metamorphic rocks
527 Bissidimo Valley (Gr) ETH-00283 Gr N/A 42.03 9.11 Industrial rocks and minerals related to
metamorphic rocks

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

528 Jaja Valley (Gr) ETH-00449 Gr N/A 41.15 9.05 Industrial rocks and minerals related to
metamorphic rocks
529 Kunni Valley (Gr, Dol) ETH-00488 Gr, Dol N/A 40.79 8.74 Industrial rocks and minerals related to
metamorphic rocks
530 Ramis Valley ETH-00576 Gr, Dol N/A 40.92 8.18 Industrial rocks and minerals related to
metamorphic rocks
531 Soka (Gr, Dol) ETH-00604 Gr, Dol N/A 41.32 9.17 Industrial rocks and minerals related to
metamorphic rocks
532 Meleka (Gran) ETH-01056 Gran N/A 38.82 6.05 Industrial rocks and minerals related to
plutonic rocks
533 Lake Abaya (GTH) ETH-00497 GTH N/A 38.11 6.70 Geothermal energy (geothermal system)
534 Corbetti ETH-00325 GTH, Au N/A 38.39 7.23 Volcanic-dome related low-sulphidation epithermal
535 Gedemsa ETH-00404 GTH, Au N/A 39.18 8.40 Geothermal energy (geothermal system)
536 Awzet ETH-00901 Kln N/A 38.13 11.75 Residually enriched ore deposits
537 Bombowha ETH-00801 Kln E 38.75 6.15 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
538 Debre Tabor ETH-00944 Kln N/A 38.01 11.83 Residually enriched ore deposits
539 Gypsite-Mariam ETH-00978 Kln N/A 37.59 11.76 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
540 Kerker ETH-00992 Kln N/A 37.42 12.71 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
541 Kombelcha ETH-00803 Kln E 42.15 9.48 Supergene industrial rock and mineral deposits
542 Abbay River Basin, 257 ETH-00871 LstC N/A 37.80 8.98 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
543 Guder, 255 ETH-00973 LstC N/A 37.75 8.97 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
544 Jemma ETH-00985 LstC N/A 38.93 9.91 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
545 Wenchit ETH-01049 LstC E 38.98 10.14 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
546 Shinile ETH-00595 LstC, Mrbl N/A 41.95 9.73 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
547 Cheha ETH-00313 Mica N/A 41.87 9.45 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
548 Marechi ETH-00527 Mica N/A 36.49 9.68 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
549 Shebelli ETH-00594 Mica N/A 42.42 9.01 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
550 Tuluhora ETH-00625 Mica N/A 41.75 8.99 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
551 Carrara ETH-00306 Mica, Abr N/A 42.37 9.26 Industrial rocks and minerals related to plutonic
552 Gara Jabbe ETH-00395 Mica, Asb, N/A 40.99 9.05 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
Vrm basic and ultrabasic rocks
553 Harrar (Mica, Dol) ETH-00436 Mica, dol N/A 41.95 9.23 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
554 Belamor ETH-00905 Mrbl N/A 35.03 10.16 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
555 Boka (Area) ETH-00918 Mrbl N/A 35.25 9.99 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
556 Boka, 118 ETH-00919 Mrbl N/A 35.26 10.02 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
557 Bulen ETH-00296 Mrbl D 36.07 10.63 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
558 Dabus I ETH-00936 Mrbl N/A 35.05 10.39 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
559 Dabus II ETH-00937 Mrbl N/A 35.05 10.34 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
560 Guba (Mrbl) ETH-00421 Mrbl D 35.28 10.27 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
561 Hakim-Gara ETH-00432 Mrbl D 42.07 9.29 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
562 Mai Daro ETH-01060 Mrbl D 38.38 14.30 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
563 Mankush (Guba) ETH-01000 Mrbl N/A 35.37 11.22 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
564 Milendu (Belkoro) ETH-01004 Mrbl N/A 35.14 10.33 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits
565 Negash ETH-00811 Mrbl N/A 39.61 13.89 Slate, marble and ornamental-stone deposits

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

566 Hula-Kuni ETH-00444 Mrbl, Dol D 41.11 9.10 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
567 Derro ETH-00349 Nitr N/A 38.05 9.82 Salts and gypsum deposits
568 Mega ETH-00532 Olv N/A 38.04 3.82 Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral de-
569 Belet Werm ETH-00272 Petr N/A 44.81 4.98 Oil and gas deposits
570 Bulbul ETH-00295 Petr N/A 38.57 7.67 Oil shales, bituminous sandstones and limestones:
oil, (S)
571 Deghabur ETH-00344 Petr N/A 43.55 8.15 Oil and gas deposits
572 Ferfer ETH-00383 Petr N/A 44.71 5.08 Oil and gas deposits
573 Galadi ETH-00388 Petr N/A 46.28 6.82 Oil and gas deposits
574 Gima ETH-00410 Petr N/A 36.74 7.51 Oil shales, bituminous sandstones and limestones:
oil, (S)
575 Gumburo ETH-00426 Petr N/A 45.49 7.03 Oil and gas deposits
576 Mersa Gulbub (Petr) ETH-00541 Petr N/A 38.98 11.84 Oil shales, bituminous sandstones and limestones:
oil, (S)
577 Mustahil ETH-00562 Petr N/A 44.51 5.28 Oil and gas deposits
578 Wrandab ETH-00648 Petr N/A 43.95 7.23 Oil and gas deposits
579 Ogaden (Petr, Gas) ETH-00796 Petr, Gas D 43.64 5.75 Oil and gas deposits
581 Ogaden basin (Phos) ETH-00570 Phos N/A 45.08 7.07 Phosphorites (or sedimentary phosphates)
582 Garibaldi pass (Nazreth) ETH-00819 Pozz N/A 39.80 8.53 Volcanic-hosted industrial rock and mineral de-
583 Belesa, 078 ETH-00909 Py N/A 35.13 10.26 Unspecified ore deposit type
584 Colen ETH-00930 Py N/A 35.89 10.19 Unspecified volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary-
exhalative deposits
585 Lagara Creek ETH-00496 Py N/A 38.07 6.77 Unspecified ore deposit type
586 Shar (Middle) ETH-01024 Py N/A 35.89 10.31 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
587 Shar, 066 ETH-01026 Py N/A 35.92 10.28 Syn- to late-orogenic, fault-related ore deposits
588 Gusho ETH-00977 Py, Cu N/A 34.71 10.26 Unspecified ore deposit type
589 Abdul Kadir ETH-00206 Qtzop N/A 42.79 10.35 Zoned granitic pegmatites
590 Daneb ETH-00334 S N/A 40.43 14.15 Unspecified ore deposit type
591 Dofan ETH-00358 S E 39.93 9.31 High-sulphidation solfatara
592 Creen ETH-00326 Salt N/A 41.46 6.18 Thermal springs
593 Dol ETH-00359 Salt N/A 41.53 6.01 Thermal springs
594 El Sod ETH-00368 Salt N/A 38.40 4.20 Salts and gypsum deposits
595 Eldere ETH-00369 Salt N/A 41.81 5.14 Thermal springs
596 Gerada ETH-00405 Salt N/A 41.44 6.36 Thermal springs

Table 4 (continued)
No. Deposit name ID Commodity Class Longitude Latitude Ore deposit types (Gitology)
597 Godicho ETH-00413 Salt N/A 37.76 6.22 Salts and gypsum deposits
598 Hocdu ETH-00442 Salt N/A 41.49 5.62 Thermal springs
599 Imei ETH-00447 Salt N/A 41.88 6.56 Thermal springs
600 Kalamis ETH-00456 Salt N/A 41.40 6.55 Thermal springs
601 Lake Giulieth ETH-00500 Salt N/A 41.01 13.40 Salts and gypsum deposits
602 Lake Langano ETH-00501 Salt N/A 38.64 7.65 Salts and gypsum deposits
603 Megado (Salt) ETH-00533 Salt N/A 37.90 3.91 Salts and gypsum deposits

S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

604 Osbole ETH-00575 Salt N/A 42.82 6.48 Salts and gypsum deposits
605 Sekkota ETH-00589 Salt N/A 38.99 12.84 Salts and gypsum deposits
606 Cheye Felege Berhan ETH-00925 Salt, Nitr N/A 38.15 10.77 Lacustrine deposits (sebkha, salar, alkaline lake)
607 Adigrat (Silc) ETH-00224 Silc N/A 39.58 14.08 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
608 Blue Nile Gorge, 224–228 ETH-00916 Silc N/A 38.19 10.07 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
609 Chilelo (Debre Gurach) ETH-00926 Silc N/A 38.39 9.78 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
610 Enticho (Silc) ETH-00820 Silc N/A 39.15 14.28 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
611 Guder, 256 ETH-00974 Silc N/A 37.76 8.97 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
612 Hola bridge ETH-00443 Silc N/A 39.38 4.80 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
613 Lange ETH-00506 Silc N/A 41.29 9.30 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
614 Marda ETH-00526 Silc N/A 42.33 8.85 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
615 Mukarba ETH-01010 Silc N/A 38.59 9.45 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
616 Debre Libanos (Silc) ETH-00942 Silc, ClyC N/A 38.87 9.72 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
617 Ambo, 258 ETH-00895 Silc, Gp, N/A 37.83 8.98 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
618 Blue Nile Bridge ETH-00285 Silc, Gp, N/A 37.85 10.50 Sediment-related industrial rocks and minerals
619 Anno ETH-00804 Tlc D 39.00 6.58 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
620 Agheremariam (Asb) ETH-00234 Tlc, Asb N/A 38.39 5.23 Asbestos, talc or magnesite deposits hosted by
basic and ultrabasic rocks
621 Ambo, 267 ETH-00896 Trav N/A 37.85 9.00 Travertine-related deposits
622 Arero Town ETH-00028 U E 38.80 4.70 Unspecified ore deposits related to volcanic systems
and shallow intrusions
623 Errer River ETH-00376 U N/A 42.09 8.86 Unspecified ore deposit type
624 Gecha ETH-00033 U E 35.35 7.35 Unspecified ore deposits related to volcanic systems
and shallow intrusions
625 Gobelli ETH-00411 U N/A 41.92 8.64 Unspecified ore deposit type
626 Sembaba ETH-00032 U E 38.85 5.85 Unspecified ore deposits related to volcanic systems
and shallow intrusions
627 Suruppa ETH-00031 U E 38.35 5.17 Shear-zone related mesothermal uranium deposits
628 Wadera ETH-00030 U, Ptsh E 39.35 5.67 Unspecified ore deposits related to volcanic systems
and shallow intrusions
Class D: small deposit; E: occurrence; N/A: no information available. Commodities: see signification of abbreviations Figs. 2 and 3.
S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313 303

the Upper Proterozoic (900–500 Ma) Arabian–Nubian Au), Sakaro (>3 t Au), Wollena, Kumudu and the
terranes. According to the repartition of these belts, Western Ethiopia area (Dul deposit, 2.5 t Au).
regional distribution of metallic mineral resources show Different types of primary gold deposits have been
three distinct domains (Figs. 1 and 2): characterized (Table 2): (i) the orogenic mesothermal
gold deposits being the dominant type, (ii) some poorly
1. A southern domain, including the meta-volcano- known gold-bearing volcanogenic massive sulphides
sedimentary Adola and Kenticha belts (see Fig. 2b); (VMSs) and secondary gossan-type occurrences and (iii)
this domain hosts major primary gold deposits recently identified epithermal-type mineralizations
(e.g. Lega Dembi mine, Megado, Sakaro), the (Tadesse, 2001).
main Ethiopian gold placer deposits, the pegmatite- (i) The orogenic mesothermal gold deposits: Most of
hosted Kenticha tantalum mine and the secondary the known primary orogenic mesothermal gold deposits
laterite-related nickel deposits of the Adola district. and occurrences are related to shear zone-hosted veins
Other isolated primary gold deposits under recon- within the Neoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary succes-
naissance are known 200 km southwards, close sion of greenschist to amphibolite facies metamor-
to the town of Moyale and the Kenya border (e.g. phic rocks. They consist of amphibolites, carbonaceous
Haramsam, Hasamte). quartz–feldspar–biotite schist, graphitic quartzite, meta-
2. A wide western domain (see Fig. 2a), following the sandstone and conglomerate and the associated basic–
Sudanese border; this domain can be subdivided into ultrabasic intrusions, common in other greenstone belts
four belts, hosting primary gold deposits (e.g. Dul, of different ages, such as the Barberton (South Africa)
Oda-Godere), the Yubdo platinum deposit, the iron and the Birimian volcano-sedimentary belts in West
deposits of Bilikal, Chago, Gordana, and base metal Africa (Milesi et al., 1992; Marcoux and Milesi, 1993;
prospects of volcanogenic–volcanosedimentary type Ledru et al., 1997).
(Abetselo, Kata). The auriferous quartz veins and lodes vary in length
3. A northern domain (Tigray) extending northwards in from a few meters to several hundred meters. The Ku-
Eritrea, composed of several meta-volcano-sedimen- mudu ore occurrence is the smallest, about 400 m in
tary belts and sub-belts, bounded by mafic–ultramafic length, while the Lega Dembi deposit exceeds 2000 m in
rocks, hosting gold and base metal occurrences (e.g. strike and 100 m in width. Individual quartz veins (e.g.
Adi Zeresenay, Au). Sakaro) measure 580 m long by 2–10 m wide. Most of
the quartz veins and lodes strike conformably with the
Significant metallic mineral sites located outside of country rocks. Gold (fineness: 350–870 permil at Lega
these domains are rare: they include the Melka Arba Dembi) occurs in veins as free particles (grains) or is
iron deposit (basic intrusion-related), the Chercher contained within sulphides such as pyrite, galena and
copper deposit (Red Bed type in Mesozoic sandstones) chalcopyrite. Gold contents in the ore bodies reaches up
and the Enkafala manganese deposit (Plio-Pleistocene to 10 g/t (e.g. Lega Dembi). The type of wall rock al-
sediments of the Danakil depression). teration varies depending on the host rock types but
is generally represented by sericitization, silicification,
3.1.1. Primary gold deposits chloritization, sulphidization, carbonatization, serpent-
Primary and placer gold deposits and occurrences inization and biotitization. Quartz and carbonates are
have been reported from the Panafrican volcano-sedi- the most common gangue minerals. Sulphides are gen-
mentary sequence in Southern Ethiopia (Adola gold erally associated with the gangues, but do not exceed
field), Western Ethiopia (Wollega region), Southwestern more than 2% of the volume of the veins. The most
Ethiopia (Akobo region), and Northern Ethiopia (Ti- common sulphides are galena, chalcopyrite, arsenopy-
gray region). However, at present the Adola gold field is rite, pyrrhotite and pyrite. Tellurides (petzite, altaite and
the only existing active gold producing area except for hessite) are common (e.g. Lega Dembi) (Tadesse, 2000).
small scale placer gold mining activities by artisanal With regard to the gold origin, most of the known
miners in the above mentioned regions. primary gold deposits and occurrences in the region are
Primary gold sources were discovered in the 1980s concentrated within the Megado Belt and partly in the
during detailed exploration in the Adola gold field by Kenticha Belt which is characterised by volcano-sedi-
Ethiopian Mineral Resources Development Corpora- mentary (greenstone) rock associations (Upper com-
tion (EMRDC, 1985). Such work resulted in the dis- plex). The ore bodies known so far are located within
covery of the Lega Dembi and Sakaro primary gold these units or close to the shear contact with high-grade
deposits and many other primary gold occurrences. gneiss, the only exception being the Digati gold occur-
A global potential of more than 100 t of primary gold rence. Therefore, it is obvious that this major structure
can be estimated (resources), based on present state of (the Megado belt) controlled the emplacement and de-
knowledge, including the Adola gold field with Lega position of the source/host rocks and later shear-
Dembi (62 t Au), Megado (23.76 t Au), Serdo (2.85 t ing provided channel-ways for the circulation of
304 S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

hydrothermal fluids during gold transportation and collected at various localities (such as Gedemsa, Aluto
deposition. Thus, the model proposed belongs to the and Corbetti calderas, Tendaho graben, Afar and MER)
syn-orogenic mesothermal type with significant contri- have revealed anomalous values ranging from 100 to 500
butions from the source, and trapping by the Panafrican ppb Au. These occurrences warrant further investiga-
deformation–metamorphism and magmatism events. tions.
Following Tadesse (2000), the gold was most probably
brought to the surface from a source at depth in asso- 3.1.2. Gold-bearing placers
ciation with basic–ultrabasic magmatism, during the Mining for gold in the southern region of Ethiopia
opening of the Megado belt. Later, due to metamor- dates back to the mid-1930s. Since then nearly 56 t of
phism and deformation, gold might have been leached gold has been produced from placers of the Adola area
from the protore and trapped at favourable structural alone, until the end of 1999. No record is available on
and lithological sites at various localities within the the gold production of the western and southwestern
volcano-sedimentary sequence (Upper complex) and at regions. However, it is believed that a few kilograms of
the contact of these rocks with the high-grade gneiss gold are being produced annually by the local miners.
formations (Middle complex). Up until the establishment of modern methods for the
Disseminated gold mineralization associated with mining of the primary gold deposits of Lega Dembi and
sulphides and veinlets is hosted by various sedimentory Sakaro, mining for gold was carried out by the primitive
rocks such as quartzites and micaschists of the Adola panning method, employing a significant number of la-
Group and conglomerates of the Kajimiti Beds. These bourers. The introduction of semi-mechanized mining
deposits, often confined to Panafrican shear-zones and methods, such as using hydraulic monitors and dredging
faults, probably also belong to the orogenic type miner- in the last 2–3 decades have contributed to significant
alizations. improvement in the production of gold in the Adola
(ii) Gold-bearing VMS mineralizations: Gold is also area.
present (as visible gold in heavy mineral concentrates) The eluvial–alluvial placers have been commercially
associated with some polymetallic base metal occur- the most important in the Adola gold field. Deluvial
rences of VMS––affinity and with their associated hy- gold is known to occur on the hillsides of the Lega
drothermally altered zones and secondary gossans, such Dembi and Sakaro primary gold deposits and the Ku-
as Kata and Abetselo (Western Ethiopia). Similar gold- mudu ore occurrence. Gold placers are widespread and
bearing massive sulphide deposits of Cu–Zn–Au VMS occur in the Bedakessa, Shanka, Wollena, Wollebo,
type with associated gossans are well-known within Bore, Lega Dembi valleys and in a number of small
various Neoproterozoic meta-volcano-sedimentary belts tributaries of the Awata and Mormora rivers. A total of
of the Arabian–Nubian Shield (e.g. Samran, Wadi 173 placer deposits and occurrences of gold are known
Bidah and Wadi Shwas (e.g. Al Hajar deposit, Cottard in the Adola area, comprising 7200 km2 (EMRDC,
et al., 1993) belts in Saudi Arabia; Ariab belt in NE 1985). In the Adola gold field, placer gold deposits with
Sudan (Cottard et al., 1986; Recoche, 1989); Adi Nefas contents averaging 0.1 g/m3 (of gravel) or more of gold
and Debarwa deposits in Eritrea). Economic secondary and with gold reserves of over 30 kg are classified as
gold enrichments associated with the oxidized part of ‘‘placer deposits’’, while those with lesser gold values
some of these deposits (gossans) are currently exploited and reserves are termed ‘‘placer occurrences’’. All gold
by open-pit mining in the Red Sea Hills of northeastern placers are concentrated in the N–S trending Megado
Sudan (Ariab Mining Company). In Ethiopia, this type Belt. The economic gold concentrations of the placers
of mineralization warrants further investigations. occur in gravel, sand, silt and clay sediments of dry
(iii) Epithermal deposits: A new metallogenic pro- streams, river flats, old valleys, and terraces. They are
vince characterized by epithermal-type gold mineral- derived from the primary gold deposits (orogenic mes-
izations has been recently identified in Ethiopia othermal veins, lode type deposits, and gold-bearing
(Tadesse, 2000). Low sulphidation (adularia-sericite quartzites associated with the rocks of the Adola Group
type) occurrences have been found within Quaternary and the conglomerates of the Kajimiti Beds), that are
volcanoclastic rocks of the MER. These occurrences are often confined to Panafrican shear-zones and faults.
mainly represented by base and precious metal-bearing The gold is distributed in placers as nests or combi-
quartz–adularia veinlets. Sulphide minerals including nations and paystreaks. The largest gold placer deposit
pyrite, chalcopyrite are associated with various iron has been explored in the Bore valley with calculated
oxides. Gold and enargite were identified at Gedemsa, reserves of up to 4.5 t of gold (EMRDC, 1985; Selassie
and galena, stibnite and covellite were reported at and Reimold, 2000). This placer has been mined since
Tendaho. Their host rocks have been affected by intense the late 1950s and its gold production is still in progress.
hydrothermal alteration: potassic and argillic alterations In the Adola area, a total reserve of 13.67 t of placer
at Gedemsa and Tendaho, essentially propylitic altera- gold was estimated in 1985 (Selassie and Reimold,
tion at Corbetti. Thus, a lot of core and cutting samples 2000).
S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313 305

Genetically, the gold placers of the area fall into three Past production of Yubdo, from 1926, is estimated at
groups: (i) residual–eluvial (slope) placers at sites of 2.7 t Pt. Resource calculations vary between 2 and 27 t
disintegration of primary source, (ii) eluvial–alluvial Pt, following various estimates: 20 t Pt at 0.4 g/m3
placers formed in small valleys and fans, due to inter- (Duval Corp., 1969); 12 t Pt at 0.34 g/t for Nippon
mittent stream activity; and (iii) alluvial placers formed Mining Co. (1972) and 27 t Pt at 0.2 g/m3 (+10 t Au and
in the valley floor and on river terraces. Commercially, 980 t Ag) for Gilevich (1980; in Mogessie and Belete,
the potential of the area is linked with the alluvial 2000). Nevertheless, the fact that 85% of the platinum
placers containing the bulk of the estimated reserves. occurs in the clay grain-size fraction suggests that ad-
Residual–eluvial and proluvial placers are targets for vanced technology is required for ore beneficiation. At
hand mining operations. The major part of known present, Golden Prospect Mining Company of England
placers is shallow-lying with overburden being as thick is prospecting and mining Pt and associated gold from
as 15 m. the mineralised Yubdo laterites.
Based on the mode of occurrence and geology of Platinum-group element occurrences have also been
placers of the area, the following observations can be reported together with gold from several secondary type
made: the low-order valleys are rather monotonous in occurrences in Western Ethiopia (Wollega) (e.g. Tulu
geomorphic aspect along their entire length. The largest Dimtu, residual and Soddu, placer).
(such as Bore, Kajimiti, Bedakessa, Awata, and Mor-
mora) have contrasting morphologies at different sec- 3.1.4. Tantalum (niobium, REE, lithium, beryllium)
tions due to local control by underlying geology, deposits
neotectonics and faults. Terraces of small tributaries as The Kenticha rare-metal pegmatite in the Adola area
a rule have little or no surface expression in topography was discovered in 1980 by EMRDC during the course of
and in most case are buried under slope waste. preliminary and detailed exploration. Since 1989,
All placer gold occurrences are discontinuous, they Kenticha has produced 20 t of tantalum oxide (Ta2 O5 )
form isolated grounds and pay-streaks. Gold is con- from delluvium with a hydraulic pilot plant (Selassie and
centrated as nests and as combination of nests and Reimold, 2000). Production is now running at about
paystreaks. Nest-like concentrations most frequently 120,000 lb/year of tantalum oxide from weathered peg-
occur adjacent to distributed gold. matite and alluvial ore (Anonymous, 2001a,b). In 1988,
In conclusion, the regional distribution of placer de- preliminary reserves were evaluated at 25,000 t of Col-
posits and occurrences in the area is characterized by a umbo-Tantalite ore at a 0.02–0.03% Ta2 O5 grade
distinct spatial association with both the Megado and (Selassie and Reimold, 2000), but hard rock ore reserves
Kenticha primary gold belts. This emphasises the inti- are still to be evaluated.
mate spatial association of the areas of placer forma- The pegmatites in the Kenticha rare-metal field are
tions with the primary gold fields. The majority of the genetically related to dome and lenticular-shaped dif-
placers are localised in the areas of the enhanced erosive ferentiated granitic and pegmatitic intrusions along a
transformation of the relief. discrete NS fault and shear system, including biotite
Structurally the Adola area consists of numerous, granite, two-mica granite and alaskitic granite. These
variously uplifted blocks of the crystalline basement. post-orogenic intrusives are supposed to be the parent
Under these circumstances, the spatial distribution of rocks of the rare metal enriched pegmatites occurring
zones of weakness exert direct control on the formation within the Kenticha field, arranged in zonal patterns
of the drainage pattern. These zones of weakness include around the source granite and following a N–S trending
system of faults of various ages. regional fault and shear system. The late to post-Pan-
african Kenticha pegmatite is dated at 480 ± 50 and
3.1.3. Platinum deposits 515 ± 10 Ma (Selassie and Reimold, 2000).
The Yubdo deposit (Wollega) was mined from 1926 The main mineral associations found in the pegma-
till 1935. The platinum is associated with ultramafic tite rocks include Columbo-Tantalite group minerals,
complexes and more specifically with the lowermost part ixiolite, beryl, lepidolite, phosphate minerals (apatite,
of the alteration products (laterites) of dunitic rocks. amblygonite and lithiophillite) and tourmaline (schorl
The average grade of secondary residual ore from and elbaite). Within the granite–pegmatite system, late-
Yubdo mine is 0.005–1.31 g Pt/m3 . At Yubdo mine, the magmatic alterations (albitization, sericitization, greise-
average composition of the Pt–Fe nuggets is 79.48% nization, kaolinization and development of amazonite
platinum, 0.49% palladium, 0.75% rhodium, 0.8% irid- and microcline) are widely developed, particularly in the
ium, 1.41% osmiridium, and 0.49% gold. The remaining late products of granite–pegmatite series.
percentage is iron. Other metallic minerals include tu- In addition to tantalum, Li, Rb and Cs could also be
lameenite, osmiridium, electrum, pentlandite and chal- commercially exploited in the future from the pegma-
cocite in trace amounts (Belete et al., 2000; Selassie and tites of the district, especially by selective mining. Fur-
Reimold, 2000). thermore, Columbo-Tantalite concentrates represent a
306 S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

complex raw material for the extraction of other (in titaniferous iron-ore bodies are confined to the ultr-
addition to Ta) rare metals (e.g. Nb, Zr, REE). abasic zone which consists of ore-bearing actinolite rich
Other significant tantalum occurrences have been rocks, olivine pyroxenite, meta-hornblendite, apatite
identified in Kilkile, in the same rare-metal field, while bearing meta-hornblendite and meta-gabbro. The ultr-
a Nb–Ta and REE––Th pegmatite-related occurrence abasic zone is about 1 km wide and 12 km long. The size
close to a two-mica granite was discovered near Meleka of the ore bodies is of 200–1400 m in length, 2–6 m in
in the Sidamo region. width and 200–300 m in depth. The dominant ore
The existing geological investigations and the history minerals in the Bikilal titaniferous iron ore deposit are
of similar pegmatite fields in the world suggests the magnetite (containing ilmenite as exsolution lamellae)
possibility of further potential economic rare-metal re- (40%), ilmenite (29%) within silicate minerals (about
sources within the region. 30%). The most common accessory minerals are pyr-
rhotite and pyrite (2–2.5%), apatite (0.6%), chalcopyrite
3.1.5. Nickel (cobalt, chromium) deposits and pentlandite (<1%). Main gangue minerals are am-
More than twenty nickeliferous occurrences have phiboles, chlorite and rarely phlogopite, olivine, py-
been identified in association with serpentinite bodies roxene and plagioclase. The titaniferous iron ore is
belonging to the Adola and Kenticha belts (Sidamo). chiefly compact-disseminated.
One third of them have been explored more in detail by The Bikilal iron deposit is estimated at about
pitting and drilling, resulting in a reserve estimate of 58,000,000 t grading 41% total Fe (EIGS, 1989). Zones
17,000,000 t of ore grading 1.3% nickel (EIGS, 1989). of apatite enrichment are currently evaluated through
Main deposits are located at Ula Ulo (4 Mt at 1.33% drilling (127,000,000 t of apatite ore with 21.8% total Fe;
Ni and 0.01% Co) and Tulla (6.6 Mt at 1.12% Ni) Selassie and Reimold, 2000).
(Goossens, 2000). Other similar nickel occurrences have
also been reported in Sidamo (e.g. Kilta, 2 Mt at 1.5% 3.1.7. Manganese deposits
Ni, Big Dubicha, Small Dubicha, Fulanto, Monissa, The Enkafala area in Tigray (Danakil depression) is
Burjiji and Lolotu). responsible for the small former Ethiopian manganese
All these occurrences are related to ultrabasic rocks ore production (about 40,000 t of ore from 1958 to
metamorphosed to serpentinites, almost entirely altered. 1963). Reserves of the Enkafala sedimentary Mn deposit
These serpentinites (lizardite and antigorite with some are believed to be 75,000 metric tons (Getaneh, 1985).
chrysotile stringers, Clark, 1978) are all enclosed in a The thin manganese layer is interstratified in clastic Plio-
‘‘halo’’ of talc and bands of talc schists, tremolite, Pleistocene marine sediments. Ore consists of hard ox-
chlorite schists and actinolite schists. The nickel miner- ides (psilomelane, pyrolusite) and hollandite. Barium is
alization, of residual type, is hosted in laterites capping present locally in the ore.
the serpentinite bodies and is apparently mainly held in Other areas in Tigray where manganese mineral oc-
a secondary mineral of the garnierite group (pimelite). currences are known are Mussley, Beliga, Handeda, Adi
The average metal contents for unaltered ultrabasic Berbere, Adi Chigono. The origin of these occurrences is
source rocks are uneconomical: nickel (0.1–0.3%), co- poorly known, some of them being at least partly of
balt (0.02%), copper (0.998%). secondary origin (gossan-type?, e.g. Mussley, Adi
Berbere). The Melka Sedi deposit (Kaffa) is associated
3.1.6. Iron (titanium) deposits with laterites.
Iron occurrences are identified in many areas in
Ethiopia: among others in Tigray (Adua, Entichio) and 3.1.8. Base metal (copper, zinc, lead, molybdenum,
Wollega (Koree, Gordoma, Chago (Mai Gudo)). They wolfram) deposits
belong to three main types (Table 2): (i) Precambrian The scarcity of significant base metal deposits in
basic intrusion-hosted Fe–Ti type (Bikilal, Melka Arba), Ethiopia may be due to a lack of systematic exploration.
(ii) banded iron formation (BIF) type occurrences as-
sociated with Precambrian ferruginous quartzites (Ko- • Copper: most promising copper occurrences seem to
ree, Gordoma, Chago) and (iii) secondary laterite and/or be related to VMS type mineralizations occurring in
gossan-related deposits (e.g. Melka Sedi). the meta-volcano-sedimentary belts of Western Ethi-
The best-known and main Ethiopian iron deposit opia (Abetselo, Kata). Other occurences are related
known is that recently discovered at Bikilal in Wollega; to basic–ultrabasic magmatic rocks. Cu is also a com-
the deposit is hosted in Precambrian meta-sedimentary mon pathfinder of gold in many shear-zone related
rocks (feldspar–amphibolite schist, quartz–amphibole ‘‘mesothermal’’ gold deposits (Table 2). The well-
schist, quartz feldspar and amphibole schist and marble) known Cu–Mn–(Co) Chercher deposit in Eastern
intruded by basic–ultrabasic rocks and granitoids. The Ethiopia, hosted in Mesozoic sandstones discordant
deposit, of Fe–Ti–P (apatite) type is formed from ultra- overlying the Precambrian basement, belongs to the
basic magma by magmatic segregation processes. The Red Bed type.
S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313 307

• Zinc, Lead, as well as other commodities (e.g. Ag, As, Abiyata alone has revealed the presence of 400,000,000 t
Sb, Bi) are associated with Cu and Au in polymetallic of brines of soda ash (EIGS, 1989). At this locality,
massive and disseminated sulphides of volcanogenic 25,000 t of brines are produced annually by a small scale
and volcano-sedimentary deposits (Kata, Abetselo, pilot plant.
Azale––Akendeyu), as well as occurring as pathfind-
ers of gold in many primary ‘‘lode’’ orogenic depos- 3.2.2. Potash (fertilizer raw materials)
its. Other Pb or Pb–Cu occurrences located close to Potash reserve are located mainly in the Danakil
the basal contact of discordant sediments overlying depression (Salt Valley), where 160,000,000 t at 20–25%
the Precambrian basement (e.g. Soka, Ijabuna, Affr- K2 O equivalent are estimated (EIGS, 1989). Dallol
atu) may represent Red Bed type or carbonate-hosted (Danakil) is a major deposit hosting sylvite, halite and
base metal deposits; potash salt reserves within shallow marine evaporitic
• Molybdenum (as molybdenite) occurs in leucocratic sediments that also contain gypsum and anhydrite.
quartz–plagioclase acidic rocks at the flank of a gran- Proven and probable reserves amount to 21,520,000 t of
ite batholith at Fakusho. Some granitic pegmatites KCl for one of the two known orebodies (Mengistu and
also contain Mo (Bissidimo valley, Chiltu). Wolfram Fentaw, 2000).
occurs with Mo in granitic rocks at Kata; this element
is also commonly identified as a trace element in nu-
merous shear-zone related mesothermal gold deposits 3.2.3. Diatomite
(e.g. Digati, East Sakaro, Korkoro). Most of the diatomite deposits are located within
the Main Ethiopian Rift (Million, 1989) and the Afar
3.1.9. Radioactive minerals (uranium, thorium) deposits depression. The diatomite deposits are located in
Radioactive mineral deposits of economic class have lacustrine sediment of Tertiary to Pleistocene age, inter-
so far not been discovered in Ethiopia. Uranium and bedded with volcaniclastic rocks, ignimbrite, tuff and
thorium minerals have been observed in pegmatite veins pumice. Total geological potential of the Lakes region
belonging to gneisses of Hararghe and Sidamo (Kenti- (district) is estimated at 85,000,000 t of diatomite
cha) region. Precambrian granite, Cretaceous and Jur- (Mengistu and Fentaw, 2000).
assic sediments in the same regions, particularly in the
Dire Dawa-Harar district are also considered to be fa- 3.2.4. Bentonite
vourable host rocks for the deposition of radioactive Huge deposits of bentonite occur in the Afar region
minerals (Getaneh, 1985). at several sites (e.g. Warseisa, Ledi, Gewane area, Ha-
rarghe) (Mengistu, 1987) and at Gidicho island (Lake
3.2. Industrial minerals Abaya) in Sidamo (Knot and Abera, 1983). Much
higher quality deposits of bentonite have been found at
Industrial mineral resources occur in various geo- Lake Abaya in Sidamo. The bentonite-bearing beds are
logical formations from Precambrian to recent and are part of lacustrine sediments, which consist of clays, salt-
used in glass, ceramics and cement industries. The main bearing beds, sandstones, calcareous sandstones, con-
commodities available in large quantities include soda glomerates and interbedded volcaniclastic rocks. They
ash, potash, diatomite, bentonite, clay, common salt, result, following Mengistu and Fentaw (2000), from the
gypsum, anhydrite, feldspars, talc and kyanite. alteration of glassy magmatic materials.
Despite the availability of these industrial mineral In the Afar region, the total resources have been es-
resources, Ethiopia has been importing raw materials to timated at 170,000,000 t of bentonite (Mengistu and
supply existing local industries (Mengistu and Fentaw, Fentaw, 2000). The largest bentonite deposit, Gewane, is
2000). located about 17 km north-east of the town of Gewane.
General reviews of industrial minerals in Ethiopia are The reserves at this site have been estimated at
published in Getaneh (1985), Abera (1994) and Mengi- 77,035,000 m3 . The average thickness of the bentonite
stu and Fentaw (2000). clay is about 11.8 m. The second largest deposit is
Warseisa, situated 1–3 km north of the Dessie-Assab
3.2.1. Soda ash (sodium carbonate) highway between the Badona river and Warseisa. The
The Ethiopian Rift valley lakes, particularly Lakes bentonite deposit occupies an area of about 127 km2 .
Abiyata and Shala, contain huge volumes of trona The reserves have been estimated at about 7,000,000 m3
brines (460,000,000 t of sodium carbonate in solution at and the average thickness is about 5.6 m. At Ledi, the
concentrations ranging between 1.1% and 1.9%, Men- average thickness of the bentonitic bed is estimated to be
gistu and Fentaw, 2000). Ash soda deposits are localized 3.2 m and the calculated reserves are 1,784,000 m3 . The
in major volcano-tectonic depressions (calderas) infilled total reserves in the area are estimated to be 7,000,000
by lacustrine deposits. Prolonged evaporation is re- m3 . The reserves a Gidicho island (Lake Abaya, Rift
sponsible for the elevation in concentrations. Lake Valley) are estimated to be 6,440,000 m3 .
308 S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

3.2.5. Clay and kaolin eral is of microcline or albite type. The reserves in the
Refractory bond clays and clays suitable for cement Kenticha pegmatite deposit have been estimated to be
manufacturing occur in Gonder (Chelga) and Showa 457,000 t and the pegmatite dykes in Babile-Bombasa
(Koka). Alluvial clay deposits for brick, tile, pottery and contain a possible reserve of 150,000 t of feldspar
pipe industries occur in Showa (Addis Ababa area), near (Mengistu and Fentaw, 2000).
Debre Zeit, Akaki, Kaliti and Sululta, between Debre
Sina and Debre Berhan, and at Zega Wodel, Keffa 3.2.9. Talc
(Bebeka), Sidamo (Kebre Mengist area), Wollega Talc mineralization is widespread in the Precambrian
(Dilla), Hararghe (Dire Dawa area), Abay River valley basement rocks of the Sidamo region (e.g. Aghere Ma-
and the Rift valley lake regions. Clay materials for the riam) and in many parts of Wollega.
manufacture of pigment occur in Gondar and Kaffa. The talc deposits generally occur in chlorite-bearing
Ceramic clays are common in Ambo, Showa, Harar and schist associated with altered ultramafic (serpentinite)
Sidamo (Bombowha or Bwambwa Weha) (Sabov et al., rocks. At Anno (Adola belt), a resource of about
1983; Fentaw and Mengistu, 1998). Clay deposits are 100,000 t of talc has been estimated (Mengistu and
formed from the weathering of volcanics, volcaniclastics Fentaw, 2000).
and sediments. Kaolin results from the weathering of
granite (Kombelcha: Mengistu and Fentaw, 1993, 1994; 3.2.10. Kyanite
Fentaw and Mengistu, 1998) and gneissics feldspathic The northeastern part of the Adola belt hosts a thin
rocks, and from alteration (hydrothermal and weather- belt of kyanite–quartz schist and kaolinized kyanite–
ing) of felsic and intermediate volcanics and volcanic- quartz mica schist extending for more than 30 km;
lastics. Reserves of kaolin at Bombowha are estimated modal compositions of these kyanite-bearing rocks
to be over 500,000 t (EIGS, 1989). range between 21–26% kyanite, 71–75% quartz and 2–
5% other minerals. In the Chembi area, detailed map-
3.2.6. Common salt ping suggests a resource of more than 10,000,000 t of
Rock salt is produced from the Danakil depression, high quality kyanite (Fentaw and Mengistu, 2000).
which covers a surface of many thousands of square
kilometers with reserves estimated at 3,000,000 metric 3.2.11. Other rocks and industrial minerals
tons of salt (Getaneh, 1985). A wide variety of other industrial minerals are known
Many salt water sources are exploited for salt in sa- to occur in various geological environments (Table 2).
lines which are located in Bale (e.g. Kalamis, Gerada, Some of the most important ones are the abrasive
Creen, Dol, Hocdu, Eldere), Gojjam (50 km south-east minerals (garnet), asbestos, mica, graphite, olivine, phos-
of Debre Markos) and Sidamo, near Mega (e.g. El Sod) phate, pumice, pyrite, quartz, silica sand and vermicu-
(Getaneh, 1985). lite. Most promising sites hosting rocks and industrial
minerals are the Moyale graphite deposit with 460,000 t
3.2.7. Gypsum, anhydrite, dolomite (Guatnab, 1997; Fentaw and Mohammed, 1999), the
Very large deposits of gypsum and anhydrite are Garibaldi Pass (Nazreth) pumice deposit, the Kenticha
known to occur in the sedimentary formations of the area for high-quality quartz (260,000 t) and the big
Danakil depression, Ogaden, Showa, Gojjam, Tigray fumarolic sulphur deposit of Chebret Ale (6,517,000 t
and Hararghe. Total reserves are enormous because the of S).
thickness of the gypsum deposits is many hundreds of
meters and the formations are known to extend laterally 3.3. Construction and building materials, dimension stones
for hundreds of kilometers (Getaneh, 1985). Reserves of
dolomite at Hula-Kuni have been estimated to be over 3.3.1. Marble
1,434,000 t (EIGS, 1989). Gypsum and anhydrite are Marbles are widespread in the basement rocks of
associated with salt and potash in the upper part of the Ethiopia, in particular the Proterozoic calcareous
Quaternary evaporites of the Danakil depression. Other schists. Some of these have been exploited by the cement
occurrences are hosted by Mesozoic sedimentary for- industry and National Mining Company.
mations as intercalations within calcareous rocks. Marble has been quarried in such localities as Daleti
(Wollega), Metekel Administrative region (Mora, Bar-
3.2.8. Feldspars (ceramic and sheet glass raw materials) uda and Bulen), Tigray, Hula Kuni and other valleys
Plagioclase and K–feldspar occurrences have been of the Chercher Mountain area in Hararghe. Marble
reported in a number of localities in Ethiopia, the most reserves at Mora and Baruda (Metekel) have been
important of which are in Sidamo (e.g. Kenticha, Sabov estimated to be about 46.54 and 13.58 million tons,
et al., 1983; and Neghele) and Hararghe (e.g. Babile- respectively (Ghebre, 1991). The marble in Baruda and
Bombasa). Generally, in all of these localities, feldspars Bulen is grey to dark grey, while the marble in Mora is
are associated with pegmatite dykes. The feldspar min- white-grey.
S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313 309

Marble reserves of five sites in Tigray were estimated (Axum and Adwa area: amethyst). Primary occurrences
to be about 10,000,000 m3 (Befekadu and Senbeto, are related to pegmatite–granite rocks. The gravels of
1993). some of the major rivers of Ethiopia host some sec-
The Daleti Marble deposit in Wollega (Malish and ondary alluvial occurrences.
Dejene, 1983) is situated 40 km north of Mendi at the Recently, opal was discovered at Yita ridge in the
road connecting Addis Ababa and Assosa. The marble Menz Gishe district of Showa province. The opal-
beds are confined to meta-sedimentary rock sequences bearing rock is a nodular rhyolite which is Miocene in
and are mostly homogeneously white or pink but ban- age. The gem field is estimated to extend over an area of
ded and mottled varieties also occur. Medium- and at least 7 · 7 km. The opal nodules average about 10 cm
coarse-grained types predominate. Reserves of marble in in diameter.
this area (12 marble occurrences are known) are esti-
mated to be over 50,000,000 t (EIGS, 1989). 3.5. Energy resources

3.3.2. Limestone and dolomite 3.5.1. Coal

According to Getaneh (1985), the limestone and do- General overviews concerning Ethiopian coal depo-
lomite deposits of Ethiopia fall into the following sits (geographical distribution, geological setting, eco-
groups: nomical characteristics) are published in Jelenc (1966),
Reinhardt and Sisay (1981), Getaneh and Saxena (1984)
• Mesozoic calcareous rock units that crop out in Ti- and Wolela (1995). Other information is given in nu-
gray, Showa (Mugher), Gojjam, Wollega, Sidamo, merous unpublished reports of the Ministry of Mines
Hararghe (Dire Dawa) and Bale. and Energy (e.g. Assefa and Wolela, 1986; Assefa and
• Cenozoic calcareous rock units of eastern Ogaden, Getahun, 1987; Bae et al., 1989; Belachew and Heeman,
the Danakil depression, the Omo river valley, and la- 1984; Kitachew and Tesfaye, 1979; Minye et al., 1985;
custrine deposits of both the Ethiopian Rift System Wolela, 1991, 1992).
and the Highlands. Coal occurrences, mainly lignite varieties, are known
to occur in many areas in Ethiopia (Gonder, Wollega,
The limestone deposits vary from pure limestone Showa, Kefa, Welo). Among these occurrences, Yayu
through magnesium limestone to dolomites. Enormous, (Illubabur), Delbi Moye (Kefa, Jimma zone), Chelga
un-estimated quantities of limestone are available in (Gonder, 19,700,000 t), Nejo (Wollega, 3,000,000 t),
Ethiopia. Evaluations of cement raw materials in Ethi- Wuchale (Welo, 2,300,000 t) and Mush Valley (Showa)
opia are given in Gumerov and Aklilu Asefa (1981) and are relatively extensive. The available data indicate that
Mengistu et al. (1993). Reserves of limestone well-ex- Yayu (Illubabur) and Delbi Moye coal deposits (Jimma
plored for production of cement in the Mugher valley zone) are more economical than other deposits in the
and Dire Dawa are estimated to be over 100,000,000 and country, with resources estimated at about 32 and 20
46,000,000 t, respectively (EIGS, 1989); the Mekele and million tons, respectively. The reserves for the Mush
Wukiro deposits contain 69,500,000 and 50,000,000 t of valley (Debre Birhan) deposit are estimated at 300,000
limestone, respectively. metric tons.
The coal seams are enclosed in sandstones and shales
3.3.3. Granites of either basal sediments deposited on Precambrian
Abundant good quality granites occur in various schists or in sedimentary rock units within Cenozoic
parts of Ethiopia, generally as syn- to post-tectonic in- volcanics (Chelga: late Miocene to Pliocene lacustrine
trusions. The Meleka, Hamaressa, Kombelcha, Yubdo sediments).
and Medir granites are considered to have the best po- The coal consists mainly of lignite that is of high ash
tential for dimension stones. At Hamaressa, close to the content, low fixed carbon and average moisture and
town of Harrar, resources are estimated to be 2,500,000 volatile content. However, there are coal a with low ash
t of granite on two separate sites (Walle, 1996; Mengistu contents and high calorific values in the acceptable
and Fentaw, 2000). range for utilization in the energy sector.

3.4. Gemstones and semi-precious stones 3.5.2. Oil and gas

Sedimentary rocks of Ethiopia are distributed in
Gemstones and semi-precious stones are apparently several main basins: the Ogaden, the Abay (Blue Nile),
rare in Ethiopia, and very few details are known about the Mekele and southern rift basins. Hydrocarbons (oil
their occurrence. Nevertheless, minerals of gemstones and gas) have been generated in Paleozoic (Bokh shale),
(e.g. beryl, aquamarine, tourmaline, garnet, spinel, Jurassic (Urandab Formation) and Cenozoic rocks
topaz, chalcedony and agate) are reported to occur in (Habab Formation) and the sedimentary column
Sidamo (Kenticha, Kibre Mengist area), Harrar, Tigray amounts to over 5000 m (Getaneh, 1985). Many porous
310 S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

reservoirs are known, both in Jurassic carbonates, par- of the Arabo-Nubian Shield, accreted together during
ticularly the Middle and Upper Hamanlei formations, the East and West Gondwana collision (Neoprotero-
consisting of grainstone, packstone, bioclastic wacke- zoic, 900–500 Ma), host various metallic resources
stone and dolomite beds, and in pre-Jurassic clastic (precious, rare, base and ferrous–ferro-alloy metals).
rocks (e.g. the Triassic Adigrat sandstone and the late Industrial minerals and rock resources occur in more
Paleozoic––early Mesozoic Calub sandstone), consisting diversified geological environments, including the Pro-
of quartzarenite or feldspathic sandstone and some shale terozoic basement rocks, the Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic
beds (Getaneh, 1985). sediments and recent (Cenozoic) volcanics and associ-
A commercial gas condensate field has been discov- ated sediments.
ered at Calub in the Ogaden basin with enormous re- The occurrences of energy resources (oil, coal, geo-
serves estimated over two trillion cubic feet or 35 billion thermal resources) are restricted to Phanerozoic basin
metric tons of gas (Ethiopian Ministry of Mines and sediments and Cenozoic volcanism and rifting areas.
Energy, 1995).
Other basins are less explored and have scarce data
with respect to hydrocarbon potential.
The whole Ogaden basin (SE Ethiopia) has potential
for oil and gas.
Our thanks go to the Ethiopian Geological Survey
and the Addis Ababa University, who facilitated the
3.5.3. Oil shale scientific exchange, and to the BRGM Directorate
Oil shale is said to occur between Lake Ziway and for Research Activities, which funded the project
Lake Abyiata in the valleys of the Bulbul river and its implemented during TadesseÕs sabbatical stay at
tributaries. The deposits occur intercalated within BRGM.
Cenozoic volcanics. No details are known for the Bulbul We further wish to thank all our colleagues at BRGM
river deposits. and the Ethiopian Geological Survey and the University
of Addis Ababa, who contributed to this work by sup-
plying bibliographic and other data, as well as their
3.6. Geothermal resources support during the drafting as well as the data digitizing
and map management stages.
Ethiopia is considered to be one of the favoured
countries with respect to high geothermal energy po-
tential. The countryÕs high enthalpy geothermal energy
is mainly concentrated in the Main Ethiopian Rift and Appendix A. Techniques utilized in digitizing the geology
the Afar rift. and mineral map of Ethiopia
Detailed exploration studies within the Ethiopian
Rift show that the areas of Aluto-Langano, Corbetti In fact, the digitizing is a process of building the
caldera, Gedemsa caldera and Lake Abaya (Lakes re- database of the geology and mineral map of Ethiopia.
gion), Tendaho graben (Welo), and Dallol (Danakil) are Here are the steps involved in developing the digital
the most promising for tapping a tremendous amount of database:
geothermal power.
In the Aluto-Langano, the capacity of the existing A.1. Geological data
deep wells is close to 30 MW; the energy potential of the
field is estimated to be between 10 and 20 Mwekm-3 for Data input:
over 30 years (EIGS, 1989). Similarly, the capacity of
the existing producing wells in Tendaho is about 5 MW • Scanning geological map of Ethiopia to derive a ras-
(Aquater, 1996). ter image with 256 colours in TIF format; outside
• Defining the project projection that will serve as a
4. Conclusions base for all digital cartographic works: Mercator Pro-
jection––Datum NAD27––Ellipsoid Clarke 1866;
This synthesis with attached CD-Rom gives an up-to- • Extracting contour lines, Political boundaries and
date compilation of Ethiopian mineral resources (loca- Drainage from DCW (Digital Chart of the World).
tion, description) in their geological context (metallic
minerals, industrial rocks and minerals, construction Georeferencing:
and building materials, gemstones, energy resources).
The metamorphic meta-volcano-sedimentary belts • Under MicroStation and MS Geocoordinator, creat-
and associated intrusives belonging to various terranes ing grid in Mercator and projecting all vector data
S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313 311

(topographic data, drainage and administration • Under MicroStation, importing the polygons created
boundaries data) onto the base; with ArcInfo. Function the label points, the polygons
• Under MicroStation Descartes, georeferencing raster may be filled with a colour and/or a pattern); a spe-
geological map to the Mercator base cartographic cific colour chart has been defined for the Africa
map with grid and topographic data. R&D project;
• Under Excel, creating the legend;
Preliminary editing: • Under MicroStation, importing the legend from Ex-
cel and creating the map layout (placing technical
• Colour, legend and labels editing using MicroStation: signs, volcanoes, patterning faults, titles, logos, . . .).
 Hydrographic data (blue), political boundaries
(black) and grid (magenta); At this stage, the synthetic geological map is finalized.
 Raster data with new grid;
• With MicroStation and an HP Plotter (HP2500)
printing at 1:2,000,000 scale: A.2. Mineral resources data
 Hydrographic data (blue), political boundaries
(black) and grid (magenta) on transparent sup- • Scanning all available documents of Ethiopia (black
port; and white) on ANATECH scanner (only grey level);
 Raster data with new grid on paper. • Under MicroStation Descartes, georeferencing
(warping) raster data in Mercator with grid and topo-
Adding information and upgrading: graphic data;
• Transferring the georeferenced raster data to Map-
• By hand, drawing (in black) simplified geology on Info;
transparent output (by matching the hydrographic • Under MapInfo, picking the occurrences on the ras-
network and grid between the two supports). Draw- ter data and entering the associated attributes (litho-
ing the geological contacts, faults, symbols and plac- logy, substance, etc.);
ing a label point for each geological unit; • Under MapInfo, calculating the coordinates (longi-
• Scanning the drawing (in binary) with removing hyd- tude and latitude) for each occurrence and transfer-
rographic and grids (blue and magenta); ring the results in MapInfo table;
• Under MicroStation, I/RASB and I/GEOVEC: • Transferring the MapInfo table to MicroStation
 Georeferencing the raster data; (through Excel file);
 Interactive vectorizing the geological boundaries • Under MicroStation, creating the symbols used for
(one layer for each object category: contact, fault, minerals;
etc.); • Under MicroStation, with a macro (developed by
 Placing interactively the label points; BRGM) import the Excel file (place one symbol by
 Transferring the data to ArcInfo (Boundaries and substance with in order to specify the class of size);
label points). • Updating of the data by introducing in the database
complementary information extracted from recent
Final editing and preparing layouts for printing: publications and from economic journals;
• Under MicroStation, creating the legend for miner-
• With ArcInfo, generating the polygon topology; als.
batch process which:
 Calculates the intersections between the line net- At this stage, the synthetic digital mineral map is
work; finalized.
 Creates the polygons (by chaining the lines around
each label points); • Under MicroStation, printing the map was done us-
 Detects the errors (polygons without label and ing HP plotter (HP2500):
polygons with different labels).

If there are errors: A.3. CD-ROM

• Importing the errors in MicroStation and correcting • Transferring the data to MapInfo (layers: topogra-
them; phy, geology, faults, symbols and mineral deposits)
• Running ArcInfo process another time. from MicroStation;
• Under Descartes, creating the map viewer from the
Until all the errors are corrected. geological and mineral map;
When all the errors are corrected: • Creating CD-ROM (using HP CD Writer Plus 7200).
312 S. Tadesse et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 273–313

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white); Proterozoic age. Chron. Rech. Min. 510, 13–24.
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