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Name: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _________

School: _____________________________________________________________ Score: _______

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided for.

_____1. It is the part of a simple paragraph which tells the main idea.
A. concluding sentence B. simple sentences
C. supporting sentences D. topic sentence
_____2. It is a reference book that contains words arranged alphabetically with other
information about their meanings.
A. dictionary B. learning materials C. magazine D. thesaurus
_____3. Read the paragraph.
Exercises like jogging, brisk walking, stretching, biking and others could help
us become fit and healthy. They could contribute a lot in making our muscles, our
whole body strong.
Some would not want to exert effort and exercise because for them, it would
just be a waste of time and energy. But today, exercising regularly should be done
especially now that diseases are very rampant. We should exercise regularly
because it could help us be free from these illnesses.
What is an example of exercise?
A. brisk walking B. eating C. resting D. sleeping
_____4. What could help make our muscles strong?
A. eating B. exercising C. resting D. sleeping
_____5. A. affix B. beginning
What are the two types of affixes?
_____6. C. prefix D. suffix
_____7. It is the exact meaning of a word that can be found in the dictionary.
A. connotation B. denotation C. meaning D. synonym
_____8. It is an idea that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning.
A. connotation B. denotation C. meaning D. synonym
_____9. It is a comparison of two things that may have similar or opposite
A. analogy B. connotation C. denotation D. word classification
_____10. It is a skill of grouping related words together.
A. analogy B. connotation C. denotation D. word classification
_____11. It is a type of texts that describes or gives clear picture of a person, event, place
or a thing.
A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Instructional D. Narrative
_____12. It is a type of texts that gives instructions about how to do something.
A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Instructional D. Narrative
_____13. Which of the following sentences is an example of a concluding sentence?
A. If you are not fond of the cold weather, Philippines is ideal for you to live in.
B. It is one of the nations that are located in the tropics, the belt-shaped region of
the Earth closest to the Equator.
C. It tends to have hotter, wetter, more humid weather than countries located in
the middle latitudes/temperate regions and the polar regions.
D. The Philippines is a tropical country.
_____14. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph in item number 3?
A. Exercises like jogging, brisk walking, stretching, biking and others could help
us become fit and healthy.
B. Some would not want to exert effort and exercise because for them, it would
just be a waste of time and energy.
C. They could contribute a lot in making our muscles, our whole body strong.
D. We should exercise regularly because it helps us be free from these illnesses.
_____15. Some people refuse to exercise because for them, it is a waste of time and
effort. The sentence means that some people ________________.
A. do not like to exercise B. are excited to exercise
C. like to exercise D. love to exercise
_____16. If you are telling a story to your friend, you are ______________________.
A. arguing B. explaining C. giving instructions D. narrating
_____17. What is the appropriate word to be used in the sentence?
“Tina is very _______________. She always breaks things.”
A. careful B. careless C. caring D. uncaring
_____18. Rica always feels blue when it rains. What word has a connotative meaning?
A. always B. blue C. feels D. rains
_____19. If elbow is to arm, ______ is to leg. A. ankle B. heel C. knee D. toe
_____20. Bracelet, ring and necklace are examples of what?
A. expensive things B. decorations C. jewelry D. things made of gold
_____21. Armin wants to look for words with similar meanings. Which resource material
would be the most appropriate for her to use?
A. dictionary B. learning materials C. magazine D. thesaurus
For numbers 22 and 23:
Which among the following are steps in cooking rice?
A. Bring the water to a boil. B. Rinse the rice grains.
C. Put oil first to the cooking pan. D. When it boils, add flavorings.
_____24. Which among the sentences used the prefix “re”?
A. Dan always reviews his lessons. B. Fin and Goff rely on their coach.
C. Mr. Tomas loves discovering relics. D. Zander really wants to win.
_____25. Which sentence used a denotative meaning of the word crocodile?
A. A crocodile is a reptile. B. Ben is a crocodile employer.
B. I do not like people who are crocodiles. D. One who is greedy is a crocodile.
_____26. Based from the paragraph in item number 3, what should you do to be strong
and healthy?
A. Exercise once a week. B. Exercise regularly.
C. Exercise when you have time only. D. Exercise when someone is doing it.
_____27. Which group of words are put together correctly?
A. candy, chocolate, cup B. paper, pencil, plate
C. radish, rambutan, raspberry D. sandal, slipper, shoe
_____28. Which is not an example of an analogy?
A. A lantern is to Christmas as firework is to New Year.
B. Black is to color as three is to number.
C. Sun is to daytime as moon is to nighttime.
D. Sheryl is singing while Shan is dancing.
_____29. Read the paragraph inside the box and distinguish the topic sentence which
suited it best.
Its name is Bonok. It is a black Labrador. It is a sweet companion. Bonok loves
to play with me. And I love Bonok, too!
A. Bonok is a dog. B. Dogs are good companions.
C. My dog is a Labrador. D. My pet is a dog.
_____30. What is the difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus?
A. A dictionary and a thesaurus are resource materials.
B. A dictionary is a reference book that gives information about the meanings of
words while a thesaurus is a book of words that have the same or similar
C. A thesaurus is a reference book that gives information about the meanings of
words while a dictionary is a book of words that have the same or similar
D. The entries in a dictionary are alphabetically arranged while the entries in a
Thesaurus are not.
_____31. A lot of news from social media are untrue. This means that they are ________.
A. believable B. fake C. reliable D. true
_____32. He is a poison that is why people do not like him. What does the word “poison”
mean in the sentence?
A. a substance that causes illness or death B. harmful person
C. friendly individual D. sweet person
_____33. If the following words would be entries in a thesaurus, which among the
is correctly entered?
cold chilly cool freezing frosty icy
cook bake boil fry prepare steam
cut carve chop clip crack slice split trim
A. Cold adj. chilly, cool, freezing, frosty, icy
Cook v. bake, boil, fry, prepare, steam
Cut v. carve, chop, clip, crack, slice, split, trim
B. Cook v. bake, boil, fry, prepare, steam
Cold adj. chilly, cool, freezing, frosty, icy
Cut v. carve, chop, clip, crack, slice, split, trim
C. Cut v. carve, chop, clip, crack, slice, split, trim
Cook v. bake, boil, fry, prepare, steam
Cold adj. chilly, cool, freezing, frosty, icy
D. Cut v. chilly, cool, freezing, frosty, icy
Cook v. bake, boil, fry, prepare, steam
Cold adj. chilly, cool, freezing, frosty, icy
_____34. Jeepney, bus, taxi, and tricycle are grouped together because they ____________.
A. are made of metal B. are means of transportation
C. have drivers D. have wheels
_____35. “Let us work hand-in-hand to save our planet Earth.” This is an example of a
concluding sentence because it _________________________________.
A. is the main idea of the paragraph.
B. makes up the body of the paragraph.
C. gives the reader insight or idea into what the paragraph is all about.
D. sums up the information in the paragraph and marks its ending.
_____36. Dictionary, thesaurus and online sources are all important because __________.
A. They are reference materials which could help in finding meanings of words.
B. They could help improve our vocabulary.
C. They could be sources of information.
D. All of the above.
_____37. Read the paragraph.
People tend to skip their breakfast which is not supposed to be.
There are many benefits of taking breakfast every day.
Having breakfast helps us feel more focused for the entire day. When
we go to school and didn’t have one, we will more likely cannot concentrate
in our studies. It does not only fuel us until lunchtime but actually gives
our brain the essential energy to function and focus better on our tasks.
What is the best title for the paragraph?
A. Breakfast Helps Us Study Better B. Eating in the Morning Makes us Energized
C. Skipping Meals D. The Importance of Breakfast
_____38. If you are going to write an argumentative text, what would be the suited topic?
A. How to Ride a Bicycle
B. The Effects of Earthquakes
C. Should Students be Allowed to Bring their Phones in School?
D. The Water Cycle
_____39. Which sentence used a word with a connotative meaning?
A. His father is a tiger when he gets angry. B. Ken waters the plants daily.
C. My favorite animal is a cat. D. The dove flew up in the sky.
_____40. What is the best title for the phrases “reading stories, reciting poems, singing
and dancing, drawing pictures”?
A. At the Market B. At the Beach C. In School D. In the Church

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