Speaking Test

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Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

To have a successful conversation, it is important that the two speakers share the same
opinions on what they are discussing. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give
reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Phương: Can I ask you something?


Phương: Do you think that two people sharing the same opinion will make the conversation
more successful?

Dung: It’s quite a hard question (Although sharing the same opinion can make a conversation
harmonious, this is not a required condition for a successful conversation. )

Phương: Why do you think like that?

Dung: In my opinion, sharing similar opinions is not the most important component in
having a great conversation. People always have diversity in their thoughts, so we can’t
always have the same opinions in every conversation. Therefore, there may be some
disagreements while we discuss, which I believe makes the topic more interesting. Right?

Phương: That sounds reasonable. But there were a lot of discussions because disagreements
led to discomfort and conflict? And this is something that should not appear in conversations.

Dung: I think we should learn to express and manage different opinions respectfully and
openly, promoting a healthier exchange of ideas.

Phương: So, while it’s not necessary to share the same opinions, it’s essential to share the
same values of respect and understanding in a conversation. Right?

Dung: Correct. I agree with your opinion.hahaha

Phương: Thank you for sharing these with me. What a fascinating conversation.


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

When people succeed, it is entirely because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with
their success. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give reasons
and examples to support your point of view.

Dung: Hello Phương ! I want to discuss an important topic I have today. “When people
succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or
disagree with the statement above?

Phương: Well, that's a difficult topic! I think I disagree with the above statement. Because, if
you try hard but you are not lucky, you will never succeed.

Dung: Why do you think so?

Phương: People often believe in the saying "The fate is under God's will".For examples, an
entrepreneur might meet a potential investor by chance, or an artist might get a big break
because the right person saw their work at the right time.

Dung: But I disagree with your opinion. You are ignoring all of the hardworking efforts to
achieve success. You'll never achieve it if you're lucky and lazy. And if you work hard
enough, success will find you. Hard work is the most important and essential stage of life

Phương: Although an important aspect of success, hard work is not the only one. Luck also
plays a role, frequently interacting in complex ways with hard work.
Dung: No problem. Everyone has their own opinion. I respect it, respect your opinion.
Goodbye. See you late
Phương: Okay. Bye. See you again


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

Some people claim that prevention is better than cure. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this saying? Give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

Phương: Nowadays, some people claim “prevention is better than cure”. To what extent do
you agree or disagree with this saying?

Dung: In my opinion, I totally agree with the statement above. Because first, health has its
limits. If we know how to protect our health, it will be better than waiting for an illness to be
treated. Second, the healthcare costs today are very expensive.

Phương: Can you be more clear?

Dung: For example, Although we have been vaccinated, the vaccination only helps you
prevent around 60% of Covid, but if we do not prevent the disease and do not implement the
5K measure, the results are highly unknown; even if we have a lot of money, we cannot save
our health.

Phương: Disease prevention is very important but it is not always possible to prevent all
diseases. Genetic factors and changing environmental conditions lead to illness. I think
disease prevention is the way to protect yourself and if you get sick, you need to get

Dung: I think you and I are correct. Alright, everyone has their own viewpoint.


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

Nowadays, young people often send their aging parents to nursing homes.

Do you think this is a positive or negative trend? Give examples to support your

Dung: Nowadays, young people often send their parents who get old to nursing homes. What
do you think? Do you think this is a positive or negative trend?

Phương: I think this is positive. It's very normal

Dung: Why? Why do you think so?

Phương: Due to work pressure and spending too much time on work. They don't have
enough time to take care of their parents, making them lonely. If they are in a nursing home,
they will have friends to talk to.

Dung: No, I don’t think so. In my view, I think this is a negative, and I totally don't like it. I
get annoyed when someone does that.

Phương: I didn't think you would react so harshly. Why so?

Dung: Because, in my opinion, first, nursing homes couldn't be better than home. Secondly,
you say that young people do not have enough time to take care of their parents. they know
that is why they do not find a reasonable way, arrange their time accordingly, but avoid it.
Thirdly, you said that if parents go to a nursing home, they will feel better, less lonely, but do
you really know what they want?

Phương: You're thinking a bit negatively. Think outside the box a bit.

Dung: When we were young, our parents also had to work a lot but still took time to take
care of us. Why can't we do that when our parents are old? They are very sensitive
emotionally, they really want to be close to their children, grandchildren, close to their

Phương: I'm sorry if I'm too sensitive about this issue. It's just due to each person's thinking
and living conditions.

Dung: Okay. Bye

Phương: Okay. Goodbye


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

Recently, while young people often consider backpacking as a thrilling way to travel,
parents only see dangers out of this trend.

Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Give examples to
support your viewpoint.

Phương: Nowadays, while young people often see backpacking as a means of thrilling
travel, parents only see the dangers. what do you think?

Dung: In this aspect, I believe I will choose to support the parents.

Phương: Why do you think so?
Dung: Because in my opinion, my parents think that is completely right. Because
backpacking has a lot of risks. Firstly, it is very easy to get into a car accident. Second, they
can be robbed,... Parents are the first, they see what can happen. I completely trust them.
Phương: I don’t think so. It is because parents worry too much about their children. They
have not yet seen the benefits of backpacking.
Dung: Really?
Phương: Yes. There are many benefits. You can absorb new knowledge, discover new
things, and bring you strength and confidence.
Dung: Sorry but I don’t think so, You have a very positive mindset. Why don't you think
there's a disadvantage?
Phương: If so, it's an experience to grow up
Dung: Our thoughts are so different
Phương: No problem. I respect your opinion.
Dung: Okay. Bye. See you again


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

Plastic bags should be banned completely to help protect the environment.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your point of view.

Phuong: Hello Dung. You don't seem very happy.

Dung: I just saw the news about plastic waste. I'm sorry for the environment out there. I think
the government must have a complete ban on plastic bags to protect the environment.

Phương: Oh no. I do not think so. Because it is also related to practical aspects.

Dung: I see it has a huge impact on the environment. Plastic bags pollute the environment,
take hundreds of years to decompose and harm many wildlife species. Sea turtles often
mistake them for food and eat them, leading to death.

Phương: But, as you can see, plastic bags are quite convenient because they are light, sturdy,
and waterproof, so they are convenient for transporting goods.

Dung: So the bag production process also consumes a large amount of resources and causes a
greenhouse effect.

Phương: But banning plastic bags can also have an economic impact because this supply
industry is providing jobs and revenue for the country's economy.

Dung: I honestly haven't thought about this! So isn't there any measure that can contribute to
protecting the environment?

Phương: I think we can limit it by reusing or using biodegradable plastic bags. I heard it's
good too.

Dung: That's great. I have to spread the word to people in the neighborhood.

Phương: Right, right. Let's go.


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

Some people think that working out at the gym is more effective than working out at

To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your point of view.

Dung: Hi Phuong. Are you planning to go somewhere?

Phương: I plan to go to the gym at Getfit Gym & Yoga.

Dung: Oh. Why don't you practice at home? I find that going to the GYM is a waste of
money because I have to pay an amount to exercise in the room, spend time preparing
equipment and then go there. And because there were so many people there, it made me feel
quite inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Phuong: Oh my god, why would you think like that? For me, going to the GYM is
something really interesting. At the gym, I can experience exercise equipment that makes it
easy for you to practice. Many people will help me be more motivated to practice harder. And
you won't have too much attention distracted by the chaos of life when you're in the gym.

Dung: I find practicing at home quite convenient, low cost and you can practice in many
different methods.

Phương: But I find it a bit boring, easy to distract for countless reasons and it won't have
much space for you to practice and there won't be equipment to support you while practicing.

Dung: Everything makes sense. Probably due to the location, each method will be suitable
for different audiences.

Phương: I think so too. Thank you for giving me a different perspective on working out at


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

Should schools teach subjects like art and music? Give examples to support

your point of view.

Phuong: What do you think about making subjects like art and music untaught?

Dung: I also think it's quite good, because we can develop more creative thinking,
imagination and emotional expression in each of our works.

Phuong: But I think not everyone has talent in art or music. And they will think that it is not
very useful for learning. In addition, not singing well or drawing well can cause
embarrassment and negatively affect student psychology.

Dung: As far as I know, art-related subjects do not directly benefit people in the future. But
these training subjects help us improve cognitive abilities, improve intelligence, provide
problem solving skills, competitiveness, visibility and team spirit.

Phuong: I see that students are burdened with the regular curriculum at school with subjects
such as math, physics, chemistry, etc. So when arts subjects become compulsory subjects,
students have to spend a part of the time spent studying those subjects, leading to loss of
concentration and poor academic performance.

Dung: Instead of becoming compulsory subjects, art or music subjects can become elective
subjects. This can help those who have skills develop without putting too much pressure on
those who are not good at that area.

Phuong: I very much agree with your opinion.

Dung: Thank you for giving me a new perspective on this point of view.


Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

People think that foreign cultures threaten the identity of the nation. To what extent do
you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your point of view.

Phuong: You know, Vietnam is in a period of international integration, which is a good

thing. But many people believe that foreign culture has been introduced into Vietnam and is
threatening national identities. What do you think about this issue?

Dung: In my opinion, absorbing foreign culture is quite good and does not affect our national
identity. We can absorb the culture of other countries and enrich our culture.

Phuong: But many people think differently. For example, we are following the trend of
globalization, all media speaking in English can obscure local languages and traditions.

Dung: I think differently, then we can absorb more knowledge and information in the world.
At the same time, understanding our country's culture helps us better understand and promote
a more inclusive world.

Phuong: Sounds reasonable. But do you think this will lead to cultural homogenization,
where local cultures become more and more similar, potentially leading to a loss of cultural

Dung: So it's true there's a bit of a threat there. So we must find a balance, taking advantage
of the benefits of cultural exchange while preserving and promoting our unique traditions and

Phuong: That's right. As our grandparents said: "Integration without assimilation" refers to
this case.

SET 10

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner within 2- 3 minutes.

Are social skills more important than education when looking for a job? Give examples
to support your point of view.
Phuong: Hey Dung. Do you think education and social skills are more important when
looking for a job?

Dung: I think it depends on the job and career you are pursuing.

Phuong: Because I see, many students hold good university degrees from this school or that
school. But in the end, he ended up driving a Grab car, or working as a porter, a food delivery
shipper, etc. So is the knowledge degree still valid?

Dung: I think, in some professions, a degree is still important. Because it shows the
knowledge and skills that a person is trained with. For example, jobs in fields such as
medicine, engineering, or law require specific educational qualifications.

Phuong: That's right. But there are still some industries that require high communication,
teamwork, relationship building... to serve their working process. So social skills
requirements are an advantage for them to be recruited.

Dung: Yes. So both educational level and social skills are necessary. Depending on each
industry and job, employers will base their decision on different aspects.

Phuong: It would be great if I were a well-rounded candidate with both good academic
qualifications and social skills. Then you will be the ideal person in every situation. Right?

Dung: That's so right. But it is a process of training and learning. Try your best.

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