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Work implemented

: Occupational Health Safety Training Date: 16/07/2019

Department where Vestel Human Resources and Infirmary

work will be

Day 1
First day of my internship all the beginner interns gathered in front of High-End
campus of Vestel City. After being given the temporary name tags, we finally entered the
High-End building and delivered documents required for internship. People who had not
complete documents could not begin their internships. Later interns were sent to infirmary and
made their health controls.
In the afternoon, it was made a training about rules must be obeyed and occupational
health safety. We watched a 3 hours long seminar. There some rules for interns such are
necessity of wearing yellow waistcoat. There also clothing rules. Interns should dress suitable
for work place. Miniskirts, shorts and Bermudas are not allowed at work place. Furthermore, it
is also not allowed to bring food and drink to work place.
At the end of the day, we were finally distributed to our departments.

Picture-1 Vestel City Entrance

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Introduction to Factory Date: 17/07/2019

Department where Vestel Electronic R&D Department

work will be

Day 2
It was made an informing about Vestel City and Zorlu Holding.
Zorlu Holding is one of the biggest corporate groups in Turkey, headquartered in Istanbul
which also embodies Vestel, a Turkish home and professional appliances manufacturing
company. With various fields of activity like textile, electronic, energy and finance, Zorlu
Holding is one of the biggest holdings of Turkey and also with its production capacity, its
plants and technology is one of the largest production foundations.
Vestel group; with the electronic, white appliance and information technologies,
takes its place among the strongest actors of Turkey and international market. Vestel, consist
of 28 companies which 18 of them are located abroad and active in fields of production, sales,
marketing, research & development software and services, with the competence of technology
and design, is one of the world’s biggest producers. In 1 million m² field-based Vestel city,
located in Manisa organized industrial site, about 16 thousand people are working nowadays.
76 thousand products per day, 18 thousand white appliances, 45 thousand television and also
other devices, to sum up 7 million product are produced per year.

Picture-2 Vestel City

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Meeting with R&D Date:18/07/2019

Department where R&D Department

work will be

Day 3
My department in Vestel City is Electronic Factory. In electronic factory,
motherboards are produced. The place where I continue my internship is the office of research
and development in Vestel Electronic. In here engineers and designers are working together.
There are 10 industrial designers in total in electronic. Moreover graphic designers,
mechanical engineers, industrial engineers and more exist. The industrial design team mostly
designs televisions, but also designs other electronic devices like cell phone, car, kitchen
appliances and more.
After meeting the industrial design team, I learned that Vestel is a OEM company.
OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) is a company that produces parts and equipment that
may be marketed by another manufacturer. In here, It is not produced only Vestel products,
but it is also produced other brand’s products such as Toshiba and Panasonic. Televisions
brands like Toshiba and Panasonic are produced here and then go to Turkey and Europe’s
After being informed about team’s working routine, I saw some of the sample
products in the showroom where located next to our office.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Photography Studio Date: 19/07/2019

Department where R&D Department

work will be

Day 4
Today, I went to photography studio where located in Vestel Electronic building. In
here, photographers of Vestel take pictures of products where designed in Vestel Electronic
research and development department for fairs, catalog and etc. Most photographed products
are televisions because here is a television oriented department. In television photographing,
the most important thing is television’s front cover’s look on photo. Photographers do not care
how screen, also technically known as cell, looks on photos. Because they usually put good
quality pictures in place of screen view or just paint it black in digital ambient.
In the afternoon, one of the working industrial designers in here gave me the project
of designing an electrical bike down tube battery as homework. Therefore design process of
my internship period had finally begun. Firstly, I started to this project with finding a decent
form for this type of battery. Then I will move on with placing the component while
considering function and ergonomics.
Meanwhile another industrial designer also gave me sketch homework to improve
our sketch skills to express myself better in design and also to improve my creativity and sense
of form and proportion.

Picture-3 Down Tube Battery Sketch

Picture-4 Form Sketches

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Information About Vestel TV Date: 22/07/2019

Department where Television Factory

work will be

Day 5
Today, we took information about Vestel TV in the factory. Vestel TV is located in
High-End Campus in Vestel City. In here; panels, televisions and digital tablets are produced.
In addition to these Vestel has a project called digital signage products which are conducted by
Vestel Visual Solution team. The term digital signage is used for educational display products.
Vestel produces digital signage products for airports, fast-food shops, hospitals, offices and
PD series.
The other products that are produced in Vestel TV are LED walls and automotive
displays. With arranging LED components together, it becomes LED cabins. With arranging
cabins differently, it can be made different shaped and sized LED walls. Because the cost of
LED wall is much higher, it can be seen only at the commercial use. The reason why LED
wall is more expensive is that because it is used more LED with more frequent settlement.
Therefore the displays have much more the quality of view.

Picture-5 LED Wall

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Plastic Injection Date: 23/07/2019

Department where Television Factory

work will be

Day 6
Today, I went to plastic injection molding department of television factory. In plastic
injection, there is a production line which consists of two distinct locations. There are five
types of injection machines and 89 injection machines in total.
Injection machines consist of two parts such are “group” and “clamp”. The ones
which have clamps have two panels while the ones which have group have three.
The raw materials are melted in 220 °C, 230 °C, 250 °C and 260 °C. Then they are
injected into the molds with pressure. Injection process is made in enclosed ambient and after
that it is made the ironing process. A certain quantity of ingredients stays for a while in the
cast. After becoming hard, the casts are opened and the output goes out. Machines take outputs
and put its place automatically.

Picture-6 Molds

Picture-7 Mixing Machine

Picture-8 Raw Material

Picture-9 Raw Material


STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Steel Plate Works Date: 24/07/2019

Department where Television Factory

work will be

Day 7
Today, I gained more information about steel plate works which are a part of the
manufacturing process.
Steel plate works are generally done as cold forming. Cutting, bending, stamping and other
methods are used in steel plate works. It is done at the mangles. Steel plate metal parts are
named as punch and die.
Cutting is a sheering process between two sharp edges of steel plate.
Bending is a flexion process around neutral axis of steel plate.
Stamping is the method of manufacturing more complex forms like sylindiric or cubic.
In cutting, cutting in a straight line process is done with the scissor called “guillotine”.
The other steel plate work processes are;
Scalping which is works for straight and smooth cutting of the edges of steel plates.
Bending process can be made with two way such are raking in V mould and edge bending.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Assembly Line Date: 25/07/2019

Department where Television Factory

work will be

Day 8
Today I was at the assembly line in television factory. After the parts of televisions
are produced, they come to assembly line. In here employees work like a machine. So each
personnel handle a single task. Televisions come on the assembly line, parts are installed and
assembled gradually. Motherboard is installed. A temporary leg puts into televisions because
of being able to keep going the process while holding television standing. Temporary legs
have usually no color. They are transparent to prevent confusion. Original legs do not
assemble until the end. Because if they assemble more early, it can be scored during the
After assembly line, products are sent to finishing process.

Picture-11 Assembly Line


Picture-13 Temporary TV Foot

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Down Tube Battery Design Date: 26/07/2019

Department where R&D Department

work will be

Day 9
I kept going designing e-bike down tube battery.
In this process, I examined many product examples from internet and I tried to take
critics from the designers at the office about my design studies and sketches. Because the
industrial designer which conducts my design process is Murat Erkan, I have observed how he
goes through his design process, how he progresses in design and I have taken design critics as
much as possible.
Today, I have drawn many sketches about e-bike down tube battery and I prepared a
design sheet to show my designs to Murat Erkan. After showing my designs to Murat Erkan, I
learned how I supposed to progress in design and things that I should do or not. While my
design was still in the form step, I took critics about installing components of battery. Also, I
took critics about ergonomics and user-product relationship. Now I have to prepare more
detailed designs for next week.

Picture-14 Down Tube Battery Sketches

Picture-15 Down Tube Battery Sketches

Picture-16 Down Tube Battery Sketches

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Showroom Date: 29/07/2019

Department where Television Factory

work will be

Day 10
Today, I went to television showroom in digital factory.
Showroom is used by workers of factory, research and development department,
production managers and marketing employees. Designs are firstly exhibited in 2 dimensioned
posters. It is determined one or several designs among alternative studies to progress in design.
The chosen design or designs go to the stages of mock-up and proto-type. The final decision is
determined through alternative three dimensioned proto-types. If proto-types become products,
they are exhibited as product to customers.
In showrooms, the products which are produced for fairs, special concepts and more
remarking ones are exhibited.




STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Excel and Mindfulness Training Date: 30/07/2019

Department where Digital Training Center

work will be

Day 11
Today, there was Excel and Mindfulness training for interns organized by Vestel
human resources in digital training center.
First of all, the instructor Meral Tutulmaz showed us the interface of Excel. She
taught us the options above and told the tasks of each option. Then she opened a chart which
had been prepared in Excel and waited us to prepare the same chart. By the way we were able
to ask questions about Excel. After that, she showed the way of preparing chart in Excel. Then
with the same method, she gave the information about the use of “v-lookup”. Lastly, we
learned to create pivot chart. She told us for which purpose Excel is preferred and finished the
After the Excel lesson, Mindfulness training begun. Our instructor Bensu Başkurt
told us briefly what mindfulness is. Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's
attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which one can develop through the
practice of meditation and through other training. After mindfulness being explained, we made
mindfulness practices. We shut our eyes, and got the most comfortable position we could get.
We focused only our breathing and then our body. With beginning our head and then gradually
passed to below our body and finished with our feed.
After the exercise finished, the questions are taken and answered.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
New Product Start-Up Pilot Production
: Date: 31/07/2019

Department where Electronic Factory

work will be

Day 12
Today, I went to proto-type plant in electronic building. In this plant, it is done the
assembly, disassembly and controls of proto-type televisions. Today a Toshiba television was
assembled. In here, I learned the hardware of components of a D-LED television. Here are the
hardware components of television;

BLU (Backlight Unit): Television begins with BLU. BLU is the gap component between
optic and mechanical parts of television. LED bars are assembled to BLU.
Reflector: Reflector is one of the optic components which is a white Bristol board.
Diffuser: Diffuser is white frosted glass. Diffuser distributes light homogeneously. After
diffuser put, optic films are installed.
Middle Frame: Middle frame keeps all components together. Cell is installed in front of
middle frame.
Cell: Screen is called “cell” in technical language. There is liquid crystal between two cell
Spacer: Spacer is put between all components to prevent sliding. Its material is rubber.
Front Cover: Front cover is the cosmetic front frame which is located front side of television.
Bracket: To prevent conductivity, it is installed between cards and parts.
Cover Source Board: The piece which protects the components of television
Cosmetic Bar: The piece which brings out the brand. All televisions are same without this
Metal Foot Support: Middle foot is assembled to this piece.
Back Cover: The cosmetic piece which covers the mechanical part at the back side.

Firstly, BLU comes and optic parts (LED bars, reflector, and diffuser) are assembled gradually
in front of BLU. After optic parts, middle frame is put and cell is assembled to middle frame.
Then front cover is installed and television is turned back. Main board and power card is put.
Lastly, speakers are put. Speakers cannot be installed wrongly. Therefore there are bosses in
the back cover to prevent mistakes. Finally, cosmetic bar, metal foot support, back cover are
assembled. TV foot is assembled, in this model it was a middle foot.

Picture-20 BLU

Picture-21 Reflector

Picture-22 Optic Films

Picture-23 Middle Frame

Picture-24 Cell

Picture-25 Cards

Picture-26 Metal Foot Support

Picture-27 Back Cover

Picture-28 Back Cover Assembly

Picture-29 Middle Foot

Picture-30 Last State

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: EMC Laboratory Date: 01/08/2019

Department where EMC Laboratory

work will be

Day 13
Today, I went to EMC laboratory in Vestel High-End Campus.
EMC means electromagnetic compatibility. Main purpose of EMC is that magnetic properties
of any device should fallow the desired requirements. Products which came the last stage of its
design process go to the EMC laboratories for being tested. Every product has its own standard
in EMC and every product has its inferior value. These values are tested and if the values are
correct, product approves and marked. If not, causes are determined and studies on the product
The requirements are that products should not be affected by the electromagnetic waves and
that they should not affect the living creatures with emitted waves.
In semi-reflection rooms or full-reflection rooms, electromagnetic waves are sent to product
by a special antenna and wave producer devices. Then it is controlled whether product works
fine or not.
Semi-reflection room: Except floor, all surfaces of the room do not allow to electromagnetic
reflection. Whole surfaces are coated with ferrite which is a none-reflective material.
Non-reflection room: All surfaces do not allow to electromagnetic reflection.
Disturbance Power Test: Semi-reflection room can transform to none-reflection room. Here,
it is controlled whether there is a electromagnetic field which comes from outside or not.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Serigraphy Printing Date: 02/08/2019

Department where R&D Department

work will be

Day 14
Today I watched the computer process of serigraphy printing.
Serigraphy, also known as screen printing, is a method of creating an image on metal,
plastic or some other material by pressing ink through a screen with areas blocked off by a
stencil. The technique is used both for making fine art prints and for commercial use, such as
printing a company's logo.
Firstly, planning of whole layers required for serigraphy printing is done gradually.
General view layer is prepared. Then the parts which are going to be painted and made
transparent are prepared layer by layer. After layer are completed, printing stage comes.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Technology Development Unit Date: 05/08/2019

Department where Digital Factory

work will be

Day 15
Today I went to research plant and learnt the additive manufacturing methods. 3D
printers are including this method. There are a large number of 3D printers that use “material
extrusion” to print 3D objects. Material extrusion is any 3D printer that builds up a 3D object,
layer by layer, by melting a material from a computer controlled nozzle.

FDM Technology: Firstly, Thermoplastic filaments are loaded into the printer. Once the
nozzle has reached the desired temperature, the filament is fed to the extrusion head and melts.
The melted material is extruded in thin strands and passed layer-by-layer to predetermined
locations, where it cools and solidifies. To fill an area, multiple passes are required. When a
layer is finished, the build platform moves and a new layer comes. This process is repeated
until the part is complete.

FFF Technology: A material spool feeds plastic filament into a moving extrusion head. In
here plastic heats and melts. Then it is sent through the nozzle to its predetermined location.
As the head deposits the plastic filament, each layer is bonded to the previous one. This
process continues until the model is complete.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Art in 4D Seminar Date: 06/08/2019

Department where Digital Training Center

work will be

Day 16

Today there was a seminar called “Art in 4D” in digital training center. The person
who conducted the seminar was an intern. Her name was Buse Yıldız and she was also an
industrial design student in Istanbul Technical University. The seminar was about the
relationship between art and science. Topics like artists’ effects on science are the main issues
of the seminar. She explained these topics with giving examples from history.


STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Quality Control Date: 07/08/2019

Department where Television Factory

work will be

Day 17
Today I went to quality control room. In here mechanical and electrical properties of
products are tested.
Calibration room is the room which electrical and mechanical measurement devices
are examined.
In here, falling and impact tests are made. The reason why these tests are made is to
improve packaging. Moreover in quality testing room, two of every one hundred machine
which are chosen among separate product groups are examined in detail. Every sized scratches
are marked and counted.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Benchmarking Date: 08/08/2019

Department where R&D Department

work will be

Day 18
Today, one of the industrial designers at the office gave me a benchmark task. The
task was analyzing T3 magazine’s 2019 issues. T3 magazine is a UK-based technology
magazine, which specializes in gadgets, gizmos, and other technology. I looked into the 2019
issues of T3 and analyzed the articles about cutting-edge technologies of televisions, sound
bars and speakers.
While scanning all 2019 issues of T3, I have noticed that many brands want to obtain
the feature of invisibility. I mean now, products want to fit so seamlessly into our lives that
they feel truly essential as soon as we start using them.
So, I prepared a representation and presented to the office workers to inspire them.

In the afternoon, I showed my final design to Murat Erkan who conducted this
project. I took my last critics. Now, I will prepare its 3D models on Solidworks and make their

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Design steps Date: 09/08/2019

Department where R&D Department

work will be

Day 19
Today, I learned the design process after coming the mechanical installation of an
electronical product from engineers. Engineers prepare 3D models of the mechanical internal
structure. Then they send it to industrial designers. Industrial designers start to design over this
close mechanical internal structure.
When a brief comes to industrial designer from a customer, industrial designer start
to make research and prepares a representation. This representation contains of analyses of this
product. Detailed definition, functions, ergonomic details are investigated. If it requires,
exploded view of the product is put. The components are analysed in detail. The products on
the current market are investigated and are researched in detail. Benchmarks are prepared.
Sample designs are prepared with sample measurements for being clear about everything.
Finally a conclusion part are prepared with evaluating all circumstances.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature

Work implemented
: Last Day Date: 15/08/2019

Department where R&D Department

work will be

Day 20
In my internship process, I have had the chance of learning and observing many
things. I have met with the industrial design team and a few mechanical engineer. I was able to
make conversation with them about design and other issues. I have witnessed how the
industrial designers and engineers work collaborated. I have observed them while they are
working. They use "Creo" as a 3D modelling program and "Adobe Illustrator" to prepare a
representation. I have learnt the place of industrial designer at the industry. Also, I have
experienced the processes of a product before and after manufacture. Before manufacture, the
stage of 2D representation and then 3D representation such are mock-up and prototype stages.
Moreover I have experienced the stages of manufacture in the factories. Moreover I have
become aware what determines the trends in electronic industry and what are the trends of this

While coming the end of the day, I said goodbye to everyone at the office and went
to the human resources to leave my intern stuff such are yellow waistcoat and my name tag.

STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority
Signature Signature


Picture-1 Vestel High End Campus Entrance

Picture-2 Vestel City

Picture-3 Down Tube Battery Sketch

Picture-4 Form Sketches

Picture-5 LED wall

Picture-6 Molds

Picture-7 Mixing Machine

Picture-8 Raw Material

Picture-9 Raw Material


Picture-11 Assembly Line


Picture-13 Temporary TV Foot

Picture-14 Down Tube Battery Sketches

Picture-15 Down Tube Battery Sketches

Picture-16 Down Tube Battery Sketches




Picture-20 BLU

Picture-21 Reflector

Picture-22 Optic Films

Picture-23 Middle Frame

Picture-24 Cell

Picture-25 Cards

Picture-26 Metal Foot Support

Picture-27 Back Cover

Picture-28 Back Cover Assembly

Picture-29 Middle Foot

Picture-30 Last State

Picture-31 EMC

Picture-32 EMC

Picture-33 EMC

Picture-34 EMC




STUDENT APPROVED Company Authority

Signature Signature


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