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School of Distance Education

School of Distance Education

(2019 Admission onwards)




1. means the things are not the same in its appearance orcharacteristics
A. Differentiation
B. Variation
C. Dissimilarity
D. Discrimination
2. means the state of distributing the valued resources, rewardsand
positions in society
A. Unequal
B. Peculiar
C. Inequality
D. Unequality
3. is the ordering of social unity as higher or lower, superior orinferior
A. Ranking
B. Pyramid
C. Discrimination
D. Hierarchy
4. What is the dividing of people in a society on the basis of differentiation, inequality
A. Socialclassification
B. Socialstratification
C. Socialdifferentiation
D. Hierarchy

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5. Who are the prominent sociologists mainly analyzed the functionalist perspectiveof
A. Kingsley Davis &Wilbert EMoore
B. Ghurye& ThomasMoore
C. Max Weber& KarlMarx
D. Parson &Coser
6. means the way of perceivingsomething
A. Perspective
B. Looking
C. Analyzing
D. Gazing
7. In which part of the Indian Constitution, special provisions have been made for
National Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Anglo
A. PartXV
B. PartXIV
D. Part XVI
8. Who has the right to decide that who will be included in the list of Scheduled Caste
and ScheduledTribes?
A. Governor
B. Vice-President
C. President
D. ChiefMinister
9. Which article envisages the establishment of the National Commission for Scheduled
A. Article 330A
B. Article332
C. Article335
D. Article338
10. Which of the following is the constitutionalbody?
A. National commission for ScheduledCastes
B. National Child Rights ProtectionCommission
C. National Backward ClassesCommission

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D. National MinoritiesCommission
11. What is the highlight of the theory of Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E Moore about the
theory ofstratification
A. Equal value to allwork
B. Valuing allworks
C. Unequal value of differentwork
D. Valuing the work on the basis ofnature
12. Which determines the importance of ajob
A. The degree of training required for ajob
B. The degree of skill required for ajob
C. The education qualification necessary for ajob
D. The degree of education qualification necessary forjob
13. Which is the paper of Davis and Moore referred the functional perspective of
A. Principle ofinequality
B. Principle ofdivision
C. Principle ofclassification
D. Principle ofStratification
14. Which is the insistence of Davis and Moore about the arising of socialstratification?
A. Socialinequality
B. Socialdivisioning
C. Similarity
D. classification
15. Max Weberwasa ......................... sociologist
A. American
B. British
C. England
D. German
16. What is Weber’s conceptualization about the base ofstratification?
A. Power, mobility &Community
B. Power, status group, class &Party
C. Power, Political party, group &Class
D. Status group, community &Class

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17. Which are the three dimensions of social stratification as referred byWeber?
A. Class, caste &estate
B. Occupation. Hierarchy &incomelevel
C. Power, Prestige &Property
D. Class, ethnicity &gender
18. In opinion of Weber stratification is an organized manifestation of ……… insociety
A. Power
B. Inequality
C. Prestige
D. Caste
19. is a collection of individual who occupy comparable economicpositions
A. Caste
B. Class
C. Estate
D. Group
20. is made up of individuals who are awarded a similar amount of socialhonour
A. Class
B. Economic group
C. Status group
D. Party
21. isakindoforganizationwhichissetupspecifically tocompeteforpower
and which organizes primarily in pursuit of power.
A. Class
B. Country
C. Parliament
D. Party
22. contribute to the formation of strata insociety
A. Inequality, division &classification
B. Economic, social & politicalfactors
C. Class, power structure &authority
D. Psychological factors, inequality &development
23. Classsymbolizes……………
A. Socialfactors
B. Politicalfactors

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C. Psychologicalfactors
D. Economicfactors
24. Status symbolizes…………….
A. Mobility
B. Classstratification
C. Socialfactors
D. Politicalfactors
25. Partysymbolizes…………
A. Politicalfactors
B. Authority
C. Administration
D. Status
26. Karl Marxisa .......................... thinker
A. German
B. British
C. England
D. Russian
27. Kingsley Davisisa .......................... sociologist
A. Indian
B. American
C. Russian
D. British
28. Wilbert E Moorewasa ................ sociologist
A. Hungarian
B. Italian
C. American
D. Indian
E. French
29. Where Kingsley Davis wasborn?
A. Trier
B. Erfurt
C. Tuxedo
D. Montpellier

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30. When was Kingsley Davis born?

B. 1905
C. 1858
D. 1908
31. What is the basic idea behind the stratification theory of society put forwarded by
Davis andMoore?
A. Functionalnecessity
B. Inequality
C. The degree of skill necessary for aposition
D. Structural-functionalnecessity
32. is the way a society is organized to produce goods andservices
A. Forces ofproduction
B. Productionprocess
C. On the basis ofmachines
D. Modes ofproduction
33. Which are the two elements constitute the modes ofproduction
A. Base structure & superstructure
B. External structure & Internalstructure
C. Class & Class conflict
D. Machines &labour
34. How Karl Marx conceptualizes the stratification theory ofsociety?
A. On the basis of economicsystem
B. On the basis of forces ofproduction
C. On the basis of different modes ofproduction
D. On the basis of economicorganization
35. What are the different modes ofproduction?
A. Ancient, Asiatic, Primitive &socialist
B. Primitive, Ancient, Feudal&Capitalist
C. Communal, Capitalist &socialist
D. Primitive, capitalist &Modern
36. Which are the stratification found in primitivecommunism
A. Two classes
B. Multiclasses

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C. One class
D. Classlesssociety
37. Which is the prominent stratification system commonly found in ancient society?
A. Serf & FeudalLords
B. Workers &labourers
C. King &People
D. Master&Slave
38. Is the stratification found in feudalistsystem?
A. Yes
B. No
39. Which are the predominant classes commonly found in feudalist economicsystem
A. Capitalist &Workers
B. Lord &serf
C. King &People
D. Feudal Lord &King
40. Which are the strata predominantly found in capitalistsociety?
A. Bourgeoisie & LumbanProletariats
B. Bourgeoisie&Proletariats
C. Workers &Masters
D. Capitalist &common
41. Karl Marxopinedthat.................. is the byproduct of classinequality
A. Classlesssociety
B. Classstruggle
C. Stratification
D. Classconflict
42. is the forerunner of castesystem
A. Jatisystem
B. Caste divisioning
C. Entry ofAryans
D. Varna system
43. When was Louis Dumont born?
B. 1910
C. 1858

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D. 1775
44. Who wrote the book Homo Hierarchicus: The caste system and its Implications’?
A. G SGhurye
B. IrawatiKarve
C. M NSrinivas
D. LouisDumont
45. When did the book of ‘Homo Hierarchicus: The caste system and itsImplications’?
B. 1987
C. 1970
D. 1950
46. Who introduced the concept of purity and impurity related with castesystem?
A. M N Srinivas
B. LouisDumont
C. G SGhurye
D. Ambedkar
47. Who opined that ‘caste is a special form ofinequality’?
A. LouisDumont
B. G SGhurye
C. DavidHardiman
D. HerbertRisely
48. Who is the father of Indiansociology?
A. G SGhurye
B. M N Srinivas
C. AugustComte
D. S CDube
49. Who authored the book Caste and Race in India?
A. G SGhurye
B. IrawatiKarve
C. S CDube
D. D PMukherjee
50. Ghurye opined that the membership in caste is basedon………
A. Residence
B. Birth

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C. Occupation
D. Colour ofSkin
51. Which work of Ghurye analyzes the caste system inIndia?
A. Homo Hierarchicus: The caste system and itsImplications
B. Untouchable
C. Caste and class inIndia
D. Caste and Race inIndia
52. is the step by step classification of aphenomena
A. Ranking
B. Stratification
C. Hierarchy
D. Differentiation
53. Who wrote the book ‘Annihilation ofcaste’?
A. G SGhurye
B. Jyothiba Phule
C. Periyar
D. B RAmbedkar
54. Who formed the organization SathyasodhakSamaj?
A. JyothibaPhule
B. Raja Ram MohanRoy
C. E VRamasami
D. Colonel Olcott & H PBlavedsky
55. Who wrote the book BrahmanacheKasab?
A. E VRamasami
B. Ambedkar
C. Jyothiba Phule
D. Kesav Chandra VidhyaSagar
56. Which work of Phule analyzed the historical survey of the slavery oflower caste?
A. Gulamgiri
B. BrahnanacheKasab
C. Annihilation ofCaste
D. Caste and Race inIndia

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57. was a Dravidian socialreformer

A. Phule
B. Periyar
C. Ambedkar
D. Ram MohanRoy
58. Who propounded the Self-RespectMovement?
A. Phule
B. Sree NarayanaGuru
C. Periyar
D. Ambedkar
59. Who called Scheduled Caste asHarijans?
A. SimonCommission
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Ambedkar
D. BritishPeople
60. The term Scheduled Caste was coined by………….
A. Colonialadministration
B. Britishadministrators
C. Constitution
D. SimonCommission
61. What is the Scheduled Caste population as per 2011 census?
B. 10.2%
C. 11.8%
D. 18.2%
62. Which is the measure taken by Government to protect downtrodden to discriminate from
other communities?
A. ReservationPolicy
B. Financialhelp
C. Protective discrimination
D. Isolation
62. Which Article related with the abolition ofuntouchability?
A. Article 16

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B. Article11
C. Article17
D. Article18
63. is mobilizing caste for politicalpurpose
A. Politicization ofCaste
B. Casteicisation ofpolitics
C. Politicalcaste
D. Exploitation
64. The singular form ofstrata
A. Onestrata
B. Stratas
C. Statue
D. Stratum


Question Answer 21 D 43 A
Number Key 22 B 44 D
1 A 23 D 45 C
2 C 24 C 46 B
3 D 25 A 47 A
4 B 26 A 48 A
5 A 27 B 49 A
6 A
28 C 50 B
7 B
29 C 51 D
8 C
30 D 52 C
9 D
31 A 53 D
10. A
32 D 54 A
11 C
33 A 55 C
12 B
34 C 56 A
13 D
35 B 57 B
14 A
36 D 58 C
15 D
37 D 59 B
16 B
38 A 60 D
17 C
39 B 61 A
18 A
40 B 62 C
19 B
41 C 63 A
20 C
42 D 64 D

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1. The term “class in itself and class for itself” introduced by …………………………?
A) Max Weber B) Karl Marx
C) Emile Durkheim D) Dahrendorf
2. According to Bourdieu, Qualifications such as Degrees or titles is an example for
………………...... cultural forms.
A) Institutionalized B) Embodied
C) Objectified D) Symbolic
3. In this system, individuals get participation and membership in which is accomplished by birth?
A) Class B) Estate system
C) Caste D) Nobility
4. Discrimination against persons with disabilities is prohibited in………………...?
A) Public functions B) Working place
C) Institutions D) All of the above
5. “The Person with Disability act” enacted on ……………….?
A) 1995 B) 1992
C) 1996 D) 1997
6. Pierre Bourdieu is known for which of the following ideas?
A) Class conflict B) Forms of Capital
C) Micro-macro integration D) Dramaturgy
7. What is social stratification based on individual’s achievement is called ………………….?
A) Caste B) Varna system
C) Estate system D) Class
8. Which of the following statement is not regarding social approaches of Disability?
A) The human right approaches 'offers space for minority and social distinguishing proof
B) Doesn’t give satisfactory consideration to the significance of character legislative issues
C) Condemning of general wellbeing approaches that advocate the anticipation of weakness
D) It supportively clarify why so numerous PWDs are living in destitution
9. “The Rights of People with disability act” (RPwD) came into force on …………….?
A) 2013 B) 2015
C) 2017 D) 2010
10. The specific term, …………………….. involve the issues with general mental abilities that
affect functioning of intellectual and adaptive functioning?
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A) Intellectual Disability B) Intellectual Dysfunction

C) Intelligent Quotient D) Cognitive inertia
11. Which of the following factor consider as the pillars of independent living?
A) Satisfactory arrangement of specialized aids and equipment
B) Full admittance to the surrounding or living environment
C) Accessibility of autonomous promotion and self-support
D) All of the above
12. Bourdieu identified three fundamental types of capital, that are …………………………?
A) Economic capital, Human capital, Spiritual capital
B ) Social capital, Economic capital and Cultural capital
C) Living capital, Economic Capital, Material capital
D) Intellectual capital, Financial capital, Social capital
13. According to Weber, class is mainly based on
A) Economy B) Power
C) Status D) Wealth
14. The ……………………………. term refers to any psychological, physiological or anatomical
structure or function of the body which is defective?
A) Disability B) Handicap
C) Physical ailment D) Impairment
15. Dyslexia is an example of an ………………
A) Writing Disability B) Math Disability
C) Reading Disability D) Physical Disability
16. Who coined the concept of Dominant caste?
A) M.N.Srinivas B) Andre Beteille
C) S.C.Dube D) G.S.Ghurye
17. ‘Distinction, A social critique of the judgment of the taste’ published in the year of
A) 1974 B) 1979
C) 1963 D) 1968
18. ‘Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism’ written by ………………..?
A) Karl Marx B) Elvin Tumin
C) Andre Beteille D) Max Weber
19. …………………. Term used by Karl Marx to represent those do not own any means of
production and any capacity to purchase labour power?

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A) Proletariat B) Bourgeoisie
C) Clergy D) Nobility
20. Weber used the term ……………………………… to describe the opportunities to increase
one’s position in the social class structure and improve their quality of life?
A) Wealth B) Class power
C) Social status D) Life chances
21. ‘Distinction, A social critique of the judgment of the taste’ authored by ………………….?
A) Robert Balch B) Gary Becker
C) Pierre Bourdieu D) Peter L Berger
22. ………………. was viewed as an open system, the individual was given opportunity of
development under this system?
A) Class B) Caste
C) Estate system D) All of the above
23. Kenneth D Bailey alludes different meanings to caste system, that are………………………?
A) Rigidity type, Cultural type and Structural type
B) Hereditary types, Mythological type and Religious type
C) Spiritual type, Endogamous type and cultural type
D) Social type, cultural type and structural type
24. Expansion of “ICF”
A) International categorization of functions of disability and Health
B) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
C) International Criteria for Functions of Health
D) International Codification and Foundation for Health Science
25. Accessibility means equal access to which of the following?
A) Public institutions B) Transportation
C) Information D) All of the Above
26. The concept of ‘Habitus’ proposed by ………………………………?
A) Pierre Bourdieu B) Melvin Tumin
C) Bruno Latour D) Raymond Aron
27. According to Marx, Social class is mainly based on …………………….?
A) Power B) Status
C) Means of production D) Income and Status
28. ‘The People with Disability Act, 1995 mainly give emphasis to ………………?
A) Equivalent opportunities B) Protection of Rights

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C) Full Participation D) All of the above

29. Which sociologist believed that class was the central source of inequality?
A) Karl Marx B) Max Weber
C) Davis Moore D) Alvin Gouldner
30. According to ……………………… “a Class refers to any group of people found in the same
class situation”.
A) Talcott Parson B) Weber
C) Malinowski D) Ralf Dahrendorf
31. As per the person with Disability act 1995, provide ……………….. of employment reservation
to disabled individuals?
A) 3% B) 2%
C) 4% D) 5%
32. The sociologist who studied the Kabyle community?
A) Ralf Dahrendorf B) David H Turner
C) Herbert Risley D) Pierre Bourdieu
33. What is the specific term used for mathematical disorder in learning disability?
A) Dyslexia B) Dysorthography
C) Dyscalculia D) Dyspraxia
34. Bourdieu concept of cultural capital means …………………….?
A) The collection of symbolic elements and that promote social mobility in stratified society
B) Acquiring economic and social status through cultural adaptation
C) Change in material things according to the change in cultural traits
D) All of the above
35. Apart from the two major class, Marx identified two types of classes, one is Petti bourgeoisie
and another is ………………………………….?
A) Clergy B) Lumpenproletariat
C) Serf D) Elite class
36. Social inclusion means that people ………………………….. ?

A) Experience a sense of belonging ` B) Are actively participating in the community

C) Have valued roles in the community D) All of the above

37. The concept of ‘Forms of Capital’ proposed by ………………………?

A) Pierre Bourdieu B) Kingsley Davis
C) Wilbert Moore D) Talcott Parson

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38. Weber's essential focus on the construction of society based on the components of
A) Caste, Class and Power B) Caste, Class and Status
C) Class, Status, and Power D) Power, Income and Status
39. Which of the following term mainly Concerns to the impact of impairment upon the
performance of activities?
A) Disability B) Handicap
C) Impairment D) all of the above
40. Which of the following Section discusses the punishments for atrocities against people with
A) Section 13 B) Section 92
C) Section 12 D) Section 14
41. Expansion of CRPD?
A) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
B) Committee for Rehabilitation of Person with Disability
C) Conference on the Regulation for Persons with Disabilities
D) Commission for Rights of Person with Disability
42. …..…………. Term used by Karl Marx to refer those who own the means of production and

purchasing or exploiting labour power?

A) Middle class B) Plebeians

C) Patricians D) Bourgeoisie

43. The term mainly used to refer the disadvantage or restriction caused by the disability?
A) Handicap B) Disability
C) Impairment D) Inability
44. ………………… refers to “a subjective but not individual system of internalized structures,
schemes of perception, conception, and action common to all members of the same group or class?
A) Social capital B) cultural Integration
C) Habitus D) Distinction
45. Which of the following is an example of an Intellectual disability?

A) Attention Deficit Disorder B) Dyslexia

C) Multiple sclerosis D) Epilepsy

46. Which condition listed below could be considered a physical disability?

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A) Cerebral palsy B) Multiple sclerosis

C) Epilepsy D) All of the above
47. Bourdieu emphasize that cultural capital exists in three unique states, that are ………………..?

A) Embodied state, objectified form and the institutionalized form

B) Material form, Cultural form and Social form

C) Objective form, Subjective form and the Material form

D) Intellectual form, Spiritual form and the Non material form

48. “The rights of People with disability act”(RPwD) enacted on ……………….?

A) 2014 B) 2016
C) 2012 D) 2011
49. Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical perspective mainly based on the concept of capital. Which of the
following is not a part of this concept?
A) Intellectual capital B) Social capital
C) Cultural capital D) Economic capital

50. What are the key disabling barriers from a Social Model approach?
A) Attitudinal Barriers B) Physical Barriers
C) Communication Barriers D) All of the above

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Answer Key
Qn Ans Qn Ans Qn Ans Qn Ans Qn No Ans
No No No No
1 B 11 D 21 C 31 A 41 A
2 A 12 B 22 D 32 D 42 D
3 C 13 A 23 A 33 C 43 A
4 D 14 D 24 B 34 A 44 C
5 A 15 C 25 D 35 B 45 A
6 B 16 A 26 A 36 D 46 D
7 D 17 B 27 C 37 A 47 A
8 A 18 D 28 D 38 C 48 B
9 C 19 A 29 A 39 A 49 A
10 A 20 D 30 B 40 B 50 D

Prepared by:
Smt. Ranjini. P T,
Assistant Professor,
School of Distance Education, University of Calicut
Calicut University, Malappuram, 673635

Sri. Biju. K
Assistant Professor
School of Distance Education, University of Calicut
Calicut University, Malappuram, 673635.


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