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SECTION 15 UNDERGRADUATE THESIS ADVISER, RESEARCH INSTRUCTOR ‘AND PANEL MEMBERS 4. Thesis adviser must be a faculty of CNSC, must be a master’s or doctoral deoree holder and has expertise in the field of study. 2. A pool of advisers and panelists must be formed by the dean, the list of whict| must be updated at the start of every school year. Said list shall serve as the referehce of stutients in choosing their respective thesis advisers. In the absence of an expert in the field of research study, an external consultant may be invited upon appraval of the| respective Dean 3. Rebearch instructors are tasked to guide, advice and rate students in thesis writing. ‘Advising and editing are considered part of instruction under the research course. 4, Rebearch instructor must ensure that the format prescribed in the manual is followed by their student in the preparation of their manuscript to facilitate the repackaging of the outputs into article form for publication. (refer to Section 16 of this manual) 5. Regearch instructor and/or adviser must ensure that the research study of their stufent/advisee must be worthy of publication and in accordance with the thematic discipline assigned to their respective delivery unit/college. (refer to Section 9 pf this manual) 6. Research instructor can serve as the thesis adviser for the whole Research class provided it should not exceed six research studies. 7. Research instructor shall facilitate the oral defense, which will be conducted|in the form of a research seminar. 8. The adviser is responsible for whatever output his/her advise may produce. He/she shall guide the student in the proper direction of research writing and see tot that they really conduct the research work themselves, that the research process is corfect and the research result is true. 9. The Panel Secretary must take note of the comments and suggestions pf the copes I 40. The members of the Panel recommended by the respective research coordinators and approved by their deans shall come from a pool of experts and shall be chosen based on the nature and topic of the thesis to be presented. QUALIFICATION OF THE ADVISER AND PANEL MEMBER The adviser and/or panel member: 4, May be a temporary or permanent member of CNSC who is a master’s or doctoral degree holder 2. |Must have technical expertise in the area of the study 3. Must be one of the pool of advisers or panel. ROLE OF THE ADVISER The adviser shall: ‘guide his advisee in the conduct of the research study; engure that the topic is aligned with the college’ or unit's research thrust and priorities; pravide direction in the appropriate methodology; check on the form and style; coach on the statistical tool to be used: oe ‘moral and or technical support to his/her advisee po Noose dinate whenever necessary with the Research Instructor or Research rdinator; not be entitled to any deloading of teaching assignments or financial remuneration by reason of his/her being such. 2 ROLE OF THE PANEL CHAIRMAN | The Panel Chairman shalt 1. bvaluate the research report comprehensively prior to the defense schedule with the aim of providing constructive criticisms; 2. initiate and lead the process of oral examination and inquiry after the presented his/her study; summarize the grades of panelists based on certain criteria and grading system; Bnnounce the result of the oral examination after proper deliberation as agreed upon by all advisory committee members, 5. ign pertinent papers and recommend for the approval of the study; and 6. fesolve issues that may arise on matters regarding the conduct of oral defer cher | ROLE OF THE PANEL MEMBER The Panel Member shal! 1. make a pre-evaluation of the manuscript that will be presented for defense hased n agreed criteria with the aim of improving the research; 2. exhaust all efforts to ensure that the study to be presented is original ant en conducted accordingly; 3. give comments and suggestions that will enhance the manuscript) and ymmend appropriate exclusions or inclusions after thorough examination has. Role of the Panel Secretary (Note: The Panel Secretary may be the Research Instructor or one duly appointed by the Dean.) The Secretary shall: 1. fecord the proceedings of the oral defense; 2. prepare minutes and reproduce copies of all pertinent papers such as Ist of Suggestions and recommendations, evaluation sheet etc. for distribution fo all Concerned specifically the student and the adviser, 3, Submit proceedings of the oral defense with the necessary attachments fo the Jean's Office; 4. prepare and sign the list of suggestions and recommendation’s. ROLE OF THE RESEARCH INSTRUCTOR The Reseatch instructor shall 1. Quide, advise and rate their students in research writing; 2. give direction on how to conduct the research study in all stages starting from the nnceptualization, outline or draft preparation, manuscript writing and oral resentation; 3. Advise the researcher in terms of form and style and whenever possible on the SECTION16 GUIDELINES FOR UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE AA Title Page| ‘Approval Sheet ‘Acknowledgment Table of Contents Abstract Ww. v. LITERATURE CITED APPENDICES NOTE: STUDENT RESEARCHERIS FORMAT AND STYLE IN PREPARING EXPERIMENTAL /"DESCRIPTIVE THESIS MANUSCRIPT INTRODUCTION Importance of the Study Objective of the Study Scope and Limitation Time and Place of the Study | REVIEW OF LITERATURE (Topical) ‘Theoretical/Conceptual Framework™* [MATERIALS AND METHODS/"*METHODOLOGY Research Design Subject of the Study/Population Treatments and Experimental Design/*Sampling Procedure or Techniques Data Collection '¥ Research Instruments and its administration (descriptive _ research: questionnaire, interview schedule, rating scale, checklist, and test que: etc.) v_ Parameters and the Measuring Procedure Tod! for Data Analysis [RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SUMMARY, CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATION Nomination of Thesis Evaluation/Advisory Committee (TAC) duly approved & Dean/Campus Director Application for Oral Defense Approved permit to conduct study Cetification from Secretary Certification from Editor Copy of the Research Instrument Curficulum Vitae Sighed Certification of the author that his/her work is original works, pictures, fi and|texts used are properly acknowledged Other Supporting or Pertinent documents * (for descriptive research) ** (for Social Sciences including Languages) tions, the ures A2 Contents, | Introduction, Review of Literature, Materials and Methods/*Methodolo; descriptive only), Literature Cited and Appendices. pages (Titl Secretary,| Certification from the Editor, Acknowledgment, Abstract, Dedication, T: Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures), Introduction, Review of Literature, Mi and Conclusion and Recommendation, Literature Cited and Appendices. geen 10. Minjor subsection is placed at the left side of the page, with first letter capitalize AS TEKTUAL PRESENTATION For thesis proposal, the manuscript must have Title Page, Approval Sheet, T: We tin for the final oral exam, the manuscript must be completed with preli Page, Approval Sheet, Certification for Oral Examination, Certification ft ‘Methbds/*Methodology (for descriptive only), Results and Discussion, Sum ble of (for inary the le of rials mary, Preliminary Pages must be included in the Table of Contents with correspgnding Roman Numerals as page numbers. Capitalize the author, thesis title, degree and major field in the approval sheet. Acknowledgment must be 1 page only. Abstract should not be more than 200 words. The main headings: INTRODUCTION; REVIEW OF LITERATURE; MATE! AND METHODS/*METHODOLOGY; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION; SUM! CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION; LITERATURE CITED must capitalized and ought to have imaginary page numbers. Headings have to be at the center of the page and 1 inch from the top side. Page number 2 and the succeeding page numbers must be placed 1 inch f ‘and 1 inch from the upper right hand corner of the page. Keép up 4 spaces between the main heading (INTRODUCTION, REVIE\ LITERATURE) and the major subsection Major Subsection is placed at the center of the page, with first letter capitalize an inverted pyramid form when composed of five or more words. Kegp or maintain 2 spaces between the major subsection and the minor subse ifit}runs more than haif of the page, cut-off, flush to the left margin in single spa 2 spaces between the minor subsection and the paragraph heading, jgraph Heading must be indented 5 spaces to the right, with the first alized, italicized and with paragraph follows after 2 spaces. jot underscore when defining terms and for emphasizing ideas. double spaces in the text but single space in tables and figures. for figures. I undergraduate ‘and graduate theses manuscripts must conform to the foll forrhat | 1. Paper Type: White bond paper (substance 20) 2. Paper size: 8.5" x 11” 3. Cover type: hard with sufficient space in the pivot for engraving of authors’ sumame (alphabetical), and date 4. Cover color: the official color of the particular departmentunit for both undergraduate and graduate | __ programs is Nazareno maroon. | 5. Letter size: font 12 for regular texts, Times New Roman TABULAR PRESENTATION ALS IARY, all laced top OF and tion. and letter deskjet printer for reproduction of the text manuscripts, while inkjet or scanner pwing 1. Tables can be placed along with the text or could be in a separate page. Maintain 2 ‘spabes before and after the text. Aa Fi AS LITERATURE CITED B.A PROCEDURES IN ACCOMPLISHING THE REQUIREMENTS IN RESEARCH 1 es must be presented with double solid lines on its top and the bottom pa level heading must be all in capital letters. Second level heading must have the letter capitalized. The third level must be in small letters only. Jes must not have side boxes. le title must be placed on top of the table and must be 2 spaces befdre the ble solid lines. es can be presented after it is mentioned in the text or it could be plated as ndix table. oe oN a 2 = a URE PRESENTATION lure caption should be placed 2 spaces after the figure is presented. lures can be indicated along with the text or in separate page. If placed with the , maintain 2 spaces before and after the text. jet or scanner can be used to produce figures provided itis clear and clean. in also be presented after it is mentioned in the text or just place as appendix 1. Use APA Citation Style unless it's a Research Study on Language in which MLA Citation Format shall be used 2. Keep and maintain the correct citation in the literature cited. 3. Use double space between entries but single space within entries. Research 1 The intlividual or group of researchers, which may comprise of utmost three members, must ubmit their title to the Research Instructor who will then submit it to the Research Coordinator for confirmation that it is within the college's research agenda and ig not a duplication of other research Once the title has been approved by the Research instructor and confirmed by | the Re th Coordinator, the proponents may start gathering materials, The thesis proposal must be in accordance with the format and style shown above: ‘After pfeparing the proposal following the above format, the proponents may now seek help from their adviser as to content, organization, form and style. Proponents must be given assistance only if they can show that they have initially done something. They must not approach any adviser with a _ mere research title only. After the proponent/s has/have completed their proposal, the adviser can recommend to ‘the Research instructor for the conduct of an oral title defense. The thesis proposal must be presented and defended by the proponents before 4 panel in the presence of their adviser. The Research Instructor who sits as secretary of the panel shall take note all the suggestions and recommendations. A copy must be provided to the respective proponents. Note: A secretary may also be designated as the need arises. Proponents shall make the necessary revisions or modifications under the guidance of their adviser. The final copy of the proposal shall be submitted to the Research Instructor with) a certification from adviser that the comments and suggestions of the panel have been complied with. A checklist of the comments and suggestions with the corresponding page/$ must be attached to the thesis. 40. The output shall serve as the basis of the student's grade during the final rating period. ‘The firjal grade for the subject shall be computed by getting the percentage weights of the prelim, mid-term and finals following the school's grading system. B.2_ MEGHANICS OF THE ORAL DEFENSE FOR RESEARCH 1 1. Aweek|before the oral defense the proponents must submit four copies of their thesis | to the research instructor. This is to give enough time for the panel to read/the proposal 2. No title Hefense shall be scheduled if the proposal is not submitted 3. The Regearch Coordinator together with the Research Instructors shall fagilitate the conduct of the oral title defense not beyond the first semester. 4, The Regearch Instructor shall take charge in the invitation of the panel members whi have the expertise in the area or topic of the research that will be presented. He/she will also announce the schedule of oral defense a month after the regular classes, 5, The Research Instructor acts as the secretary and/or panel member during the defense. 6. The oral defense shall be in the form of a Research Seminar. 7. Criteria in rating the students in their defense are as follows: Mechanics ...... 10% | Organization 15% | Content cesses 30% | Ability to defend the thesis | Mastery ....... 25% Reasoning Ability . 15% Emotional Ability 5% Total... = 100% Note: Studlents will have the same rating for mechanics, organization and content but abilty to defend the thesis may vary even if itis a group research final grade for the subject shall be computed by the research instructor following tht 8. The average rating given by the panel shall be the grade for the final rating period. grading system of the school. 9. The researchers must secure a copy of the comments and suggestions from their Reseafch Instructor. This will serve as their guide in the revision of the | manu C. — Rebearch 2 1. The proponents will be given orientation during the first month of their classes and pursue fhe thesis they have started in Research 1 with the assistance and guidelin their adviser and Research Instructor. C1. PROCEDURES IN ACCOMPLISHING THE REQUIREMENTS IN ceo 2. The format to be followed is shown below: A. Materials and Specifications | 1. Paper Type: White bond paper (substance 20) 2. Paper size: 8.5" x 11” 3. Cover type: hard with sufficient space in the pivot for engraving of authors’ surname (alphabetical), and date 4, Cover color: the official color of the particular department/unit for undergraduate program is Nazareno maroon. 5. Letter size: font 12 for regular texts, Times New Roman the he pt. ust of 3. Thesis Contents must be in accordance with Section 14. 4. After completing the manuscript, the adviser recommends to the research Instructorithat his/her advisee/s is/are ready for final oral defense. 5. The Research Instructor will compute the grade for final rating period of the student based from the average rating given by the panel. But the final grade of the students must be computed following the existing rating system. C.2. MECHANICS OF THE ORAL DEFENSE FOR RESEARCH 2 4, The proponents must submit four copies of their manuscript to the Research Instructor who shall fistribute them to the chairman of the panel to its two other members and tole adviser a week before the scheduled defense to give enough time to read the manus: 2. No oral defense shall be scheduled if the manuscript is not given on time. pt. 3, The Research Instructors shall take charge in the invitation of the panel members who have the expertise in the area or topic of the research that will be presented. He/she announce the schedule of oral defense a month after the regular classes. 4, The Rebearch Instructor acts as the secretary and/or panel members during the di 5. The oral defense shall be in the form of the Research seminar. 6. Criteria in rating the students in their defense are as follows: | Mechanics 10% | Organization .......... 1. 15% Content ....... . 30% Ability to defend the thesis = Mastery 2 25% | Reasoning Abilt sone 15% | Emotional Ability 5% Total 100% I also nse Note: Students will have the same rating for mechanics, organization and content but for the ability to defend the thesis may vary even if it is a group research 7. The average rating given by the panel shall be grade for the final rating period. The final grade for the subject shall be computed by the Research Instructor following the ext grading system of the school. i 8. The researchers must secure a copy of the comments and suggestions from their research instructor. This will serve as their guide in the revision and finalization of t manuscript. 9. Copies of the final revised thesis must be provided to the college library and their respective Dean's office. A copy of the abstract of the research work shall also be provided to the Research Coordinator for reference purposes. | | ting Heir FORM OF UNDERGRADUATE ORAL DEFENSE EVALUATION SHEET PRE-ORALIFINAL ORAL EVALUATION SHEET Researche} Degree Title: | Date Criteria | Bercentage | Rating ___| Distribution Mechanics 10% Organization 15% Content 20% Ability to defend the thesis Mastery 25% Reasoning Ability 15% ‘Emotional Abilty 5% TOTAL L | FINAL RATING z Evaluators signature over printed name SECTION|27 PRELIMINARIES FOR UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE THESIS MANUSCRIPT Cover Page Format (Space between the first line of the ttle and the top edge of the cover must be 6 spaces) ‘THESIS TITLE/ DISSERTATION (Must be typewritten in Inverted pyramid style, 14-point, Times New Roman and ALL CAPS) (8 single spaces) | Camarines Norte State College College of ‘Graduate School Daet, Camarines Norte (10 single spaces) NAME (2 spaces) Degree Program | (8 single spaces) Year of Graduation Note: All entfies must be typewritten in 14-point Times New Roman font and in bold face. Only the ttle dissertation/thesis and the name of the researcher must be written in ALL CAPS) the Format for the Thesis/Manuscript Book Spine ssiotnny om, uinsto4,jastiog Ns 4 Graduated Title Page Format First line of the Title of thesis/dissertation must be typed 6 spaces from the paper's top margin) ‘THESIS TITLE/DISSERTATION (Must be typewritten in inverted pyramid style, 14-point, Times New Roman font, and ALL CAPS) (6 single spaces) A Thesis Presented to ‘The Faculty of the College of / Graduate School Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte (6 single spaces) In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master in Management (8 single spaces) | by (A single spaces) Name of Researcher (bold face) (2 single spaces) Month & Year of Graduation (Note: Except for the Title, all entries must be typed using 12-point font) | | im | | | | Certification and Approval Sheet ‘This thesis/dissertation entitled “TITLE OF THESIS/DISSERTATION (IN ALL CAPS AND IN A/BOLD FACE) pre degree B. examined at recommended for Oral Examination. Member Member and submitted by NAME OF RESEARCHER in partial fulfillment of the requirements forthe LOR OF SCIENCE IN ) MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION has been ‘Thesis Evaluation’ Advisory Committee ‘Chairman Approved by the PaneVAdvisory Committee on Oral Examination on withthe grade of [Member Member Acceptet in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in /Master in Business Administration, *Cdmprehensive Examination Passed | Date Dean, College of. 7Graduatd School ‘Vice President for Research and Extension President | | ‘Note: *For Graduate School only Sample Abstract Format 11 page only} Adviser: ‘The Problem (Sate main objective (ofthe study) | Research Methodology (State btiefly the research method used, selection of respondents, instruments used, data-gathering techniques, and the Statistical treatment of data) Findings (State the major findings) ‘Conclusions (State egnclusions based on the findings) ecommendton (State recommendations based on the conclusions) SECTION|28 APPENDICES FOR UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE THESIS MANUSCRIPT Republic of the ‘Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte NOMINATION OF THESIS EVALUATION/ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1/ We hereby nominate the folowing as members of my/our Evaluation/ Advisory Commitee Chairman [aflviser to be assigned to guide the students from the start or upon enrollment}: Printed Name Signature Date Members: 1|_ = - Printed Name Date Printed Name Ps Signature Date Approval Recommended: Approved: | Research Gi Dean/ Campus Director Chairman: Members: 1 Research —— 1s ‘oordinator Republic of the Philippines Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte APPROVAL OF THESIS OUTLINE APPROVED EVALUATION/ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~~ Printed Name Signature Printed Name Signature Printed Name Signature Approved: ‘Name’ Degree Sought Major _| Minor: Title Date of Titld/Final Defense Time Chairman: Members: 1 Noted: 16 Republic of the Philippines ‘Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte APPLICATION FOR OUTLINE/FINAL (ORAL) DEFENSE Members ofthe Evaluation! Advisory Committee Printed Name Signature Date Printed Name Signature Date Printed Name Signature Date’ Approved. ‘DeaniCampus Director Date Republic of the Philippines ‘Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte PERMISSION TO CONDUCT STUDY AND. TO USE COLLEGE FACILITIES FOR THE CONDUCT OF UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Date ‘The Dean This Colleg sir | 1/ We have the honor to request permission from your office to conduct study entitled Dufation of the Study ‘Thnk you very much. Very truly yours, Recommending Approval ‘Adviser 7 ‘To The Deal ‘This College Dear Sir: Thi presented his The waslwere ad} Evaluation 18 Republic of the Philippines Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte RESULT OF FINAL DEFENSE Date is to inform you that Mr/Ms. ‘her / their undergraduate thesis entitled atthe act, Camarines Norte from to seminar was attended by faculty members and. students. The candidate(s) ised to incorporate all suggestions and improvements given by the committee. Very truly yours, Chairman, Evaluation Advisory Committee Member Republic of the Philippines Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte APPLICATION FOR OUTLINE DEFENSE ‘The Dean ‘This Coll Sir: May wel respectfully request for the paper presentation of my/our thesis manuscript eptitled: on at AM/PM in Hoping for your kind consideration and approval on this matter. ‘Thank you very much. Very truly Yours, Student Regearcher(s) Favorably Endorsed Chairman, Evaluation/ Advisory Committee Noted: Research Coordinator Approved: Dean/Campis Director ‘Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte APPLICATION FOR FINAL ORAL DEFENSE Date: ‘The Dean | This College Sir | May L/we respectfully request for the paper presentation of my/our thesis manuscript entitled: AMIPM in on Hoping for four kind consideration and approval on this matter. ‘Thank you very much Very truly yours, —————E — Student Respuchew) i ra Favorably Ehdorsed: Research Cobrdinaions For Dean's Office Use subline the thesis manusript Serhinar date applied for isthe prescribed time to allow the review of manuscript by the Examining. ‘Committee/Hanel members. i} } an Dean/Campus Director 20 | Republic of the Philippines Camarines Norte State College Daet, Camarines Norte CERTIFICATION ‘This is to certify thatthe research study by the undersigned entitled | ‘original and hot yet submitted to any publishers for consideration. This is to certify further that works, pictures, figures and texts used from other sources are properly acknowledged Given this day of Campus, _| Camarines Norte State College. ___, Camarines Norte Researchers/s 21

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