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A Fire-Walk

I had always loved my own space, and always wished to be left alone. I was called

introvert, loner, recluse and all sort of names, but I wasn't bothered, so long as I was left alone.

My family wasn't exempted, I felt most suffocated by them, the family evening

gatherings, the need to always bond, it was a lot for me. I couldn't wait to leave the house for


After my university education, I got a well paying job located miles and miles from my

family, the job came with an apartment. I was so grateful and happy to leave home and start

my new job in a new environment.

My job required me to be busy round the clock. I was always on the phone talking to

clients. I was given my own office and barely interacted with anyone.

As I started to settle down in my new environment, my family were eager to come see

me but I kept putting it off, I gave silly excuses of how busy I was and how families were not

allowed at work. But they were persistent, my parents especially, they called everyday and

asked to come see me, I could hear the excitement in their voice, but I kept discouraging them

from coming.

The calls were too much, I decided to stop picking and soon enough, the calls stopped


A year went by and I was fully settled and doing great in my job, my life seemed to be

going well and I felt content. It was the end of the year, and my company was hosting a

Christmas party. All employees were asked to invite their family members.

I thought about calling my family but shoved the thought aside, it had been months since

I last called home, they would probably not come if I invited them. I decided not to bother them.

So I told the company that my family won't be available.

That evening, as I watched my colleagues gather with their families, laughing bonding,

sharing food and stories. I felt alone for the first time in a long time and then it hit me, the

realisation of how much I had neglected and shut out my family.

I made a decision right there and then to call my parents the moment I got home,i called

home that night, the phone rang for a long time before it was received, a female voice picked up.

"Hello". I recognized my moms voice.

"Hello mom". I replied. " it's been awhile mom, I just thought I'd call and check up on

you and dad, how's every.... ". I was cut short by my moms weeping.

When she finally spoke she said. "your dad has been ill, he finally left us last month, we

tried to reach you many times " and with that she hung up.

I sat holding the phone to my hear for a long time, my heart burning with sadness, guilt

washed over me, gently I dropped the phone and placed both palms to my face as I sobbed, I was

so dissapointed with myself.

I realised I had been living my life all wrong, I decided to try and do it right this time. I

would quit my job and return home. I would earn my family's forgiveness, I would always be

there with and for them, and I knew that whatever happened, I would never walk away from my


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