Eng150 - Progress Not Perfection Document - changeEssayPeerReviewWorksheet

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ENG 150

Change Essay Peer Review Worksheet


1. Keep in mind that your job is to simply read and respond as a reader—you are not
grading your partner, but you can give them valuable feedback about what makes
sense, what is confusing, and whether or not this feels like the assignment you’re both
working on.
2. Please answer the questions below and, where possible, copy and paste examples from your
classmate’s essay. Sections that are copied and pasted must be enclosed in quotation marks
(e.g. “my sister was the sunshine in our family”). This is good practice for proper treatment of
another's words and also helps distinguish the peer's words from your comments so that they
can see exactly what is working well and what could be improved.
3. Please be sure to use a professional tone. Sarcastic, rude, or condescending comments
are not appropriate (and also not Christlike). Try to “peer review unto others as you
would have them peer review unto you”—be clear, specific, and sincere!

Name of the classmate you reviewed: _Sarah Arrington_____________

Title of your classmate’s paper: _Progress, not perfection. _____________

Peer Review Questions Peer Review Response

Introduction and conclusion
Is their title interesting and connected to their overall Yes, the title connects with the overall change. I like it
change? If so, why do you like it? If not, what do you because it gives the reader a head start about what
think they could use for a title? the story is centered on.
Is the opening of the paper intriguing? Comments/examples from the essay:

If so, what makes you want to keep reading? The opening of the story is intriguing, especially the
If not, what is making it confusing, vague, or hard to part about "organised religion" . It made me want to
connect with? read more.
"Growing up, my family did not participate in
organized religion"
Does the end of the essay give closure by connecting Comments/examples from the essay:
back to the beginning of the essay? Does the overall Yes, the end of the essay connects with the beginning.
change make sense at the end? At first this writer found it difficult to understand the
idea of religion __
If so, fill in the template in the box next to this one (i.e. But then _She found the gospel of Jesus Christ
At first this writer…). _happened, and now _She realised that you don't
have to be perfect to be loved by Heavenly Father,
If not, suggest ways they could make a clearer because His love is unconditional. __
connection back to the beginning and make the
overall change apparent throughout the essay.

Does the writer tell you exactly what to think about Comments/examples from the essay:
the message of the essay (like a Sunday School lesson) The writer let's the story speak for itself. An
or do they let you interpret the meaning for yourself? example;
"At first, I thought that I could never
ENG 150
Change Essay Peer Review Worksheet
make the necessary changes needed to join the

Church and become a Latter Day Saint, but then

after meeting other converts and taking lessons

with the missionaries I changed my mind. I

learned that perfection is not a requirement, only

effort and progression, and now my life is

different because I have a strong marriage with

wonderful children and live a much cleaner,

healthier lifestyle"

Does the writer use “I” to describe their thoughts and Comments/examples from the essay:
feelings or do they use language like “we” and “you”
that assumes their readers think/feel the same way The writer used "I"
they do? and "you" was used to let the reader use their
If so, point out a statement that reveals a lot about "Joining this church seemed impossible. I
their thoughts or feelings. If not, point out where they smoked, drank, had a child out of wedlock, you
are using “you” or “we” in an ineffective way. name it"
Vivid Details
Does the story include one vivid moment where the Comments/examples from the essay:
change happens? Are there other details that help you
see, smell, hear, touch, or feel the experience? Yes, the writer includes a vivid moment, An example
was how she felt before her baptism.
If so, give an example of an especially vivid detail from "The fourth times the charm apparently because
their essay. I said yes before even realizing it. A rush of
excitement fell over me, then sudden dread. We
If not, give a suggestion for where you wish they set a date then after they left, I fell apart. I
would include more details.
sobbed to Jake expressing all of the ways I felt far
too inadequate to become a part of this special
APA Formatting
Is the overall formatting correct (page numbers, Comments/examples from the essay:
spacing, one inch margins, bolded title, etc.)? If not, The writer was on point with the formatting,
what is missing? the only thing missing was page numbers.

Encouragement & Advice

What are your partner’s overall strengths? What The writers strength is the ability to capture
ENG 150
Change Essay Peer Review Worksheet
about this essay makes you want to learn more about every emotion in detail and did not give
their topic? unnecessary details.
Do you know of any resources that might help your
classmate as they continue to write? The writer can book an appointment with the
BYU writing support.

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