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ENG 150

Summary Writing Worksheet

IMRAD Structure
Complete the following tasks for the Rational Snacking article.
Introduction Two potentially important elements are likely to blame for the
children's failure to hold out for a reward in the marshmallow
experiment. The ability to exercise self-control is one; the other
two are deeply ingrained ideas.
Methods Unreliable condition: When Child 1 discovered that he would
have to wait a little longer to receive the promised reward, he
became upset. Then she offered him another marshmallow, if he
could just be a little more patient. This child showed no hesitation.
Reliable Condition: Child 2 was informed that she would get a
prize if she could hold out a little bit longer. She now believes in
the promise after winning that award. After that, she was given a
marshmallow and informed that if she waited a little bit longer,
she may have another. She eventually received the second
Results Unreliable condition: The child in the unreliable condition expects
the following promise won't come true after the first two promises
of rewards were not fulfilled.
Reliable Condition: The second subject, who was promised a
reward in the previous two and was not let down, was eagerly
awaiting the next prize.

Analysis Children in good health tend to be more patient and to put off
pleasure because they think better things are coming. This
illustrates how a child's surroundings affects the decisions they
Discussion The original marshmallow experiment was enhanced with this
new focus. Although children have different levels of self-control,
their circumstances should be consistent in order to support
them. The experiment shows how a youngster can learn from
their surroundings.
Compose a 200 - 300 word summary of the article.
 Be sure to introduce the authors, date, and title of the study within your
summary. This will help you avoid plagiarism.
 Be sure to accurately summarize. You may also paraphrase and quote, but be
sure to add page numbers after the words or phrases you take from the article if
you paraphrase or quote.
 Consider this an opportunity to practice writing good summaries of scientific
studies, which you will be required to do in your Annotated Bibliography
ENG 150
Summary Writing Worksheet
To ensure they made an informed choice, they employed the "Art project task." A
few issues were to be addressed in light of kids' decision-making dependability.
"Children are notoriously bad at delaying gratification to achieve later, greater
rewards," stated Piaget (1970). This explains clearly that while some people may
be able to wait and be patient, others may not. The research demonstrates the
significance of self-control for a child's wellbeing. According to the statement,
"Delays in maturing have been linked to self-control, partly due to the fact that
individuals who have delayed things longer tend to succeed in life. Peake, Mischel,
and Shoda (1990). "One possible explanation for failing to wait for a larger reward
is a deficiency in self-control; some children are simply incapable of inhibiting their
immediate-response tendency to seek gratification," states the research's deficient
capacity hypothesis. However, according to the rational decision-making theory,
"differences in children's expectations and beliefs may be the cause of variance in
children's performance" (Mahrer, 1956; Mischel, 1961; Mischel & Staub, 1965) The
study concludes that there is a substantial difference between the unreliable and
reliable conditions, and that children's persistent choices to hold out for a larger
reward instead of accepting a smaller one too soon are heavily influenced by the
environment's dependability (in this case, the validity of the researcher's verbal
Comprehension Check
After initially reading and summarizing a source it is important to check your
understanding. One good way to do this is to find good sources that have summarized
the research already.
Read/watch the following sources (linked in the assignment page) and notice how they
increase your understanding of the scholarly research article called “Rational Snacking.”
 Marshmallow Test: Delayed Gratification isn't Just a Matter of Willpower (see
 The Marshmallow Study Revisited (see
Compose responses to the following questions.
A. What did you learn from these sources? How have they helped you understand
the original article better?
B. How might looking at a blend of both scholarly and popular sources help you with
your own research?

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