Diana Panton - To Brazil With Love (Lyrics)

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Samba Savanah

Être heureux, c'est plus ou moins ce qu'on cherche

J'aime rire, chanter et je n'empêche
Pas les gens qui sont bien d'être joyeux

Pourtant s'il est une samba sans tristesse

C'est un vin qui ne donne pas l'ivresse
Un vin qui ne donne pas l'ivresse
Ce n'est pas pas la samba que je veux

J'en connais que la chanson incommode

D'autres pour qui ce n'est rien qu'une mode
D'autres qui en profitent sans l'aimer

Moi je l'aime et j'ai parcouru le monde

En cherchant ses racines vagabondes
Aujourd'hui pour trouver les plus profondes
C'est la samba chanson qu'il faut chanter

E pra fazer um samba com beleza

É preciso um bocado de tristeza
É preciso um bocado de tristeza
Senão, não se faz um samba, não

C'est la samba chanson qu'il faut chanter

(Senão, não se faz um samba, não)
C'est la samba chanson qu'il faut chanter

02. This Happy Madness

What should I call this happy madness

That I feel inside of me
Some kind of wild October gladness
That I never thought I'd see
What has become of all my sadness
All my endless lonely sighs
Where are my sorrows now

What happened to the frown

And is that self contented clown
Standing there grinning in the mirror really me
I'd like to run through Central Park
Carve your initials in the bark
Of every tree I pass for every one to see

I feel that I've gone back to childhood

And I'm skipping through the wild wood
So excited that I don't know what to do
What do I care if I'm a juvenile
I smile my secret little smile
Because I know the change in me is you

What should I call this happy madness

All this unexpected joy
That turned the world into a baby's bouncing toy
The god's are laughing far above
One of them gave a little shove
And I fell gaily gladly madly into love

I feel that I've gone back to childhood

And I'm skipping through the wild wood
So excited that I don't know what to do
What do I care if I'm a juvenile
I smile my secret little smile
Because I know the change in me is you

What should I call this happy madness

All this unexpected joy
That turned the world into a baby's bouncing toy
The god's are laughing far above
One of them gave a little shove
And I fell gaily gladly madly into love

03. The Telephone Song

Buzz! Buzz! Line is busy every time that I phone

Buzz! He's the longest talker I've ever known
Buzz! Buzz! I've been trying hard to reach him all day
Buzz! When I get him I'll forget what to say

Should I call the operator?

Is the number that he gave me my own?

Buzz! Buzz! I've been sitting here and dialing all day
Buzz! Got to get him and there must be a way
Buzz! Buzz! If you heard the way he begged me to call
Buzz! You could never understand it at all

When I met him he was quiet

But now he's learned to talk!
Buzz! Buzz! Think I'm going to give up, can't stand it anymore

Buzz!Buzz! I've decided that this romance is through

Can it be true, that it is ringing?
I can't believe it!
Wait till I say Hello!

Buzz! Buzz! Think I'm going to give up, can't stand it anymore
Buzz!Buzz! I've decided that this romance is through
Can it be true, that it is ringing?
I can't believe it!
Wait till I say Hello!

04. Manha de Carnaval

Chante chante mon cœur

La chanson du matin
Dans la joie de la vie qui reviens

Matin, fais lever le soleil

Matin, à l'instant du réveil
Viens tendrement poser
Tes perles de rosée
Sur la nature en fleurs
Chère à mon cœur

Le ciel a choisi mon pays

Pour faire un nouveau paradis
Où loin des tourments
Danse un éternel printemps
Pour les amants

Chante chante mon cœur

La chanson du matin
Dans la joie de la vie qui reviens

Matin, fais lever le soleil

Matin, à l'instant du réveil
Mets dans le cœur battant
De celui que j'attends
Un doux rayon d' amour
Beau comme le jour

Afin que son premier soupir

Réponde à mon premier désir
Oui, l' heure est venue
Où chaque baiser perdu
Ne revient plus
Ne revient plus

05.So Nice

Someone to hold me tight

That would be very nice
Someone to love me right
That would be very nice

Someone to understand
Each little dream in me
Someone to take my hand
And be a team with me

So nice, life would be so nice

If one day I'd find
Someone who would take my hand
And samba through life with me

Someone to cling to me
Stay with me right or wrong
Someone to sing to me
Some little samba song

Someone to take my heart

And give his heart to me
Someone who's ready to
Give love a start with me
Oh yes, that would be so nice
I could see you and me
That would be nice

Someone to hold me tight

That would be very nice
Someone to love me right
That would be very nice

Someone to understand
Each little dream in me
Someone to take my hand
And be a team with me

So nice, life would be so nice

If one day I'd find
Someone who would take my hand
And samba through life with me

Someone to cling to me
Stay with me right or wrong
Someone to sing to me
Some little samba song

Someone to take my heart

And give his heart to me
Someone who's ready to
Give love a start with me
Oh yes, that would be so nice
I can see, shouldn't we, you and me?
It would be nice
It will be nice
It will be nice

Chante chante mon cœur

Dans la splendeur du jour
Fais lever le soleil de l'amour

06. Is It Really You?

Dreaming, dreaming
Till I meet you
Looking out across the waves
I wonder if you'll find me
The air is cool and I have just the sun
To keep me warm

Dreaming, dreaming
You're here beside me
Arm around my waist
You lay your head
Upon my shoulder
We close our eyes
And dream of all the things
We'll do together

And as the sun goes down

You pull me closer
Ever closer, ever closer
It seems as if
This dream of you is coming true

I can almost feel you

Feel you touch me
Your kisses warm and sweet and lovely
Am I awake? Or am I dreaming?
Is this a dream? Or is it really you?

And as the sun goes down

You pull me closer
Ever closer, ever closer
It seems as if
This dream of you is coming true

I can almost feel you

Feel you touch me
Your kisses warm and sweet and lovely
Am I awake? Or am I dreaming?
Is this a dream? Or is it really you?
Is it really you?

07. The Night Has A Thousand Eyes

Don't whisper to me things you don't mean

For words deep down inside can be seen by the night
The night has a thousand eyes
And it knows a truthful heart from one that lies

Though romance may have called in the past

My love for you will be everlasting and bright
As bright as the starlit sky
And this wondrous night that has a thousand eyes

I've lived my life floating through a dream

For I knew I would find this moment supreme
A night of bliss and tender sighs
And the smiling down of a thousand eyes

I've lived my life floating through a dream

For I knew I would find this moment supreme
A night of bliss and tender sighs
And the smiling down of a thousand eyes

And this wondrous night

And this starlit sky
And the smiling down of a thousand eyes

08. Dans mon île

Dans mon île, ah! comme on est bien

Dans mon île, on ne fait jamais rien
On se dore au soleil qui nous caresse
Et l'on paresse sans songer à demain

Dans mon île, ah! comme il fait doux

Bien tranquille près de mon doudou
Sous le grand cocotier qui se balance
En silence, nous rêvons de nous

Dans mon île, un parfum d'amour

Se faufile dès la fin du jour
Et l'écume, tendant ses bras, docile
Douce et fragile dans ses plus beaux atours

La mer brille berçant nos destins

Nous attire sur le sable fin
Et nous jouons aux jeux d'Adam et Eve
Jeux faciles qu'ils nous ont appris
Car mon île c'est le paradis

09. Felicidade

Tristesse, adieu tristesse un soir de carnaval

Oui, mais le bonheur n'est qu'une larme
Qui tremble sur le bord de chaque fleur
Brilliant dans l'ombre, à la fin elle tombe
Ce sont les premiers pleurs de notre cœur

Le bonheur du pauvre est vraiment dans l'ivresse

Que va lui donner le carnaval
Le pauvre travaille sans cesse, sans cesse
Pour oublier sa misère, au milieu de la lumière
Il est comme un prince à l'allure fière
Mais son bonheur finit après la nuit

Happiness must end, but sadness goes on and on

Happiness is like the dew drops on a flower
That sparkle for a moment in the dawn
Then fall like teardrops from the eyes of a young girl
Who cries to realize her lover's gone

Poor people work all year to make one dream come true
To share a night of joy at Carnaval
They dress up as clowns and pirates and kings
They dance the night away, they're still dancing at daybreak
As long as they dance, they can pretend
That happiness and Carnaval won't end

Tristesse, adieu tristesse

Tristesse, adieu tristesse
Tristesse, adieu tristesse

10. Tu sais je vais t'aimer

Tu sais je vais t'aimer

Même sans ta presence
Je vais t'aimer
Même sans espérance
Je vais t'aimer
Tous les jours de ma vie

Dans mes poèmes je t'écrirai

C'est toi que j'aime
C'est toi que j'aimerai
Tous les jours de ma vie

Tu sais je vais pleurer

Quand tu t'éloignera
Je vais pleurer
Mais tu me reviendras
Et j'oublierais
La douleur de m'es nuits

Tu sais je souffrirai
À chaque instant d'attendre
Je souffrirai
Mais quand tu seras là
Je renaîtrai
Tous les jours de ma vie

Tu sais je vais pleurer

Quand tu t'éloignera
Je vais pleurer
Mais tu me reviendras
Et j'oublierais
La douleur de m'ennui

Tu sais je souffrirais
A chaque instant d'attendre
Je souffrirai
Mais quand tu seras là
Je renaîtrai
Tous les jours de ma vie

11. Dreamer

Why are my eyes always full of this vision of you?

Why do I dream silly dreams that I fear won't come true?
I long to show you the stars caught in the dark of the sea
I long to speak of my love, but you don't come to me

So I go on asking if maybe one day you'll care

I tell my sad little dreams to the soft evening air
I am quite hopeless it seems, two things I know how to do
One is to dream, two is loving you

Why are my eyes always full of this vision of you?

Why do I dream silly dreams that I fear won't come true?
I long to show you the stars caught in the dark of the sea
I long to speak of my love, but you don't come to me

So I go on asking if maybe one day you'll care

I tell my sad little dreams to the soft evening air
I am quite hopeless it seems, two things I know how to do
One is to dream, two is loving you

12. And I Love Him

I give him all my love

That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love him too
And I love him

He gives my everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
He brings to me
And I love him

A love like ours

Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine

Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love him

A love like ours

Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine

Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love him
And I love him
And I love him

13. Fais comme l'oiseau

Je suis seule dans l'univers

J'ai peur du ciel et de l'hiver
J'ai peur des fous et de la guerre
J'ai peur du temps qui passe, dis
Comment peut-on vivre aujourd'hui
Dans la fureur et dans le bruit?
Je ne sais pas, je ne sais plus, je suis perdue

Fais comme l'oiseau

Ça vit d'air pur et d'eau fraîche, un oiseau
D'un peu de chasse et de pêche, un oiseau
Mais Jamais rien ne l'empêche, l'oiseau, d'aller plus haut

Mais l'amour dont on m'a parlé

Cet amour que l'on m'a chanté
Ce Sauveur de l'humanité
Je n'en vois pas la trace, dis
Comment peut-on vivre sans lui
Sous quelle étoile, dans quel pays?
Je n'y crois pas, je n'y crois plus, je suis perdue

Fais comme l'oiseau

Ça vit d'air pur et d'eau fraîche, un oiseau
D'un peu de chasse et de pêche, un oiseau
Mais Jamais rien ne l'empêche, l'oiseau, d'aller plus haut

Mais j'en ai marre d'être roulée

Par des marchands de liberté
Et d'écouter se lamenter
Ma gueule dans la glace, dis
Est-ce que je dois montrer les dents?
Est-ce que je dois baisser les bras?
Je ne sais pas, je ne sais plus, je suis perdue

Fais comme l'oiseau

Ça vit d'air pur et d'eau fraîche, un oiseau
D'un peu de chasse et de pêche, un oiseau
Mais Jamais rien ne l'empêche, l'oiseau

Fais comme l'oiseau

Ça vit d'air pur et d'eau fraîche, un oiseau
D'un peu de chasse et de pêche, un oiseau
Mais Jamais rien ne l'empêche, l'oiseau

Fais comme l'oiseau

(Scat singing)

14. Que reste-t-il de nos amour?

Goodbye, no use leading with our chins

This is where the story ends
Never lovers, ever friends

Goodbye, let our hearts call it a day

But before you walk away
I sincerely want to say

I wish you bluebirds in the spring

To give your heart a song to sing
And then a kiss, but more than this
I wish you love

And in July a lemonade

To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health and more than wealth
I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree

That you and I could never be
So in my best, my very best
I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love

Is It Over Now? (Taylor’s Version) [From The Vault]

Taylor Swift
Que reste-t-il de nos amours
Que reste-t-il de ces beaux jours
Une photo, vieille photo
De ma jeunesse

Que reste-t-il des billets doux

Des mois d'avril, des rendez-vous
Un souvenir qui me poursuit
Sans cesse

Bonheur fané, cheveux au vent

Baisers volés, rêves émouvants
Que reste-t-il de tout cela?

Un petit village, un vieux clocher

Un paysage si bien caché
Et dans un nuage le cher visage
De mon passé

I wish you love

I wish you love

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