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Word Swapping for Bank Exam – Set 1

Direction (1-10): In each of the questions given E.No interchange is required.

below, a sentence is given with a few words
highlighted. These words may or may not be
placed correctly in the sentence. Identify the 2) For a long time, major parties (A) aftermath
words which have been placed incorrectly and Sri Lankan Tamils preferred to focus on
need to be interchange with other highlighted political (B) empowerment of the Tamils
words to make the sentence correct and instead of socio-economic (C) development of
meaningful. the two Provinces, (D) regardless of the impact
1) The idea that the (A) federalism of Article of the civil war and its (E) representing on
370 (B) weakened the Indian Union is (C) livelihoods.
contrary and is (D) erroneous to a basic A.A-D; B-C
understanding of democracy and lessons B.A-C
learnt from the experiments of Indian (E) C.A-E
presence. D.D-C; B-A
A.A-D; B-C E.No interchange is required.
B.A-C; B-E
C.C-D; A-E 3) Way back in 1897, the British (A)
D.D-C; B-A empowered the Epidemic Diseases Act which

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Word Swapping for Bank Exam – Set 1

(B) enacted the government to (C) prevent any D.B –D and C –E

measures that would (D) implement the E.No exchange required
outbreak or (E) spread of any disease.
A.A-D; B-C 7) There are deep competitive (A) differences
B.A-C; B-E among India’s political formations, there is
C.C-D; A-E polarization (B) at the ground level where even
D.D-C; B-A a civil opponents (C) between supporters and
E. No interchange is required. dialogue (D) of the central government is
difficult, ideological (E) and there is politics
4) In the last one year, the (A) erstwhile of the where each party has an eye on the next
(B) reorganization State was (C) lead on the election
ground that it would (D) defended to greater A.A-D
(E) integration of J&K with the rest of the B.A - E and C – D
country. C.B – D
A.A-D; B-C D.A - D and C – E
B.A-C; B-E E.No exchange required
C.C-D; A-E
D.D-C; B-A 8) Even as cases are eligible (A) experts worry
E.No interchange is required. India could be at the risk of a infections (B)
third wave of potential (C) as just over 6% of
the declining (D), population has been fully
vaccinated (E) and around 22% have received
at least one dose.
5) Despite reports of (A) rampant drug (B) A.A - D and B - E
addiction and alcoholism among Tamil youth in B.D- E and B – C
the post-war years, they (C) turned a blind eye C.A – C
to the (D) problem. D.A - D and B – C
A.A-D; B-C E.No exchange required
C.A-B; C-D 9) Experts have warned (A) against a
D.D-C; B-A preference (B) two-child policy that denies
E.No interchange is required. women abortions (C) and further increases
unsafe or sex-selective self-sufficiency (D),
6) It's easy (A) to take for granted that roads given the deep-rooted and overwhelming
have history (B), but if we look a little closer the coercive (E) for sons.
road names can nature (C) a great deal about A.B – E and C – D
the reveal (D) and character of a place, as well B.A – E and B – D
as its titles. (E) C.C – D
A.A –C D.A – B and C – D
B.A – D and C -E E.No exchange required
C.B – E and C – D

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Word Swapping for Bank Exam – Set 1

10) India's top wrestler Bajrang Punia will not A.A-D and B-C
compete (A) in the upcoming Ranking Series B.A-B and C-D
event in Poland, saying (B) more than ranking C.B-C
points he desperately needs mat-training with D.C-D
strong loaded (C) partners ahead of the Tokyo E.No interchange required
Olympics since the 65kg category is sparring
(D) with top performers.


1. Answer: C Aftermath (noun)- the consequences or after-

Among the given highlighted words, an effects of a significant unpleasant event.
interchange is required between D-C and A-E. Representing (verb)- be entitled or appointed
Here, ‘federalism of Article 370’ sounds to act or speak for (someone), especially in an
incorrect. Among the remaining highlighted official capacity.
words only ‘presence’ can make the phrase
correct. Further, ‘erroneous’ followed by ‘to’ is
grammatically incorrect. The correct phrase will
be ‘contrary to’. Hence, option (c) is correct. 3. Answer: D
Federalism- the federal principle or system of Among the given highlighted words, an
government. interchange is required between D-C and B-A.
Weakened- make or become weaker in power, Here, we can get the hint from the former part
resolve, or physical strength. of the sentence because ‘laws are enacted’
Contrary- opposite in nature, direction, or and they ‘empower someone’. Also, the
meaning. outbreak shouldn’t be implemented, instead it
Erroneous- wrong/ incorrect. should be ‘stopped’. Therefore, ‘implement’
Presence- the state or fact of existing, and ‘prevent’ should be interchanged. Hence,
occurring, or being present. option (d) is correct.
Enacted- make (a bill or other proposal) law.
Empowered- give (someone) the authority or
2. Answer: C
power to do something.
Among the given highlighted words, (A) and
Implement- put (a decision, plan, agreement,
(E) have been incorrectly placed. The hint can
etc.) into effect.
be drawn from the latter part of the sentence,
Prevent- keep (something) from happening.
because prepositions are used with a noun,
Spread- gradually reach or cause to reach a
pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction,
wider area or more people.
time, place, location, spatial relationships, or to
introduce an object. Here, ‘representing’ is a
verb and must be replaced with ‘aftermath’. 4. Answer: D
Hence, option (c) is correct.

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Word Swapping for Bank Exam – Set 1

Among the given highlighted words, an Here A, E and C, D should be interchanged.

interchange is required between D-C and A-B. The sentence mentions the ideological
Here, ‘States’ must be preceded by an differences in political formations in India and
adjective instead of a verb. Therefore, (A)-(B) severe polarization makes discussions
will be interchanged. Subsequently, ‘was’ will between supporters and opponents of the
be followed by a past tense verb. Here, the central government difficult.
correct replacement will be with ‘defended’. After word swapping the sentence will be -
Hence, option (d) is correct. There are deep ideological differences among
Reorganization- the action or process of India’s political formations, there is polarization
changing the way in which something is at the ground level where even a civil dialogue
organized. between supporters and opponents of the
Erstwhile- former. central government is difficult, competitive and
Defended- resist an attack made on (someone there is politics where each party has an eye
or something); protect from harm or danger. on the next election
Lead- culminate or result in (a particular event Option B is the correct answer
or consequence).
Integration- the action or process of integrating.
8. Answer: D
Here A, D and B, C should be interchanged.
5. Answer: E The sentence explains that experts believe that
All the given highlighted words have been despite the declining cases, our country is at
correctly placed and do not require any risk of a third wave of infections as only 6% of
interchange. Hence, option (e) is correct. our population has been vaccinated fully.
Hence risk of “potential” third wave of
6. Answer: C “infections” is the topic of discussion here.
Here B, D and C, E should be interchanged. After word swapping the sentence will be -
The sentence states that road titles are not Even as cases are declining, experts worry
casual names but if they are researched, they India could be at the risk of a potential third
may reveal the history and character of the wave of infections as just over 6% of the
locality. Hence roads have “titles” and localities eligible population has been fully vaccinated
have “history.” and around 22% have received at least one
After word swapping the sentence will be - dose.
It's easy to take for granted that roads have Option D is the correct answer
titles, but if we look a little closer the road
names can reveal a great deal about the 9. Answer: A
nature and character of a place, as well as its Here B, E and C, D have to be interchanged.
history. The statement mentions a coercive 2-child
Option C is the correct answer policy that hurts self-sufficiency in women
promoting sex selective abortions due to
preference of sons in our society.
7. Answer: B After word swapping the sentence will be -

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Word Swapping for Bank Exam – Set 1

Experts have warned against a coercive two- India's top wrestler Bajrang Punia will not
child policy that denies women self-sufficiency compete (A) in the upcoming Ranking Series
and further increases unsafe or sex-selective event in Poland, saying (B) more than ranking
abortions, given the deep-rooted and
points he desperately needs mat-training with
overwhelming preference for sons.
strong sparring (C) partners ahead of the
Option A is the correct answer
Tokyo Olympics since the 65kg category is
loaded (D) with top performers.

10. Answer: D
Here we talk about the need of strong
contenders for the training, that’s why sparring
is being swapped with loaded.

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