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Joints/ Articulations- connections between bones range of motion.

They are characterized by the

in the human body, and they play a crucial role in presence of a synovial cavity, which is filled with
enabling movement. synovial fluid. Examples of synovial joints include
the knee, elbow, shoulder, and hip joints.
Types/Structures of Joints ● Synarthroses- Non movable joints
1. Fibrous Joints- These joints are held together ● Amphiarthroses- Slightly movable
by fibrous connective tissue, such as collagen ● Diarthroses- Freely movable
fibers. They allow for minimal to no movement
and provide stability. Examples include the Articular Cartilage- often simply referred to as
sutures in the skull and the syndesmosis joints in "cartilage," is a specialized type of connective tissue that
the forearm and leg. covers the surfaces of bones at synovial joints in the
● Sutures- immovable joints found only in human body. It serves several important functions in joint
the skull. They are formed by dense health and movement:
fibrous connective tissue that holds the
cranial bones together. In the skull of an Articular Disk- is a type of fibrocartilage structure found
adult, these joints are relatively rigid and in certain joints of the human body, primarily in the knee
do not allow for any noticeable and temporomandibular joints (TMJ).
movement. Sutures serve to protect the
brain and provide structural stability to Joint Cavity- space around the articular surfaces of the
the skull. bones in a synovial joint
● Syndesmosis- Syndesmoses are fibrous
joints where the bones are connected by Joint Capsule- also known as the articular capsule, is a
a ligament or an interosseous membrane. fibrous structure that surrounds and encloses a synovial
Unlike sutures, syndesmoses allow for joint in the human body. Synovial joints are the most
limited mobility. The degree of movement common type of joints and are characterized by their
depends on the length and flexibility of ability to allow significant movement. The joint capsule
the connecting ligament or membrane. typically consists of two layers:
An example of a syndesmosis is the ● Fibrous Capsule- The outer layer is made of
distal tibiofibular joint, where the tibia and dense irregular connective tissue, which provides
fibula are connected by a syndesmotic strength and protection to the joint. It is
ligament, allowing for some rotational responsible for the structural integrity of the joint.
movement between the two bones. ● Synovial Membrane- The inner layer, known as
● Gomphoses- Gomphoses are the synovial membrane, lines the joint capsule
specialized fibrous joints that anchor and secretes synovial fluid into the joint cavity. It
teeth in their sockets in the maxillary and is responsible for the production of synovial fluid
mandibular bones of the skull. Each tooth and plays a crucial role in joint lubrication.
is secured in its bony socket by
periodontal ligaments, which are strong Bursa- is a small, fluid-filled sac found in various parts of
fibrous connective tissues. Gomphoses the human body, typically near joints where friction and
provide stability to the teeth while movement occur. Bursae act as cushions or lubricating
allowing some slight movement, such as structures to reduce friction and aid in the smooth
during chewing and tooth eruption movement of tendons, ligaments, and muscles over
2. Cartilaginous Joints- Cartilaginous joints are bones or other structures.
connected by cartilage and allow for limited
movement. There are two main types: Plane Joint- also known as a gliding joint or a planar
● Synchondroses: These are connected joint, is a type of synovial joint found in the human body.
by hyaline cartilage and are found in Plane joints are characterized by their relatively flat,
growing bones (e.g., epiphyseal plates in articular surfaces that allow for limited gliding or sliding
long bones). movements between the bones that make up the joint.
● Symphyses: These are connected by These joints primarily permit translational motion, where
fibrocartilage and can be found in places one bone moves in a linear direction over the surface of
like the pubic symphysis or the the other bone.
intervertebral discs.
3. Synovial Joints- These are the most common
type of joints in the body and provide the greatest
Saddle Joint- also known as a saddle-shaped joint, is a between the acromion and the rotator cuff
type of synovial joint found in the human body. Saddle tendons during shoulder movements. It helps
joints are characterized by their unique structure, which facilitate smooth gliding of the tendons beneath
resembles two saddles joined together. They allow a wide the acromion during arm elevation and rotation.
range of movement, similar to condyloid joints, and are Inflammation of the subacromial bursa, known as
known for their versatility. These joints are typically found subacromial bursitis, can lead to shoulder pain
in areas where a bone can move in multiple directions. and reduced range of motion.
● Subscapular Bursa- The subscapular bursa is
Hinge Joint- also known as a ginglymus joint, is a type of situated between the subscapularis muscle,
synovial joint found in the human body. Hinge joints are which is one of the rotator cuff muscles, and the
characterized by their structure, which allows movement neck of the scapula. This bursa acts as a
in primarily one plane, like the hinge of a door. They lubricating structure to reduce friction between
enable flexion and extension movements along a single the subscapularis muscle and the underlying
axis, and they are crucial for various types of linear scapula. It contributes to the smooth gliding of the
movements. muscle during shoulder movements, such as
internal rotation. Inflammation of the subscapular
Pivot Joint- A pivot joint, also known as a trochoid joint, bursa can result in subscapular bursitis, which
is a type of synovial joint found in the human body. Pivot may cause pain and discomfort in the shoulder
joints allow rotational movement around a single axis. joint.
These joints are essential for various forms of rotation
and are found in specific areas where rotational Glenoid Labrum- is a fibrocartilaginous structure that
movements are required. lines the rim of the shallow, cup-shaped glenoid cavity
(glenoid fossa) of the scapula, which is part of the
Ball and Socket Joint- also known as a spheroidal joint, shoulder joint. The term "labrum" refers to a type of
is a type of synovial joint in the human body. This type of cartilage that is found in the form of a ring or lip around
joint allows for a wide range of motion in multiple the edge of the joint socket.
directions and is characterized by its spherical or
ball-shaped end of one bone fitting into a socket or Rotator Cuff- tendons of these muscles form a "cuff" that
concave cavity on another bone. Ball and socket joints surrounds the head of the humerus and helps hold it
are among the most versatile and mobile joints in the securely within the shallow glenoid cavity of the scapula.
body. The rotator cuff provides stability to the shoulder joint,
assists in arm movements, and helps control and
Ellipsoid Joint- also known as a condyloid joint, is a type fine-tune shoulder motions. In addition to these primary
of synovial joint found in the human body. Ellipsoid joints functions, the rotator cuff is involved in activities such as
allow for a variety of movements, similar to ball and lifting, reaching, and throwing.
socket joints, but with more limited rotation. They are
characterized by an oval-shaped, convex surface of one Elbow Joint- is a complex synovial joint in the human
bone fitting into an elliptical, concave depression on body that allows for the flexion and extension of the
another bone. forearm. It consists of three main bones and several key
structures. The primary function of the elbow joint is to
Shoulder Joint- also known as the glenohumeral joint, is provide stability and control for the movements of the
a ball and socket joint in the human body. It is one of the forearm, allowing us to bend and straighten the arm.
most mobile and complex joints, allowing for a wide range
of movements in the upper limb. The shoulder joint is Hip Joint- is a ball-and-socket joint located in the pelvic
formed by the articulation of the rounded head of the region of the human body. It is one of the largest and
humerus (the upper arm bone) and the shallow, most stable joints in the body, allowing for a wide range of
cup-shaped glenoid cavity of the scapula (shoulder movements. The hip joint plays a fundamental role in
blade). There are two main bursae associated with the supporting body weight, walking, running, and numerous
shoulder joint: other activities.
● Subacromial Bursa- The subacromial bursa is
located in the subacromial space, which is a
small area beneath the acromion process of the
scapula and above the rotator cuff tendons and
the humeral head (the upper arm bone). This
bursa serves as a cushion and reduces friction
Knee Joint- is one of the largest and most complex joints The Muscular System- is one of the major organ
in the human body. It plays a crucial role in supporting systems in the human body, responsible for enabling
body weight, walking, running, and other weight-bearing movement, maintaining posture, generating heat, and
activities. The knee joint allows for flexion (bending) and facilitating various physiological functions. Muscles are
extension (straightening) of the leg and some degree of composed of specialized tissues that contract and relax to
rotational movement. The knee joint is stabilized by produce force and movement. Here are the key
several ligaments, with the four major ones being: components and functions of the muscular system:

● Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL): The ACL is 1. Muscles- are the primary components of the
located inside the knee joint and runs diagonally muscular system. There are over 600 muscles in
from the anterior (front) of the tibia to the the human body, and they are divided into three
posterior (back) of the femur. It helps prevent the main types: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
tibia from moving too far forward in relation to the muscles.
femur and provides stability during movements ● Skeletal Muscles: These are the
like pivoting, deceleration, and sudden stops. muscles attached to the bones and are
ACL injuries are common, often occurring in responsible for voluntary movements.
sports that involve cutting, twisting, or direct Skeletal muscles allow you to walk, run,
impact to the knee. lift objects, and perform various actions
● Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL): The PCL is under your conscious control.
also located inside the knee joint, but it runs ● Smooth Muscles: Smooth muscles are
diagonally in the opposite direction of the ACL, found in the walls of internal organs and
from the posterior of the tibia to the anterior of the blood vessels. They perform involuntary
femur. It prevents the tibia from moving too far functions, such as controlling the
backward in relation to the femur and provides movement of food through the digestive
stability during activities that involve landing on system, regulating blood flow, and
the knee or applying force while the knee is bent. managing other internal processes.
PCL injuries are less common but can result from ● Cardiac Muscles: Cardiac muscles are
traumatic events. specific to the heart and are also
● Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL): The MCL is involuntary. They contract rhythmically to
located on the inner side of the knee and extends pump blood throughout the circulatory
from the medial (inner) condyle of the femur to system.
the proximal (upper) part of the tibia. It provides 2. Tendons- are tough, fibrous connective tissues
stability against forces that try to push the knee that attach muscles to bones. They transmit the
joint inward. MCL injuries often occur due to force generated by muscles to the bones,
direct blows to the outer part of the knee, such as allowing movement at the joints.
in contact sports. 3. Muscles- are composed of smaller units known
● Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL): The LCL is as muscle fibers or myofibers. These muscle
located on the outer side of the knee and fibers contain myofibrils, which are the contractile
connects the lateral (outer) condyle of the femur structures of the muscle cells.
to the head of the fibula (a bone in the lower leg). 4. Nerves- are responsible for transmitting signals
It provides stability against forces that try to push from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles,
the knee joint outward. LCL injuries are less initiating muscle contractions. The nervous
common but can result from direct blows to the system and muscular system work closely
inner part of the knee. together to control movement and maintain
Ankle Joint- also known as the talocrural joint, is a
synovial joint that connects the lower leg (tibia and fibula)
to the foot (talus bone). It is a hinge joint, primarily
responsible for the dorsiflexion (raising the foot upward)
and plantarflexion (pointing the foot downward) of the
foot. The ankle joint is essential for activities such as
walking, running, jumping, and maintaining balance.
The muscular system possesses several important the surrounding tissues and structures, allowing it
functional properties that enable it to perform various to move and function within the body.
tasks and functions in the body. Four major functional 2. Perimysium: The perimysium is the middle layer
properties of muscles are: of connective tissue within a skeletal muscle. It
divides the muscle into bundles called fascicles.
1. Contractility: Contractility is the fundamental These fascicles contain groups of muscle fibers
property of muscles that allows them to contract (muscle cells) that work together to contract. The
or shorten when activated. Muscle contraction perimysium contains blood vessels and nerves
generates tension and force, which can be that supply the muscle fibers within each fascicle.
harnessed for various activities. Whether it's 3. Endomysium: The endomysium is the innermost
lifting a weight, bending a joint, or generating the layer of connective tissue in a skeletal muscle. It
force required for body movements, muscles surrounds each individual muscle fiber (muscle
contract to produce these actions. cell) within a fascicle. The endomysium provides
2. Excitability (Irritability): Muscles have the ability a fine network of connective tissue that supports
to respond to electrical and chemical signals from and protects each muscle fiber, as well as
the nervous system. Nerve impulses and facilitates the exchange of nutrients and waste
neurotransmitters can stimulate muscle fibers, products between the muscle fibers and their
leading to contraction. This excitability allows surrounding environment.
muscles to respond to commands from the brain
and spinal cord, as well as to reflex actions that Muscular Fascia- also known as myofascia, is a dense,
occur without conscious control. tough, and fibrous connective tissue that surrounds and
3. Extensibility: Extensibility refers to the ability of penetrates skeletal muscles, helping to provide structure
muscles to stretch and lengthen. This property is and support to the muscular system.
crucial for the full range of motion at joints.
Muscles can extend and relax when opposing Perimysium- is one of the three primary layers of
muscles contract, allowing for coordinated and connective tissue that make up the structure of skeletal
controlled movements. For example, the biceps muscles. It is situated between the outermost layer, the
and triceps in the upper arm work together epimysium, and the innermost layer, the endomysium.
through their extensibility to facilitate the flexion
and extension of the elbow joint. Fascicles- are bundles or groups of muscle fibers within
4. Elasticity: Elasticity is the ability of muscles to a skeletal muscle. These muscle fibers work together to
return to their original shape and length after perform coordinated contractions and movements.
being stretched or contracted. This property is Fascicles are organized and surrounded by the
essential for maintaining posture and stability. perimysium, a connective tissue layer within the muscle.
When a muscle contracts, it can later relax and
return to its resting length. This property also Endomysium- is the innermost layer of connective tissue
allows muscles to store and release energy in skeletal muscles, and it plays a vital role in the
during movement, such as in activities like structural integrity and function of muscles.
running and jumping.
Myoblasts- are embryonic cells that give rise to muscle
Muscle Fibers- also known as muscle cells or myofibers, cells or muscle fibers. These precursor cells play a crucial
are the individual, elongated cells that make up skeletal role in the development and regeneration of skeletal
muscles in the human body. muscle tissue.

Skeletal muscles consist of multiple layers or connective Striated- is a term used to describe a specific
tissues that provide structural support, help transmit appearance or texture in muscle tissue, particularly in
forces, and allow for smooth muscle function. The three skeletal and cardiac muscles. It refers to the presence of
primary layers in skeletal muscle are: alternating dark and light bands, or stripes, within the
muscle tissue when viewed under a microscope. These
1. Epimysium: The epimysium is the outermost bands are a result of the arrangement of contractile
layer of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal proteins within the muscle cells and are responsible for
muscle. It is a dense layer of collagen fibers that the striated appearance.
encases the entire muscle, giving it a protective
sheath. The epimysium connects the muscle to
Hypertrophy- is a physiological process in which the size Muscle fibers, also known as muscle cells or myofibers,
or volume of an organ or tissue increases due to the are the individual cells that make up skeletal muscles.
enlargement of individual cells. In the context of the They are highly specialized for contraction and are
muscular system, hypertrophy commonly refers to the composed of several structures, but two of the main
growth and increase in the size of skeletal muscle fibers structures in muscle fibers are:
(muscle cells).
1. Myofibrils: Myofibrils are long, thread-like
Actin- is a globular protein that plays a fundamental role structures that run parallel to the length of the
in muscle contraction, cell structure, cell motility, and muscle fiber. They are the primary contractile
various cellular processes. elements within muscle fibers and are
responsible for muscle contraction. Myofibrils
The transmission of electrical signals in muscle fibers contain the contractile proteins actin and myosin,
involves several components that work together to enable which interact to generate force and cause
the excitation-contraction coupling process. Three key muscle shortening. Myofibrils are organized into
muscle fiber components that respond to the repeating units called sarcomeres, which are the
transmission of electrical signals are: basic functional units of muscle contraction.
Sarcomeres are delimited by Z-lines and contain
1. Sarcolemma: The sarcolemma is the cell thick myosin filaments and thin actin filaments.
membrane of a muscle fiber (muscle cell). It is During muscle contraction, myosin heads from
responsible for transmitting electrical signals, the myosin filaments form cross-bridges with
known as action potentials, from the actin filaments, leading to the sliding of actin and
neuromuscular junction (where the motor neuron myosin filaments past each other and shortening
meets the muscle fiber) to the interior of the of the sarcomere.
muscle fiber. The sarcolemma contains 2. Myofilaments are the filaments or protein
specialized receptors for neurotransmitters structures found within the sarcomeres of muscle
released by the motor neuron, which initiate the cells that play a central role in muscle
electrical signal. These receptors open ion contraction.
channels, allowing the influx of sodium ions and ● Thick Myofilaments (Myosin
the generation of an action potential that travels Filaments): Thick myofilaments are
along the sarcolemma and into the muscle fiber. primarily composed of a protein called
2. Transverse (T) Tubules: T-tubules are myosin. Myosin is a motor protein that
invaginations of the sarcolemma that penetrate has a unique structure with a long tail and
deep into the interior of the muscle fiber. These a globular head region. These myosin
structures are essential for rapidly transmitting heads are often referred to as
the action potential from the sarcolemma to the cross-bridges. The myosin filaments are
sarcoplasmic reticulum, a specialized organelle arranged in a way that the myosin heads
involved in calcium ion storage and release. project outward and interact with the thin
T-tubules ensure that the entire muscle fiber is myofilaments (actin filaments) during
depolarized, which is a key step in initiating muscle contraction. Myosin plays a
muscle contraction. critical role in generating force by forming
3. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR): The cross-bridges with actin and undergoing
sarcoplasmic reticulum is an extensive network of a series of conformational changes to
membranous sacs and tubules within the muscle slide the actin filaments, leading to
fiber. It functions as a calcium ion reservoir. When muscle shortening.
the action potential reaches the T-tubules, it ● Thin Myofilaments (Actin Filaments):
triggers the release of calcium ions from the Thin myofilaments are primarily
sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm (the composed of a protein called actin. Actin
cytoplasm of the muscle cell). The presence of is a globular protein that, together with
calcium ions in the sarcoplasm is essential for other associated proteins, forms the actin
muscle contraction, as they play a central role in filament. These actin filaments are
the interaction between actin and myosin interspersed among the myosin filaments
filaments, which drives muscle contraction. in a repeating pattern within the
sarcomere. Actin serves as the binding
site for myosin cross-bridges during
muscle contraction. When calcium ions
are released from the sarcoplasmic heads pointing in one direction, and the other half point in
reticulum, they bind to regulatory proteins the opposite direction. These heads attach to the special
on the actin filament, allowing myosin spots on actin to create a connection, like when a key fits
cross-bridges to attach and initiate the into a lock. The heads can also move because they act
sliding of actin and myosin filaments, like little machines that use energy (like batteries) to
resulting in muscle contraction. make the connection and then release it, making our
muscles contract.
Sarcomeres- the fundamental contractile units of muscle
fibers, and they are responsible for muscle contraction. Neuromuscular Junction: this is how our brain and
They are highly organized structures within muscle cells, nerves connect to our muscles through something called
and when they contract, they result in the shortening of the neuromuscular junction. This is like a meeting point
the muscle fiber, leading to overall muscle movement. where signals from our brain tell our muscles to move.
When the signals arrive, they make our muscles start the
Z-Lines (Z-Discs): Sarcomeres are delimited by Z-lines, process of connecting actin and myosin, leading to
also known as Z-discs, at each end. Z-lines are dense muscle contractions.
protein structures that anchor the thin actin filaments.
They define the boundaries of the sarcomere. Sliding Filament Model: When our muscles contract,
they get shorter. This happens because the actin and
A-Band and I-Band: The sarcomere has distinct regions: myosin components slide past each other, like when you
● The A-band is the dark region in the pull the drawstrings on a hoodie to make it tighter. This
center of the sarcomere, where thick shortening of the muscle fibers is what allows us to move
myosin filaments overlap with thin actin our bodies. When our muscles relax, the actin and
filaments. myosin slide back to their original positions.
● The I-band is the lighter region on either
side of the A-band, containing only thin Excitability of Muscle Fibers- Muscle contraction
actin filaments and extending to the involves two main components: the electrical aspect and
Z-lines. the mechanical aspect. Here, we'll focus on the electrical
H-Zone: The H-zone is the central region of the A-band part. Muscle fibers, like other cells in our body, are
where only thick myosin filaments are present, without capable of responding to electrical signals. This electrical
overlapping actin filaments. property is vital for muscle contraction. When our brain or
spinal cord sends signals, known as action potentials, to
M-Line: The M-line is a dark, narrow line at the center of muscle fibers, it triggers muscle contractions.
the sarcomere, running through the H-zone, and it helps
to stabilize the thick myosin filaments. Polarization: Just like other cells, muscle fibers have a
difference in electrical charge between the inside and
Actin Myofilaments: Actin, one of the key proteins in outside of their cell membranes. This difference in charge
muscle cells, is made up of three parts: G-actin, is called the resting membrane potential. Think of it as a
tropomyosin, and troponin. G-actin looks like tiny beads type of battery waiting to be used. It's the starting point for
that join together to form a chain. Think of these beads as muscle contractions.
having special spots where myosin (another protein) can
attach, like pieces in a puzzle. Ion Channels: To understand muscle fiber's electrical
properties, we need to know about ion channels – tiny
Tropomyosin acts like a cover, hiding these special gateways in the cell membrane that allow ions (charged
spots when our muscles are relaxed. Troponin is like a particles) to move in and out. There are two main types:
supervisor that decides when our muscles should 1. Leak Channels: These are like small openings
contract. It does this by moving the cover (tropomyosin) that allow ions to slowly pass through, even when
to reveal the special spots, allowing myosin to connect the cell is at rest.
and make our muscles contract. 2. Gated Channels: These channels respond to
specific signals. There are two subtypes:
Myosin Myofilaments: Myosin is another essential ● Ligand-gated channels: They open when
protein in muscles, shaped like golf clubs. Myosin has two a chemical signal (like a
long parts wound together to form a rod and two heads neurotransmitter) binds to a receptor on
that stick out sideways. These heads are like the the channel. For example, acetylcholine
business end of a golf club. There are about 300 myosin is released at the neuromuscular junction
molecules in each myosin myofilament. Half of them have and triggers ligand-gated channels.
● Voltage-gated channels: These respond (ACh) into the synaptic cleft. This
to changes in the cell's electrical charge. neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the
When the cell is stimulated, these sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane), initiating an
channels open or close. Sodium (Na+), action potential.
potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+) ● Propagation of Action Potential: The action
channels are examples. They play a potential travels along the sarcolemma and
crucial role in action potentials. enters a network of tubular structures called
T-tubules, which penetrate the muscle fiber.
Resting Membrane Potential: Muscle cells, when at These T-tubules carry the action potential deep
rest, have an electrical charge difference across their cell into the muscle fiber.
membranes. This is called the resting membrane ● Release of Calcium (Ca2+): Inside the muscle
potential. It's like a charged battery waiting to be used. fiber, the action potential reaches the terminal
Three factors contribute to this: cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (a
1. More potassium (K+) is inside the cell than specialized organelle). Voltage-gated Ca2+
outside. channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum open in
2. More sodium (Na+) is outside the cell than inside. response to the action potential. This allows a
3. The cell membrane is more permeable to rapid release of calcium ions (Ca2+) from the
potassium than to sodium. This means that sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm, the
potassium can move more freely. fluid within the muscle cell.
● Activation of Troponin: The released calcium ions
Action Potentials- When an excitable cell, like a muscle bind to troponin, a protein associated with the
fiber or neuron, is stimulated, it undergoes an action actin myofilaments in the muscle. This binding
potential, an electrical event where the charge inside the causes a conformational change in troponin,
cell's membrane reverses, becoming more positive which, in turn, moves the tropomyosin strands
compared to the outside. This happens due to the away from the active sites on the actin
opening of ion channels in response to the stimulus, myofilaments.
allowing ions to move across the cell membrane and ● Formation of Cross-Bridges: With the active sites
changing its charge. The action potential consists of two on actin exposed, myosin heads on the thick
phases: myofilaments can now bind to these active sites,
1. Depolarization: When the cell is stimulated, creating cross-bridges between actin and myosin.
depolarization occurs. The inside of the cell ● Muscle Contraction: When the myosin heads
becomes more positively charged, and if it attach to the active sites on actin, they can
reaches a certain level called the threshold, it generate force and movement. This movement of
triggers an action potential. During this phase, the the cross-bridges is the basis of muscle
cell becomes even more positively charged. contraction. As long as calcium is present and
2. Repolarization: After depolarization, the cell ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is available for
returns to its resting state. This phase involves energy, these cross-bridges will continue to cycle,
the restoration of the original charge difference leading to muscle contraction.
across the membrane.
Muscle Relaxation is a crucial phase that occurs when
Acetylcholinesterase, often abbreviated as AChE, is an the signal for muscle contraction is no longer being sent.
enzyme that plays a crucial role in the nervous system. It This process is highly coordinated and requires energy.
is primarily found at neuromuscular junctions, synapses, Here's how it works:
and other cholinergic nerve endings, where it acts to ● Cessation of Nerve Signals: Muscle relaxation
terminate the transmission of nerve impulses. begins when the nerve signals from motor
neurons cease. These signals, in the form of
Excitation-Contraction Coupling is a vital process in action potentials, trigger muscle contractions.
muscle contraction, where the electrical aspect (action When these signals stop, the muscle receives the
potential) connects to the mechanical aspect (muscle message to relax.
fiber contraction). This process ensures that muscle fibers ● Calcium Ion Reuptake: During muscle
contract in response to nerve signals. Here's a contraction, calcium ions (Ca2+) are released
breakdown of how it works: from a structure called the sarcoplasmic
● Action Potential Initiation: It all begins at the reticulum. These ions are essential for muscle
neuromuscular junction, where a motor neuron contraction as they bind to troponin, allowing the
releases a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine myosin heads to interact with actin filaments. In
muscle relaxation, active transport mechanisms contraction. In other words, the muscle generates
pump calcium ions back into the sarcoplasmic tension, but it does not produce a visible movement or
reticulum, reducing the intracellular calcium change in the angle of the joints it spans.
● Tropomyosin Re-Coverage: As calcium levels Isotonic contractions are a type of muscle contraction
drop in the muscle cell, the calcium ions detach where the muscle changes length as it contracts,
from troponin. This allows tropomyosin to resulting in visible movement of the involved body parts.
re-cover the active sites on actin filaments.
Tropomyosin is a protein that, in its resting Summation (Temporal and Spatial Summation):
position, blocks the myosin binding sites on actin. Summation refers to the process by which a muscle fiber
● Loss of Cross-Bridges: With the active sites on or motor unit generates a stronger muscle contraction by
actin covered by tropomyosin, the myosin heads increasing the frequency or number of motor neuron
can no longer bind to actin, and cross-bridges impulses (action potentials).
cannot form. This prevents the sliding of actin
and myosin filaments, which is the basis of Recruitment: is the process by which the nervous
muscle contraction. system activates more motor units to increase muscle
● Muscle Relaxation: As a result, the muscle force. When the demand for muscle force exceeds what a
returns to its elongated and relaxed state. It's single motor unit can generate, additional motor units are
ready for another contraction if stimulated again, recruited in a graded fashion. Smaller motor units, which
or it can remain at rest until needed. contain fewer muscle fibers, are recruited first for tasks
● Energy Expenditure: The process of actively requiring minimal force. As the force requirement
pumping calcium ions back into the sarcoplasmic increases, larger motor units with more muscle fibers are
reticulum and maintaining ion gradients across activated. This is known as the size principle of motor unit
the cell membrane (sodium-potassium pump) recruitment.
requires energy in the form of ATP (adenosine
triphosphate). This is necessary for the proper
functioning of muscle relaxation.

A muscle twitch is the response of a muscle fiber to a

single, brief stimulus or action potential along its motor
neuron. It represents the simplest and smallest contractile
unit of muscle activity and typically occurs under artificial
or laboratory conditions. The response of a muscle twitch
can be recorded using specialized equipment, resulting in
a myogram, which is a graphical representation of the
muscle's activity over time. A muscle twitch consists of
three main phases:
● Lag Phase (Latent Phase): This is the initial
phase of a muscle twitch. It is the time delay
between the application of the stimulus (action
potential) to the motor neuron and the actual
onset of muscle contraction.
● Contraction Phase: Once the stimulus reaches
the muscle fiber and the necessary events are
set in motion, the muscle enters the contraction
● Relaxation Phase: The final phase of a muscle
twitch is the relaxation phase. It follows the
contraction phase and involves the muscle
returning to its resting state.

Isometric contractions, often referred to as isometric

exercises, are a type of muscle contraction in which the
length of the muscle remains constant, meaning there is
no significant change in the muscle's length during the
1. The primary function of the muscular system is: 7. Muscles that have a striped appearance are
described as being ________.
● Maintaining body temperature
● Providing support for the body ● Elastic
● Protecting internal organs ● Nonstriated
● Facilitating movement ● Excitable
● All of the above ● Striated
● Smooth
2. Which of the following is the functional unit of a
muscle fiber? 8. Which of the following is responsible for the
transmission of nerve impulses away from the cell
● Myofibril body?
● Sarcomere
● Myosin ● Dendrite
● Actin ● Axon
● Z-line ● Synapse
● Neurotransmitter
3. Which of the following terms refers to the muscle's
ability to return to its original length after contraction 9. The peripheral nervous system is composed of
or extension?
● spinal and cranial nerves
● Tonus ● sensory receptors and nerves
● Contractility ● brain and spinal cord
● Excitability ● spinal cord and sensory receptors
● Elasticity ● brain and nerves
● Irritability
10. Which of the following cranial nerves is related to
4. The diagnostic test used to assess the electrical the sense of smell?
activity of muscles is called:
● Abducens
● Electrocardiogram (ECG) ● Hypoglossal
● Electroencephalogram (EEG) ● Olfactory
● Electromyography (EMG) ● Trochlear
● Echocardiogram ● Vagus
● Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
11. Which of the following is the point at which an
5. The tube-like invaginations of the sarcolemma impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another
responsible for conducted impulses into the muscle neuron?
fiber are called:
● Dendrite
● Motor end plates
● Glial cell
● Synaptic vesicles
● Nerve center
● Transverse clefts
● Synapse
● T-tubules
● Terminal plate
● Synaptic knobs
12. The myelin sheath is mainly composed of:
6. An impulse carried along the sarcolemma would
travel down the T-tubules, causing the release of
CA++ ions from: ● Schwann cells
● Astrocytes
● The lateral sacs ● Microglia
● The myofibril ● Oligodendrocytes
● The sarcomere ● Neurons
● The myofilaments
● B&C
13. Depolarization of the sarcolemma means 18. _____________ is a genetically acquired
________. neurologic disease with a sign of severe headache
associated with sensory symptoms with an unknown
● the inside of the membrane has become less cause. Consequently, it involves the trigeminal nerve
negative as sodium ions accumulate and could be triggered by environmental factors.
● the outside of the membrane has become less
negative as sodium ions accumulate ● Meningitis
● the inside of the membrane has become more ● Cerebral Aneurysm
negative as sodium ions accumulate ● Alzheimer Disease
● the sarcolemma has completely lost any electrical ● Brain tumor
charge ● Migraine
● both the inside and outside of the membrane has
negative charge 19. Effects of aging in the nervous system: a general
decline in the number of motor neurons. Thus, an
14. Which of the following controls body temperature, aged person’s brain will eventually experience a/an
sleep and appetite? ___________________.

● Adrenal glands ● Decrease in size

● Hypothalamus ● Inflammation
● Pancreas ● Increase in weight
● Thalamus ● Extreme water loss
● Thyroid gland ● Extreme blood loss

15. One of the functions of the cerebellum is to 20. The gland responsible for the production of
melatonin, which regulates sleep-wake cycles, is the:
● maintain balance and muscle tone
● produce hormones ● Pineal gland
● serve as a center for hearing ● Thymus gland
● serve as a center for speech ● Adrenal gland
● serve as center for taste ● Thyroid gland
● Parathyroid gland
16. All of the following are types of neuroglia,
21. Which hormone, released by posterior pituitary, is
accountable for inducing uterine contractions?
● Microglia
● GH
● Lymphocytes
● Astrocytes
● Follicle stimulating hormone
● Oligodendrocytes
● Oxytocin
● ependymal cells
22. Which of the following is TRUE about the
17. The ventricles of the brain are interconnected. transport of water-soluble hormones?
Which of these ventricles are not correctly matched
with the structures that connect them? ● Water-soluble hormones have modifications that
protect them from degradation.
● left lateral ventricle to right lateral ● Water-soluble hormones have cell membrane
ventricle—central canal receptors that they interact with.
● lateral ventricle to the third ventricle— ● Water-soluble hormones diffuse slowly through
interventricular foramina capillary walls due to their large size.
● lateral ventricle to the left ventricle— septum ● Many water-soluble hormones dissolve directly
pellucidum into the blood and are delivered to their target
● third ventricle to fourth ventricle—cerebral tissue without attaching to a binding protein.
aqueduct ● Water-soluble hormones attach to binding
● fourth ventricle to subarachnoid space— median proteins to avoid filtration by the kidneys.
and lateral apertures
23. Which of the following is responsible for 29. It is a white blood cell that has a round nucleus
maintaining the balance of fluids in the body? and produces antibodies and other chemicals
responsible for destroying bacteria.
● Pituitary gland
● Thyroid gland ● Basophil
● Adrenal gland ● Eosinophil
● Kidneys ● Erythrocytes
● Parathyroid gland ● Lymphocytes
● Neutrophil
24. The hormone responsible for the development of
secondary sexual characteristics in females is: 30. It is the formation of blood cellular components?

● Estrogen ● Agglutination
● Progesterone ● Erythropoietin
● Testosterone ● Hemolytic
● Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) ● Hematopoiesis
● Luteinizing hormone (LH) ● Leukocytosis

25. All are characteristics of lipid soluble hormone, 31. Which of the following is FALSE about
EXCEPT? Erythrocytes?

● They are made of proteins ● Contains hemoglobin

● They are mostly steroids ● Disk-shaped with thick edges
● They are nonpolar ● Larger in size
● They degrade slowly ● Live for 120 days
● all are characteristics of a lipid soluble hormone ● Transport O2 to tissues

26. Which hormone is produced by your pancreas to 32. Which blood type has specific no antigens?
increase glycogen breakdown when you are hungry?
● Blood Type A
● Insulin ● Blood Type AB
● Glucagon ● Blood Type B
● Thymosin ● Blood Type O
● Erythropoietin ● Both A and C
● Adrenaline
33. They are ductless glands that secretes their
27. The gland that is responsible for the regulation of products into the bloodstream.
the body's circadian rhythm is the:
● Compound glands
● Pineal gland ● Endocrine glands
● Thymus gland ● Exocrine glands
● Pituitary gland ● Simple glands
● Adrenal gland ● Lymphatic glands
● Hypothalamus
34. Which cells in the blood do not have a nucleus?
28. The main regulatory functions of the endocrine
system are the following, EXCEPT: ● Lymphocyte
● Monocyte
● Control of food intake and digestion ● Erythrocyte
● Metabolism, Ion regulation, water balance ● Basophil
● Heart rate and blood pressure regulation ● Neutrophil
● Uterine contractions and milk release.
● Receiving sensory input, integrating information,
controlling muscles and glands
35. It takes place from the heart to the lungs and then 40. The primary function of the cardiovascular
back to the heart. This process is called _________. system is to:

● Aortic circulation ● Regulate body temperature

● Pulmonary circulation. ● Facilitate digestion
● Respiratory circulation ● Control voluntary movements
● Systemic circulation ● Transport oxygen and nutrients throughout
● Ventricle circulation the body
● All of the above
36. What are these muscles called that are attached
by strong, connective tissue strings to the free 41. The blood vessels that carry blood away from the
margins of the cusps of the atrioventricular valves? heart are known as:

● Chordae tendineae ● Arteries

● Coronary sulcus ● Veins
● Interatrial septum I ● Capillaries
● interventricular septum ● Venules
● Papillary Muscles ● Atria

37. Which of the following allows air to pass into the 42. The component of blood responsible for carrying
lungs? oxygen to the body's tissues is:

● Aorta ● Platelets
● Esophagus ● Red blood cells
● Heart ● White blood cells
● Pancreas ● Plasma
● Trachea ● Hemoglobin

38. Where is the sinoatrial node located? 43. The heart's electrical system is primarily
controlled by which structure?
● Between the left atrium and the left
ventricle ● Atrioventricular node (AV node)
● Between the right atrium and the right ● Sinoatrial node (SA node)
ventricle ● Bundle of His
● In the interventricular septum ● Purkinje fibers
● In the upper wall of the left ventricle ● Ventricles
● In the upper wall of the right atrium

39. Blood flows from the right ventricle of the heart

into which of the following structures?

● Inferior vena cava

● Left ventricle
● Pulmonary arteries
● Pulmonary veins
● Right atrium

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