Final Project Part 3

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Faculty of engineering and the built environment

Department of civil and construction




Name of researcher: Christian Leo Munemo

Supervisor: Dr S Misi
I, CHRISTIAN LEO MUNEMO, do hereby make a declaration of the work submitted in this
project titled, design of a wastewater management system with full waste value recovery
using a biogas digester plant: a case study Northview extension residential area, Mt Darwin.,
is my original work except on where I referenced and acknowledged the authors.

Signature and date: …………………………………. On ….../...…/….……

(Christian Leo Munemo)

A special dedication to my one and only mother for her firm support and commitment
towards making my education a success.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my amazing supervisor Dr. S. Misi for his
extended patience in helping, advising and guiding me throughout the entirety of my
project. I am also grateful to the civil engineering water laboratory technicians Mr. Kativhu
and Mr. Souta for helping me conduct my laboratory tests.

BACKGROUND: There is an increased demand on the natural resources mainly due to the
constantly increasing population. The increased rate of population implies an increase in the
amount of waste produced. There is also an increase in the world’s energy needs and this
call for the need of a sustainable energy source. A biogas is one such source of energy which
can ease the high demand for energy.

AIM: The overall aim of this project is to design a biogas plant which can help harness
energy from wastewater. Wastewater is produced daily and this makes it a readily available
raw material for production of energy.

METHODS: Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in executing this study.
A total of four laboratory tests were done, to determine the efficiency of already existing
systems and to check the feasibility of the wastewater to produce energy. The permission to
carry this study by the Pfura Rural District council. Standards methods were used to carry
the required tests on the wastewater.

RESULTS: from the laboratory the wastewater was confirmed to be suitable as biomass in
the biogas plant and there might be need to add food material as supplementary feed in the
biogas. The amount of gas produced from the 10 biogas unit per day was 247 cubic metres
with an average cost of $2.05 per kg. the existing system was determined to have overall
efficiency of 36% and there are differences from the expected standards.

1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement................................................................................................................2
1.3 Justification............................................................................................................................2
1.4 Objectives..............................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Main Objectives.............................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific Objectives.........................................................................................................3
2 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................4
2.1 Wastewater and Its Components..........................................................................................4
2.1.1 Constituents of Wastewater and possible effects..........................................................5
2.1.2 Discharge Guidelines Standards Of Treated Domestic Sewage......................................6
2.2 Wastewater Management and Management Systems..........................................................7
2.2.1 Assesment Of Various Treatment Techniques...............................................................8
2.2.2 Importance of wastewater management......................................................................9
2.3 Value Recovery from Wastewater.......................................................................................10
2.4 Design Criteria.....................................................................................................................10
2.4.1 Average dry weather flow............................................................................................10
2.4.2 Populaton....................................................................................................................11
2.4.3 Sizing............................................................................................................................11
2.5 Biogas..................................................................................................................................11
2.5.1 Biogas Digester Plant...................................................................................................11
2.5.2 Uses of Biogas..............................................................................................................13
2.5.3 Advantages of Biogas...................................................................................................14
2.5.4 Types of Biogas Digester Plants...................................................................................15
2.5.5 Design Parameters.......................................................................................................17
2.5.6 Process Parameters.....................................................................................................17
2.5.7 Design of Biogas...........................................................................................................18
2.5.8 Previous Digester Cases in Zimbabwe..........................................................................20
3 CHAPTER THREE...........................................................................................................................21
3.1 Study Area...........................................................................................................................21
4 CHAPTER FOUR: MATERIALS AND METHODS..............................................................................24
4.1 Data Collection.....................................................................................................................24
4.2 Design of digester................................................................................................................25
4.3 Procedures in Implementing the methods..........................................................................25
5 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION................................................................26
5.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................26
5.2 Results from desk study.......................................................................................................26
5.3 Collection of Samples...........................................................................................................26
5.4 Laboratory Results...............................................................................................................27
5.5 Results on feasibility of the sewage for biogas generation..................................................31
5.6 Design of Biogas...................................................................................................................33
5.6.1 Design Introduction.....................................................................................................33
5.6.2 Biodigester Design (Fixed-dome generator)................................................................33
5.6.3 Summary of Biodigester Calculations...........................................................................33
5.7 Operation of the proposed plan..........................................................................................35
5.8 Bill of Quantities..................................................................................................................35
6 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................37
6.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................37
6.2 Recommendations...............................................................................................................37
7 References...................................................................................................................................39
Appendix A: Biogas design calculations...............................................................................................40
Appendix B: Results.............................................................................................................................41
TABLE B-1 results for pH of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent (maturation pond)................41
TABLE B-2 results for TS of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent (maturation pond)................41
TABLE B-3 results for TVS of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent (maturation pond)..............42
TABLE B-4 results for Nitrates of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent (maturation pond).......42
TABLE B-5 results for Phosphates of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent (maturation pond)..42
TABLE B-6 results for COD of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent (maturation pond).............42
TABLE B-7 results for BOD of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent (maturation pond).............43
Appendix C: Design Drawings..............................................................................................................43
Figure 1: types of wastewater, source: intechopen 2004....................................................................10
Figure 2: fixed dome digester..............................................................................................................20
Figure 3: floating drum digester..........................................................................................................21
Figure 4: balloon digester....................................................................................................................22
Figure 5:descriptionof process parameters.........................................................................................22
Figure 6: location of the study area.....................................................................................................27
Figure 7: study area divided into zones with respect to the nature of treatment method.................29
Figure 8: diagrammatic presentation of the steps to be implemented...............................................31
Figure 9: graph for total solids.............................................................................................................33
Figure 10: graph for nitrates................................................................................................................34
Figure 11: graph for BOD5...................................................................................................................35
Figure 12: Graph for COD....................................................................................................................36
Table 1: Principal Constituents of Concern in Wastewater (Source: Metcalf and Eddy, 2003)..............5
Table 2: wastewater parameters and guideline values.........................................................................6
Table 3: table showing relative advantages and disadvantages of treatment systems.........................8
Table 4: Shows MEWRD Guidelines on peak factors (SAZ, 1959)........................................................10
Table 5: shows a summary of the data required and how it is to be colllected..................................24
Table 6: Results for number of stands and their uses..........................................................................26
Table 7: average values obtained from laboratory tests.....................................................................27
Table 8: summary of design calculations for the biodigester..............................................................34
Vd=Vb × HRT Equation 1: volume of digester..................................................................................18
G=Vb ×Gy Equation 2: daily gas produced.......................................................................................19
Vg 1=Gcmax x Tcmax Equation 3: gas holder volume 1...................................................................19
Vg 2=G x Tczero Equation 4: gas holder volume 2.............................................................................19
VH =Vd +Vg Equation 5: volume of hemispherical dome.......................................19
R=(3 Vh 2)13Equation 6: radius of hemispherical dome..................................................................20

1 Introduction
The world's energy needs are increasing day by day, and the sources of conventional energy
are depleting rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to explore alternative sources of energy that
are renewable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Biogas is one such alternative
source of energy that is gaining popularity worldwide. Biogas is produced by the anaerobic
digestion of organic matter such as agricultural waste, sewage, and kitchen waste. It is a
mixture of gases that mainly consists of methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas has many
advantages over conventional sources of energy, including its renewable nature, low cost,
and eco-friendliness. This project focuses on the design of a biogas plant.

1.1 Background
Both population and development are inexorably increasing and this will call for high
demand on natural resources. People depend on natural resource to sustain their causes.
Due to this natural resources are being consumed at a very fast rate such that the system
will not be able to restore them. A sound solution whereby some of the waste materials are
considered as resources can be more useful at this stage of life. The concept of four ‘Rs’
which stands for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Renewable energy has generally been
accepted as a way of handling waste. Municipal being one of the most produced waste in
this modern world it is very critical to use this approach of reusing and recycling and harness
some precious components from it. There are some essential components which we can
recover from municipal wastewater if it is well managed and treated. This will help even to
reduce the cost of handling wastewater particularly as there could be derived something of
economic importance. Most of the methods used to manage wastewater generally on the
safe disposal of the paying little attention to chances of recovering anything useful. They
consider wastewater as nuisance but however there are several components which can be
recovered from wastewater if it is managed by modern technology this may including
further treating it in a biogas digester plant.

Of the most adapted methods used to manage wastewater they can later lead to pollution
of underground water. This may lead to further pollution of water bodies. Municipal
wastewater carries hazardous chemical and relatively large amounts of organic matter with
biological oxygen demand(BOD) and chemical oxygen demand. Municipal wastewater has to
be treated to reduce the organic matter and this will disable aerobic bacteria which will
consume oxygen in water bodies. This is unhealthy to aquatic life. Besides only posing a
threat to aquatic life, municipal wastewater it can also pose a threat to health of the public
since it contains many disease causing pathogenic organisms.

1.2 Problem Statement

Of late people in Mt Darwin have been using Blair toilets, septic tanks and other onsite
disposal methods which could have been built with no expertise. For the biggest population
of Mt Darwin, they use WSPs, and these have so many disadvantages compared to their
relative advantages. They require so much land of around 28ha per system. For a province
with an average population growth of 2% per decade, land is one of the most precious
resources. The demand for land is constantly increasing due to the constantly increasing
population. These waste disposal systems tend to leak profusely thus posing a threat to
underground water. There is high risk of underground water pollution by these sewer
management systems which are being used in Mt Darwin. There is also little to no chances
of saving water which is an everyday requirement in households and wastewater contains
approximately 80% water. This may later strain the current source of water for the Mt
Darwin residents. Pressure on the source of water is abundantly increasing due to the
increasing population and probably due to the quest for development.

1.3 Justification
The rate of urbanization in Mt Darwin is outpacing the available resources, which creates a
huge urban challenge for sustainable development. This problem includes the need to
provide essential amenities including drinkable water, sanitation, and standard housing. The
most difficult challenge in the water and sanitation sector is implementing and enforcing a
cost-effective wastewater management system capable of allowing selective reuse of
treated effluents for other economic activities. Therefore, treatment of wastewater through
the use of a biogas digester plant will help recover water and produce methane gas will help
serve as wastewater management system which appreciates recovering some value from
waste. The use of a biogas plant as a way of treating municipal wastewater may help create
a sustainable way of generating income for Pfura Rural district council through selling of gas
and the substrate which can be used for fertiliser making can also be sold. Implementing
and enforcing wastewater management through the biogas digester plant for the new
residential suburb of Northview Extension in Mt Darwin will help reduce the demand for
space to construct waste treatment management plants. A biogas requires less area than
Waste Stabilisation ponds which are dominantly used to treat waste in Mt Darwin. WSPs will
later lead to loss of aesthetic value of the environment and also produces bad smells and
biogas are a mile away from environmental nuisance. The use of a biogas will turn to be a
cost effective solution to the area’s major problem of a reliable sanitation solution whilst
ensuring sustainable community development. This will help in endorsing the sustainable
development goal (SDG) number 6 which focuses in providing clean water and sanitation for
all and sustainable wastewater management by 2030.

1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 Main Objectives
To design an innovative wastewater treatment, which could possibly help reduce chances of
polluting local water bodies and also help to recover some essential elements from

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

1. To assess the efficiency of available wastewater treatment and disposal systems in
the study area.
2. To assess the design parameters of a for the design biogas plant.
3. To design and provide detailed drawings of the biogas plant for Northview Extension.


2.1 Wastewater and Its Components
Wastewater can be fleshly described as polluted water which is as a result of runoff and
human activities. It can also be termed sewage. Sewage can be basically categorised basing
on how it is produced. It can either be described as domestic sewage, industrial sewage or
agricultural sewage. Domestic wastewater is generated from domestic activities and
industrial sewage is produced from industrial activities. Wastewater contains a significant
percentage of water and solids. There are quantities of certain elements which are expected
to be present in industrial wastewater or in dewatered sludge from municipality wastewater
treatment process. These are used as a scale to determine the quality of wastewater.
Industrial water contains dissolved and suspended substances from various industrial
processes these are termed constituents of industrial wastewater (Munter, 2013). Due to
perpetuating development industrialisation is inevitable, thus it is very important to make
sure waste products of industrialisation are properly disposed for safety of the people. The
nature of contaminants found in industrial wastewater depend on the type of industry, that
is wastewater from a mining industry will have different pollutants as water from a steel
production plant. The most common contaminants in found in industrial waste water are
chemicals, heavy metals, oils, silt, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and other industrial waste
products (Wang & Fu, 2011). Sewage wastewater is mainly wastewater which is discharged
from kitchens and toilets. The main contaminants found in sewage wastewater are urine,
faecal matter, toilet paper, soaps and a lot of cleaning liquids (Sim, et al., 2011). These are
contaminants which can raise a health alarm if they are disposed in significant amounts back
into river streams. Fig 1 below shows the different types of wastewaters that could cause
water pollution.
Figure 1: types of wastewater, source: intechopen 2004

2.1.1 Constituents of Wastewater and possible effects

Wastewater contains quite a number of components which can be very harmful if they allowed to be
in contact with both the environment and people as alluded in the paragraph above. Table 1 below
shows the specific effects of the few selected components found in wastewater.

Table 1: Principal Constituents of Concern in Wastewater (Source: Metcalf and Eddy, 2003)

Constituent Possible effect

Pathogens These are organisms which causes diseases which causes diseases
when people get in contact.

Suspended solids (SS) If these are not reduced to low values they accumulate leading to
sludge formation and may later clog pipes and hinder anaerobic
conditions in waste treatment systems.
Nutrients High concentration of nutrients leads to excessive growth of algae in
water bodies. If wastewater with high concentration of nutrients is
released into water bodies a phenomena called eutrophication
occurs and this starves aquatic life to death.
Biodegradable Organic matter can result in fish mortality and a reduction in natural
organics oxygen in receiving waters, as assessed by biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD).

It is principally important to get rid of the above constituents of wastewater. If they are
continuously deposited into the environment they can later on lead to adverse effects to
both environment and humans. Completely eliminating these from wastewater can be an
interminable exercise however there are minimum regulated amounts which are allowable.
This brings in the importance of treating wastewater, it helps to protect both the
environment and the welfare of the community. As important as it is to remove these from
wastewater it could also be very important to tame these into economically important
products and this will help to make a step in the progression of attaining a cost effective way
to treat and manage wastewater.

2.1.2 Discharge Guidelines Standards Of Treated Domestic Sewage

For the safety of the environment and people there are regulations on the expected
amount each constituent of the effluent should not exceed. This will help in maintaining
a good balance in the ecosystem. Most of the components has adverse effects on the
environment if they are in excess. Basically the regulations are the ultimate limit values
which should not be exceeded. In Zimbabwe, the Environmental Management Agency is
responsible for monitoring the management of domestic waste. The agency has
established guidelines for the disposal of domestic waste to protect public health and
the environment. However, these values may vary depending on the specific wastewater
treatment requirements and the environmental conditions in the different regions of
Zimbabwe. Wastewater treatment facilities should aim to achieve levels below these
maximum values so as to reduce the negative impacts of wastewater on the
environment and public health. If the values go beyond the facility can be described as a
failing system.

Table 2: wastewater parameters and guideline values

Parameter Units EPA Guideline Value

pH 6-9
Turbidity NTU 50
Conductivity µS/cm 400
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l 500
Total Phosphorus mg/l 5
Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/l 50
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/l 200
Nitrate mg/l 20
Total Coliforms MPN/100ml 4000
E. Coli MPN/100ml 1000

2.2 Wastewater Management and Management Systems

Wastewater management is a serial process which involves quite a number of stages from
the first stage which is wastewater generation to the pertinent stage which is wastewater
disposal. Up to the last stage the wastewater will pass through preceding stages which
include transporting it and most importantly treating it. Wastewater management is a very
crucial process because if waste is not well treated before being disposed it will spread
diseases (Giusi Lofrano, 2010). Some of the components in wastewater are potential
pathogens (Mogens Henze, 2008). As alluded in table 1 above most of the wastewater
components have adverse effects to both the environment and people hence it is important
to manage wastewater. There are a lot of methods used to treat wastewater some of which
are trickling filters, septic tanks, waste stabilisation ponds, biogas digester plants and
ventilated pit latrines. The choice of the method to be used depend on the amount of
wastewater being produced and the population for which it is to serve (Gregorio Crini,
2019). The methods are classified into two groups as either onsite treatment plant or offsite
treatment plants. Onsite treatment processes are processes whereby wastewater is
generated, treated and disposed at the same place (Gregorio Crini, 2019). Offsite treatment
processes are processes whereby the wastewater is treated and disposed at a place far
away from the place of generation. Trickling filter involves the treatment of water using a
biological process called bio-filtration. Wastewater is passed through a system of
immobilised matrices, as it runs past through these microbes will feed on organic matter in
the wastewater reducing the amount of biological oxygen demand(BOD). Septic tank is an
onsite treatment process whereby wastewater is allowed to pass through two successive
tanks. As it passes through these the microbes will feed on the BOD, making it a success to
effectively treat the water. Waste stabilisation ponds are an example of offsite treatment
plants system, wastewater is treated as it passes through three treatment ponds, the
anaerobic pond, facultative pond and the maturation pond. In a biogas digester mostly solid
waste is treated to produce a gas which is economically important.
2.2.1 Assessment of Various Treatment Techniques
In recent years there has been a quest to develop improved wastewater management
system with an overall aim of enhancing the recovering a few essential elements from
wastewater. This is a major drawback of the recent adapted wastewater treatment systems.

Table 3: table showing relative advantages and disadvantages of treatment systems

Treatment System Advantages Disadvantages

Primary Sedimentation  Gravity separation  Accumulation of sludge
Treatment  Anaerobic decomposition of organic that reduce volumetric
matter capacity of the tank
 Desludging frequency:
Every 2-5 years

Anaerobic  Resistant to organic and hydraulic  Construction and

Baffled shock loads. maintenance are more
Reactor  No electrical energy required. complex than septic
(ABR)  Greywater can be managed tanks
concurrently.  Costs are higher than a
 Can be built and repaired with locally conventional septic tank
available materials.  Requires constant
 Long service life. source of water.
 No real problems with flies or odours  Effluent require
if used correctly. secondary treatment
 High reduction of organics. and/or appropriate

 Moderate capital costs, moderate discharge.

operating costs depending on  Low reduction

emptying; can be low cost depending pathogens.
on number of users.  Requires expert design
and construction.
 Pre-treatment is
required to prevent
Pond  Systems is well tested and proven in  Pond systems look
System for low and middle-income countries used unpleasant
Primary for large scale applications  Emit odours
Treatment  Offer a perfect
environment for
mosquitoes if not well-
operated and
 Not recommended by
WHO (2005) guidelines
for safe use of excreta
and greywater.
 Septic/sedimentation
tanks are recommended
as primary treatment
unit to pond
Secondary Anaerobic  High treatment performance (TSS,  Long-term experience
treatment Filtration TDS); high resilience to hydraulic and with greywater
organic shock loadings treatment is still lacking
 Long biomass retention time  Limited removal of
 Low sludge yield; stabilised sludge. nutrients, pathogens
and surfactants.
Pond system  Ponds may be considered for larger Ponds are not recommended as
for secondary scale applications primary treatment of greywater
treatment  Use in household management after a for households due to mosquito
chain of treatment comprising primary breeding and bad odour.
and secondary treatment steps
2.2.2 Importance of wastewater management
Wastewater treatment is a process which involves quite a number of operations (physical,
chemical, physiochemical and biological) with an overall aim of removing and/or reduce
contamination and some undesirable characteristics of water. Wastewater can be treated
up to different qualities depending on the expectation of the receiving sector. This is done
so as to satisfy the requirements of the consumers, treated water can be used for
agricultural purposes, industrial purposes and domestic purposes. Wastewater treatment is
very important as energy, clean water, fertilizer and nutrients can be extracted from the
wastewater. The end product usually depends on the nature of the process used to treat the
wastewater. Wastewater treatment frees scarce freshwater for other uses or preservation.
Clean water can be obtained from wastewater treatment processes and this will help reduce
the pressure on the few already existing sources of freshwater.

2.3 Value Recovery from Wastewater

Resource recovery from wastewater facilities in the form of energy, reusable water, bio
solids, and other essential resources such as nutrients represents an economic and financial
benefit that contributes to the sustainability of water supply and sanitation systems and the
water utilities operating them. The main advantage of adopting circular economy principles
in the processing of wastewater is that value recovery and reuse can transform the overall
process of sanitation from being a costly service to one that is self-sustaining and also adds
value to the economy. There is a world bank’s initiative which recommends the aspect of
recovering value from wastewater which was launched in 2018, the initiative states
“wastewater: from waste to resource”. The initiative serves to reinforce the concept of
reusing waste and recovering value from wastewater so as to promote a sustainable
economy. There are several ways through which value can be recovered from wastewater,
the choices of which one to implement depends on quite a number of factors (population,
amount of waste to be treated and the cost to benefit ratio of the method to be

2.4 Design Criteria

2.4.1 Average dry weather flow
Average Dry Weather Flow or ADWF means the daily municipal sewage flow to a
sewage facility that occurs after an extended period of dry weather such that the inflow
and infiltration has been minimized to the greatest extent practicable and is calculated
by dividing the total flow to the sewage treatment facility during the dry weather period
by the number of days in that period. In CRD this typically occurs between the months of
April to September. ADWF can also be described as the average daily volume of
wastewater entering the combined sewer system in dry weather.

Table 4: Shows MEWRD Guidelines on peak factors (SAZ, 1959)

Average Dry Weather Flow Required

Mega litres/day Litres/second peak factor
0 to 2 0 to 23 5,25
2 to 6 23 to 69 4,50
3 to 20 69 to 231 3,75
20 to 200 231 to 2315 3,00
Above 200 Above 2.70

2.4.2 Populaton
The normal design life for treatment units usually lies between 15-20 years. So when
designing the treatment, we use an anticipated population value of 15-20 years after
construction. An allowance of expanding and developing the system is given depending
on the population growth. (SAZ,1959)

2.4.3 Sizing
Sizing depends on the total daily flow, the total daily flow is a function of the average
flow per capita and the population of number of residential units. This will help in
determining the volume or capacity of the treatment unit. The estimation of the
dimensions is done basing on the required capacity, the hydraulic loading rate and the
hydraulic retention time.

2.5 Biogas
It is any environmentally friendly source of energy produced from the breakdown of food
scraps and animal waste. It can be well described as a mixture of gases, consisting of
methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide produced from animal waste and food
scraps. It can be produced in different quantities depending on the availability of the
resources and the nature of the input. Biogas can be produced at different scale that is it
can be produced at a domestic level or even at a greater scale to using effluent from
municipal waste.

2.5.1 Biogas Digester Plant

An entirely anaerobic environment exists inside a biogas plant's structure. There is no
oxygen present there. Anaerobic respiration is the mechanism that breaks down solid waste
in the absence of oxygen to produce methane. (H Pathak, 2009) It can be simply described
as a plant that converts garbage into renewable energy (Tom Bond, 2011). A biogas plant
has three major components which are:

The reception area

This is where the raw ingredients are sorted and ready for digestion when they arrive. The
length of the biogas process varies on the kind of biomass because each type of biomass has
a unique fermentation process. Crop residue, industrial and municipal waste, and animal
manure are a few of the often used biomass options.

The digester

It is a sealed, watertight container. In order to convert raw materials into energy, they are
added to this container. To release the gases and perhaps lessen the chances of layers
forming, agitators will be rotating the biomass. After the fermentation process is complete,
the digestate is evacuated from the digester through a pipe.

The gas holder which is made of steel and is airtight, is where the gas that results from
fermentation is collected. It has a gas outlet attached to it, allowing gas to exit the system
and go to specific locations. Mechanics of Biogas

According to a fairly straightforward approach used in biogas plants, which mimics
anaerobic digestion's natural process in an artificial setting, the entire procedure is quick
and carbon-free (Nirmal Singh, 1990). The majority of biogas facilities typically follow the
same method from beginning to end. Pre-treatment, filling the digester, the fermentation
process, creating the gas, removing residues, and purging contaminants are the processes
that make up this process (Nirmal Singh, 1990).
Pre-treatment and filling of the digester- Different kinds of organic matter, known as
substrates, are fed into the digester. Pre-treatment may be required depending on the
substrate's characteristics.

The fermentation process- during which a number of bacteria will break down the organic
material anaerobically (without the presence of light or oxygen). This can be catalysed by
heating to different temperatures

Producing the gas- In the fermenters, a biogas with a high concentration of methane is
created as a result of the fermentation process. The produced gas also contains carbon
dioxide, water and hydrogen sulphide.

Pulling out of the residues- biogas is not the only product produced, the process also yields
residues that are referred to as digestate and yields biogas in addition to the residues that
are extracted. The digestate is taken out of the tank and can be added to fertiliser because it
is so nutrient-rich.

Eliminating impurities- The other products, such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide,
are properly disposed of even if they may represent environmental risks.

2.5.2 Uses of Biogas

Due to its adaptability and sustainability, biogas has become a more popular renewable
energy source in recent years. It is created when microbes break down organic matter in the
absence of oxygen. It is a mixture of several gases, including methane, carbon dioxide, and
water vapour. Biogas generation is an excellent technique to divert garbage from landfills
while also producing energy because this organic matter can include agricultural waste,
sewage, and food waste.

Production of heat and power is one of the main uses of biogas. Generators that turn biogas
into electricity can then use that electricity to power buildings or other structures.
Additionally, it can be utilised as a fuel for industrial processes or to heat dwellings. For
farmers and other landowners who are able to create biogas from agricultural waste, it can
be a dependable supply of energy as well as a consistent source of money. Turbines or
biogas generators are the names of these power sources.
Biogas can also be used as a form of transportation fuel. In dedicated engines or in a hybrid
system with petrol or diesel, biogas can be compressed or liquefied and utilised as a fuel for
cars. Using biogas as a fuel source for transportation reduces greenhouse gas emissions and
enhances air quality, making it a green choice.

Biogas can be used to create bio methane, which can be injected into existing gas pipelines,
in addition to energy, heat, and transportation. In order to decarbonize the gas grid and
offer a low-carbon substitute for fossil fuels, bio methane can be employed as a renewable
natural gas. This might increase the security of the energy supply while considerably
lowering greenhouse gas emissions from the gas sector.

The manufacturing of organic fertiliser can also use biogas. The organic matter decomposes
into a fertiliser that is rich in nutrients and can be used in agricultural production. This not
only gives farmers a second source of income, but it also lessens the demand for synthetic
fertilisers, which can have a severe environmental impact.

Additionally, biogas production can be linked with wastewater treatment systems to offer a
cost- and sustainably-efficient method of treating wastewater. A renewable energy source is
made available by the biogas created during the process, which can also be used to produce
heat or power. The wastewater treatment process also purges the water of pathogens and
other impurities, allowing for its safe release into the environment.

Biogas is a versatile energy source that can be used for a wide range of purposes. Utilising it
not only cuts waste and greenhouse gas emissions but also opens up new job and revenue
opportunities. Biogas is positioned to become a more significant component of the world's
energy mix as it continues to move towards a more sustainable future.
2.5.3 Advantages of Biogas
There are a lot advantages of the biogas production plant which include economic, social
and environmental. However, most of the benefits of biogas are environmental related.
They produce renewable energy which can be used in industries (Tom Bond, 2011). The
renewable energy can be fed into the electricity grid reducing the high demand for fossil
fuels. The principle of operation of biogas is based on recycling waste this will reduce the
odours and chances of spreading diseases (H Pathak, 2009). Recycling wastewater helps in
protecting the environment, specifically water bodies. Biogas plants supplement synthetic
fertilisers, the digestate produced from the process is highly rich in nutrients. Biogas also
help in promoting a circular economy in which more industries can become more
sustainable as they produce their own energy by recycling the industrial waste they produce
through the internal processes (Nirmal Singh, 1990).

2.5.4 Types of Biogas Digester Plants

There quite a number of biogas digester plants and they are basically used for the same
purpose. Choice on which one is more eligible to serve a certain task depends on quite a
number factors. These factors include the type of biomass, the availability of the biomass
(amount of biomass), the availability of area and the nature of expertise. Fixed dome digester

Feeding waste into the digester causes it to accumulate and break down, creating biogas,
which is then stored in the digester's hemispherical gas holder. The volume of slurry that is
pushed into the displacement tank grows as the biogas pressure does. The excess slurry
from the displacement tank will be evacuated, dried, composted, and utilised as fertiliser;
alternatively, it may overflow into a sewage outlet or slurry/composting bed. As mentioned,
biogas can be extracted from the gas holder and used for cooking, lighting and heating.
When the gas is used, some of the slurry travels back into the digester from the
displacement tank, producing mixing. The fixed-dome generator, also referred to as the
"Chinese" design, can be employed in small- or large-scale (community) systems.
Figure 2: fixed dome digester Floating drum

The structure is similar to fixed-drum generators in that it includes an underground masonry
digester, which is frequently cylindrical in shape. The digester's aperture is surrounded by a
water jacket that contains the gas storage chamber, which is an enclosed steel structure
that is turned upside down and floats on the slurry. To use biogas for cooking, lighting, and
other purposes, the steel drum's top is taped off. When gas is created and the gas pressure
rises, the steel drum floats higher in the water jacket; when gas is used and the gas pressure
falls, the weight of the drum causes it to float lower. Small scale (home size) systems
frequently employ the floating-drum generator, also known as the "Indian" design.

Figure 3: floating drum digester Balloon
The digester and gas container for the balloon generator are both made of a flexible plastic
bladder. The intake and outflow of the balloon are positioned at the opposite ends, similar
to the previous two designs, allowing the slurry to be digested and produce gas as it flows
through the structure. To boost the gas pressure, rocks or weights can be placed on the
balloon's top. The gas is then released from the top of the balloon.

Figure 4: balloon digester

2.5.5 Design Parameters

2.5.6 Process Parameters
These are the parameters which are very critical throughout the design life of the biogas
plant. These should be well maintained at optimum states so as to keep the plant efficient in
performing its intended function. These are generally the conditions required for
sustainability of the plant. The process parameters affect the output rate and this is quite
illustrated in the figure below
Figure 5:description of process parameters

There are so many process parameters and these depend on the type of process being
studied. For biogas production the process parameters are listed below:

1. Substrate temperature- the digestion of human excreta works best at a temperature

around 37°c. The amount gas produced per 1kg of human is less for temperatures
below 37°c and they are even unsatisfactory for temperatures below 15°c.
2. Hydraulic retention time-this the average time for which the liquid part of the slurry
will be in the digester. The hydraulic retention time should be long enough to allow
the full activity of bacteria. Long time will help to effectively reduce amount of
pathogens and also increase amount of gas produced. The HRT used ranges from 60-
100 days but if there is no sewage outlet it may be as little as 5 days
3. Solid retention time- this is the time for which the solid part of the slurry will be in
the digester before desludging. The solid waste (sludge) should be in the digester for
a relatively longer time than the HRT. The SRT depends on the digester size, waste
composition and the type of digester. The solid most suitable SRT is between 1-
4. pH- The pH of the digester affects the activity of the methane producing bacteria.
The pH should not drop to values less than 6.2 but a neutral pH is more effective and
it is very difficult to attain neutral pH in real life situations.
5. Agitation/mixing- mixing will ensure that the fresh substrate is able to mix very well
with the bacteria. Mixing will increase the rate of gas production. The mixing can be
done at a frequency of once a week or even once a day.

2.5.7 Design of Biogas

A sophisticated mathematical relationship is used in the design of the biogas system. The
amount of additional waste water will also affect the design process. Choosing the digester's
size and the gas chamber's volume is the first step. The digester's design should be such that
the ratio of area to volume is kept to a minimum. This will minimise building costs while
reducing heat loss. The most common and effective digesters are hemispherical in shape.
The following steps are the ideal order in which to develop a biogas.

1. Determining volume of digester

V d =V b × HRT Equation 1: volume of digester


Vd is the volume of digester in m3

Vb is the volume of biogas added per day in m3/day

HRT is the hydraulic retention time
The amount of waste produced by each person is different but it ranges from 0.2-0.4kg solid
and 1-1.3kg solid. If there is there is any other animal waste which is to be added it should
be considered in the designs.

2. Determining daily gas production rate

G=V b × G y Equation 2: daily gas produced

G is the daily as production
Vb is the volume of biogas added per day in m3/day
Gy is the gas yield per kg of excreta per day in m3/kg/day

3. Determining the gas holder volume

V g 1=Gcmax x Tc maxEquation 3: gas holder volume 1

Vg1 is the Gas holder volume 1 (m3)
Gcmax is the maximum rate of gas consumption (m3/day)
Tcmax is the maximum time of gas consumption (days)

V g 2=G x Tczero Equation 4: gas holder volume 2

Vg2 is the gas holder volume 2 (m3)
G is the daily gas production rate (m3/day)
Tczero is the maximum time of zero gas consumption (days)
The final gas holder volume is determined using the largest of either Vg1 or Vg2
4. Determining total volume of hemispherical dome
V H =V d +V g Equation 5: volume of hemispherical dome

VH is the total volume of hemispherical dome
Vd is the volume of digester
Vg is the volume of gas holder
5. Determining radius of hemisphere
R=¿Equation 6: radius of hemispherical dome

Where Vh is the volume of hemisphere

2.5.8 Previous Digester Cases in Zimbabwe
There are a few biogas case studies in Zimbabwe that showcase the potential of this
renewable energy source. Here are a few examples:

The Zimbabwe Bio Energy Program: This program was implemented by the government in
partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global
Environment Facility (GEF) to promote the use of biogas as a clean cooking fuel. The
program has installed over 10,000 biogas digesters in rural areas, providing clean energy to
over 50,000 people.

The Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Community Trust: This community trust in eastern
Zimbabwe has established a biogas plant that uses cow dung to produce biogas for cooking
and lighting. The plant has reduced the community's reliance on firewood and improved
indoor air quality, while also providing fertilizer for crops.

The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) Biogas Project: ZERA is implementing a
biogas project in partnership with the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)
to promote the use of biogas as a renewable energy source. The project includes the
installation of biogas digesters in schools, clinics, and other public institutions.

These case studies demonstrate the potential of biogas as a renewable energy source in
Zimbabwe, particularly in rural areas where access to electricity is limited. Biogas has the
potential to improve energy access, reduce deforestation, and promote sustainable
3.1 Study Area
Northview extension is a new and yet to be occupied residential area in Mt Darwin. Mt
Darwin is in the north eastern part of Zimbabwe and it is approximately 156km to the north
of Harare. It shares borders with Rushinga to the east and Shamva to the south, Muzarabani
to the west and Mozambique to the north. Its latitude is 16.7737 while the longitude is
31.576. The economic activities in Mt Darwin are mainly characterized by mining and
agriculture. The average rainfall in this area ranges from 200mm to 500mm. The main water
sources in this area are the perennial rivers of Ruya, Mutondwe and Mupfure. Some of
these rivers feed into two dams which are in the vicinity of Mt Darwin urban. The nature of
population in Mt Darwin can be classified into communal, small scale farms, urban, old
settlements, large scale farmers A1 and A2 farms. Mount Darwin is typically characterised
by humid wet seasons which are mostly cloudy and a windy dry season which is usually clear
but generally it is warm all year round.
Figure 6: location of the study area
The nature and type of waste management system in the area of Mt Darwin urban can be
best described as a compound system. It includes both secondary waste management
system and primary waste management system, there are basically two zones the one
which uses a system of waste stabilisation ponds and the other one which makes use of
septic tanks. The nature of the type of system to be used depended on quite a number of
factors which include the availability of space and the social status. For the low density area,
they use the septic tanks as a way of managing effluent from their homes. For medium
density suburbs, high density suburbs and commercial stands they make use of a
decentralised system of waste management in this case they made use of WSPs. The
sewage from their homes is conveyed from their homes to the ponds site by a reticulation
network. For the new residential there is a proposal to include a biogas digester plant as a
way of treating wastewater from this suburb. The zones are clearly shown in figure below.
The zone in red is the Northview extension, the zone in yellow is the one which uses a
system of WSP and the zone in blue. is the zone which uses septic tanks.

Figure 7: study area divided into zones with respect to the nature of treatment method
4.1 Data Collection
Table 5: shows a summary of the data required and how it is to be colllected

Data Required Material How to achieve

Nature of available sewer Spatial Data tools and Site Reconnaissance and Desk
systems visits study. A preliminary visit to
the site will be done to
determine the nature and
location of the already
existing sewer system
components up to the
outfall sewer and probably
the pond systems. An
analysis of the spatial data
obtained from the visits and
obtained from soft wares is
Volume of wastewater to be Mathematical and statistical Arithmetic Progression, the
generated formulae population growth will be
estimated using a using a
projection obtained from
the arithmetic progression
formula. The current
population is necessary to
determine the population
growth over a certain period
of years and it is
determined using the
number of residential units.
Arrangement and number Desk study and This was achieved through
of stands in the study area questionnaire preliminary study of the
drawn and published stands
layout obtained from the
Pfura RDC. This was
achieved through the help
of the planning department
at Pfura RDC.
Nature of wastewater Laboratory Apparatus Onsite Testing and
parameters ( TS, Laboratory Testing were
temperature, pH, nutrients, done according to standard
COD and BOD) tests by WHO.
The effects of temperature
and pressure were also
determined through
literature review, this was
done to know the optimum
conditions for effective
treatment and bio digestion.
Standards Published Literature by Desk study and reviewing
WHO and SAZ the literature. A thorough
study through the
regulations and
expectations of a treatment
plant will be done. The will
help to come up with a
plant which is within the

4.2 Design of digester

Design was done from engineering code, standards and formulae. Detailing and drawings
was done using civil 3D Autodesk software.

4.3 Procedures in Implementing the methods

This section shows a flow of the sequential steps taken in implementing the methods

municipal and Collection of samples fom local

reponsible authorities treatments works similar in
for data. operation to proposed study area
literature review (some residential areas in Mt Darwin)

Conducting Field and Option Analysis on propsed

Laboratory tests on the treatment solutions(Cost,
samples for investiagtion Technicality, Implementability,
(SAZ 185 Part 1 (1998) Relavance, Ethics )

Design calculations

Figure 8: diagrammatic presentation of the steps to be implemented

5.1 Introduction
This chapter will give an insight of the results obtained from field tests and laboratory tests.
The tests were done on the wastewater obtained from the waste stabilisation ponds in Mt
Darwin. These were done to check the efficiency of this system and also to determine the
feasibility of the sewage for biogas generation. The efficiency of the system was achieved by
testing parameters on samples from both the outfall sewer which feeds into the anaerobic
pond and samples from maturation pond. The analysis and calculations was done basing on
standards and formulae stated in the literature review.

5.2 Results from desk study

In the newly proposed residential of Northview extension there were a total of 846 stands. The
allocation of the stands is shown in table below.

Table 6: Results for number of stands and their uses

Use of stand Number of stands

Commercial 45
Residential 794
Institutional 7
Total 846

5.3 Collection of Samples

The permission to collect samples was granted by the Pfura Rural District council. Samples
were collected from the maturation pond and outfall sewer which feeds into the anaerobic
pond. In the field tests on pH, temperature and electrical conductivity was done. The
temperature varied from 24.2°C to 24.7°C, the pH values ranged from 5.65 to 8.4 and the
electrical conductivity was quite low with a maximum value of 2.10. The average values
these tests are shown in table 6 below. The samples were filled in tightly closed containers
which were later packed in a cooler box with ice packs for transportation. The cold
environment served to slow chemical reactions and decomposition of the sample.
5.4 Laboratory Results
Three samples from the same test site were collected on three different days, with a
difference of at least one week. Tests were done on the tests and an average value
determined for each respective sample.
Table 7: average values obtained from laboratory tests

PARAMETER Ave Ave Effluent Efficiency EMA Comment

Influent Values GUIDELINES
Temp (°C) 24.7 24.2 - -
pH 8.03 5.90 - 6-9
E.C 2.10 1.32 - 400
TS (mg/l) 789 571 27.6 2000
TSS (mg/l) 87 18 79.3 150
TVS (mg/l) 372 50 86.5 500
Nitrates (mg/l) 182 135 25.8 20
Phosphates 350 225 35.7 5
COD (mg/l) 753 338 55 200
BOD5 (mg/l) 327 133 59.3 50
Turbidity (NTU) 450 8.10 98.2 50

These tests were done with an overall aim of investigating the composition of wastewater
parameters which have could be used as basis to determine the efficiency of already existing
sewer system. Some of these parameters have a direct effect on the functionality of the
proposed system. The amount of total solids in the influent indicated that the effluent is
suitable for biogas production but there is need to get rid of so much water. The high value
of total solids shows that there might be need to add extra material as biomass. The waste
stabilisation ponds had quite significant values for efficiency on most of the parameters
except that its efficiency in removing BOD5, Cod and all the nutrients is questionable.





1 2 3 4


Figure 9: graph for total solids

There is constant efficiency of the waste stabilisation ponds in removing total solids and this
can be easily by the graph of effluent values which is almost horizontal. Though the system
has a constant performance the removal is around 27% this could be possible of a short
retention time or few number of ponds to allow for full activity of the microbes. The rate of
solids removal is quite sufficient to prevent sludge accumulation. Accumulated sludge may
later block the outlet pipes between preceding ponds becoming a serious problem for the
system. The system cannot be completely nullified on its efficient in removing total solids as
it can be noticed from the graph that the values of total solids is below the maximum value
expected by EMA. Adding extra ponds is of low feasibility since it is land demanding and
around the site of these ponds land for expansion is limited.





1 2 3 4


Figure 10: graph for nitrates

From the values of in the table the average removal percentage is 25.8%. Generally, a small
amount of the nitrates is removed through this system. Effluents from this system need
special care when disposing because the effluent is greater than the maximum values. If
they are disposed in water bodies, there are high chances of eutrophication a conditions
which leads to death of aquatic life. This brings an imbalance in the ecosystem. This the
biggest setback of this system, it does not effectively remove nutrients from the effluent
from the wastewater. There is still need for expertise to manage the effluent from waste
stabilisation ponds and making the waste treatment process an interminable exercise.








1 2 3 4


Figure 11: graph for BOD5

As clearly shown by in the figure above the effluent values are a margin above the guideline
values. Even though the removal efficiency of the system is quite significant the BOD values
of the effluent is above 50mg/l. this could possibly due to a strain on the system the volume
of wastewater is now above the design values due to constant increase in population. This
calls for a need to increase the size or number of ponds. This is not a feasible solution since
space is limited on the site area and the pond system requires a lot of land which could be
useful for other activities. The average removal efficiency of the system is 50%. A high value
of BOD indicates the present many microorganisms in the effluent and this has negative
impacts on both environment and people. Exposure to water with high BOD level can pose a
health risk as it may contain pathogens and contaminants. High BOD levels can also lead to
loss of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems as many organisms can’t survive in areas with low-









1 2 3 4

Influent effluent guidelines

Figure 12: Graph for COD

Figure above shows that the values of the effluent are greater than the maximum value of
the EMA guidelines. The removal efficiency of the system is 55% which makes the system
very efficient but the discrepancies could be due to design values being exceeded. COD is a
measure of the amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize the organic and inorganic
matter in water. High COD levels in water bodies has negative impacts on the environment
and people. Some of the environmental effects could be depletion of oxygen in water
bodies, eutrophication, acidification (affects the pH) and soil contamination. Some of the
effects on people include health risks, aesthetic value (leads to unpleasant smells and
unsightly conditions) and economic impacts. Generally, it is important to reduce and
monitor the amount of COD levels from the stabilisation ponds to prevent the negative
impacts. This can be achieved by improving this system and which can be achieved by
increasing size and number of ponds.

5.5 Results on feasibility of the sewage for biogas generation

From a both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained from this research,
it was really crucial to determine the suitability of the sewage as a biomass. There was need
to determine if the volume of the wastewater if possibly enough to sustain the biogas
production. For a residential area with a total number of 846 stands and a total of 794
stands which are allocated for residential purposes, assuming a total of 5 persons per stand.
The amount of wastewater produced daily is sufficient enough to sustain the overall
purpose of biogas production. From the laboratory tests it was also necessary to determine
if the wastewater lies within the range of design parameters for a biogas plant. The most
favourable element for biogas production in a material is the amount of total solids, the
amount of total solids in the tested sewage ranged from 783mg/l to 809mg/l and these
values were above the 8% mark required for biogas production. The pH of the influent
ranged from 7.60 to 8.14 which is in the range required for optimum production of biogas
but however there might be need to regulate the pH and maintain it around a neutral value.
The average temperature of the sewage was within the range of 20°C to 35°C, which is the
allowable range for biogas production.
5.6 Design of Biogas
5.6.1 Design Introduction
This chapter outlines all the necessary considerations when designing a biogas. It includes
calculations, the necessary assumptions and the drawings of the proposed biogas plant for
Northview extension. Some of the calculations include the population calculation and this is
achieved by using a projection approach to simulate the population of the suburb in years to
come. the residential suburb has 846 units including 45 commercials and 7 institutional
stands. The retain to sewer of each respective setup is determined according to SALA guides
and a total of 5 people per stand was assumed. However, the design was for the residential
stands which summed to a total of 846 stands. A total of 10 biogas digester will used each
with a volume of 124m3 to give a total volume of 1240m3.

5.6.2 Biodigester Design (Fixed-dome generator)

A design period of 15 years is used,
The population growth in 15 years is determined by arithmetic projection, P15 = 8253
Volume of digester, VD = 99m3 (using 10 units to give a total volume of 990m3)
Volume of gas holder, G = 20.6m3 (using 10 units to give a total volume of 206m3)
VGmax = 20.6m3
Total gas holder volume, VG = 25m3(using 10 units to give a total volume of 206m3)
Since VD:VG is equal to 3.96:1 (OK). - is in the common ratio range of 3-10:1
Radius of dome, r = 4.5m
Total volume of hemisphere, VH = 124m3 (using 10 units to give a total volume of 1240m3)

5.6.3 Summary of Biodigester Calculations

Table 8: summary of design calculations for the biodigester

Biodigester Calculation values

HRT 80 Yrs. P15 = 8253
Housing units 2042 VD = 99m3
Design period 15yrs G = 20.6m3/day
Desludging period 5 VGmax = 20.6m3
Dimensions (l, b, d) 4.5m radius VG = 25m3
Surface area VH = 124m3
Total volume 335 R= 4.5m
5.7 Operation of the proposed plan
The plant will comprise of intake structure, process structure and the outlet structure. The
intake structure consists of mixing pond and grit chamber which are well protected by a
storm drain this is clearly shown on the drawing in appendix C. The grit chamber if the
reception area where excess water is removed and expelled with an outlet pipe to a for
separate treatment. the solids and biomass then proceed to the mixing floor in which there
is allowance to add supplementary biomass and it is mixed to preferred proportions. From
the mixing floor the biomass is added to the dome which is the process structure. In the
dome anaerobic digestion occurs for a retention time which allows full treatment of the
wastewater. Then there is the last stage of operation which is collection of gas and removal
of the sludge which can be used for fertiliser making.
5.8 Bill of Quantities
Table 9: shows BOQ required in implementing a biogas

S/NO Works Description Unit Quantity Unit cost $ Total cost $

1 1.1 Mobilisation and demobilisation 1 - 1 052
1.2 Temporary road of disposal area m 120 5.5 660
2 Preliminary works
2.1 Setting out, clearing, overburden
removal, subsoil treatment,
stabilisation, grouting to Engineer's
specification m3 500 13.5 6 750
2.2 Concrete works in inlet works, m3 500 49.5 24 750
splitter box, all tank inlets and
outlets, pipework, steel fabrications
and measuring devices
2.3 Grout works 11 250
3 Equipment
concrete plant Hr 20 24.50 490
Low bed Hr 80 75.2 6016
Excavator Hr 26 120 3120
90 kg Plate Compactor Hr 12 30 360
Tipper Hr 65 90 5850
Loader Hr 65 80 5200
4 Earthworks
Excavation(soil) m3 800 4.00 3200
Gravel m3 340 17.50 5950
Backfill m3 350 7.25 2537.50
Dynamite Kg 25 22 550
Detonator pcs 18 0.50 9
Cord M 200 0.30 60
Detonator relay pcs 34 1.40 47.6
5 Other Costs
Formwork timber, shattering unit 3200 380 2 500
6 Duty rooms, workman's rest rooms, 6550 6550
offices, and other buildings
7 Testing and commissioning 1 1 4000 4000
Total Capital Cost 63502.10
8 Operational Expenses
Fuel for supplementary feed l/week 20x52 $1.63 1695.2
* Labour cost/year 60200

Total Operation Yearly Cost 61895.2

TOTAL 125397.3
5.9 Cost analysis of existing vs proposed
Different wastewater treatment options have different capital expenditure and operational
expenditure. These costs actually depend on which type of the wastewater treatment is
being used and it is very crucial to consider these costs before implementation and selection
of an option as a treatment plant.

Table 10: cost analysis of WSP vs Biogas

Waste stabilisation Ponds Biogas Plant

Operational expense/year
Maintenance cost/year
Return from system/year
6.1 Conclusion
The implementation of biogas digester as a decentralised system to treat wastewater has
proven to be more economical. The volume of the wastewater to be produced is sufficient
to sustain the system and to produce significant amount of gas. This will in achieving the
overall objective which is to recover a certain value from wastewater. Recovering some
essential elements from waste will help in making the overall process of waste treatment an
economically viable process as these can help generate income which will counter the costs
incurred throughout the process. The biogas produced by the digester can be used for
cooking, heating, or generating electricity. Using the biogas can help offset energy costs and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Recovering value from wastewater will help in endorsing
the now common and popular goal of attaining a circular economy. The biogas digester
outweighs the existing treatment systems in so many ways which include allowing for value
recovery, less damage to the environment and it demands a small area. A biogas requires at
most 1000m2 which less than the total area required by waste stabilisation ponds by a factor
which is than 15. A whole system of WSPs might require up to 28ha of land. From the values
obtained in table 6 most of the average effluent values were greater than the maximum
values expected by EMA. However, the removal efficiency of the WSPs is very significant so
the system might still be working properly but the volume of wastewater produced daily has
exceeded the design volume. This could also have been caused by the high value of total
solids and they have clogged the pipes between preceding ponds. Constructing new ponds is
not implementable as there is limited space and the constructability is quite complex. Even
though the biogas seemed to be more beneficial there might be need to add more solid
biodegradable waste due to the high value of volatile solids shown in table 6. This implies an
increase in the operational costs.

6.2 Recommendations
For the effective functioning of the digester there are some things which should be
followed. This is done so as to minimise the maintenance and to possibly reach the full
capacity of the system. Here are some recommendations for using a biogas digester as a
treatment method. Choose the right type of biogas digester, there are many types of biogas
digesters available, and the right type depends on the type and amount of waste, as well as
the local climate and available resources. For this particular project a fixed dome digester is
used. When adding supplementary biodegradable waste, it very important to choose the
right type of biomass. Biogas digesters can process a wide range of organic waste, including
animal manure, food waste, crop residues, and sewage. However, it's important to ensure
that the feedstock is properly prepared and has the right moisture content, pH level, and
nutrient balance. To effective manage the digester there is need for a monitor and control
system which will help with the overall management of the biogas digester. This will help in
foretelling possible faults and allow people to proact and prevent occurrence of the fault.
Biogas digestion is a complex process that requires careful monitoring and control. Factors
such as temperature, pH, and retention time can impact the efficiency and effectiveness of
the process. Regular monitoring and adjustment can help ensure optimal performance.
There should also be precaution in handling the digestate The waste material left over after
the digestion process, known as digestate, is a valuable fertilizer that can be used to
improve soil health and crop yields. However, it's important to handle the digestate
properly to avoid contamination and ensure safe handling. The digestate should be fully
decomposed and treated to reduce pathogens and weed seeds before it can be used as a
fertilizer. For every system there is need for proper maintenance to so as to ensure that the
system meet the intended purpose. Proper maintenance of the biogas digester is important
to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. This includes regular cleaning, inspection,
and repair of any leaks or damage. Methane gas produced from the biogas is highly
flammable hence safety should be exercised when handling the methane gas. It's important
to follow safety protocols, such as proper ventilation and monitoring of gas levels, to
prevent accidents or injuries. There should be also a separate system such as septic tanks to
treat grey water separately, grey water includes detergents which may affect the pH of the
wastewater. pH being a process parameter of biogas production this will affect gas yield.
Food waste should be separated at household level; this will help in collection of
supplementary biodegradable solids which will be added as feedstock.
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biogas plants in the devloping world , 15(4), pp. 347-354.

Wang, Q. & Fu, F., 2011. Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewaters: a review. Environmental
management, pp. 407-417.
Appendix A: Biogas design calculations
Population projection using geometric model
r- growth rate
n – design period in years
Initial projected population = 794 stands x 5=3970 people
Design period = 15 years
P15 = 3970(1+0.05)15
= 8253

Digester volume
HRTi=ithe average number of days required to remove pathogens as much as possible
Assumeiaverageiwasteiadditioniperipersoniofi1.5kgi (0.0015m3).
(m3) i=i (noipersons) ixi (m3/person/day) ixi (days)
VD = 990.4m3
On an assumption that only human excreta is added to the digester
(Gas yield per kg of approximately 0.02m3/kg/day (Gy (moist mass) =0.02))

Gas holder volume

G = VBix Gyi (moist mass)
G =8253 x 1.5 x 0.02
(m3/day) = (noipersons) ixi (kg/person/day) ixi (m3/kg/day)
G = 206.3m3/day

VGmax gas produced over the longest period of zero consumption

assume the period of zero consumption to be 1 day.
VGmax = 206.3 x 1
(m3) i=i (m3/day) ixi (days)
Total gas holder volume
VG = VGmaxi+i (VGmaxixi0.2)
VG = 206.3 + 206.3x0.2
VG = 247.6m3
The ratio VD:VG is 4:1 which is in the common ratio range of 3-10:1

Total volume of hemisphere (VH)

VH = 990.4 + 247.6
VH = 1238m3

Radius of dome
r=((3Vh)/ (2))1/3
r= ((3x1238)/ (2))1/3
r= 12.29m

Appendix B: Results
TABLE B-1 results for pH of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent
(maturation pond)

Experiment number Influent Effluent

1 7.60 5.65
2 8.44 6.24
3 7.94 5.86
4 8.14 5.85
Average value 8.03 5.90

TABLE B-2 results for TS of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent
(maturation pond)

Experiment number Influent (mg/l) Effluent (mg/l)

1 809 571
2 775 565
3 789 582
4 783 566
Average value 789 571
TABLE B-3 results for TVS of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent
(maturation pond)

Experiment number Influent (mg/l) Effluent (mg/l)

1 349 47
2 384 65
3 364 48
4 391 40
Average value 372 50

TABLE B-4 results for Nitrates of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent
(maturation pond)

Experiment number Influent (mg/l) Effluent (mg/l)

1 193 136
2 174 133
3 191 136
4 170 135
Average value 182 135

TABLE B-5 results for Phosphates of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent
(maturation pond)

Experiment number Influent (mg/l) Effluent (mg/l)

1 365 227
2 335 218
3 370 230
4 330 225
Average value 350 225

TABLE B-6 results for COD of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent
(maturation pond)

Experiment number Influent (mg/l) Effluent (mg/l)

1 789 325
2 787 352
3 745 345
4 721 330
Average value 753 338
TABLE B-7 results for BOD of the influent (outfall sewer) and effluent
(maturation pond)

Experiment number Influent (mg/l) Effluent (mg/l)

1 340 136
2 332 133
3 327 134
4 309 129
Average value 327 133

Appendix C: Design Drawings

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