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Q1: The -b flag in an Ansible ad-hoc command indicates that the command should be

executed with sudo privileges.?

a None

b None

c true

d None

e false

f None

Q2: What tag is used to display a picture in a HTML page??

a Img

b Picture

c None

d Src

e Image

f None

Q3: Which command will you use to run a playbook called install.yaml with Ansible??

a ansible install.yml

b ansible -p install.yml

c ansible --playbook install.yml

d None

e None

f ansible-playbook install.yml

Q4: Which of the following adds a checkmark Icon inside an Input??

a Has-feedback

b Help-block

c Has-warning

d Has-success

e None

f None

Q5: How to upload a docker image with the image name mentioned in the command to
Docker Hub.?

The correct Answer is: None

b $ docker push geekflare/httpd_image

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e $ docker upload geekflare/httpd_image

f $ docker put geekflare/httpd_image

Q6: A systematic collection of data stored in a central location is known as??

a Excel

b Database

c Flat file

d None

e None


Q7: Suppose you have an application that has many dependant services. Will docker
compose wait for the current container to be ready to move to the running of the next
The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c False

d True

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

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